Examples of Children’s Rhymes: Limerick, Advice, Joy

Meaning of Pantun

Pantun is a cultural work or non-object literary work in the form of old poetry which is very well known in the archipelago. Pantun comes from the Minangkabau word pantutun which means guide. In Indonesia, each region has its own name for this rhyme designation, for example, in Java, rhyme is called parikan. Meanwhile, in West Java, rhymes are called paparakan. While in Batak or in the Batak language, rhymes are called umpasa.

Even though they have different names in each region, the structure of this rhyme generally has the same structure from one region to another. Generally, a pantun has 4 lines or four lines, each line or line usually has a final pattern rhyme, for example abab or aaaa (no ending rhyme aabb or abba).

Initially pantun was oral literature which was later used as written literature which entered the category of old poetry literature. One of the main characteristics of rhymes is that they do not include the name of the composer or are anonymous, this is because the rhymes are spoken orally.

Currently, pantun has been recognized by UNESCO which is an organizational institution from the United Nations that deals with culture. Pantun has even been named as an intangible cultural heritage from Indonesia and Malaysia, because pantun does not only exist in Indonesia but also in Malaysia. In our neighboring country, namely Malaysia, pantun literature is also quite popular, considering that we are still a nation of the same family, namely the Malay family. So it’s no wonder that some of our cultures have something in common with Malaysian culture.

Read more: Definition of pantun and its types

Examples of rhymes for children

Pantun is an oral culture and literary work that needs to be preserved, this is because pantun has become part of the life of the Indonesian people. The pantun has even won the title of non-object world cultural heritage from the United Nations agency, namely UNESCO.

As citizens of Indonesia, we should be proud because pantun is one of the cultural heritages, even though it has similarities with neighboring countries, namely Malaysia. But even though they have similarities with Malaysia, rhymes from Indonesia and Malaysia certainly have some differences and characteristics of each, especially in terms of language and pronunciation.

In order for rhymes to exist and be preserved for generations, we must introduce rhymes to children from an early age. So that when they grow up, children will be familiar with rhymes and be able to use them when they grow up. rhymes that are commonly used for children are commonly referred to as children’s rhymes.

Children’s rhymes have the characteristics of language that is light and easy to understand, apart from that children’s rhymes also have an implied meaning in which the contents of children’s rhymes usually contain advice, praise and other things that teach children about goodness. In this children’s rhyme there are also various types, adjusting to the delivery or what will be conveyed to these children.

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There are several examples of children’s rhymes based on their type, here we provide a review below.

1. Examples of witty children’s rhymes

Like limericks for adults, limericks for children are also commonly used to entertain children. Children’s limericks are usually used at children’s events such as birthdays and other events related to children.

These children’s limericks are usually not too serious and have nothing to do with love or matters relating to adults. This children’s limerick is also educational and simpler. For this reason, here we provide examples of children’s limericks that are funny and entertaining but full of meaning and educational for children.

Sitting on a wooden bench
in the afternoon drinking iced cendol
Friends, let’s admit it
Who still wets the bed a lot?

The pantun above is an example of a rhyme that is intended to satirize children who like to wet their bed. By reading the rhyme, the child will laugh and be embarrassed because he still wets his bed even though he is already big, for example. so that these rhymes can be used so that children do not pee in the bed again by way of satire but using the delivery of rhymes that are easy to understand and do not make children angry or rebellious.

2. Examples of educational children’s rhymes

Furthermore, there are the best children’s rhymes, the meaning here is children’s rhymes that are educational and good for advising children so that children will easily understand the contents of the rhymes and after hearing the rhymes the child will understand and practice them.

Some examples of the best children’s rhymes include rhymes that can motivate children to be even better, rhymes that make children more confident, rhymes that provide advice for children so that they can be applied in everyday life and various other types of rhymes that are useful and educational for children. children to teach kindness. For this reason, the following are examples of the best children’s rhymes which are quite educational and good for children.

Drinking coffee on a rainy day
It tastes really good.
A good boy, an exemplary child.
So the family is proud

The rhyme describes parents who are so proud of their children, so they give praise by conveying it using rhymes. When parents read or convey this rhyme to their children, the child will feel proud because they are considered good by both parents and even become the pride of the family.

By being given such rhymes, children will automatically become more confident and motivated to be good children and exemplary children so that they become the pride of their families, especially the pride of their parents.

3. Examples of children’s rhymes for advice

Advising children is easy and difficult, if you are advised in a rough way, usually the child will rebel and later it will have a bad effect on the child’s development and development and can even carry over into adulthood.

On the other hand, if you advise a child in a subtle way, usually the child will not obey because the child will not be afraid and will be disobedient. Therefore, to advise your child, you have to be really careful and recognize the personality of the child itself, moreover, you as a parent know very well the character of your own child.

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One way to advise children that can be done by parents if they want to advise in a different way is to use rhymes, advising children by using rhymes can introduce children to rhymes as well as to provide advice that children can accept with a relaxed rhyme demeanor. The following is an example of advising children with rhymes that you can use.

Make sweets from salak fruit
For sale at various prices
Be a dutiful child to your mother and father
So that one day you can go to heaven

The rhyme above is an example of a rhyme for children that can be conveyed by both parents to advise their child so that their child becomes a dutiful child to both parents so that they can go to heaven. That way, the child will try to be devoted to both parents because they remember the advice conveyed through the rhyme, so that the child will avoid actions that make their parents and family disappointed in the future, especially when they are adults.

4. Examples of rhymes for happy children

You can convey rhymes for happy children to your child when your child does good things so that the child will feel praised and be happy with what he has done. By giving praise to children, children will become more motivated to repeat these good deeds.
For this reason, we provide examples of happy children’s rhymes that you can read or pass on to your child.

To the market to buy hot air balloons
On the way the balloon popped
How happy the heart was.
Scored a hundred

The example of the rhyme above is an example of a rhyme that you can use when your child gets a hundred marks in his exam or test. That way your child will feel happy and proud because he got a perfect score in the test.

Giving praise to children can have a very good impact on children’s growth and development, but don’t overdo it in praising because later the child will grow and develop into an arrogant and arrogant child.

By giving joyful rhymes to children, the child will feel that both parents are proud of the achievement of the child, so that the child will become even more active in learning to make his parents even more proud.

Those are some reviews about rhymes, starting from the meaning of rhymes and some examples of rhymes for children. as a cultural heritage that has been passed down from generation to generation, we are obliged to preserve the oral literature of this rhyme, because if we do not preserve this rhyme, then in the future this rhyme literature will be lost in time.

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