Prayer Readings for Dead Women and Procedures for Her Prayers!

Prayers for Deceased Women – When we hear sad news about our family, relatives, or friends, it is certainly very sad, but nevertheless it is all a stipulation from God that every living creature will surely die.

For a Muslim, when he knows that someone has died, it is obligatory for him to immediately take care of the corpse in a manner that has been regulated according to religion, namely by washing the corpse, praying for the corpse, then finally burying the corpse to the grave.

Of all the stages of the process of taking care of the deceased, of course there are prayers that must be said and of course the prayers between male and female corpses sound different. The prayer addressed to the deceased is intended so that the deceased who is buried gets forgiveness of sins from Allah SWT so that he can live life after death in the afterlife more calmly.

Then, how does the corpse prayer sound and especially the prayer for female corpses? In this discussion, we will discuss prayer readings and procedures for praying the body for female deceased so that all of you Sinaumed’s friends who are Muslim can know and learn.

Further information regarding prayer readings and procedures for praying the corpse for female corpses can be seen below!

Meaning of the funeral prayer

In Islam, Muslims in their community pray together to ask for forgiveness for the deceased, a prayer is read and this prayer is called the Janazah prayer.

The funeral prayer is as follows:

Like the Eid al-Fitr prayer, the Janaza prayer consists of four additional takbirs, the Arabic term for the phrase Allahu Akbar, but no bowing (ruku) or prostration.

Prayers for the deceased and the deceased and humanity are read.

In exceptional cases, the midnight prayer may be postponed and prayed later as was done during the Battle of Uhud.

The dogma stipulates that every adult Muslim male is obliged to perform the funeral prayer for a Muslim who has died, but the dogma also includes practices under certain conditions, if the funeral prayer has been performed by certain people, reducing the obligation to others.

In addition, “Shalawat and salam to the apostle” (sometimes abbreviated as SAW) is a prayer that is said continuously for the deceased like the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

The funeral prayer (Arabic: صلاة الجنازة prayer for the corpse) is a type of prayer performed for the bodies of Muslims. Every Muslim who dies, male and female, must be prayed by Muslims who are still alive as a fardhu kifayah legal entity. The Prophet Muhammad never wanted to pray for the bodies of people who died in debt and died of suicide but had to be prayed for by his people or the community.

The Law of Prayer for the Dead or Corpses

Based on various sources, the law of praying for the dead or corpses is fardhu kifayah. This is based on the generality of the Prophet’s order to carry out the funeral prayer for a Muslim. From Abu Hurairah, said:

أنَّ رسولَ اللهِ صلَّى Allah, عليه وسلَّمَ كان يُؤتى بالرجلِ الميتِ ، عليه الدين فيسأل ( هل ترك لدَينه من قضاءٍ ؟ ) فإن حدث أنه ترك وفاءً صلَّى عليه . وإلا قال ( صلُّوا على صاحبِكم)

Which mean:

“Rasulullah SAW was once presented with the body of a male corpse. The man is still heavily in debt. So he asked: Does he have any inheritance to repay?’. If someone said that he had sustenance that must be reciprocated, then the Prophet would pray for his corpse. But if there is none, the prophet also said: Pray your brothers’.” (HR Muslim no. 1619)

In addition, Muslims are encouraged to perform funeral prayers as much as possible. He is expected to receive intercession. Rasulullah SAW said:

Which mean:

“It is not a Muslim who dies, then Muslims numbering up to hundreds of people come to pray for him, surely they can intercede for the person who died.” (HR. Muslim No. 947)

Rasulullah SAW also said:

مَا مِنْ رَجُلٍ مُسْلِمٍ يَمُوتُ فَيَقُومُ عَلَى جَنَازَتِهِ أرْبَعُونَ رَجُلا ، لا يُشْرِكُونَ بِالله

Which mean:

“There is not a Muslim who dies and is prayed for by forty people who do not hide from Allah, unless Allah intercedes for the corpse for their purposes.” (HR. Muslim no. 948)

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The Proof of Prayer for Women’s Bodies According to the Sunnah

Praying for the deceased after the third takbir is one of the pillars of prayer for the deceased. If you don’t pray for the dead, praying for the dead is considered invalid. The argument for the obligation to recite prayers for the dead after the third takbir is the hadith of the Prophet narrated by Abu Hurairah that he heard the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam say:

“If you pray for a dead person, then purify the prayer for him”

Here we are told to recite a prayer for the deceased and the prayer itself is mentioned in the Hadith of the Prophet which we write down below.

