Understanding what is a dilep and how to get rid of it for women!

Dilep is – When women are entering their menstrual period, they will experience pain in the waist. However, the pain that lasts a long time even though the menstrual period has stopped, can in fact be a trigger for disturbances in the reproductive system. So, on this occasion, we will discuss more deeply about dips and also the dangers of left-sided low back pain.

Meaning of Dilemma

Dilep is menstrual pain that is often experienced by women. Dilep is a pain that squeezes the lower part of the abdomen, which is very painful, even because the pain is unbearable, making it difficult for women to carry out normal activities.

Normal menstrual pain occurs the day before menstruation until the third day of menstruation. Women can experience menstrual pain for years because they are sensitive to the hormone prostaglandin. This condition is called dysmenorrhea. Not only stomach cramps, menstrual pain is also often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Menstrual pain is generally normal. However, there are several health problems that can cause abnormal menstrual pain.

In some cases, a dilep can make a woman faint from it. If you experience persistent dips, which cause you to only be able to lie down during your period, then you shouldn’t underestimate this.

Menstrual pain or dysmenorrhea is common for every woman during menstruation. There are various causes of menstrual pain. However, you need to be vigilant if menstrual pain that appears is unbearable and doesn’t go away, because this could indicate the presence of certain diseases or disorders.

Menstrual pain is generally experienced by women at the beginning of the menstrual period. Pain in the lower abdomen is not so excruciating for some women, so they can still do their usual activities.

However, some women may feel menstrual pain so unbearable that they are unable to do anything. Pain due to menstruation is a natural thing. So, women don’t need to worry as long as this is within reasonable limits and doesn’t interfere with activities.

Usually, menstrual pain will disappear by itself for 1-2 days from the menstrual cycle. If it’s uncomfortable to the point where it’s difficult to focus, don’t hesitate to take pain relievers.

However, most Indonesians believe that taking menstrual pain relievers can be addictive. In fact this is not true. Menstrual pain caused by endometriosis is different from pain in general. The effect is so extraordinary that it interferes with activities, so first aid is needed to overcome it.

Danger of Dilep If Left

Dileps that are left alone can actually trigger several ongoing disturbances. Therefore, for women, don’t let it dip for too long or better yet, see a doctor immediately. Here are some reasons if the dip should not be left alone.

1. As a sign of the emergence of endometriosis

If you have a severe dip, it may be a sign of endometriosis. Endometriosis is a condition in which the lining of the uterus or endometrium is found outside the uterus.

Where in other structures throughout the pelvis, including the ovaries, bladder, liver, ovum duct, lungs, and diaphragm. Endometriosis can cause cramps and pain during sex, which can affect fertility.

2. Usually Happens When Menstruating Women

Stomach cramps, diarrhea, and constipation all night are very common. Which is accompanied by a feeling of dilep during menstruation, this usually occurs before and also while you are menstruating.

However, if after your period you still feel unbearable or excruciating pain and are also prolonged, then this might be a sign of endometriosis or irritable bowel syndrome, so you need to see a specialist immediately.

3. Can be a sign that the shape of the uterus is not normal

In some cases, a woman’s uterus does not form normally, which can cause excruciating pain during menstruation. It can also cause pain during sex to cause infertility.

There are several cases of this abnormal uterine shape, such as two uteruses on one cervix. Dilep pain is originating from the obstruction, then also the membrane that is divided between the uterus and vagina.

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4. Don’t Rely on Pills

You also need to know that never depend on pills, which can reduce the pain of a dip quickly. Both with a doctor’s prescription and without a doctor’s prescription. You should always remember that these pills only reduce pain, not cure it.

If you take pills on an ongoing basis, it can make the work process more difficult. Therefore, it should be known which is the main cause of the pain you feel and how to treat it.

5. Contractions can occur in the uterus

Not only occurs in pregnant women, uterine contractions can also be experienced by women who are menstruating. Primary dysmenorrhea cramps can affect many menstruating women, these cramps are not caused by a structural defect.

However, due to levels of fatty acid hormones that stimulate the uterus to contract or unbalanced prostaglandins. Where this imbalance causes contractions, which makes you feel pain in the lower abdomen.

It’s important for you to remember that a dip is a condition that needs to be watched out for, even if it’s only a mild dip. This is because a dilep can also be dangerous for you, where the pain itself cannot be standardized because everyone has different sensitivities.

However, if your dilep gets worse from time to time, year after year, then you should see a specialist. This is for your own good, which is to find out the condition of your health.

To overcome the dilep, you can do it naturally, one of which is by compressing the stomach using warm water. You just need to deflate the heating pad too or you can use a bottle filled with warm water.

This will help the muscles and organs in the uterus relax more, which will relieve cramps from the dip. One other tip is to do light exercise, because doing exercises such as yoga, light stretching, and light walking will help your body release endorphins.

Factors That Can Increase the Risk of Severe Menstrual Pain

Some women may feel menstrual pain so unbearable that they are unable to do anything. There are several factors that can increase a woman’s risk of experiencing more severe menstrual pain, including:

  1. Under 30 years old
  2. History of first menstruation when aged 11 years or earlier
  3. Menorrhagia
  4. Excessive bleeding during menstruation (metrorrhagia)
  5. History of complaints of severe menstrual pain in the family
  6. Overweight or underweight
  7. Smoking habits and consumption of alcoholic beverages

How to Relieve Menstrual Pain or Dilep

If you feel menstrual pain that bothers you, there are several simple ways you can do to relieve these complaints, including:

  • Give warm compresses

    The first step is to compress the lower abdomen that feels pain or cramps.
    The trick, you can pour hot water into a glass bottle or compress bottle. So that it is not too hot when held, wrap the bottle with a cloth.
    Roll or massage the bottle on the sore stomach until the bottle starts to cool. You can also try taking a warm bath to reduce pain.

