The Intention of Compulsory Bathing After Menstruation and Knowledge About Menstruation

Intention to Bathe Obligatory After Menstruation – Menstruation or menstruation is a normal cycle for a woman. Which women will experience bleeding from the vagina every month. So what exactly is menstruation? And how to purify it? Here’s a further explanation.

Menstruation or menstruation is the event of bleeding from the uterus of a woman who has reached adulthood or baligh. Menstrual blood that originates from the lining of the uterus. Every month a woman’s body will prepare for pregnancy by producing egg cells from the ovaries, which process is ovulation. If pregnancy does not occur, the woman will experience menstruation.

The menstrual cycle is calculated from the first day until the next menstruation. Menstruation calculation is certainly not the same for every woman. Normal cycles usually range from 21 to 35 days.

Cycles are long in adolescence but usually shorten and become more regular with age. But sometimes cycles can be regular or irregular. If Sinaumed’s experiences a sudden change in your menstrual cycle and doesn’t get better, consult your doctor immediately.

Several things can affect the menstrual cycle, such as overall health, both emotional, mental, and physical can certainly affect the menstrual cycle. Menstrual symptoms also vary for each woman.

Sinaumed’s can also experience a mix of symptoms, emotional and physical, that begin before the menstrual cycle occurs. This condition is known as premenstrual syndrome or premenstrual syndrome (PMS). General symptoms of normal menstruation vary from woman to woman.

Menstruation usually starts from the age of 11-14 and continues until the age of 51 years. During the cycle, Sinaumed’s will experience the following symptoms:

  1. Bleeding that lasts between three and five days
  2. stomach cramps
  3. Chest pain
  4. Bloating
  5. Food cravings
  6. Mood swings and irritability
  7. Headache
  8. Fatigue



The Intention of Mandatory Bathing After Menstruation, as well as Prayers and Procedures

When a woman is menstruating or menstruating her body will be dirty and impure. So that after the completion of the menstrual period women are required to do a big bath. The obligatory bath or also called the big bath or the junub bath is a bath that is done to remove hadas or major uncleanness. There are several things that oblige a person to take a junub bath, namely when the menstruation or postpartum period is over, after having intercourse with husband and wife and having semen released.

Bathing must be done so that a person is pure from major hadas before he worships before Allah SWT. Because verily Allah loves people who are clean and pure. So people who are menstruating are not required to perform acts of worship such as prayer, fasting, intercourse and reading or touching the Qur’an before they are truly pure. To purify themselves, women must read the obligatory bath prayer after menstruation.

For women, the obligatory bath consists of taking a junub bath and bathing after menstruation or after childbirth. In general, the procedures for bathing are obligatory for women the same as for men. But there are a few exceptions. When you want to do the obligatory bath, you need to read the intention first, the following is the reading of the intention that is read and the procedure for taking a mandatory bath:

Reading Basmalah with the intention of taking a bath is obligatory

نَوَيْتُ الْغُسْلَ لِرَفْعِ الْحَدَثِ اْلاَكْبَرِ مِنَ الحَيْضِ فَرْضًا ِللهِ تَعَالَى

“Nawaitul Ghusla Liraf’il Hadatsil Akbari Minal Minal Haidhii Fardhan Lillaahi Ta’aalaa.”

Meaning: “I intend to take a mandatory bath to remove large hadas due to menstruation because of Allah Ta’ala.”

  1. Wash or wash both hands 3 times before bathing or before putting them in the water.
  2. Washing the right and left hands until they feel clean and leave no dirt.
  3. Cleaning the genitals using the left hand
  4. Washing the left hand with soap or something used to clean the genitals.
  5. Make ablution using running water perfectly like ablution when you want to pray.
  6. Pour water from the top of the head to the right side of the body three times, repeat on the left three times
  7. Rub between hairs until completely wet with water. Women are forbidden to tie their hair.
  8. Use fragrance or soap to clean it, rub it all over the body
  9. Rinse with clean water by pouring water all over the body from the right side, then to the left side.
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Quoted from the Complete and Practical Book of Women’s Fiqh by Abdul Gratitude Al Azizi, a woman who takes a mandatory bath after her period can curl her hair. This provision is conveyed in the hadith that Umm Salamah asked:

“O Messenger of Allah, I am a woman with big hair buns. Do I have to undo my hair when taking a junub bath?”

Rasulullah SAW replied:

“Don’t open it. It is enough for you to interrupt your head with water three times, then splash your head and body with water until you have purified yourself.” (HR. Muslim).

In another narration, Aisha Ra said:

“We (the Prophet’s wives) when one of us is junub, then he takes (water) with his two hands three times, then sends it over his head, then he takes water with one hand, then sends it over his head, then he takes water with one hand, then sends it to the right side of the body and with the other hand to the left side of the body.” (Narrated by Bukhari and Abu Dawud).

Causes of Irregular Menstruation

Menstruation or menstruation if late is usually an early sign of pregnancy. Even though this condition is not only experienced by people who are pregnant. Late menstruation can also be a symptom of a health problem that needs to be treated by a doctor. Every woman’s menstrual cycle is generally different. However, a normal cycle is 21 to 35 days, counting from the day of your last menstrual period.

A woman can be said to have late menstruation if she has not had her period for 35 days or more. Even though this is a common occurrence, of course you are advised to remain vigilant, because there are several medical conditions that can cause late menstruation.

Basically the symptoms of late menstruation can vary depending on the cause of late menstruation. However, generally you can still experience PMS symptoms like you are going to have your period even if you don’t experience bleeding. Apart from not having your period, symptoms of late menstruation include:

1. The appearance of acne

Acne will appear suddenly when the menstrual date is approaching. Sometimes a week before your period comes the pimples will appear.

