Intentions to take a postpartum bath, starting from understanding it and its procedures

Intention to take a postpartum bath – As you know, after giving birth, a mother will
certainly experience a postpartum period.
The postpartum period for a Muslim is certainly not
able to pray first.
Then, what is prohibited during childbirth? And how do you
purify it?
Here’s an explanation.

Definition of Nifas

Puerperal is blood that comes out of the uterus due to childbirth or after childbirth.
Postpartum blood comes out for 40 days after giving birth. During the postpartum
period, a woman is prohibited from praying, fasting and having sex with her husband.

Puerperal in terms of language comes from the word “na fi sa” which means giving birth.
Postpartum blood is blood that is stuck and cannot get out of the uterus during pregnancy.
When giving birth, the blood will come out little by little.

Blood that comes out before giving birth, accompanied by signs of birth, is also known as puerperal blood.
In this case, the jurists limit two or three days before giving birth. According to
Imam Asy-Syafi’i, postpartum blood is blood that comes out of the womb of a woman who previously experienced
pregnancy, even though the blood that comes out is only a clot of blood.

The least postpartum period is a few moments after the birth process. Meanwhile, the longest
postpartum period is forty days, if the postpartum period is more than forty days and coincides with the
arrival of menstruation before pregnancy, then the days that are more than forty days are

However, if the blood that comes out is not during menstruation, then the blood is istihadhah (disease).
The laws for women who are in childbirth are the same as those for women who are

In general, the limit for the duration of the puerperium is 40 days, starting from delivery or before
delivery accompanied by signs of birth.
Umm Salamah Ra. said, ”
Women experienced the puerperium during the time of Rasulullah SAW. is for 40
(HR. Tirmidhi).

There are two kinds of blood that comes out of a pregnant woman due to a miscarriage. First,
it is said to be postpartum blood when what comes out is in human form.
So, women are obliged
to leave prayer, cannot fast, and cannot have sex with their husbands.

Second, it is said that blood is damaged (facade) if what comes out is not in human form. In
this case, the blood that comes out is not said to be postpartum blood, but istihadhah (disease)

“When the nutfah (zygote) has passed forty-two nights (in other narrations; forty nights), then Allah SWT.
Sent an angel to him, then he formed the nutfah. He made his hearing, his sight, his
skin, his flesh and his bones.
Then, the angel asked (to Allah SWT), ” O my
Lord, will he (You determine) to be male or female?”
then Allah then gives a decision “.
(HR. Muslim).

The hadith explains that the beginning of the creation of the fetus and the appearance of its limbs after 40 days
has passed and the fetus is in human form.

Imam Asy-Syafi’i explained the blood of the puerperium as follows: “ The blood of the puerperal is
the blood that comes out of the woman’s womb after giving birth.
It’s the same whether
those who are born are alive or dead, intact or lacking (disabled)”.

Some scholars say that childbirth during caesarean delivery is the same as that of other women who
experience childbirth due to normal delivery.
If he sees that his genitals are bleeding, he
must leave prayer and fasting until he is pure.
However, if she does not see that her genitals
are bleeding, then she must bathe (purify), pray and fast like a pure woman.

Definition of Obligatory Bathing for Postpartum or

Menstruation, menstruation or menstruation are physiological changes in a woman’s body that occur periodically
and are influenced by reproductive hormones, either FSH-Estrogen or LH-Progesterone.

This period is important in terms of reproduction. In humans, this usually occurs every month
from menarche (first menstruation) to menopause (menstruation stops).

In women the average menstrual cycle occurs around 28 days, although this is generally accepted, but not all
women have the same menstrual cycle, sometimes cycles occur every 21 days to 30 days.

Usually, menstruation occurs on average 5 days, sometimes menstruation can also occur around 2 days to 7
days, a maximum of 15 days.
If the blood comes out more than 15 days, then it includes blood
Generally, blood loss due to menstruation is 10 mL to 80 mL per day but usually with
an average of 35 mL per day.

Mandatory bathing is bathing done to remove hadas or major uncleanness. Some things that
oblige a person to take a junub bath are when finishing menstruation or childbirth, after having intercourse
with husband and wife, and discharge of semen.

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Bathing must be done so that a person is pure from major hadas before he worships before Allah.
For verily Allah loves those who are clean and pure.