  • Sport

    Who said that when you have menstrual pain, you shouldn’t do activities or even exercise? Precisely during menstrual pain we are encouraged to increase physical activity or exercise.
    However, not all sports can be done. Here are some sports that can be done during menstruation:

    • Walk
    • Bicycle
    • Light exercise
    • Yoga and pilates
  • Do relaxation techniques
    You can do some relaxation such as meditation, yoga, and breathing exercises.
  • Reducing fatty foods and caffeine
    Limit consumption of fatty foods and drinks that contain caffeine and alcohol
  • Meet your fluid needs by drinking water
  • Consume herbal teas, such as chamomile and ginger teas
  • Reduce stress
  • Using over-the-counter pain relievers, such as paracetamol

Menstrual pain that appears occasionally is not a dangerous thing. However, you need to be vigilant if menstrual pain feels very severe and appears every time your period comes. Likewise if menstrual pain appears along with other complaints, such as excessive bleeding, menstrual periods longer than usual, abnormal vaginal discharge, intense pain in the pelvic area, and fever.

If the various methods above are not able to reduce the menstrual pain that you feel, try to see a doctor. After examining your condition and determining the cause of menstrual pain that you feel, the doctor can provide the appropriate treatment.

Disease Behind Abnormal Menstrual Pain/Secondary Dysmenorrhea

Basically, there are several disorders of the reproductive system that are generally triggered by excessive menstrual pain, including:

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1. Endometriosis

Endometriosis is quite often the cause of menstrual pain. Based on its prevalence, around 6-10% of women have endometriosis and the average age of diagnosis is 27 years.

Symptoms that appear in endometriosis can vary. Some of the symptoms that appear include severe pain during menstruation, a lot of menstrual blood that comes out so that you have to change pads, fatigue, diarrhea, constipation, and pain during bowel movements.

Signs and symptoms of endometriosis, namely:

a. Gastrointestinal Problems

If you have frequent stomachaches, constipation and diarrhea, all of these could be signs of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

However, if these symptoms get worse during your period, it could be a sign of endometrial growth somewhere in your digestive system.

b. Pain in the Upper Body or Pain When Breathing

The thing that baffles doctors the most about endometriosis is the fact that endometrial cells can migrate to any part of the body.

Beyond their normal placement in the female abdominal cavity, the cells can also be found on the arms, thighs and even the diaphragm.

The inability of a woman to move her hands can be related to endometriosis.

c. Difficult to Get Pregnant

When the female reproductive system is functioning properly, an egg will be released from the ovary into one of the fallopian tubes to meet sperm cells.

With endometriosis, there is endometrial scarring and scarring of the fallopian tubes which can make it difficult to conceive. According to Breton Barrier, MD, a woman should have a 20 percent chance of getting pregnant each month.

d. Frequent urination

Similar to the symptoms of a urinary tract infection, endometrial lesions in the bladder can cause you to urinate frequently.

In addition, endometriosis is also associated with a condition called interstitial cystitis, which is pressure and pain in the bladder.

2. Adenomyosis

Adenomyosis is the growth of uterine tissue into the muscular wall of the uterus. This situation can cause uterine enlargement and pain during menstruation or menstruation.

Symptoms that appear in adenomyosis are menstrual bleeding that is excessive or longer than usual, which is accompanied by excess pain in the pelvis and abdomen. Not infrequently this condition causes a woman to experience anemia so that further treatment is needed.

3. Fibroids

Fibroids are benign tumors that grow on the uterine muscle. This condition does not show specific symptoms, but in some women it can cause prolonged bleeding, pain around the pelvis, to digestive problems such as nausea and vomiting.

Approximately 70% of women are diagnosed with fibroids by the age of 45, and many affect women who have a high BMI. In addition, history of childbirth and smoking habits can also be risk factors for fibroids.

4. Pelvic Inflammation

Riska Ismalilia Puteri Iskandar added, This disease is caused by an infection caused by bacteria that starts from the uterus, so that it can spread to other reproductive organs.

Pelvic inflammatory disease is an infection of the upper female reproductive organs, namely the endometrium, myometrium, fallopian tubes, ovaries and pelvic peritoneum. The main transmission is through sexual intercourse.

Symptoms of pelvic inflammation are as follows:

  • The main symptom is intense pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Abnormal cervical and vaginal discharges were found.
  • Dyspareunia (pain during intercourse).
  • Fever (temperature above 38.3 degrees Celsius).
  • Pain when urinating

To be able to find out the diagnosis of an existing disease, it is highly recommended to hold a direct consultation with a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology to do a physical examination and get optimal therapy.

5. Cervical Stenosis

If this condition is also known as narrowing of the cervix. This disorder is often caused by the presence of scar tissue. To deal with menstrual pain, you can place a warm compress on the lower abdomen for 10-15 minutes while massaging your stomach with your fingers.

You can take painkillers such as mefenamic acid or paracetamol if the pain doesn’t go away with warm compresses. If you experience prolonged menstrual pain and it does not improve even though you have taken medication, immediately consult an obstetrician and obstetrician to find the cause.


Basically, pain during menstruation is a natural thing. However, if you have passed your menstrual period, but you still feel pain in your hips, then you should immediately see a doctor. This is because low back pain can be a sign of a disease that is quite dangerous.

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