2. Flatulence

Suddenly your stomach will feel bloated before menstruation comes, even though the food you eat is not wrong, then this can be one of the causes of menstruation.

3. Breasts feel sore and more sensitive

Usually some women will feel pain, sometimes even a little touch hurts and is more sensitive in the breast area. Things like this are certainly natural when approaching the menstrual schedule.

4. Headaches

Headache comes suddenly at the time of menstruation. But headaches will also suddenly disappear.

5. Weak, lethargic, and not powered

When you are about to menstruate, usually the most natural thing is that your body will feel weak, not passionate, lethargic and have no energy.

6. Cramps in the lower abdomen and back

Cramps that are felt below the navel with stomach and back pain. Sometimes it takes medicine to relieve it. Especially if menstruation is not smooth, women will feel pain that is different from usual.

7. Pain in the hips

Pain in the hips that usually occurs at the time of menstruation.

Pain during menstruation can be studied more deeply by reading books available at . As #FriendsWithoutLimits we always try to give the best!



Factors Causing Irregular Menstruation

There are other factors that can also cause this condition, namely:

1. Stress

When the mind is stressed, the production of gonadotropin hormones and the performance of the hypothalamus, which is the part of the brain that is responsible for regulating the menstrual cycle, will be disrupted. This can disrupt the menstrual cycle and make the menstrual cycle late. If your period is disrupted due to stress you can deal with it by trying relaxation techniques, doing something you enjoy or listening to music.

2. Obesity

Weight gain can trigger hormonal changes in women. Research shows that women who are overweight or obese have a high risk of experiencing late menstruation. Diet and exercise will be advised by the doctor if obesity is a factor causing your late menstruation.

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3. Lose Weight

Late menstruation may be experienced by women with eating disorders, such as anorexia or bulimia. If the body weight is too low from the ideal body weight, body functions will be disrupted and ovulation will stop. Treating eating disorders and promoting healthy weight gain can restore normal menstrual cycles.

4. Smoking habits

Smoking habits can cause disturbances in menstruation and one of them is late menstruation. This happens because the substances in cigarettes, including nicotine, can affect the hormones estrogen and progesterone which play a role in the menstrual cycle.

5. Excess Prolactin Hormone

Late menstruation can also be caused by abnormal production of the hormone prolactin. This hormone produced in the pituitary gland will increase during breastfeeding, but it can also occur due to certain medical conditions, such as kidney disease, hypothyroidism and pituitary gland tumors in the brain.

This increase in the prolactin hormone can affect the performance of other hormones, namely estrogen and progesterone which play a role in the menstrual process so that it can trigger late menstruation.

6. Effects of birth control pills

Birth control pills contain the hormones estrogen and progesterone which can prevent the release of an egg. For your menstrual cycle to return to normal, it can take up to six months after stopping taking birth control pills. Other types of contraception that can also cause late menstruation are implanted birth control and birth control injections.

7. PCOS ( Polycystic Ovary Syndrome )

PCOS is a condition that causes your body to produce more androgen hormones. This condition can make menstruation irregular or even stop it. The exact cause of PCOS is not known, but it is thought to be related to other conditions, such as insulin resistance and meta-metabolic syndrome.

Apart from late menstruation, other symptoms of PCOS are oily or acne-prone skin, sudden weight gain and dark spots appearing on the skin.

8. Chronic Disease

Chronic diseases, such as diabetes and celiac disease, can affect the menstrual cycle. Unstable blood sugar is closely related to hormonal changes. Therefore, uncontrolled diabetes makes menstruation irregular.

Meanwhile, celiac disease causes inflammation that can cause damage to the small intestine. This condition can prevent the body from absorbing essential nutrients, causing menstruation to be late.

9. Thyroid Disorders

The thyroid gland regulates the body’s metabolism. If this hormone does not work properly, menstruation can be disrupted. Problems with the thyroid gland can be recognized by symptoms such as fatigue, drastic weight loss, hair loss and sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures. However, you don’t need to worry and because thyroid disorders can be treated with drugs and surgery. Menstruation will return to normal after thyroid disorders are treated by a doctor.

10. Early menopause

Early menopause occurs when the ovaries stop working before a woman turns 40. Early menopause causes the release of egg cells to stop, which is also characterized by symptoms of late menstruation, night sweats and difficulty sleeping.

However, if you are over 40 years old and show symptoms of late menstruation, longer periods or bleeding after sex, you should immediately consult a doctor. This could be a symptom of cervical polyps, endometrial polyps or endometrial cancer.

11. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Inflammatory diseases of the uterus, ovaries or fallopian tubes can be a cause of late menstruation. This disease is usually caused by an untreated Chlamydia or gonorrhea infection.

12. Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a cause of late menstruation that you may often hear about. The process of pregnancy generally occurs 40 weeks between the time of the last menstruation and birth. When pregnancy occurs, the lining of the uterus does not shed and this causes late menstruation. If you have sexual intercourse and do not use contraception, then do a pregnancy check with a test pack and consult your midwife or obstetrician.

13. Drugs

Not only contraceptive pills, several types of drugs also have side effects that can affect the menstrual cycle, such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, blood pressure medications and chemotherapy drugs.

14. Heavy exercise

Exercising too often or doing physical activity with a fairly heavy intensity can indeed reduce body fat levels. However, it also makes the body become stressed or depressed so that it affects the menstrual cycle.

This is a review regarding the intention to take a mandatory bath after menstruation. To get more in-depth information regarding the intention to take a mandatory bath after menstruation and other procedures for purification, Sinaumed’s can read books available at . sinaumedia always provides the best products so you have #MoreWithReading information.