Intercessory Prayer: Definition and Examples of Prayers

For Christians, intercessory prayer is no stranger. Prayer itself is a way for Christians to be able to communicate with God, have conversations with God or as a medium to ask and give thanks to God. In Christianity, prayer is also interpreted as sacred.

Prayer can be done anywhere, such as when going to do work activities, when going to rest at night or getting up early. Prayers are also performed during Sunday services, family worship, youth services, or Sunday school.

Maybe there are still many who do not understand the meaning of intercessory prayer. Intercessory prayer can be interpreted briefly as humans praying on behalf of others. To understand more fully what intercessory prayer is, Sinaumed’s can listen to the article below.

What Is Intercessory Prayer?

As mentioned above, intercessory prayer is praying on behalf of other people, meaning praying for a person or group of people who are not carrying out worship together under the same church roof. More simply, this intercessory prayer means ‘praying for others’.



There are several types of intercessory prayer that can be prayed, starting from intercessory prayer for the nation and state of Indonesia, churches and ministries, companies, office friends, relatives, schools, church youth, sick people, enemies or people who persecute and not doing good to us and many more.

Usually. an intercessory prayer will be recited at the beginning of the service. The priest who prays this prayer can use various languages, both standard Indonesian and regional languages ​​such as Batak, Javanese, Sundanese, Manado or other regional languages. However, it remains at its core, namely praying for the good and safety of other people, both known and unknown.

Intercessory Prayer in the Bible

In the Bible itself it is noted about its own intercessory prayer. For example that people must pray for all who have authority (1 Timothy 2: 2), God’s servants (Philippians 1: 19); the church (Psalm 122:6); friends (Job 42:8); countrymen (Romans 10:1); the sick (James 5:14); enemies (Jeremiah 29:7); those who persecute us (Matthew 5: 44); those who banish us (2 Timothy 4: 16) and all people (1 Timothy 2:1).

In the Bible, intercessory prayer was also first mentioned by Abraham who prayed for Sodom which was full of evil. At that time, Abraham prayed because he knew God would destroy Sodom, which was occupied by Lot, his nephew.


Diligently and earnestly, Abraham offered intercession to God. He begged God that the city could not be destroyed if there were 10 righteous people. But in reality, there are less than 10 righteous people in the City of Sodom. The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were finally destroyed. Even so, Lot and his two children survived thanks to Abraham’s prayers.

In addition to Abraham’s story, an intercessory prayer was also prayed by Moses who was assisted by Aaron and Hur as a team of intercessors who determined victory in the wars of the Israelites. Apart from that, it was Daniel who interceded for the Jews who were in exile in Babylon. In addition, there is Nehemiah who intercedes for the destroyed city of Jerusalem, and there is Esther who intercedes for all the Jews in exile.

Prophetic Intercession

Prophetic Intercessory Prayer is an intercessory prayer related to prophecy, the voice of God, to be conveyed to the congregation/other people and/or to become a burden for prayer. People who do prophetic intercession, pray not only for the struggles of others but receive the burden of prayer that is in them from the Holy Spirit. He would stop praying after the Holy Spirit gave an answer or confirmed that heaven had heard or responded.

This intercessory prayer is one of the specifications of intercessory prayer that only people at a certain level of vocation can do. Like a call to be intercessors. In this prayer, God’s message is characteristic.

It is also stated in the Bible that Peter experienced the same thing in the spirit while praying in the attic of a house in Joppa. God’s message is clear, that God did not want Peter to convey the Gospel exclusively to the Jewish nation but to other nations as well.

Examples of Intercessory Prayer

Sinaumed’s can read the examples of intercessory prayer below for daily reading.

1. Short Intercessory Prayer for Sunday Worship

Good Lord Jesus, I thank you for the blessings and inclusion that You have given us so that you can gather today to praise and glorify Your name.

Lord Jesus, there are many things that you want to struggle with on this occasion but let you pray according to what you know about what will happen.

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We ask You, bless this church, your worship activities that you are currently carrying out so that they can add to your body and soul, so that you can worship together with us.

You also ask to bless the church’s servants, ushers, tamborine players, worship leaders, spiritual singers, Sunday school teachers to the congregation who are currently attending this service.

Bless also O Lord the congregations in other churches who are both praising and glorifying Your name. Always protect us from evil spirits who want to disturb us and keep us away from you, O God.

The truth is we still have much to say, but You know better what we want to say. Let this prayer happen according to Your will like when You accompanied us with sunny weather today.

May You be willing to give joy to this room, may God grant you a long life so that this struggle and worship will be repeated in the future. Amen.

2. Intercessory Prayer in the Morning

O good God, we thank you and thank you very much because you have blessed our mornings with full of happiness and joy. Thank you, O God, for giving you a good night’s sleep, cool morning air and a peaceful atmosphere. We are very grateful for your gift this morning which is truly beautiful.

Lord Jesus, bless my whole family, the people I love like my friends and friends and all Indonesian people and living things on this earth so they can get beautiful and cool mornings like we got.

Bless also those who are sleep deprived because of work factors so that You give them enough time to rest and are kept away from all diseases. Bless also those who have not been able to find peace in the morning.

We believe that You will give joy to every creature that believes in You. In the name of the Lord Jesus we pray and ask. Amen.

3. Intercessory Prayer for the Nation and State

Most glorious and all-good God, we are grateful for what you have given to make us part of the Indonesian nation which has many ethnic, cultural and linguistic diversity.

