Knowing the Functions, Objectives, and Benefits of HR Management in a Company

Functions, Objectives and Benefits of HR Management – In business management, of course,
you will often find a human resources (HR) department or human resources management.
The human
resource management function is generally responsible for recruiting and developing human resources in a

Human Resource Management, abbreviated HRM, is the science of managing relationships and the role of resources
owned by individuals effectively and efficiently and can be used optimally to achieve the common goals of the
company, employees and society.

Human resource management is human resource development which functions to carry out planning, implementation,
recruitment, training, career development of employees or workers and taking initiatives to develop human
resources for organizational development of an organization or company.

Basically there is no business that doesn’t need to manage human resources or what we often know as Human
Resources (HR). The Human Resources Department is responsible for supporting various
needs related to business human resources (HR), including human resource management (HR) so that every
activity or job runs smoothly and efficiently.

In carrying out activities, both within an organization and within a company, competent human resources are
needed in their respective fields.
In carrying out activities in a company or organization,
human resource management (HR) is also very important so that these activities can be carried out smoothly
and to achieve the desired goals.

The application of human resource management is one of the objectives of the means of communication between
employees and the company.
The process of implementing human resource management may include
planning, leading, organizing, and controlling.

The function of human resource management is also very complex in the sustainability of a company.
For a better understanding, the following functions of human resource management in companies are
cited from various sources.

HR Management Function

The function of human resource management (HRM) is to manage people as efficiently as possible to achieve
mutually beneficial human resource units.
Human Resource Management (HRM) is a subset of
general management that focuses on human resources.

HRM itself is a field of study that investigates how human roles and relationships exist to help achieve
organizational and business goals.
In the book Human Resource Management by Malayu SP Ce
Hasibuan, the concept of HRM will be explained in a simple and structured way for
Sinaumed’s friends.

In principle, this human resource management function includes a number of activities that have a
significant impact on all areas of the company’s work including planning, hiring and firing employees,
employee compensation, performance appraisal, rewards and career development, training and development,
occupational health and safety, leadership and productivity.
The function of human resource
management is as follows.

1. Staffing and Performance Evaluation


The first function of human resource management is staffing or membership. HR in the function
of human resource management is a function of membership regulation.
There are three main
operations of this function including planning, drawing and selection.

This human resource management function plays an important role in determining the quality of human
resources in a company.
The HR Department will carry out planning related to the recruitment
and development of personnel as well as selection and elimination related to the individual quality of the

Performance evaluation

The human resource management function in a company will certainly evaluate the performance of the human
resource department.
The HR department is responsible for evaluating the performance of the HR
This human resource management function can include evaluations and evaluations
related to the performance given during a certain period.

Through evaluation, the company can ensure that each employee fulfills their respective job
HR management must also be developed in various forms such as training to
improve HR performance.

2. Compensation and Job Training


The next human resource management function is compensation. This function will then take care
of employee salaries which will also be linked to the satisfaction and benefits received by the company.
Compensation can be in the form of basic salary, bonuses, incentives, health insurance, leave,
retirement funds.

The HR department should make a good salary structure, while the manager should provide salary.
Both parties must have good coordination so that the compensation is in accordance with the joint
decision and applicable law.

Compensation aims to create an atmosphere of competition among company employees in a fair and consistent manner
with applicable policies.

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Training and development

To improve the quality of human resources, an important function of human resource management is training
and development.
The human resources department is responsible for helping managers create
training programs for each class of employees to create a higher quality of effectiveness.

The human resources manager must also be involved in training and development programs, assessing the needs
of training and development programs, and evaluating the effectiveness of training and development programs.
In addition to providing training, this function also allows human resources to be responsible for
termination of employment in certain circumstances.

Companies can train and develop their employees through formal and informal procedures. Formal
procedures may be implemented with the introduction of new positions or as a means of keeping up with
changing technology.
Meanwhile, informal procedures can be carried out in the workplace and
managed by senior staff.

In this process, it means that the field of human resources can provide training, courses, seminars and
coordination opportunities within the company with employee or staff career planning.
training and development includes activities such as the design and implementation of training programs and
their assessment programs.

3. Employee Relations , Personal
Research and Work Safety

Employee Relations

Human resource management is management that deals directly with human resources in all industries.
For companies with internal unions, the human resource management function should actively deal
with all union issues and negotiations.

The primary responsibility of the human resources department is to prevent unfair practices such as
In non-union companies, the human resources department must be involved in employee
This function ensures that employees are treated fairly and if there is a clear and
good way to deal with complaints that arise.

Personal Research

The next function of human resource management is to analyze individual and company problems and make
changes accordingly.
Human resource management will also act as a solution to individual
problems or research.

Issues that are commonly reviewed by human resources can include the causes of employee absences or tardiness,
sound recruitment and selection processes, and causes of labor dissatisfaction movements.

The human resources department is responsible for gathering and analyzing information regarding this case.
The results are used to assess whether existing policies need to be changed.

Occupational Health and Safety

The main function of human resource management is to create good health and safety in the business
Occupational health and safety will affect the company’s reputation.

