Inventor of the Game of Volleyball and Its History

Inventor of the Game of Volleyball – Does Sinaumed’s like sports? What’s your favorite sport? Sinaumed’s must be familiar with the game of volleyball. We have even known this sport since elementary school. Close to the popularity of football, basketball, volleyball is also a popular sport in Indonesia.

Due to its popularity, does Sinaumed’s know who invented volleyball for the first time? The history of the invention of volleyball certainly cannot be separated from other sports, namely basketball and other ball sports. To find out and understand it, here is an explanation of the history of development and the inventors of the game of volleyball:

History of Invention of the Game of Volleyball

Volleyball is a game played by two teams, usually consisting of six people on each side or teams, in which one can hit the ball back and forth with both hands on a high net and touch the ball first in the opponent’s stadium. To prevent this, players on the opposing team swing the ball up towards their teammate before the ball hits the ground.

In volleyball games, this teammate can throw the ball back into the net or hit a volleyball to a teammate up to three strokes or pushing to throw a volleyball over the net into the opponent’s area. This means that volleyball players on a team may only touch the ball three times before it must be returned to the opponent.

In an effort to save the ball, volleyball players will perform several techniques such as smashes, blocks and so on to keep the volleyball from dying on its own land.

The inventor of the game of volleyball is William G. Morgan which he did in 1895. William G Morgan was a physical director of the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) in Holyoke, Massachusetts.

This volleyball game was first designed as an indoor sport for entrepreneurs who have an old or old age where they are on average too heavy to play basketball. Morgan then referred to this sport as “Mintnet” until finally a professor at Springfield College, Massachusetts, saw the nature of the game of volleyball and suggested the name or designation be “volleyball.”

Just like other sports, the game of volleyball also has a set of game rules that make it even more exciting in the match. The basic rules for the game of volleyball were first written down by Morgan and reprinted in the first edition of the Official Handbook of the North American Christian Youth Association Athletic League League in 1897.

The game quickly proved to be of great interest to men and women in schools, playgrounds, the military, and other organizations in the United States, and was soon introduced in other countries.

In 1916, the rules were jointly published by the YMCA and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). The first national convention in the United States was organized by the YMCA National Committee for Physical Education in New York City in 1922. The US Volleyball Association (USVBA) was founded in 1928 and is recognized as the US governing body.

Since 1928, the USVBA (now known as USA Volleyball (USAV)) has been the annual national volleyball championship for men and the elderly (35+), except in 1944 and 1945. It is being held. In 1977, the Senior Women’s Division (from age 30) was added. Other national events in the United States are run by USAF members such as the YMCA and NCAA.

The game of volleyball was then introduced to Europe by the US Army during World War I. The Federation Internationale de Volleyball (FIVB) was held in Paris in 1947 and moved to Lausanne, Switzerland in 1984. In its development, the USVBA became one of the 13 member institutions others founded the FIVB and by the end of the 20th century, its membership had grown to more than 210 member countries.

The first time an International Volleyball tournament started in 1913 the first Eastern Championship Game was held in Manila. In Asia, from the early 1900s until the end of World War II, volleyball was played on large courts with a low net and nine players on a team. The FIVB-sponsored Volleyball World Championship in 1949 was only for men, men and women since 1952 and this game led to the application of unified play and refereeing rules.

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At the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, volleyball became an Olympic sport for both men and women. The European Championships have long been dominated by teams from Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania and the Soviet Union (later Russia). At the world and Olympic levels, the Soviet team has won more titles for both men and women than any other team in any other country. Their success stems from their widespread interest in grassroots and well-organized play and education at all levels.

The famous Japanese women’s team, the 1964 Olympic Champions, reflected the private sector’s interest in the sport. Young women working for sponsoring companies spend their free time on fitness training, team training and competitions under strict professional guidance. Supported by the Japan Volleyball Association, the women’s team made progress in international competition, winning the 1962, 1966, 1967 World Championships and the 1964 Olympics.

But at the end of the 20th century, the Cuban women’s team dominated the world championships and the Olympics. The 1955 Pan American Games (South, Central and North America) added volleyball records, with Brazil, Mexico, Canada, Cuba and the United States frequent candidates for the Grand Prize. In Asia, China, Japan and South Korea dominate the competition. Volleyball, especially beach volleyball, is played throughout Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific.


The FIVB-recommended four-year cycle of international volleyball events, began with the World Championships in 1969, a year after the Olympics. The second year is the world championship. We hold regional events in 3rd place (eg European Championships, Asian Games, African Games, Pan American Games) and fourth year Olympics.

Beach volleyball, as the name suggests is usually played on clay courts with two players per team, but was introduced in California in 1930. The first official beach volleyball tournament was held in 1948 at Will Rogers State Beach in Santa Monica, California. And the first World Championships recognized by the FIVB were held in Rio de Janeiro in 1986. Beach volleyball was added to the roster for the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia.

Due to the great enthusiasm and popularity of this sport, the Federation Internationale de Volleyball (FIVB) was finally founded in 1947. The association is the parent of the international sport of volleyball. Representatives from the parent company’s 14 countries came from Belgium, Brazil, the Czech Republic, Egypt, France, the Netherlands, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Uruguay, the United States and Yugoslavia.

