Abstraction is the Structure of an Anecdote Text, Check Out More!

Understanding Abstraction and Miscellaneous Other Anecdotal Texts – In anecdotal texts, there is one structure or forming element which is commonly referred to as abstraction. Abstraction is the opening story that will describe the initial situation or background of the story.

In order to better understand the meaning of abstraction in the structure of an anecdote text, let’s look at the full explanation in the following article.

Definition of Abstraction in Anecdote Text

Abstraction is the anecdote text structure which is placed at the very beginning of the text. Therefore, abstraction can also be referred to as the opening stage and has optional properties. Optional itself means choice or in this case, it means that the use of abstraction in anecdotal text is not mandatory.

The abstract is placed at the beginning of the paragraph because it serves to describe the anecdote text in general so that the reader can imagine. Generally, this part of the abstraction shows the unique things contained in an anecdote text.

What Is An Anecdote Text?

The anecdote text itself is a short funny story with the aim of criticizing by throwing satire at individuals or groups.

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary, anecdote has the meaning of a short story that is interesting because it is funny and impressive, usually about an important person or a famous person and is based on or resembles an actual incident.

Most anecdotal texts in Indonesia are humorous. However, in general, anecdote texts are not always humorous, but should be short and interesting.

Anecdotal texts generally contain criticism or satire directed at important and well-known figures after these characters have committed an act that is wrong, embarrassing, or distorted so that it deserves to be ridiculed, criticized, and laughed at.

In general, anecdotal texts can be reflections that even contain nuances or have a religious nature. The main purpose of the anecdote text itself is to provide an overview for the community, especially in public services in various fields such as the legal, social, political, and environmental fields.

Anecdote text generally has 3 types of forms, namely articles, short stories, and dialogue texts.

At that time, anecdotal texts could be found in various print media such as magazines, newspapers, and others. Even so, over time, anecdotal texts began to spread to various social media pages so that today’s generation can still enjoy them.

Features of anecdotes

Adapted from the website of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud), anecdotal texts usually use grammar which has the function of providing information about past or past times, using exciting words to show special expressions such as amazed, surprised, etc. .

In addition, this text also often uses language expressions such as words, phrases, sentences whose meanings are considered funny and can make people tickle. The characteristics of other anecdotal texts, namely:

  • Entertain and laugh or invite laughter from the listeners or readers.
  • It does not offend the readers or listeners who are told because anecdotes are subtle criticism.
  • Can provide inspiration for readers or listeners to protest against disapproval in a subtle and polite way.
  • As a means or medium for conveying views, aspirations and humor to the public.
  • Use identifiable characters in everyday life.
  • Having a humorous nature, tickling, funny, but satirical jokes.

Anecdote Text Structure

Not all stories that have funny, intriguing, and also ridiculous elements fall into the category of anecdotal texts. The thing that distinguishes anecdotal texts from other humorous texts is that anecdotal texts have a moral message and have a structure to form the text. The following is the structure of the anecdote text:

1. Abstraction

The abstract is at the beginning of the anecdote text paragraph or as the opening of the anecdote text. The abstract section provides an overview or explanation of the background and general description of the text. Abstraction has the goal of providing an illustration of the entire contents of the text to readers and listeners.

2. Orientation

Orientation provides an explanation regarding the background of the occurrence of the main events in the story, anecdotes can occur. This section is the cause of the emergence of a crisis or complication in the next section.

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3. Crisis or Complication

Crisis is part of the anecdote text that discusses the main problem in the story. Usually in a crisis there is silliness that can invite a sense of amusement. The crisis section basically contains criticism that the writer wants to convey to the readers.

4. Reaction

The reaction section contains responses or responses from the crisis that has occurred in the previous section. Usually the reaction is in the form of a solution or solution to the problem that has occurred.

5. Code

The coda is a summary of anecdotal texts. The coda section signifies the end of a story. Usually. The coda is in the form of the author’s comments or re-explanations regarding the intent of the story that has been told.

Anecdote Text Writing

The writing of anecdotal texts usually has certain characteristics, when viewed from the linguistic point of view. The following are the language features of anecdotal texts:

  • Using words that show past tenses, for example first, yesterday, last month, last year, that time, and so on.
  • Use conjunctions or conjunctions. There are three forms of conjunctions, namely conjunctions between one word and another, conjunctions between one sentence and another, and conjunctions between one paragraph and another.
  • There is the use of verbs or verbs, for example: writing, laughing, running, surprised, and others.
  • The sequence of events is based on chronology or time.
  • Using rhetorical questions. Rhetoric is a question sentence that is not required to be answered.
  • Using command sentences, for example: take, run, write, pay attention, and so on.
  • Use exclamatory sentences. Especially for anecdotes that are presented in the form of dialogue, the use of direct speech is usually very dominant.
  • The story contains upsetting events
  • Anecdotes sometimes have the character of satire in nature.

Example of anecdote text and its structure

1. How Cows Read Books


Once upon a time, a king named Watu Geni presented Slamet with a cow. Then, Slamet gladly accepted it.


However, Watu Geni gave a condition that Slamet must first teach the cow so it can read. Watu Geni gave a deadline of fourteen days from when the cow was given to Slamet. If Slamet cannot teach the cow to read, Slamet will receive a punishment.

