Collection of Venus Fun Facts You Need to Know

Fun Fact Venus – In order in the solar system of the Milky Way galaxy, the planet Venus is a planet that has the second closest distance to the Sun. Venus only lost to the planet Mercury which has the closest distance from the Sun. The planet Venus itself is also known as the brightest natural object in the sky at night after the Moon.

Based on the shape, the planet Venus has almost the same physical characteristics as Earth. In terms of dimensions and density of air from its atmosphere layer, Venus is very similar to Earth. It’s just that the planet Venus has a surface that consists mostly of gas clouds with very hot temperatures. The temperature that Venus has is in the range of 462°C. It is not surprising that Venus is the hottest planet in the Milky Way galaxy system.

Meanwhile, the maximum brightness possessed by the planet Venus can be seen just before sunrise or after sunset. Thanks to this brightness, Venus is nicknamed the Morning Star or Evening Star from the 2020 book Our Earth in the Solar System.

Now, for Sinaumed’s who are curious about the sundries, fun facts of Venus, this article will discuss in depth all the things you need to know. Come on, see the full review below!

Features of Venus

According to the official website of NASA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics), the planet Venus has several differences from Earth and several other planets in the Milky Way galaxy. The United States’ aviation and space agency has long observed other planets around Earth. So, here are some special features possessed by the planet Venus, including:

1. The planet Venus is very hot

The planet Venus is known to have a very thick and dense atmosphere. In addition, the planet’s atmosphere is also heavily filled with toxic carbon dioxide while being shrouded in thick clouds of heat-trapping yellowish sulfuric acid. No wonder, when the heat from Venus causes an uncontrolled greenhouse effect with hot temperatures reaching 471 degrees Celsius.

2. The planet Venus has a unique surface

In terms of surface features, the planet Venus has quite a few differences compared to Earth. This planet has a corona or crown. Plus, there is a structure that resembles a ring with a width of about 155 to 2100 km. Scientists believe that the corona or crown that belongs to the planet Venus is formed when hot material at the bottom of the crust rises enough to bend the surface.

The planet Venus also has a rust-colored surface. In addition, there are tesserae or high areas where there are many very creaking mountains and several valleys in different directions. According to scientists, there are thousands of large active volcanoes on the planet Venus today.

3. Huge Surface Pressure

Not only is it known as a very hot planet, Venus also has a surface pressure that is 90 times greater than that of Earth. The pressure on the surface of the planet Venus is the same as the pressure found at a depth of 1000 meters below sea level.

4. Venus rotates in the opposite direction

The planet Venus is known to take 243 Earth days to rotate on its axis. The rotation time of the planet Venus is considered very slow when compared to several other large planets. The impact of this slow rotation makes the metal core of the planet Venus unable to produce a magnetic field like that on Earth.

In addition to slowly rotating on its axis, the planet Venus also rotates in the opposite direction. Of course this is very different from several other planets in the solar system. This is very different from the sun rising from the west and setting in the east.

Venus Fun Facts

Even though the planet Venus is pretty close to planet Earth, it looks like humanity will have a hard time getting here. The planet that has the name of the Roman Goddess of Beauty and Love is known to be very impossible to explore. Of course, this planet is very different from Mars, which has previously been landed by humans.

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Talking about the planet Venus, of course, is not enough with its characteristics. There are sundries, Venus fun facts that you need to know more. Starting from Earth’s twin planet, a planet with long days and short years, to a planet that is famous for its smell

So, here is a discussion of sundries, fun facts about Venus, which have been compiled from various reliable sources. So, see this review until it’s finished, Sinaumed’s.

1. Earth’s Toxic Twin Planet

As previously stated, even though it has a very different appearance, the planet Venus is the most identical twin to planet Earth. The similarities that these two planets have can be seen based on their size and the structure that forms them.

It’s just that, the planet Venus has a surface that is very hot to extreme levels. Plus, the atmosphere that belongs to the planets nicknamed the Morning Star and Evening Star is very toxic.

2. Second Planet from the Sun

In the order of the Milky Way galaxy, the planet Venus is the second closest planet to the Sun. Venus is only one order away from the planet Mercury as the planet closest to the Sun. The planet Venus itself can make orbits at a distance of about 67 million miles or 108 million kilometers.

3. Venus Has Long Days and Short Years

The distance that must be traveled by the planet Venus to rotate on its axis is very long and slow. Not surprisingly, the planet Venus has one day which is almost the same as 243 days on planet Earth. However, its closer distance to the Sun makes the planet Venus have a shorter year than Earth. One year on Venus only takes about 225 Earth days.

4. Has a Varied Field

The planet Venus basically has a solid surface covered with volcanoes such as domes, fissures, and other mountainous areas. The mountainous regions of the planet have vast volcanic plains. Plus, the highlands on Venus also have extensive jagged structures.

There are more volcanoes on the planet than some other planets in the Milky Way galaxy. Astronomers claim that there are more than 1,600 volcanoes on the surface of Venus alone. These calculations have not been added to several mini volcanoes that are too small to be seen. Until now, of these numbers there are only 37 active volcanoes.

5. Younger Surface Age

Scientists found that most of the surface of the planet Venus is less than a billion years old. In fact, the estimated surface age of the planet Venus is only 150 million years. This is of course relatively young when adjusted from a geological perspective.