Representatives met in Paris under the direction of Paul Libaud from France who had founded the FIVB. President Paul Libaud of the French Union has been elected the first president of the FIVB. The first FIVB headquarters was established in Paris, and Ribot led the FIVB for 37 years until 1984. It was created by a doctor named Ruben Acosta who is a Mexican national.

Biography of William G. Morgan, the Inventor of the Game of Volleyball

The game of volleyball is probably very popular both in the city and in the countryside. This is because this sport is played in groups and relies on group or team cohesiveness. There are several rules that must be followed when playing volleyball to highlight sportsmanship. However, not many know who invented volleyball.

He is William G. Morgan who is an instructor at the Youth Christian Youth Association (YMCA) in Holyoke, Massachusetts, USA. William G Morgan was born in 1870 in Lockport, New York. Morgan studied at Springfield College which is run by the YMCA (Youth Christian Youth Association). It was at this university that William was easily born and raised.

While in college, William Morgan was a teammate of basketball writer James Naismith. Like Morgan, Naismith devoted his life as a PE teacher. Acquaintance with the inventor of basketball brought many great ideas for the development of Morgan’s life. The climax was when Morgan met James Naismith and changed the sport of basketball four years after creating Mintonette in 1895.

As part of the change, Morgan made several changes to basketball. He believes that basketball is too difficult for some people, especially older people. According to him, basketball is full of dynamic physical movements and often requires physical duels.

William Morgan went beyond his creative process to include only basketball elements. There are other elements such as baseball, tennis and handball to facilitate play with less physical contact. According to him, the combination of these sports is a unique combination to create the game of volleyball that is widely practiced today.

Initially, this volleyball game was not as dynamic as basketball. When volleyball was created just for YMCA members who are no longer young. The game has not spread to other circles. William Morgan conducted many experiments by testing various sports equipment. One of the experiments was to make a volleyball net or we are now familiar with the net. Back then, he borrowed a net while playing tennis and raised it four inches above the average person’s head.

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After conceptual maturity, the sport known as the Internet at the time was featured at a conference at the YMCA. During the meeting, the members present provided various inputs. During the meeting, one of the participants, Alfred T. Halstead, suggested changing Mintonette’s name to “volleyball” or volley. Morgan and the meeting participants agreed with Alfred’s proposal.

After that, the official name for volleyball is often used today. As the creator of the game of volleyball, William Morgan edited the rules of recorded volleyball. These rules were published in July 1896 and incorporated into the YMCA North American Athletic League rules a year later. After the official rules for volleyball were announced, the sport became popular in many parts of the world. Until finally various championships were held.

Out of the game’s various championships, it was decided in 1918 that the number of volleyball players would include up to six players on the court. Basic rules, players may only touch the ball three times in the game. After several adjustments, the game of volleyball officially made its debut at the location that was slated to become Springfield College eight months later.

The game was accepted as a successful sport, but it was decided that it needed to be renamed. After that, according to the FIVB volleyball became the most popular team sport in the world. After finding his game or sport popular, the inventor of volleyball finally left the YMCA in 1900 and pursued various careers in business. He died on December 27, 1942. In 1985 he became a founding member of the Volleyball Hall of Fame.



Unique Facts About Volleyball Games

Based on its history and popularity, Sinaumed’s needs to know some unique facts about the game of soccer, such as the following:

1. In the past, volleyball materials were as hard as basketballs

The ball material that is played in volleyball is the ball that is in the basketball. But, of course, that doesn’t apply now. William G. Morgan, the inventor of this volleyball game, used basketball materials in 1895 to make this sport more difficult and playable by parents. This ball became the standard volleyball game until Spalding made a special ball. The game was later renamed Volleyball, based on another German sport called faustball.

2. Smash is the best way to kill opponents

The game of volleyball is certainly interesting because everything that happens in the game of volleyball is very stressful. But of course playing volleyball is even more exciting. Volleyball has a smash technique, a common way to get points. Kick this one is certainly very deadly. The smash is a big step that many volleyball teams take to win the game.

3. Playing volleyball is not fixed in one position

Actually the game of volleyball has nothing to do with positions like soccer players who have to be defenders and attackers. Every volleyball player must be able to play several roles, both in front of and behind the net.

Volleyball has three roles, namely pitcher or feeder, and regulator of attacks. Or the player can play the role of a spiker or his job is to smash. Or Libero whose job is to take attacks from enemies or fight enemies. This volleyball game takes place every time we serve, so we must be prepared to be in the front or back position.

4. Ranked Second Most Popular in Indonesia

Volleyball is not as old as soccer. However, quite a lot of fans of this sport. In fact, volleyball fans are second only to football in Indonesia. In Indonesia, volleyball is the sport most played by Indonesian people. Apart from its wide field, volleyball is an inexpensive sport and the rules are not as complicated as basketball. According to data, 800 million people around the world play volleyball every week.

So, that’s an explanation of the history of development and the inventors of volleyball. Is volleyball a favorite sport for Sinaumed’s? If you want to learn about the history of volleyball or other sports, you can visit the sinaumedia book collection at , such as the following book recommendations: Enjoy studying. #Friends Without Limits.