Know the Definition and Characteristics of Anecdote Text

Characteristics of Anecdote Text – Does Sinaumed’s know what an anecdote text is? Anecdotes are a type of text in Indonesian that you need to know. In practice, anecdotal texts also have a purpose and function and can be found in various sources, such as newspapers, magazines and so on. Simple, anecdotal text contains stories that contain humor but have a function to criticize something, such as social conditions, politics, and so on.

That is why anecdotal texts have a function in existence for social criticism. If Sinaumed’s wants to make an anecdote text, then it needs to know several things, including the characteristics of anecdote text, structure, elements, rules, and examples. Here is an explanation of the full text of the anecdote:

Definition of Anecdote Text

In general, these examples of anecdotal texts often describe the unique behavior of important people that are interesting to study. The anecdotal texts are not only satirical, but also full of moral messages and messages for the general public to learn. The contents of anecdotes tell the social reality that occurs in people’s daily lives, but are packaged in a light and non-judgmental manner.

Apart from anecdotes in text format, they are often presented in the form of dialogue or pictures which provide interesting examples with implicit messages that have very deep meanings. According to experts, there are many views on the meaning of anecdotal texts. The following is the meaning of anecdotal text according to experts:

1. Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI)

The definition of anecdote text in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (2008) is a short story that is packaged in an interesting and impressive way. The stories mentioned are generally about important figures. In government, anecdotal texts exist as a form of concern about possible problems and as a sign of public discomfort or that felt by many people.

2. According to the Ministry of Education and Culture Team

Meanwhile, according to the Ministry of Education and Culture Team (2013), anecdotal texts are short stories that tell stories of famous and important people. The messages conveyed by stories in anecdotal texts can make readers feel stupid, funny, frustrated, and emotional, as well as other responses. It was also stated that anecdotal texts can evoke complex emotions in readers. It starts with comfort (realete), frustration, satisfaction, failure, and other people’s mixed feelings.

3. According to Keraf

The definition of anecdotal text according to Keraf (1995) comes from the Greek word “Analyze” which means “to go”, then “an” which means above, and “Iyein” which means an analytical term which can be interpreted as a bound explanation. If interpreted as a whole, anecdotal texts are drawn from the analysis. That is, it is used to accurately and accurately describe or examine the structure and conventions of text.

4. According to Prasetyo

Prasetyo wrote that anecdotal texts are fictitious stories that don’t have to be about famous people and don’t have to be based on facts. Anecdotes can be written based on events that are frustrating, ridiculous, or important. It was also stated that anecdotal texts were written as a form of author’s criticism to overcome the conflict between comfort and discomfort.

Well, that’s what the experts say about anecdotal texts. From the opinion above, we can conclude that anecdotal text is a story that is packaged in a fun and unique way that can provoke various emotions in people. Starting from emotions, anger, frustration, fun and entertainment. So, the basis for writing anecdotal texts is in the form of criticism or satire without directly offending certain people.

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Features of Anecdote Text

1. Include Participants

The first feature of anecdotal text is the fact that it displays participants who can be used as objects in the narrative material of anecdotal texts. With the understanding of the participants who can be involved in anecdotal texts based on the opinions of the experts above, the participants shown can take on characters that don’t have to be celebrities or famous people. Foreigners can also participate.

2. Contains Interesting Elements

As mentioned in the definition above, anecdotal text contains interesting elements. An anecdote is an interesting piece, but still contains an important message about the current topic or topic.

3. Has a Satirical Format

Even if written with humor, satire should be included. This is the difference between anecdotal text and other texts. However, this text is actually conceptualized and designed as a critique of the conditions and circumstances that occur around us. At the same time, demonstrations are in the form of short anecdotes, but the messages conveyed are full of entertainment so that messages pass more quickly.

4. Using Conjunctions

Conjunctions are words that connect sentences, phrases and phrases. There are many types of conjunctions, depending on their function. For example, the types of conjunctions are additive, contradictory conjunctions, segregated conjunctions, time conjunctions, final conjunctions, causal conjunctions, continuous conjunctions, conditional conjunctions, unconditional conjunctions, comparative conjunctions, correlated conjunctions, affirmative conjunctions, descriptive continuing conjunctions, concessions, and so on.

5. Is tickling for readers

The story or case that is raised must be very interesting. Namely, tickling because tickled, exasperated, emotional, or other feelings.

6. The presentation of the story is like a fairy tale

Presentation of writing is made like a fairy tale. Even if it is written like a fairy tale in terms of message or story, anecdotal text is more real, not fantasy as a whole.

7. Narrated Realistically

Of course, anecdotal texts are written realistically, prioritizing logic in terms of sending messages. Writing anecdotes requires more skill to impress the text of these anecdotes.

8. Can About Important People

As mentioned before, the characters and people written are from important personalities and people who in fact have had problems in the real world. So, in terms of writing an anecdote text, it’s not just writing an ordinary story. Make sure there is criticism, including satire when writing it.

Anecdote Text Structure

1. Characters Are Factual

Factual characters or figures are characters who are named, well-known, and very popular. Facts can make it easier to convey messages to readers of the text.

2. Real Flow

The meaning of the real plot is the storyline that must be followed based on the actual series of events. Therefore, it is not based on the imagination or subjective message of the anecdote text writer.

3. Has a Time, Place, and Atmosphere

Regarding the setting, in writing anecdotes we need to pay attention to the setting of time, place and atmosphere. The most important thing in telling anecdotes is to prioritize factual information. Backgrounds can be divided into two formats, namely location and time settings.

