Implantation Bleeding and First Trimester Pregnancy Guide

Implantation Bleeding – Implantation bleeding is a common spotting of blood as a sign of pregnancy. Then is the bleeding dangerous? How can you tell the difference between implantation bleeding and menstruation? Come on, see the full explanation below!

What Is Implantation Bleeding?

Implantation bleeding is spotting that resembles a period. Very little blood loss, such as during the first few days of menstruation or if Sinaumed’s has light menstruation.

The bloodstains may make you confused and disappointed, especially if Sinaumed’s is craving a baby. Even so, Sinaumed’s should not immediately be sad and worried if he finds these bloodstains.

This is because the blood spots may be implantation which is one of the common signs of pregnancy. Reporting from The National Institutes of Health, one in four women experience blood spots as an early sign of their pregnancy.

Why Does Implantation Bleeding Occur?

Implantation bleeding as a sign of pregnancy is bleeding that occurs when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall.

Why is it bleeding? Because when the fertilized egg (embryo) attaches to the uterine wall, there will be infiltration (entry) of blood vessels which results in damage to the endometrium / lining of the uterine wall.

When Does Implantation Bleeding Come Out?

Implantation bleeding usually appears about a week after ovulation or about 6 to 12 days after conception. Implantation bleeding will occur before the expected start of the new menstrual cycle.

What is the Difference between Menstrual Blood Spots and Implantation Bleeding as a Sign of Pregnancy?

Blood spots as a sign of pregnancy or implantation will look very similar to menstrual blood. To tell the difference, consider the following tips.

1. Watch the Blood Flow

Implantation is just a light spotting of blood and the amount is very small, in the form of spotting and will remain like that until the bleeding stops. In contrast to menstrual blood which is light at first, then gets thicker and heavier.

2. Pay attention to the color

Menstrual blood has a bright red blood color, while implantation usually tends to be brown or pink in color. Although there is a possibility of red implantation blood that resembles menstruation, this is quite rare.

3. Pay attention to the shape

Implantation bleeding does not contain blood clots as it usually appears in menstrual blood. It’s just a drop of liquid blood.

4. Check the duration

Menstrual blood will come out continuously during the duration of Sinaumed’s’ menstruation without stopping, while implantation bleeding is generally only in the form of spotting which sometimes appears for 1-2 days.

5. Cramp Severity

Implantation bleeding is often painless. Meanwhile, menstruation often triggers pain, ranging from mild to severe pain. The pain triggers cramps due to menstruation.

Apart from Implantation Bleeding, What are the Other Symptoms of Pregnancy?

If the appearance of blood spots is accompanied by a number of other symptoms, there is a very high possibility that the blood spots are actually a sign of pregnancy.

The symptoms are:

  • nauseous
  • lack of appetite
  • changes in the sense of taste
  • drastic increase in body temperature
  • rise in body temperature in the morning
  • breast pain
  • late menstruation

Because this bleeding only occurs a few days after conception, implantation bleeding is one of the first signs of pregnancy that appears, even before Sinaumed’s starts experiencing nausea or morning sickness .

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Check with the doctor to confirm menstrual blood or implantation

For many women, implantation blood and menstrual blood do not make a difference. Therefore, the best way to find out whether Sinaumed’s is pregnant or not is to wait a few days later and have a pregnancy test or hCG blood test at the hospital.

When to Watch Out for Bloodstains?

Light spotting during menstruation is usually normal. However, if it is confirmed that she is positively pregnant, then blood spots appear, then Sinaumed’s must be vigilant. Because this might be a sign of a pregnancy disorder.

Reporting from the Better Health Channel, some disorders are characterized by the appearance of blood spots during pregnancy, namely:

  • ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the womb)
  • molar pregnancy (molar pregnancy)
  • placenta previa

If the streaks of blood continue to flow profusely, with or without pain or cramping, contact your doctor for further examination.

Guide to Living the First Trimester of Pregnancy

The following list can help Sinaumed’s to build a foundation for the first trimester and pave the way for the rest of Sinaumed’s’ pregnancy journey . Sinaumed’s can do every point, or just use this list for general guidance. In essence, do what feels right for Sinaumed’s himself.

1. Take Prenatal Vitamins

If Sinaumed’s is not already taking prenatal vitamins in the first trimester of pregnancy, start them as soon as possible. In particular, the folic acid vitamin is essential for reducing the risk of spinal disorders, such as spina bifida and birth defects.

Sinaumed’s should take 400-600 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid (vitamin B9) supplements daily during the first trimester.

In addition to folic acid, Sinaumed’s is also required to meet the needs of 10 mcg of vitamin D every day. Sinaumed’s can take special multivitamins for pregnant women, but still nothing can beat the natural nutrition that Sinaumed’s gets from fresh foods such as vegetables, fruit and animal protein.

2. Start Looking for the Right Midwife or Doctor

Which is right for Sinaumed’s , midwife or obstetrician? Choosing a medical companion for Sinaumed’s’ pregnancy will be very important for Sinaumed’s’ health and for the future Sinaumed’s baby in the months to come.

If Sinaumed’s already has professional medical personnel who are comfortable and reliable, Sinaumed’s is ready to take the next step. Even so, if you haven’t yet, seek recommendations from people who Sinaumed’s trust, ask for advice from general practitioners who are regulars of the Sinaumed’s family, as well as from valid health forums.

3. Make an appointment to check the content

After finding the right midwife or obstetrician for Sinaumed’s , immediately make an obstetric consultation appointment as soon as possible. Sinaumed’s should have had at least one consultation around the 8th week of pregnancy.

