List of Prayers for People Who Died and Their Benefits

Prayers for the Dead – Sending prayers to those who have died is highly recommended for those of us who are still alive. Even though they have passed away, the spirits of people who have passed away, especially those who are Muslim, still need the chanting of prayers from us who are still alive so that they can find peace in the grave. As for how to send prayers for people who have died, scholars have also taught them. It depends on how our attitude, whether to practice the prayer or not. Because the spirits of our brothers and sisters will definitely expect prayers from us.

Then, how do you send prayers for people who have died? In this article, we will discuss prayers for people who have died and how to send these prayers, complete with readings and meanings.

Prayers and Requests for Forgiveness For People Who Passed Away

Quoted from NU Online, one of the gifts of a living person that can be given to someone who has died is prayer and also a request for forgiveness or forgiveness. As explained by Sheikh Nawawi Banten in the Nihayatuz Zain book, the following is the meaning:

“The gift of the living to those who have died is prayer and asking Allah for forgiveness (istighfar) for them.”

Whereas in another history as revealed by Sheikh Nawawi Al-Bantani in the same book, it is said that in the grave, people who have died will ask for help in the form of prayer. The person who died will wait for prayers from their children, parents, relatives and also relatives and friends. When they have got it, they will like it more than the world and everything in it.

“It was narrated from the Prophet SAW, he said, ‘There is no dead body in his grave unless he is like a drowning person asking for help – kal ghoriqil mughawwats with the vowel fathah on the letter wawu which is tasydid, that is, the person asking for help – he is waiting for a drop of prayer that sent by their children, relatives or friends. Therefore when he gets a prayer, then it is more to his liking than the world and all in it.”

Meanwhile, Ibnu Qoyyum in his book entitled Ar-Ruh also reveals that the most important gift we can give to a dead person or someone who has died is alms, istighfar reading and also prayer, and pilgrimage for those who can afford it. Not only that, according to him, the recitation of Al-Fatihah and also the verses of the Al-Qur’an which are presented to those who have died will bring rewards to those who have died.

Based on the information above, we can understand that actually people who have passed away really hope for prayers and requests for forgiveness from people who are still alive. The prayer submissions and requests for forgiveness given to people who have died are very meaningful and meaningful to the spirits. In fact, it is also believed that the reward from the prayers that are recited will also reach those who have passed away.

How to Send Prayers for People Who Have Passed Away

So that the prayers that we offer to people who have passed away can reach them, there are several ways to send prayers that we can do. The following are several ways to send prayers for people who have died, including:

1. Pray when hearing sad news

If we hear sad news from people who are near us, it will definitely make us feel sad. Losing loved ones is really hard to feel. However, it would be better not to just be sad, pray when you hear the sad news. When you hear sad news, immediately mention the name of Allah SWT. After that, it is continued by chanting a prayer by saying innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rojiun.

Meaning: Verily, all this belongs to Allah, and only to Him shall we return.

By saying this prayer when hearing sad news, it will show that we are only humans who can surrender and accept every decision of Allah SWT regarding death.

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2. Mention the Names of People Who Have Died

The next way to send prayers for people who have passed away is by saying the names of the deceased and the deceased when reciting prayers. So that the prayer can reach people who have died, it would be better to state their full name. This is similar to what was conveyed by Ibn Sholah “and let him make it clear with his prayer, if he prays for so and so.”

3. Read Surah Alfatihah

The next way to send prayers for people who have died is by reading Surah Al-Fatihah. This Surah Al-Fatihah has many virtues, until it is stated in history that the reward for reading Surah Al-Fatihah is according to the intention of the reader. Someone who reads Al-Fatihah’s letter for someone who has died, will usually apply for forgiveness and rewards for the person being prayed for. The Koran has commanded people to pray for those who have died and even taught the text of the prayer and also how to end a prayer as mentioned in the Koran.

As Quraish Shihab said, “You are right that surah Al-Fatihah is needed by living people. However, ending the prayer according to the guidance of Allah and His Messenger is also needed by people who have died.”

4. Prayer When Hearing Grief News

After understanding how to send prayers for someone who has passed away, you can also recite the following prayers when you hear sad news:

Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji’un, wa inna ila rabbina lamunqalibun, allahumma tubhu ‘indaka fil muhsinin, waj’al kitabahu fi ‘illiyyin, wakhlufhu fi jasahi fil ghabirin, wa la tahrimnaa ajrahu wala taftinna ba’dahu.

“Surely we belong to Allah and to Him we return. And verily to our Lord we return. O Allah, write him by Your side including among the good people. Make the note in ‘illiyyin. Replace him in his family from those who left. Do not forbid us the reward and do not give us slander afterwards.”

5. Prayers for People Who Have Passed Away

Apart from the prayers mentioned above, you can also recite this prayer when a man dies.

Allaahummaghfir lahu warham hu wa’aafi hii wa’fu anhu wa akrim nuzulahu wa wassi’ madkholahu waghsil hu bilmaai wats-tsalji walbarodi wanaqqi hi minal khothooyaa kamaa yunaqqots tsaubul abyadhu minaddanasi wa abdil hu daaron khoiron min daari hi wa ahlan khoiron min expert hi wazaujan khoiron min zaoji hi wa adkhil hul jannata wa ‘aidz hu min ‘adzaabil qobri wa fitnati hi wa min ‘adzaabin naar.