So, people who are in childbirth or menstruating are not required to perform acts of worship such as
praying, fasting, having intercourse and reading or touching the Qur’an before they are truly pure.
To purify themselves, women must read the obligatory bath prayer after menstruation.

A sign that menstruation is over is that there are no more blood spots, even if it’s only one line.
Apart from that, it could also be the appearance of white lumps or white mucus coming out of the
uterus (farji’).
To find out for sure, Aisyah RA suggested using cotton that was put in the

The difference between Menstruation, Nifas and Istihadhah

Asy-Syaikh Abdurrahman bin Nashir As-Sa’di said “ The three kinds of blood come out of one path.
But the names are different, and so are the laws, because of the different causes of their
As for puerperal blood, the reason is clear, namely blood that comes out
of a woman due to childbirth.

1. Postpartum

This puerperal blood is the remaining blood that is stuck in the uterus during pregnancy. When
a woman has given birth to her womb, the blood comes out little by little.
It could be a
long/long exit time, and sometimes it’s short.
There is no minimum limit for this postpartum

As for the maximum time according to the Hambali school of thought, it is 40 days, and if more than 40 days the
blood still comes out while it does not coincide with the customary arrival of menstruation, then the blood is
istihadhah blood. .

2. Menstruation

Blood that comes out not because of childbirth is menstrual blood as a decree and sunnatullah for a woman.
Where if the woman is able to get pregnant and give birth, then in general her menstruation will
come at certain times, according to the circumstances and habits of the woman.
A pregnant woman
generally does not experience menstruation, because the fetus she contains gets the nutrients with the
retained blood.

The discharge of menstrual blood shows the woman’s health and normalcy. On the other hand, the
absence of menstrual blood indicates a woman’s unhealthy and abnormal condition.

This meaning is agreed upon by experts in syar’i and medical sciences, even understood by human knowledge
and habits.
Their experience shows this. That’s why when giving the definition of
menstruation, scholars say that menstruation is natural blood that comes out of a woman at understandable

According to the valid opinion, there is no minimum age limit for a woman to have menstruation.
Likewise, the minimum time limit for the duration of menstruation, as there is no maximum limit.
There is also no minimum limit for the sacred period between two menstruations.

Based on the existing zahir texts of the syar’i, and zahir from the practice of the Muslims it is stated that
menstruation is the presence of blood, and what is called sacred is the absence of blood even though the time
increases or decreases, backwards or forwards,

3. Istihadhah

As for istihadhah, it is blood that comes out of a woman out of habit and naturalness, due to illness or
something like that.
If a woman continues to bleed from her genitals without stopping, you can
find out whether the blood is menstrual blood or istihadhah blood in the following three ways in

  1. If she has a habit of menstruating in a time that is not long enough. Meanwhile, if the
    menstrual period exceeds the usual, it is certain that the area is istihadhah blood.
  2. If it turns out that the woman does not have ‘adat’ and the blood can be distinguished, at some times
    the blood is thick/thick and at other times thin/watery, or at some times the blood is black, at other
    times it is red, or at some times the blood smells rotten/not delicious and at other times it is not
    rotten, then blood that is thick/thick, black in color, and has a foul smell is menstrual blood.
    The other is the blood of istihadhah.
  3. If the woman does not have an ‘adah and cannot distinguish the blood that comes out of her genitals, then in
    every month (during the period of bleeding) she has her period for six or seven days because there are
    hadiths that are related in this regard.

Then, he took a bath after the six or seven days were over even though the blood was still coming out.
As much as possible he plugs the place where the blood is coming out (if the blood continues to
flow) and makes ablution every time he wants to pray.

Things Prohibited to Do During
Postpartum and Menstruation

All that is not permissible during menstruation, it is also not permissible during childbirth, namely prayer,
fasting, touching and reading the Qur’an, thawaf and sexual intercourse.

