Meaning of Collage: Types, Elements, and How to Make It

Meaning of collage – If we talk about works of art, there are certainly many techniques used where each element is always identical to the result of the work. For this reason, works of art made using one technique will be different from the other. Many techniques will create diverse artworks as well, so it can be said that everyone will like the techniques of artworks that are not necessarily the same.

Not only the technique, but the works produced are also very diverse, one of which is collage. For some people it may sound strange when they hear the word collage artwork, are you one of them? This is quite reasonable because this collage itself can be said to require special skills in making it.

For those of you who don’t know about collage, don’t worry because this article will discuss about collage. From understanding to how to make it. So, make sure you read this article to the end, Reader.

Meaning of Collage

In the Indonesian Language Dictionary (KBBI), a collage is an artistic composition made of various materials (fabric, paper, wood) that is pasted on the surface of a picture.

The word collage that comes from the English language is called “collage” which comes from the word “coller” in French which means “gluing”. Furthermore, collage is understood as an art technique of pasting various materials other than paint, such as paper, fabric, glass, metal, etc., or combined with the use of paint or other techniques.

The definition of collage is the technique of pasting various elements into one frame to create a new work of art. In general, the meaning of collage is a work of art that is created by gluing any material into a harmonious composition so that it becomes a unity of work.

In addition, collage can also be said to be the making of an application made by combining the technique of painting (hand painting) by gluing certain materials. Therefore, in making it, a collage requires patience and high skill in combining, arranging, and gluing the available materials so that it becomes a beautiful work of art.

For artists, making a collage is a challenge that is quite difficult compared to making other works of art. The reason is, making a collage requires creativity, dedication and patience to search, and find specific and suitable materials to make a collage, then how to combine one material with another material.

In a work of art drawing or even in making a collage, you definitely need a picture first. However, for some people it will be difficult to find books related to drawing. Don’t worry, because in the book Basic Techniques for Drawing Shapes Easy Ways to Learn to Draw , readers will know a variety of drawing techniques that are easy to understand, so that readers will find it easier to create quality pictures.

The Meaning of Collage According to Experts

After knowing the meaning of collage in general, it feels incomplete if we don’t discuss the meaning of collage according to the experts. The following is the meaning of collage from some members.

1. Muharram

According to Muharam, collage is a painting technique using colors from pieces of stone, glass, marble, ceramics, and wood that are pasted.

2. Budiono

The definition of collage according to Budiono is painting using an artistic composition made of various materials pasted on the surface of the picture.

3. John

The definition of collage according to Yohana is a picture or design made from an arrangement of pieces, stones, colored glass, porcelain.

4. Robins

According to Robbins, the definition of collage is the art of pasting pictures or patterns using different materials, such as paper and fabric glued to a background.

5. Sumanto

The meaning of collage is an application made by combining painting techniques (hand painting) by gluing certain materials.

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6. Nicholson

The meaning of collage is a picture made from pieces of paper or other materials that are pasted.

History of Collage Artwork

Citing Art in Context , this technique related to collage art was initially used in China around 200 BC or more precisely when paper already existed. Then, as time went on, the art of collage slowly became popular in Japan in the 10th century when calligraphers began using paper and text glued to the surface when writing poetry.

After a few years, the collage itself began to spread in the plains of Europe around the 13th century where at that time the decoration of the Gothic Cathedral was made using gold leaf panels.

Gemstones and other precious metals are also used in religious images, icons, and symbols. The development of technology creates a digital collage, which is a technique of using technology to create different visual elements. An example is photoshop. Some examples of collage artists are:

  • Johannes Bader.
  • Johannes Theodor Bargeld.
  • Jeannie Baker.
  • Nick Bantock.
  • Hannelore Baron.
  • Romare Bearden.
  • April Bey.
  • Peter Blakes.

Collage artwork can also be made with used items so that it can reduce waste.

Types of Collages

If we talk about the types of collage, then it is divided into several aspects, namely the functional aspect, the dimensional aspect, the stylistic aspect, and the material aspect. Each type has its own explanation. Here is a complete explanation of collage based on its types.

1. Types of Collage Based on Function

If viewed in terms of function, then the collage itself is further divided into several types, namely pure art and applied art. Fine art is a work of art created by an artist with the aim of achieving artistic value. Usually, an artist who creates this pure work of art more often expresses his expression in an aesthetic way. Therefore, at this function, artists prioritize freedom of expression.

Meanwhile, applied art is a work of art made by artists to meet practical needs. In general, this applied art prioritizes an artistic look that is decorative in nature.

2. Types of Collage According to Dimensions

Based on the dimensions, the type of collage can be divided into two, namely collage on a two-dimensional surface (two-dimensional) and collage on a three-dimensional surface (tridimensional). Each artwork produced will be different.

3. Types of Collage Based on Style

According to the pattern, the form of collage can be divided into two types, namely representative and non-representative. Representative means describing a real shape whose shape can still be recognized. While non-representative means made without showing a real shape, abstract, and only featuring a composition of beautiful visual elements.

4. Types of Collage Based on Materials

Any material can be used in making a collage as long as it is arranged into an interesting or unique composition. Various collage materials will be glued to various types of surfaces, such as wood, plastic, paper, glass, ceramics, pottery, cardboard, and so on as long as they are relatively flat or allow to be glued.

