10 Benefits of Plants for Humans

Benefits of Plants for Humans – Plants have very important benefits for humans and the environment around them. The existence of plants is an important resource, such as for medicine, climate, air conditioning, and so on.

Not only that, usually plants also function as garden or room decorations to make them look fresh, beautiful, and comfortable. This is what distinguishes the earth from other planets.

This ability to support life on earth is what makes plants have benefits for humans. However, as humans we often neglect to forget the importance of the benefits of these plants.

Sinaumed’s can also read one of the following ebook recommendations entitled “Collection of Efficacious Plants” by Bayu Satya which can be your solution at home in knowing the benefits of collecting efficacious plants. Come on, just click below!

So, this article will discuss and remind you that plants have various benefits for everyday human life. Listen to the end of the article, Sinaumed’s!

The following are 10 benefits of plants for humans, which are as follows.

1. Oxygen Producer

The first benefit that can be felt from the existence of plants for humans is as a producer of oxygen which is necessary for humans or other living things, such as animals to breathe. This can happen if the plant carries out the photosynthesis process so that it will produce oxygen and sugar gas which is a food reserve.

In addition, plants will also absorb carbon dioxide gas in the air. Carbon dioxide gas is a type of poisonous gas and is dangerous for humans. With the presence of plants that live around humans, the gas can be absorbed properly so that humans can get enough oxygen and avoid the dangers of toxic gases.

2. Food Source

Plants do have one of the benefits as a source of food for humans. Starting from the stems, leaves, roots, flowers, to the fruit can be consumed by humans as a source of food or drink.

Usually, in rural areas to urban areas, several plants are commonly used as a source of daily food consumption, for example the roots of root crops, such as cassava and sweet potato, which can be consumed as a food source to replace rice.

Not only that, the leaves of plants can also be used as a source of daily food for humans. For example, cassava leaves and papaya leaves are usually used as fresh vegetables or stir-fried vegetables. Meanwhile, rosella flowers or kecombrang flowers in plants that can be used as a drink or food ingredient.

3. Controlling Temperature

Plants have other benefits for humans and the surrounding environment, namely they can control the temperature in a certain area or region. If we usually see in the Bogor or Bandung area that there is a large tree on the side of the road then it functions to control the temperature in that area.

Vehicles that pass through the area, such as cars, trucks, and motorbikes will certainly emit pollution and heat. The benefits of plants that are on the side of the road can function to control temperature to neutralize the environment. That way, pedestrians passing by the side of the road will feel more shaded because these big trees can protect them from exposure to the sun so it makes it cooler.

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Sinaumed’s doesn’t need to worry if he wants to know more about some information about temperature. Because here are recommendations for ebooks that you shouldn’t miss. Click below yes!

4. Reducing Air Pollution

Air pollution can cause health problems in the human body. Therefore, the benefits of plants for humans and other living things are that they can reduce air pollution. It can be proven that the presence of plants and green spaces in various areas can reduce pollution so that it can be absorbed properly and can improve air quality to make it cooler and cleaner.

Every plant and green space that is built certainly has the ability to reduce air pollution. Forests planted in an appropriate area in an urban or industrial environment will be very effective due to an increase in the surface area capable of absorbing pollutants.

5. Preventing Climate Change

Plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. The function of carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouse gases that contributes to preventing climate change.

This carbon dioxide is used as a building block for new tissues, such as roots, branches, stems and leaves which function as carbon storage.

In an area, if there are forests that are cut down or burned, some of the carbon that has been stored in plant tissues and soil will be released into the atmosphere. Therefore, plants are very important to humans in preventing climate change and protecting some of these habitats.

Sinaumed’s can also read one of the following book recommendations as reading material to find out more about the ongoing climate change. Don’t run out, Sinaumed’s!

6. Maintain Mental Health

The next benefit of plants that are obtained for humans is that they can maintain mental health. Plants are not only good for people and the environment, they are also beneficial for our general well-being.

A research study has shown that exercising in green open spaces where there are lots of plants can maintain mental health in the human body, such as reducing stress and anxiety levels.

The natural coolness and freshness found in plants has a positive impact on the pattern of the human mind so that it can reduce stress and anxiety within.

If your mental health problems can’t be prevented through herbs or are getting more and more protracted, you don’t need to worry, Sinaumed’s. Because the recommendation of one of the following books can find out how your mental health is, of course if it doesn’t get better you need to be treated by a doctor. Click on the book below!

7. Improve Mood and Concentration

Several types of plants such as lavender or plants in ornamental plants can be trusted to improve mood to concentrate on someone. Therefore, during a pandemic like this, many of us choose to keep ornamental plants in our home environment to fill our free time so that we can reduce stress levels and maintain mood levels and concentration in the body.

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8. Source of Herbal Medicines

Sinaumed’s does not know that one of the benefits of plants for humans is that they can be a source of herbal medicines. If we can process it properly then these herbal medicines can overcome various types of diseases.

Some herbal plants contain compounds and nutritious substances that can fight viruses and bacteria in the body. For example, cat’s whiskers herbs or plants that are able to overcome gout or rheumatism, turmeric which can prevent blood clots, betel leaves which can prevent cancer and speed up the healing process of burns, and so on.

9. Maintaining Soil Quality

Another benefit of plants for humans is that they can maintain soil quality. Plants are one of the most important factors in maintaining good soil conditions.

The roots and microorganisms that live around it will unite the soil so as to reduce soil erosion. Another thing can also happen if there are some leaves that fall from the tree and when the plant dies or rots it can fertilize the soil so that other plants can develop and grow properly.

10. Regulates the Water Cycle

Another benefit of plants for humans that Sinaumed’s must know is that they can regulate the water cycle. This is because the moisture in the atmosphere is released by plants as much as 10% through the transpiration process.

Then, the plant takes in water through its roots and releases moisture into the tiny pores on the underside of the leaves. Through this process of transpiration can also help plants in flowing water from the soil to return to the atmosphere.

Not only that, plants also help in stabilizing water bodies, for example in rivers or lakes. Roots in plants can increase soil stability, prevent landslides, and keep ecosystems intact.

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So, that’s the discussion in this article about the 10 benefits of plants for humans . We hope that after reading this article, Sinaumed’s can better appreciate and care for plants and the importance of plants in everyday life. Apart from that, this article can also add to your knowledge about the benefits of plants that you don’t know, Sinaumed’s.

If Sinaumed’s has an interest in finding other benefits about plants for humans, you can look for references to related books which are only available on the sinaumedia.com website , which are ready to become #Friends Without Borders in accompanying you to grow and move forward every day. Happy learning and hopefully useful!

Author: Elsya Islamay