“O Allah, forgive, have mercy, release and release him. And glorify his abode, expand him. And glorify his dwelling place, broaden his entrance, wash him with clear and cool water, and cleanse him of all faults like a white garment clean from dirt, and replace his house with a better home than the one he left, and a better family, from those left behind, as well as a better wife than those left behind. Enter him into heaven, and protect him from the torment of the grave and his slander, and from the torment of the fire of hell.”

6. Tahlil Prayer for People Who Have Died

Apart from reciting the prayers mentioned above, you can also read the tahlil prayers for people who have died. The following prayers are also included in the way of sending prayers for people who have died.

“I take refuge in Allah from the devil that is ejected. In the name of Allah, the most merciful, the more merciful. All praise be to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds calls for the praise of those who are grateful, the praise of those who receive the same favors as praise, the praise that is sufficient for His blessings, and the praise that makes it possible to add more. Our Lord, only to You all praise is due to the glory and majesty of Your power. Glory to You, we cannot (can) count Your praise as You praise yourself. Only for You praise before ridha. Only for You praise after ridha. Only to You praise when You please us forever.”

7. Prayer for Grave Expansion

Here’s a prayer for the spaciousness of the grave:

“O Allah, he returns to You. You are the best place to return. He needs Your grace. While you do not need to torture him. We come to You while hoping for You to be able to intercede for him. O Allah, if he is a good person, then increase his goodness. If he is a bad person, then forgive his badness. Meet him and Your pleasure thanks to Your grace. Protect him from slander and punishment of the grave. Expand his grave. Keep the walls of the earth from both sides of his body. Bring him together and security thanks to Your grace from Your punishment until You raise him safe to Your heaven thanks to Your grace, O Substance of the Most Merciful.”

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8. Prayer for People Who Died According to the Sunnah

The following is a prayer that is read during the funeral prayer after the 3rd takbir. However, it can also be read outside of the funeral prayer, such as when giving thanks.

Allahummaghfirlahu warhamhu wa ‘afihi wa’fu anhu wakrim nuzulahu, wa wassi’ madkhalahu, waghsilhu bilmai was salji, wal baradi, wa naqqihi minal khathaya, kama yunaqqas saubul abyadu minad danas. Wa abdilhu daran khairan min darihi, wa ahlan khairan min jasahi, wa zaujan khairan min zaujihi, wa adkhilhul jannata, wa a’idzhu min adzabil qabri, wa adzabin nari.

It means: “O Allah! Forgive the deceased (corpse), give him your mercy, welfare, and forgive his mistakes and place it in a glorious place (Heaven), widen his grave, bathe him with water, snow and ice water. Cleanse him from all faults, as You clean a white garment from dirt. Replace a house that is better than his home (on earth), a family (or wife in Heaven) that is better than his family (on earth), a wife (or husband) that is better than his wife (or husband), and put him in Heaven, protect him from the torment of the grave and hell.”

The Law of Praying for the Dead

As a Muslim, Islam strongly recommends that we always care about each other. This includes our Muslim brothers who have passed away. We can show this form of concern by praying for that person. In fact, it is highly recommended in Islam. Imam al-Nawawi in the book Al-Adzkar also revealed that the scholars had agreed on the prayers that were read to people who had died. Where the rewards and benefits can reach them. This opinion is further strengthened by the following arguments which mean:

Surah Al-Hasyr Verse 10

The first proposition is derived from the Al-Quran through the following letter Al-Hashr verse 10:

Meaning: “And those who came after them (Muhajirin and Ansar), they prayed, “O our Lord, forgive us and our brothers who have believed before us, and do not instill envy in our hearts against people -people of faith. O our Lord, Truly, You are Most Forbearing, Most Merciful.” (QS. Al-Hashr: 10).

Prophet’s Hadith

The next proposition is that it comes from the Prophet Muhammad SAW, who when he was alive once recited a prayer for a Muslim who died, the following is his reading.

Allahummaghfirli wa la hu (ha) wa’qibni min hu (ha) ‘uqbaa hasanah.

Meaning: “O Allah, forgive the sins of Ahlul Baqi’ al-Gharqad.”

Through the two arguments that we have discussed above, we can conclude that praying for people who have died is one form that is highly recommended in Islam. OIeh because of that, often pray for people who have died, be it family members or relatives of fellow Muslims. Because by doing so, Allah SWT will provide relief from sins and will provide the best place in the afterlife.

Benefits of Praying for People Who Have Passed Away

Praying is part of the Islamic religious orders to each of its followers. Not only praying for yourself and also others, but praying for people who have died. This is because praying for people who have died has many special benefits.

In a hadith of Abu Darda, Rasulullah saw said:

“It is not a Muslim praying for his brother when (the person being prayed for) is not around except the angels will say, ‘It is like that for you too’.” (HR. Muslim).

People who have died are likened to people who have drowned. They will certainly ask for help which in this case is a prayer. They are looking forward to this prayer as one of the helpers. Where the prayer that is said can come from his descendants, relatives, or friends. Rasulullah said:

“Who helps the deceased by reciting the verses of the Koran and remembrance of Allah will ensure heaven for him.” (Narrated by Ad-Darimi and Nasa’i from Ibn Abbas).

By chanting prayers for people who have died, there are several benefits that can be obtained, namely:

1. The deceased can benefit from the charity that was done while they were still alive in the world.
2. Prayer readings and istighfar sent from fellow Muslims for the deceased can provide special benefits. Where the prayer is a very big gift for people who have died.

This is an explanation of prayer for the deceased. Hope it is useful.

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