In general, collage raw materials can be grouped into two, namely: natural materials (leaves, twigs, dried flowers, shells, seeds, shells, stones, etc.), and synthetic materials (plastic, synthetic fibers, metal, paper containers), bottle caps, candy or chocolate wrappers, patchwork etc.).

If you are still confused to find a book about animal drawing techniques, then don’t worry because through this book Smart Animal Drawing Techniques is very suitable to be used as a guide in making animal pictures.

Collage Elements

After discussing the meaning of collage in general and the meaning of collage according to experts as well as the types of collage, then we will shift, the elements of art contained in collage. Here are the collage elements you need to know.

1. Dots And Spots

A dot is the smallest visual element unit that has no length and width, while a dot is a slightly larger point. Dotted elements in the collage can be formed from grains of sea sand. Spots can be formed from pepper or small seeds and the like.

2. Line

A line is an extension of a point that has length but relatively no width. Seen from the type of line, it is divided into several, namely straight lines, curved lines, dotted lines and spiral lines. Line elements in collage can be formed from pieces of wire, sticks, matchsticks, threads and so on.

3. Field

A field is a visual element that occurs due to the meeting of several lines. And the field is divided into horizontal, vertical, and horizontal fields. The application of field elements in collage can be in the form of a flat field (2D) and a volume field (3D).

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4. Color

Color is an important visual element and a form of beauty that can be felt by the human sense of sight, and real color can be divided into primary, secondary and tertiary colors. Color elements in a collage can be created from elements of paint, ribbon or lace, colored paper, colorful fabric and so on.

Collage Making Materials

If you want to make a collage, then it is good to know the materials for making it first.

1. Glass

Glass is used to make collages, which are ordinary pieces of glass that can be placed where people put up frames to display unused pictures. Then, if there is no glass cutting tool, the glass can be shaped by tapping or tapping on a hard surface.

In the above way, you can get glass sizes that are irregular and not the same size. In working with glass you should also be more careful so as not to get hurt.

2. Wood shavings

Another material commonly used to make collages is wood shavings. Wood shavings are used to make collages before being dried. The purpose is so that the color used on the material does not fade easily. In its use, the wood shavings will be cut to the desired size, and ready to be pasted.

3. Rock

A good stone to use for collage is agate because it has a variety of colors. In order for the color to be more brilliant and beautiful, it is best to sharpen the agate first.

4. Metal

Metals used as materials for making collages choose pieces of metal that are easy to obtain such as zinc, brass and aluminum. This metal plate can be cut according to the desired size, then pasted on the base of the collage.

5. Ceramics

Ceramics have quite a lot of types and colors, but to meet the needs of making collages, you can use pieces of old ceramics on the floor of the house. Ceramic material can be cut according to the desired size.

6. Batok Coconut

Coconut husks for collage are preferably old. Then, clean it before use so that the fiber does not decompose when you want to use it for collage.

7. Dry leaves

The leaves used to make the collage are dry/fallen leaves. Choose dry leaves that have different color variations so that the arrangement can be a more interesting painting.

8. Skin-Skin

Plant skins can also be used as a collage material. For example salak peel, orange peel, banana peel, etc. However, clean and dry first so that no rubber sticks.

9. Used Paper

Student collages also usually use recycled paper. You can choose colored used paper, such as from newspapers, magazines, posters, and used product packaging. This also reduces paper waste at home. Then, cut according to the needs of the collage.

Collage Tools And Techniques

The equipment needed to make a collage is:

  • Cutting tools, such as knives, scissors, cutters, saws, pliers and so on.
  • Adhesive materials, such as paper glue, vinyl adhesive, white glue, plastic glue, needle and sewing thread, and other adhesives according to the type of material used.
  • There are various collage techniques, such as tear, scissors, cut, weave, glue, sewing, tying, and so on. These various techniques can be combined to create interesting collage art. Some methods in making collages include:
  • Overlapping or overlapping.
  • Spatial arrangement (spatial arrangement).
  • Repetition/repetition (repetition).

How to Make a Collage

To find out how to make a collage, you can see the methods below.

1. Prepare the tools and materials needed

Select the collage raw material and add color elements using a type of dye, such as crayons or colored pencils according to the material used. Also prepare a surface to stick the collage. If you are going to make a collage with children, make sure all the tools and materials are safe.

2. Create Themes And Concepts Collage Pictures

Decide on the theme of the collage. There are no limits in artwork, so creativity and imagination are the main factors in making an interesting collage.

3. Paste the material on the surface of the collage

Begin gluing the material to the surface of the collage using the adhesive of your choice. Let the collage dry for a few seconds.

Benefits of Making Collages

Collage has a great influence on the development of children, especially in stimulating their motor skills. Well, here are the benefits of collage art for children according to Luchantic, among them:

  • Increase Active Power.
  • Train Children’s Creativity.
  • Increase Self-Confidence.
  • Practice Perseverance.
  • Hone Spatial Intelligence.
  • Knowing Color.
  • Practice Concentration.
  • Recognizing Shapes.
  • Train Fine Motor.

In addition, collage also affects the environment, the following are the functions of collage in the surrounding environment, namely:

  • As decoration, and
  • As a form of concern for someone in the environment.

That’s a review of the meaning of collage to how to make a collage. Hopefully all the discussions above will make it easier for you to make a collage.