Reading the Intentions for the Prayer of a Woman’s Body

Like prayers in general, the prayer for a woman’s corpse begins with reading the intention of the woman’s corpse. The following is the meaning of the intention of the female funeral prayer:

Reading the intention of praying for a woman’s corpse:

usholli ‘alaa haadzihil mayyitati arba’a takbiratin fardhal kifayaatai ​​​​​​ma’muuman lillaahi ta’aala

It means:

I intend to pray for this body four times takbir fardhu kifayah, as a makmum to Allah Taala

Procedure for Praying a Woman’s Body

This is the procedure for praying the corpse or the corpse of a woman, starting with the position of the priest in the direction of the umbilical cord of the corpse. For mothers, the line arrangement is odd so that the adult males are in front, followed by the adult females behind.

The procedure for and reading the prayer for a woman’s corpse is as follows:

Read the intention of the woman’s funeral prayer:

Usholli ‘alaa haadzihil mayyitati arba’a takbiratatin fardhol kifayaatai ​​​​​​ma’muuman lillahi ta’aala.

It means:

“I intend to pray for this corpse four times takbir fardhu kifayah, as a makmum to Allah Taala.”

  • The first Takbir reads Surah Al-Fatihah.
  • The second takbir is recited by reciting a sholawat which reads as follows:

Allahumma sholli alaa muhammad wa ala aali muhammad. Kamaa sholaita ala ibroohim wa ala aali ibrohim. Innaka Hamidun Majid. wa baarik ala muhammad wa ala aali muhammad Kamaa baarokta ala ibroohim wa ala aali iboohim. Fil aalamiina Innaka hamidun majiid.

It means:

“Lord, have mercy on Prophet Muhammad. bless Prophet Ibrahim and his family, that you are the most praised and glorified God in the whole world.”

Procedure for Praying a Woman’s Body

Then the complete procedure for praying a woman’s corpse can be read below:

  • The first takbir must read Al Fatihah.
  • Then proceed with the second takbir. In the second takbir, the Prophet’s sholawat must be read.

“allohumma sholli alaa sayyidinaa muhammad wa alaa ali sayyidina muhammad, kama sholaita alaa sayyidina ibrohim wa alaa sayyidina ibrohim, wa barik ala sayyidina muhammad wa alaa ali sayyidina muhammad, kama barakta ala sayyidina ibrohim wa ala ali sayyidina ibrahim, fil alamina innaka hamidum majiid”

Which mean:

“Lord, have mercy on the prophet Muhammad. O Allah, bestow mercy on the family of the Prophet Muhammad, as You have given mercy on Prophet Abraham and his family, and bestow blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad and his family, as You have blessed Prophet Abraham and his family, Behold, You are God, who is highly praised and very noble. in all nature.”

Then, in the third takbir, there is a reading that must be recited during the funeral prayer, as follows:

Saying a prayer for a woman’s corpse:

“ allahummaghfirlaha warhamha wa’afiha wa’fu anha, wa akrim nuzula-haa, wa wassi madkholahu-haa, waghsil-haa bil maa-i wats tsalji wal-baradi, wanaqqi-haa minal khathaayaaya kamaa yunaqqats tsaubul abyad-haa minal danasi, wa abdil-haa daaran khairan min dari-haa, wa ahlan khairan min jasa-haa, wa zaujan khairan min zau-ji-haa, waqi-haa fitnatal qabri adzaaban naari ”

It means :

O Allah, forgive him, have mercy on him, save him (from some things that are not liked), forgive him and place him in a glorious place (Heaven), widen his grave, bathe him in snow and ice water. Cleanse him from all mistakes, as You clean a white shirt from dirt, give a better house than his house (in the world), give a better family (or husband in Heaven) than his family (in the world), a better husband than her husband, and enter her into Heaven, protect her from the torments of the grave and Hell.