Slamet accepts the condition and leaves. While leading the cow, he thought about what he would do. If he could teach the cow to read, of course he would receive a prize. Even so, if he didn’t, then punishment would definitely be imposed on him.

Fourteen days later Slamet went to the palace. Without saying much, Watu Geni immediately pointed to the ledger so that Slamet would immediately practice what he had taught his cow. Slamet then led the cow to face the book, then opened the cover.


The cow stared at the book. Then miraculously, before long The cow began to open the ledger with its tongue. Continuing, page by page, until you get to the last page.


After that, the cow looked at Slamet as if to say that he had read all the contents of the book.

“Thus, my cow has finished reading all the pages of the book,” said Slamet.

Watu Geni felt that something was wrong and he started interrogating him. He was amazed and gave a gift to Slamet. Even so, he asked for the answer “How do you teach a cow to read?”

Slamet said, “When I got home, I prepared large sheets that looked like books. Then, I put wheat seeds and grass in it. The cow must learn to turn the pages on its own to be able to eat the seeds and grass, if no grain is found it has to turn to the next page. That’s what the cow keeps doing until it gets used to turning the pages of the book.”

“But doesn’t he not know what he’s reading?” said Watu Geni.

Slamet replied, “That’s how cows read, they just flip through the pages but don’t know what they mean.”


“So if we also just leaf through a book without understanding its contents, then we are as stupid as a cow, right?” Slamet said with a serious face.

2. Punishment for Sandal Thieves Vs Corruptors


One beautiful morning, Adi was enjoying eating the food he likes, namely pecel, at a regular shop next to the Ad Da’wah Mosque. After feeling full enough, Adi then stood up from his seat and headed home.

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On the way back to the house, suddenly Adi was struck by a disaster. Adi was struck by a group of young motorbike riders who were driving very fast and recklessly. The incident caused Adi to fall on the road.

Adi did not suffer any serious injuries, but what made him feel angry was that the strap of his sandal broke and could not be used again.

Full of anger, Adi was forced to return home by walking but not wearing sandals. Because the house was still quite far away, on the way Adi felt pain in his feet because he was not wearing sandals. Adi also decided to buy sandals at a nearby shop.

Arriving at the nearest shop, Adi started looking around and asked about the brand and type of sandals and the price. Even so, once again bad luck was on his side. When Adi looked into his wallet, it turned out that there was not a single brand of sandals that was worth the money he had. Feeling very disappointed, Adi continued his journey to go home without using sandals.


Adi was passing by the Ad Da’wah Mosque and he saw many sandals left by their owners for the congregation. Then, without thinking, Adi immediately took the sandals at the very end of the Ad Da’wah Mosque.

Unfortunately for Adi when he took the sandals. The owner knows that his sandals were taken by Adi. Adi was immediately chased by the owner of the sandals. The owner of the sandals then took Adi to the nearest police station for the crime he had committed.

After an investigation was carried out, Adi was given a sanction under the theft article, then the case will be tried in the next week. Adi’s fate is unfortunate, only a trivial matter can bring him to court.


Finally, the day of trial arrived, Adi was in the seat for the suspect accompanied by his face downcast.

Judge : All right, Adi, 21 years old, it turns out that you were caught stealing sandals worth 50,000 rupiah. Therefore, you will be sentenced to 5 years in prison.

Adi: Loh? Sir, this is not fair to me, why is my punishment heavier than the punishment for corruptors?


Then the judge explained to Adi that he stole the sandals and caused a loss of only 50,000 rupiah. Meanwhile, corruptors corrupted money worth 3 billion, and that was the same as causing losses to 200 million Indonesian people.

So, if you do the math, corruptors only make a loss of 15 rupiah for each person. That way, the losses committed by Adi are greater than the crimes committed by corruptors.

3. Life imprisonment for fish thieves


One afternoon there was a young fisherman who had just been put in jail.


On the first day he was in prison, the inmates next to him asked him why he was in prison.

Bang Prisoner: You are still young, but why are you already in prison, what crimes have you committed?

Fisherman : What I do is just stealing fish.

Bang Prisoner: Then, how many years were you sentenced to?

Fisherman : I was sentenced to life imprisonment and probation for approximately 2 years.


Bang Napi gaped because he was surprised and then asked more deeply because according to him this problem was classified as very strange.

Bang Napi : You only steal fish but you are punished this badly? What fish did you steal? Rare whales, megalodon sharks, Mahakam dolphins, or what?

Fisherman : Well, I tried to bomb the fish in the reservoir with a small bomb or detonator. After I threw the bomb, then there were 3 fish floating on the surface of the water after the tool I used had exploded.

Bang Prisoner: Wow, just a small thing like that, you should only be sentenced to a few days and you shouldn’t be in prison for life, right?!

Fisherman: Well, the main problem is that 2 bodies of divers were found floating beside the 3 fish that were floating!


Bang Napi: (laughs out loud) Hahahaha it turns out that you managed to bomb not only fish. Even innocent divers are hit by bombs, you deserve to be given a life sentence.

Fisherman : You know what’s funnier than that?

Bang Napi : What?

Fisherman : That is my own reservoir.

Bang Napi : (Increasingly gawking)


After briefly discussing the case experienced by the young fisherman who went to jail and was sentenced to life imprisonment, they continued the conversation on other topics.