We are grateful because the Indonesian nation is a developing country and is well regarded by the world, so that it becomes a tourist spot for tourists and can advance the economy of each tourist area.

We are also grateful because the economy is stable, the political conditions are good and the tolerance of religious life is also very good. We are very happy to be able to live and grow in this rich country.

However, there are still several cases of this nation experiencing setbacks, there are some things that are not good that are still happening in this country. For example, in terms of pursuing justice and law, social inequality is still high, unemployment is still high and there is still a lot of discrimination committed by several other elements.

However, we ask You, O God, that our country, the Indonesian nation, can become better in the future, always led by wise and good leaders.

4. Examples of Short and Clear Intercessory Prayers

The Lord God the Father is eternal in the kingdom of heaven. On this day we still and always give thanks. Lord Jesus, at this time we want to pray for our brothers, our families, our parents, the pastor, may you always bless them. bless them so that we are all guided to enter the path of truth.

We also pray for the president, vice president and high-ranking state officials, bless them. Give them health and strength so they can carry out their duties and responsibilities properly. We also pray for our sick brothers and sisters, heal them with your love, bless them so that you will give them healing and miracles.

We also pray for orphans and neglected children, widowers and widows, may You always give them health and strength. Bless also the offering you have given. We know that the offerings are few and not worth the blessings You have given us. May this offering be useful for expanding Your work on this earth.

Please accept our Prayer, O Father, only in the name of Your son Jesus Christ, Amen.

5. Long Intercession

Heavenly Father, we praise and thank You for Your blessings and inclusion, so that today we can gather together to glorify Your name.

Lord, we ask You, bless this church, and the worship we do. Give us health so we can gather again to praise Your majesty.

We also pray for our brothers and sisters who have not been able to attend with us. If they are sick, heal them. If they are lazy, knock on their hearts to be moved to come and offer their hearts to worship You.

Father, we ask that Your servant, as well as Your church, You will always give strength and health to continue to provide the best service for You.

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We do not forget to ask that this pandemic end soon so that life can return and go better than before. Heal those who are sick, help those who have lost their jobs, accompany those who are lonely in their hearts.

Oh God, bless us too when we start work. Give us health and bless our every work for a decent life so that there will be no misery.

Find a mate for those who are alone, give the best partner for them so they can build a good, happy and God-fearing household.

We beg You Father, bless our country so that it becomes a sovereign and prosperous country, far from disaster. Strengthen the faith of our leaders to be able to walk under Your guidance, strengthen their shoulders to do their best for the sake of the nation.

To be honest, there are still many prayers that we want to convey to You, but we are sure that You have heard them long before our prayers were said.

In the name of Jesus as our Living Saviour, we have prayed and given thanks, I hope you will hear it, Amen.

6. Intercessory Prayer for Prosperous Households

Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for the opportunity to gather with our family that we can do this afternoon. Previously we asked forgiveness for all the sins we have done so far. We realize that these things only double Your heart and our neighbors.

We want to pray for the well-being of this household and family. Lord Jesus, help us so that we are able to emulate every reflection of love and the greatness of faith in living our daily life. You believe that you have provided every blessing for you and for our prosperous life.

Thank you God for all the blessings that never run out for our family, father, mother, brothers and sisters. In the name of the Lord Jesus we pray. Amen.

7. Christmas Worship Intercessory Prayer

Lord Jesus at night right on Christmas Eve we celebrate Your birthday into the world. With glorious love, let us always follow directions and be a light to our neighbors.

Bless our Church for preparing this Christmas event in the best possible way. Bless every pastor, caretaker and also all the congregation who have taken part in this celebration of Your birth. Bestow your blessings and mercy and beautiful love for us.

Always give peace in every Christmas and New Year celebration that will be held around the world. May this warning always remind us of the meaning of holy birth for Christ’s redemption work. Thank you almighty Father. Amen.

8. Intercessory Prayer Asking for Ease of Life

Lord Jesus, who is full of blessings and your inclusion to all of us, bestow ease on all of our work affairs so that we can live in prosperity.

Expand our steps and open the door of Your miracle for the hope of all of us who are in this place. Lord Jesus, bless all of us here and all the people who support our worship activities whenever needed.

You always give us what we need at the right time. But we are still too proud of what we have today. God, thank you for your endless love for us. Amen.

9. Intercessory Prayer for Help

Lord Jesus, the most merciful and merciful, open the way for all of us who are in this Church, we always need healthy bodies for us and our families.

Lord Jesus, please maintain our good relationship with all the congregation in this Church so that we can help each other in our life’s difficulties and can become easier because of you.

Jesus we pray to you and ask for your blessings for all of us here so that you will be given the best help in a difficult situation. Amen.

10. Intercessory Prayer in Study

Lord Jesus, We ask for Your guidance in carrying out our duties today. Direct your thoughts, your words and your actions so that in you we can start and finish well.

Guide us so that we can learn in a spirit of love cheerfully, diligently and honestly so that we can work together with You and our friends. Make it easy for us when we have difficulties and difficulties so that we can solve them properly

And keep us away from all carelessness and negligence. Make us not give up in facing all difficulties. In the rules of this holy spirit and for all time. Amen.

Sinaumed’s is an explanation of Intercessory Prayer that you can find out from the understanding, meaning to examples of prayer. It would be nice if we always pray for our friends or other people who need our prayers.

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Author: Christin Devina