6. Extreme Greenhouse Effect

The thick atmosphere that belongs to the planet Venus is able to trap heat from the Sun. This of course creates an extreme and uncontrollable greenhouse effect. Not surprisingly, the planet Venus gets the title as the hottest planet in the Solar System with temperatures that can be used to melt lead.

In addition to sulfuric acid, the atmosphere of the planet Venus consists of 96 percent carbon dioxide. This makes this planet unsuitable for life on earth that depends on oxygen. Plus, the uncontrollable greenhouse effect makes the water on the planet Venus always evaporate.

7. The Smelly Planet

The planet Venus can be confirmed to be a toxic planet. Counting from an altitude of 28 to 43 miles (45 – 70 kilometers), the planet Venus is shrouded in thick clouds of toxic sulfuric acid. Almost like sulfuric acid on Earth, the planet Venus smells like rotten eggs.

8. Spaceship Magnets

The planet Venus was recorded as the first planet that was successfully explored by a spacecraft. Early in the history of space exploration, Venus was studied quite intensively by scientists. It’s just that, the extraordinary heat that Venus produces makes Astronauts last for only a few hours.

9. Life on Venus

With the shape and structure that belongs to the planet Venus, it is very unlikely that there is life like on planet Earth. However, some scientists created a theory that microbes most likely existed and could survive on the planet Venus. High in the cooler clouds and pressure similar to the surface of the earth. Phosphine, being one of the potential indicators of microbial life, has been observed in clouds.

10. The wind on Venus is always noisy

The atmospheres of the planets Venus and Earth are of course very different. How fast the tornadoes and tornadoes on Earth cannot be compared with the winds on the planet Venus.

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In the middle cloud layer of Venus, winds pass with speeds of up to 724 kilometers per hour. Of course the wind speed is not suitable for humans living on Earth. This is because the wind on the planet Venus moves up to 60 times the speed of its rotation. Meanwhile, the fastest winds on Earth are only in the range of 10-20 times the planet’s rotation speed.

11. Planets that are Rarely Seen Past the Sun

When compared to several other planets, Venus can be said to be one of the planets that is rarely seen crossing the Sun from Earth. Certainly, the planet Venus crossing the Sun is seen less than once in a century.

Since the invention of the first telescope in 1608, it has been recorded that Venus has been seen crossing the Sun only seven times. The view of Venus crossing the Sun was first seen in December 1639. This success was the result of important thinking and accurate calculations by two English astronomers, namely Jeremiah Horrocks and William Crabtree

From 5 to 6 June 2012, the planet Venus was again seen crossing the Sun. This scene can be seen in North America as well as parts of South America, West Asia, East Africa, and almost all of Europe. The view of the planet Venus crossing the Sun can be seen again around 2117.

12. The brightest planet that can be seen from Earth

For those of you who can’t wait for the planet Venus to cross the Sun, there is an easier way to witness Venus. Apart from the Moon, the planet Venus can always be seen from Earth. This is because the distance that the planet Venus and Earth have is quite close compared to other planets. Not only that, Venus is also the brightest celestial object and can be seen from Earth.

In January 2011, a unique event occurred involving Venus and a pilot. An Air Canada Boeing 767 pilot who was about to fly from Toronto, Canada to Zurich, Switzerland made an emergency landing to avoid a collision with a mysterious light object. Apparently, the pilot who was a little sleepy mistook the planet Venus for a mysterious light object. Luckily, this incident did not cause any casualties.

13. Venus is a Mysterious Planet

Until now, this planet that is close to Earth still holds various mysteries to be studied. Not only now, ancient human civilizations have also started doing research related to the planet Venus. Research on Venus began to be traced the first time in the 16th century BC by the Babylonian Empire. The Babylonian people called the planet Venus “Ninsi’anna” or it could mean “Holy Woman”.

Meanwhile, the ancient Greek civilization considered that the planet Venus was two different stars, namely Phosphorus in the morning and Hesperus in the evening. However, as time went on to be precise in the 6th century BC, this view was refuted by the mathematician Pythagoras from Samos who stated that the two stars were one planet. It’s just that the planet can be seen or appears in the morning and evening.

14. Like the Moon, Venus Looks to Have Phases on Earth

The planet Venus itself makes a revolution or goes around the Sun under Earth’s orbit. This makes the planet, nicknamed the morning star, appear to have phases like the moon. This theory has previously been expressed by a legendary Italian scientist, namely Galileo Galilei. In the early 17th century, the study of Venus became one of the strongest pieces of evidence showing that the Sun is the center of the solar system (heliocentric). As a result, this theory breaks the view that the Earth is the center of the solar system (geocentric).

When the planet Venus is far from the Sun, this planet will appear half shining. Meanwhile, if Venus is near the Sun, this planet will appear to form a crescent or even a full circle. The results of these observations are very reasonable to prove that the planet Venus does not revolve around the Earth, but the Sun.

From some of the explanations above, it can be said that if there was no planet Venus, it would be very difficult to imagine how hot the earth would be. In addition, the planet Venus is also known as the morning star planet because when seen by humans it looks like a very bright star.

Those are some Sundries, Fun Fact Venus, a planet that is close to Earth and is famous as a symbol of women and extreme heat. For Sinaumed’s who are curious about the planet Venus, you can read books related to Sundries, Venus Fun Facts and various other interesting outer space things by visiting so you will have #MoreWithReading information.