The HR department is obliged to maintain the safety of its workers through the programs it manages.
This is done to minimize unexpected events and create an atmosphere of safety and security in the
work environment.

The Human Resources Department is also responsible for specific training in occupational safety and the
development of health programs for workers.
In addition, the human resources department is
required to report whenever an accident occurs.

4. Human Resource Planning

Mondy, Noe, and Premeaux state that human resource planning is a systematic process of assessing and
reviewing human resource needs to ensure that a number of employees are needed and requirements are met.
Skills are identified and made available when needed.
The human resource planning (HR) function
includes a number of activities, including:

Analyze positions within a company to identify required tasks, objectives, skills, knowledge and
Plan and forecast the company’s workforce needs in the short and long

Develop and implement plans to meet these two needs.

Business planning for the quality and quantity of human resources (HR) is the most uncertain task of human
resource management as a predictor of trends in the business environment that is constantly unfolding.

In this regard, companies must be able to see trends in technological developments, such as those that can
affect the quality and quantity of the company’s human resources in the future.
Planning human
resources (employees) effectively according to business needs to achieve business goals.

5. Allowance Remuneration

Employee salaries are said to be successful if they are based on justice and equality.

  • The balance between wages paid for different jobs in a company.
  • Pay fair and reasonable wages to employees or employees holding the same position in the same

Wages basically cover all the rewards received by workers or employees as a result of their work.
Mondy, Noe, and Premeaux state that rewards can take the form of one or a combination of wages,
benefits, or non-monetary rewards.

Wages can be in the form of money received by employees or employees for the results of their activities.
Allowances as additional financial rewards on top of the basic salary (gapok) include leave pay,
sick leave pay (THR), and health insurance.

HR Management Objectives

The goals of human resource management in every business are very diverse. According to Ulrich
and Lake (1990), human resource management systems can be a source of corporate competence that enables
companies to continuously learn and demonstrate new opportunities.

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Cushway argues that the purpose of human resource management is to take management into account in formulating
human resource policies to ensure that the company has high performing employees or employees who are always
available, willing to deal with change and fulfilling their obligations as legal workers.

Not only that, the next goal is to implement and maintain all human resource policies and procedures that help
the company achieve its goals.

The role of HRM itself in a broad sense is to achieve business goals, including a human workforce that not
only has the capacity and skills but also the will and determination to do work efficiently and effectively.
The following are some of the objectives of HR management based on the opinion of economist

  • Obtaining and retaining the best employees, highly motivated, and can be trusted by the
  • Always improve the quality and ability of employees to work in the company so as to increase
  • Creating an optimal employee recruitment system.
  • Creating a good working environment between management and employees.
  • Balancing the needs of each stakeholder.
  • Reward employees based on the achievements they achieve. For this,
    companies can use employee performance appraisal applications for their data sources.
  • Improving employee welfare
  • Provide equal opportunity for all employees
  • Creating fairness and transparency among all employees.
  • Manage employees based on their individual needs and facilitate the delivery of their

Benefits of HR Management

Human resource management (HR) plays a vital role in the growth of an organization or business and forms the
backbone of any organization or business, small or large.

Many organizations clearly state that employees are their greatest and most valuable asset, which means
that effective human resource management is essential for the growth of any business or business.
When done right, human resource management makes a huge difference in increasing employee
productivity in the workplace.

Here are 5 key benefits of human resource management to consider when managing human resources in your industry
or organization for maximum productivity at every level.

1. Recruitment and Training

One of the main benefits of human resource management (HR) is recruiting and bringing the right people into
their industry or organization and training them to do their job better.
. They
develop job descriptions that are more relevant to their position.

2. Performance Management System

Human resource management is responsible for improving the performance management system of employees so
that they feel motivated and rewarded for their achievements.
This will not only help them
improve their skills but will also force them to look better than before.
Always try to be open
about their accomplishments.
Performance Management An effective system that identifies and
rewards individual performance.

3. Building Culture and Values

One of the most important benefits of a human resource management (HR) department is creating a healthy and
comfortable workspace.
helps bring out the best in an employee. Creating a good
workspace is the main responsibility of the Human Resources (HR) department to ensure maximum

4. Conflict Management

Another very important benefit of a human resource management (HRM) department is the management and
resolution of conflicts between employees and superiors in an industry or organization.
resource management takes timely action to peacefully and elegantly resolve unpleasant conflicts before they
get out of hand and mess things up.

5. Increasing Employee Turnover

One of the main benefits of human resource management (HRM) is the careful monitoring and management of
employee turnover.
High employee turnover is taking a toll on the industry. It
costs more than twice the income of current employees to create and train new employees.
human resources (HR) department has to be very clear about hiring the right people from the start.

When interviewing candidates, they should not only look at their skills but also check whether they are a
good fit for the industry or organization.
Human resource management (HR) departments usually
look at employees when there is a problem but the reality is that they should go to them and ask them to
reduce employee turnover.


The explanation above shows that Human Resource Management (HRM) includes the competence and potential of
leaders and employees of a company.
Employees must not be treated like machines and must
realize that employees have potential and talents that can be continuously developed for business interests.
Once developed, the leader must create a conducive atmosphere so that his abilities can be applied
within the company.