During the consultation, the Sinaumed’s midwife/doctor will:

  • Ask about Sinaumed’s’ health and lifestyle history , including history of previous pregnancies (if any). In general, Sinaumed’s will also get a complete physical examination, including a Pap smear and pelvic exam.
  • Provide information on how to care for and take care of yourself during pregnancy, such as exercising safely and starting to manage a healthy diet.
  • Check blood pressure.
  • Measuring Sinaumed’s’ height and weight The Sinaumed’s midwife/doctor will use these numbers to calculate Sinaumed’s’ body mass index (BMI) .
  • Testing for the presence or absence of sexually transmitted infections (if not, Sinaumed’s may request one).
  • Predict the estimated day of birth (HPL) of the baby. It is customary for doctors to set the date of birth by ultrasound.

If Sinaumed’s is currently on medication or taking any medication to treat Sinaumed’s’ health condition (whether mild or chronic), do not stop the dose of the drug suddenly. Talk when Sinaumed’s consults with a doctor about a list of medicines Sinaumed’s is currently using, and find out which ones are safe and which are not.

Many drugs, even nonprescription ones, are not safe for consumption during pregnancy. Mention thoroughly and in detail, even the supplements, vitamins, and various herbal products that Sinaumed’s uses.

4. If Smoking and Drinking Alcohol, Stop Now

Smoking and drinking alcohol while pregnant can increase the risk of a number of serious complications, including placental problems, premature birth, and miscarriage.

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Smoking can slow the growth of the fetus, increase the risk of stillbirth and infant death after birth. Several studies have even proven the linkage of smoking habits with an increased risk of babies being born with cleft lip or palate defects.

It’s never too late to stop. Every cigarette and glass of alcohol that Sinaumed’s does not consume provides a better chance for Sinaumed’s’s baby to grow up healthy.

5. Research Health Insurance

While you are still in your first trimester of pregnancy, immediately make sure about Sinaumed’s personal or office insurance whether it facilitates the costs of pregnancy care and delivery costs, and care for Sinaumed’s’ newborns later. Find out by contacting a Sinaumed’s insurance broker or discussing it with the Sinaumed’s office HRD manager .

Things to remember: before planning a discussion with HRD at where Sinaumed’s works, don’t forget to also find out and ensure Sinaumed’s’ maternity leave and maternity leave rights .

If Sinaumed’s does not have health insurance, find out how Sinaumed’s can get financial assistance and start planning accordingly.

6. Sort out the foods you should and shouldn’t eat

Designing a healthy and balanced diet can ensure that Sinaumed’s gets all the nutrients needed to ensure the health of Sinaumed’s and the baby.

Remember that Sinaumed’s does not need extra calories during the first trimester of Sinaumed’s . Instead, design the Sinaumed’s meal menu so that you can meet your intake of the five main nutrients: folic acid, iron, calcium, zinc, and fiber.

Sinaumed’s must avoid certain foods in the first trimester of pregnancy, especially unhygienic, undercooked, undercooked or undercooked foods, as well as animal offal. Also don’t overdo it in consuming carbohydrates such as white rice and white bread which can increase Sinaumed’s’ blood sugar levels during pregnancy.

Adequate intake of omega-3 fatty acids is also sufficient to support the development of the baby’s nerves and brain before birth. These fatty acids can also reduce Sinaumed’s’ risk of developing postpartum depression.

In addition, make sure Sinaumed’s consumes enough fluids or is adequately hydrated to avoid the dangers of dehydration during pregnancy. Dehydration can cause fatigue, constipation, and even premature labor.

Sinaumed’s also needs to cut back on caffeine. Research has proven the link between excessive caffeine consumption and the possible risk of miscarriage. Limit your caffeine intake to less than 200 mg per day (about one medium cup of coffee).

7. Keep Exercising Routine

There are various benefits of exercise during pregnancy for Sinaumed’s and babies — which can be a great motivation to get 30 minutes of physical activity every day of the week.

Moderate exercise is a great energy booster . Consult the matter with the Sinaumed’s doctor regarding which limits are safe and which are not, and good and appropriate exercise advice for Sinaumed’s pregnancy .

8. Enough Rest

It is normal for pregnant women to feel tired and tired during the first trimester. This is because Sinaumed’s’ body is getting used to the very rapid hormonal changes. Get in the habit of resting with as much of it as Sinaumed’s can, even though it might be difficult when Sinaumed’s is at work.

Take a little time to take a nap (even in the office) if the situation allows it. Sinaumed’s’ body is growing and changing — and Sinaumed’s’ baby-to-be needs parents to stay alert and healthy.

After baby Sinaumed’s is born, sleep will become a luxury. So enjoy it while Sinaumed’s can.

9. Consider Genetic Testing

During the first trimester of pregnancy, Sinaumed’s midwives/doctors will offer various genetic screening tests between weeks 11-14 of age with the aim of monitoring the baby’s risk of having birth defects, such as Down syndrome .

Based on Sinaumed’s ‘ risk , the Sinaumed’s midwife/doctor may also recommend NIPT around the 9th week which is useful for detecting chromosomal abnormalities and/or prenatal screening such as amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling. However, both of these things should be done once Sinaumed’s has reached the second trimester.

10. Design a Future Financial Plan

Building a family is an excellent and necessary moment to review Sinaumed’s’ monthly expenses .

Thinking about how Sinaumed’s will handle the cost of food, clothing, diapers, toys and baby equipment can add up quickly. Discuss with the couple where Sinaumed’s can cut the budget to make room to provide for Sinaumed’s’ baby .

Sinaumed’s can save money by using “inherited” items from Sinaumed’s’ mothers, brothers, sisters or friends or renting baby equipment, compared to having to buy new ones.

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