4. Abstraction

Abstract is an introductory paragraph that provides a brief explanation of the subject being discussed. Then what is emphasized? Of course it is unique to let others read to the end.

5. Orientation

Orientation is the beginning of a story or the background of an event. Well, this orientation section is for the author to write completely and comprehensively.

6. Crisis

It cannot be denied that when writing an anecdote text, there must be something offensive. For example, finding unique and unusual problems directly experienced by the author or other people.

7. Reaction

Based on the experience found, this encourages the writer to try to solve the problems and experiences he has experienced before.

8. Code

The final structure is the coda, which is the final part of the story. Now, someone wrote some code in a unique and interesting story. Some write conclusions about the events that the author experienced. This is part of the anecdote text structure. The use of structure is used to make it easier for writers to convey messages and criticism together.

Elements of Anecdote Text

1. Figures

The difference between characters in anecdotal texts is that they are real participants, not fictitious characters created by the author. In general, participants are characters with quite popular names.

2. Storyline

The storyline that is wrapped in a series of stories is called the storyline. When writing short stories and novels, Sinaumed’s can create plots based on the author’s imagination. In anecdotal texts, the action takes place actually, not imaginatively.

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3. Background

Background contains several formats, namely time, place, and atmosphere. In making choices, especially for anecdotal texts, they are facts and must be in accordance with what happened in real life.

Purpose of the Anecdote Text

1. Make Readers Laugh

The purpose of the anecdote text is nothing but to entertain the readers who see it. It’s an interesting read, but still emphasizes factual messages and fact-free entertainment.

2. As Entertainment

Anecdote texts are primarily used for entertainment. Anecdotes are not always written down, some are accompanied by very interesting illustrations.

3. As a Form of Criticism

As mentioned earlier, this anecdote is written in the context of a critique of a hot event, moment or events that occur in social life.

Anecdote Text Rules

1. Shows Past Time

The main rule of the anecdote text and the most prominent one is showing the past, that is, it can show the time, day, year or month in a factual event.

2. Use of Conjunctions

Conjunctions or conjunctions are required, as they are included in the nature of the text. Conjunctions have two parts, namely conjunctions between words and conjunctions between sentences and conjunctions between paragraphs.

3. Use of Verbs

The rule to observe is the spelling of the verb. Maybe someone is still confused with the verb form? For example reading, running, laughing, silent, crying, and so on.

4. Written in Chronological Order

It is very important to write chronologically based on the chronological order in which they occur. This method is easy for readers to understand. The elements of time and chronology are rules that cannot be ignored, because the text of anecdotes is entertainment based on facts.

5. Using Rhetorical Questions

Rhetorical questions are questions that do not require an answer. This rhetorical question is very interesting. If Sinaumed’s can play this question well, this text will feel more unique.

6. Use of Statements

Statements are also used when writing anecdotal texts. According to the use of sentences, this statement also indirectly convinces the reader.

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Example of anecdote text

Based on the explanation of the anecdote text above, Sinaumed’s can begin to understand the text with the following types of anecdotal text examples:

1. Examples of Simple Anecdotes

Borrow money

A man came to the bank and said he wanted to borrow Rp. 20,000,000 for six months. He pawned the Rolls-Royce and asked the bank to hold the car until the debt was paid. Six months later, the man returned to the bank, paying Rp. 20,000,000 and Rp. 10,000,000 interest and return it. When asked why the person driving the Rolls-Royce needed a loan of Rp. 20,000,000, the loan officer said, “I have to go to Europe for six months and I can leave my Rolls-Royce for Rp. Another 10,000,000. Is it true?” The cop woke up and after a few moments laughed at the cunning Rolls-Royce owner.

2. Examples of Educational Anecdotes

SBI: International School

Public school teachers have told their students that they will change the status of their school to SBI School.

“Children, good news for all of us. Soon our school will become an SBI school (School with International Standards). I want to ask what should be prepared to welcome this.

“Joni, what are you doing to welcome this? “Ask the teacher further.

Joni immediately answered the teacher’s question. “Learn English. Let’s speak English,” Joni answered.

And you, John?” I asked Mr. Shirono.

“I have money for preparations, sir,” replied John.

“Do you know why it’s money?” Ask the teacher further.

“Yes, Sir. The problem is if our school has SBI status, the costs will be higher. Do we pay the same as regular schools? That’s it, I’m sure we will be charged for this”, continued Jono.

“Why is your answer so cynical? As you know, if our school meets international standards, it means that our school is on par with foreign schools. So they are like studying abroad, “continued the teacher.

“But in my opinion SBI is not an international standard school, but an international standard school,” continued John.

3. Examples of Political Anecdotes

Stories from the Corruption Court

At the height of the political corruption trial, prosecutors attacked witnesses. “Is it true?” Said the accuser, “Did you get Rp. 100,000,000 to compromise in this case?” The witnesses were outside the window as if he didn’t hear the question. I see. “Isn’t it right that you compromised on this and got Rp. 100,000,000?” The lawyer repeated. The witness has not yet commented. Finally the judge said, “Please answer the prosecutor’s question.” “Oh, sorry.” Witnesses were shocked when they said to the judge, “I thought he was talking to you.”

Well, that’s an explanation of the characteristics of anecdote text, elements, structure, purpose, rules and examples . Is Sinaumed’s interested in writing anecdotes? In order to better master the text, you can study Sinaumed’s through the sinaumedia book collection at , such as the following book recommendations on anecdotal texts and other types of text: Enjoy studying. #Friends Without Limits.

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