Here are some explanations:

  1. Prayer The Prophet Muhammad saw said, “When menstruation starts, leave the prayer.”
  2. Tawaf The Prophet Muhammad saw said, “Do all what needs to be done when you are performing the pilgrimage,
    but don’t do the tawaf around the Kaaba before you become pure again.”
  3. Having a husband and wife relationship. As Allah says in QS Al-Baqarah: 222 which means
    “They ask you about menstruation. Say, “Menstruation is dirt”.
    Therefore, you should abstain from (not having intercourse) with women during
    their menstruation;
    and do not approach them before they are holy. When
    they are pure, then interfere with them where Allah has commanded you.
    Indeed, Allah
    loves those who repent and purify themselves.
  4. Reading the Al-Qur’an is highly recommended for women who are not pure, menstruating or postpartum,
    not to read the Al-Quran orally, unless needed.
    Dhikr, or saying Allahu Akbar,
    Alhamdulillah, Subhanallah, Bismillah, listening to people reciting the Qur’an, praying, or saying Amin
    to other people’s prayers, all of that is not prohibited.
  5. I’tikaf in the mosque.
  6. Asking her husband for a divorce, or vice versa.
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Intentions and Procedures for Postpartum Bathing

From the discussion above, it can be said that puerperium is blood that comes out after giving birth.
After discussing the meaning of childbirth, the next discussion is the intention and procedures for
bathing postpartum.
The following is the intention for obligatory bathing after childbirth and
menstruation along with the procedure:

Intention to take a bath after childbirth

How to take a mandatory shower after childbirth is almost the same as how to take a mandatory shower after
It’s just that the prayer or intention that was read earlier is slightly

Nawaitul ghusla liraf’il hadatsil nifas lillahi Ta’ala.

Meaning: “I intend to take a mandatory bath to purify the large hadas from the puerperium because of Allah

Postpartum Bath Procedures

After knowing the intention, it is also necessary to know the procedures for bathing the puerperium.
As for the procedures for bathing the puerperium, among others.

  1. Reading the intention to take a bath after the puerperium is obligatory
  2. Wash both hands three times
  3. Cleaning the parts around the reproductive organs
  4. Back to washing hands with soap
  5. Take ablution
  6. Start by wetting your head down to the base of your hair three times
  7. Part the hair using your fingers
  8. Wet the whole body evenly

Intentions and Mandatory Bathing Procedures After

Below will be given an explanation of the intention and procedures for obligatory bathing after menstruation.

1. The intention to bathe after menstruation is mandatory

Menstruation or menstruation is an event of blood coming out of the uterus of a woman who has reached
adulthood or baligh.
When a woman is in a state of menstruation, her body will be dirty or
So, after the completion of the menstrual period, women are obliged to take a big

Meaning: “I intend to take a mandatory bath to remove large hadas caused by menstruation because of Allah

2. Mandatory Bathing Procedures After Menstruation

After knowing the intention of obligatory bathing after menstruation, so that it is more complete an explanation
will be given regarding the procedures for obligatory bathing after menstruation.

  1. Read basmalah.
  2. Reading the intention of bathing is mandatory.
    Reading the prayer of intention at the
    beginning of the law is obligatory.
    This prayer of intention is what distinguishes
    menstrual baths from ordinary baths.
    How to read this prayer for the intention of
    bathing menstruation can be silent or out loud.
  3. Wash your hands two or three times.
  4. Flushing the entire left hand with the right hand.
  5. Washing the genitals and other parts with the left hand.
  6. Washing hands after cleaning genitals with soap.
    Clean the genitals with the dirt that sticks
    around them with your left hand.
    The parts of the body that are usually dirty and
    hidden are the genitals, rectum, under the armpits, navel, and so

    After cleaning the genitals, wash your hands by rubbing them with
    dirt or soap.
    After cleaning the dirty and hidden body parts, hands need to be washed

    The procedure for bathing is obligatory after the next menstruation,
    namely rubbing your hands on the ground or walls, then rinsing with water directly or washing them with
    soap and then rinsing.
  7. Perfect ablution like when you want to pray.
  8. When carrying out the mandatory bathing procedure after menstruation, make sure that all skin folds and
    hidden parts are also cleaned.
  9. Pour water over the head three times.
  10. Pouring water on the head three times to the base of the hair and/or scalp by rubbing.
  11. Pouring water all over the body starting from the right contents then to the left side.

In Islam, the discharge of blood in the female genital area is a big hadas. Therefore, women
are not allowed to pray, fast, have intercourse, hold and read the Koran.
Women must clean
themselves first by taking a mandatory bath, then they can perform prayers, read the Koran, have
intercourse, and fast.

Thus the discussion about childbirth, the intention to bathe after childbirth to menstruation.
Hopefully this article is useful for Sinaumed’s.

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