After finishing reading the prayer above, continue with the fourth takbir by reciting the following short prayer readings:

Read a prayer, for the body of a woman:

allahumma laa tahrimna ajro-haa walaa taftinaa bada-haa waghfir lanaa wa la-haa

wa li ikhwanina ladzina sabaquuna bil imaani wa la tajal fi quluubina gillal lilladzina amanuu robbana innaka roufur rohiim

It means :

“O Allah, do not forbid us from its reward, and do not give us slander after his death and forgive us and him, and also for our brothers who have believed before us and do not allow envy of those who believe (to be) in our hearts. O our Lord, verily You are Most Forbearing, Most Merciful.”

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Then it ends with greetings, look to the right and to the left.

Requirements for the validity of the funeral prayer

The following are the legal requirements that must be met before performing the funeral prayer:

The funeral prayer is the same as other prayers, including covering the private parts, washing the large and small hadas, washing the body, clothes and place, and facing the Qibla.

  1. The body is washed and wrapped.
  2. Placing the corpse
  3. The position of the corpse is next to the Qibla of the person praying, except for prayers that are performed near graves or prayers in the occult.

The following related persons have the right to dispose of the body:

  • Heir, with the condition that the heir is not a bad person or heretic.
  • Scholars or religious leaders
  • Dead parents
  • Children from the corpses down
  • closest family
  • Muslim

The pillars of the funeral prayer

Do not misunderstand the pillars and intentions of the funeral prayer as a Muslim.

Because in general the public’s knowledge of the implementation of the funeral prayer is still lacking.

Most people think that there are still people who do not understand the procedure for praying the funeral.

Therefore, first you need to know what pillars need to be equipped. Because if not then the prayer status is canceled and invalid. Therefore, the pillars of an authentic funeral prayer are:

  1. Intention.
  2. Stand up for those who can.
  3. Do 4 times takbir.
  4. Raise your hand at the first takbir.
  5. Read Surah Al-Fatihah. Read greetings.
  6. Pray for the body.
  7. Regards.

The Virtue of the Funeral Prayer

Before praying the corpse, the first priority is to take care of the body.

Because it must be done immediately as stated in a hadith.

Abu Hurairah hadith which says that Rasulullah SAW said:

“Quickly take care of the body, because if the body is pious, then hurry up.

But if it’s not a pious corpse (bad), it means you burden yourself with bad things.” (HR Muttafaq ‘alaih).

The funeral prayer also has great benefits or fadhilah for those who carry it out.

Some of the benefits include:

1. The reward is as big as Mount Uhud

The main value of the funeral prayer is different from the funeral accompaniment, prayer and delivering the body.

Even though they are both tall, they are even described as being as tall as Mount Uhud. This is in accordance with the words of Rasulullah SAW:

“Whoever reads the funeral prayer and does not accompany him (to the funeral), then for him a reward equal to one qirath.

If he also goes with him (until his funeral), he will receive two qirath.

People ask, ‘What are the two qiraths?’ He replied: “The smallest of them is like Mount Uhud” (HR Muslim).

2. Merit of Jariyah for the Dead

It is not only the person who performs the funeral prayer, it turns out that the corpse that is being prayed for is also prioritized.

Especially if there are 40 worshipers or more. In this regard, Rasulullah SAW said:

“Not a single Muslim died and was saved by 40 people who did not associate partners with Allah.

But Allah will allow them to pray (pray) for him,” (Muslim).

3. Granted Prayer

In a hadith from ‘Aisyah RA, he said that Rasulullah SAW said:

“There is no corpse that is prayed over (with the funeral prayer) by a group of Muslims up to 100 people,

Then all the prayers (pray well for him), then the prayers (their prayers) will be granted,” (HR Muslim).

This shows that good prayers will come to those who pray them.

So praying in a series of funeral prayers will also be good and recorded as a good deed for those who do it.


That’s all for a brief discussion of prayer readings and procedures for praying the corpse for female corpses. Not only understanding the meaning of reading the prayer for a dead woman but also knowing in full the law of the funeral prayer, the arguments for the funeral prayer, the procedures, pillars, legal requirements for the funeral prayer, and knowing what virtues one gets when we perform the funeral prayer.

Knowing what prayer readings are and how to pray the funeral for female corpses is important knowledge for all of you, especially those who are Muslim. Because by knowing the readings and procedures for prayer, we know how to carry out the funeral prayer, which is the obligation of a Muslim towards his brothers and sisters in a good and correct manner and in order to receive mercy from Allah SWT.