Types and Structure of Procedure Text Complete with Examples!

Structure of procedural text – You, when shopping online, what do you usually buy? Gadgets, books, toys, snacks, clothes, or skincare? Whatever the item, you must have found instructions for use, how to open the box, how to pair the item, or maybe the do’s and don’ts on the package box and the packaging of the item, right? So just fyi, all of that is a kind of procedural text.

Yup, in this article we will study the structure of procedural text, its meaning, the reasons you have to study this text, to the types and examples of procedural text. Actually, this material was studied in junior high and high school, but there’s nothing wrong with repeating it again because procedural text itself cannot be separated from our lives.

What is procedure text and why should you study it?

In short, procedural text is a text that is written to make it easier for the reader to carry out an activity or activities sequentially and clearly. Because it relates to activities, this text usually contains many imperative sentences. As explained by Kosasih in the book Types of Text: Function, Structure & Language Rules .

This procedure text can help You understand things that you don’t know, for example how to use certain items or do an activity that is not clear how to use them.

Examples include the user manual included in the purchase package for a smartphone, laptop, washing machine or refrigerator. This book usually contains information about the item and how to operate it.

Apart from that, you can also look at the cooking guide on the instant seasoning packets. With this guide, everyone can cook food even for those who have never touched the kitchen at all.

Furthermore, procedural text can also be used to maintain a culture. Since long ago, our ancestors taught culture through oral instructions or written texts, but generally it was taught orally, though.

For example, how to do traditional dances, hunt animals according to prevailing customs, or build houses with certain techniques. Everything is passed down from one generation to another with procedure text.

Because this procedure text has an important role in human life, You must study it. That way, you can teach a skill or culture to other people so that the knowledge you have can be useful.

Maybe one day you will teach how to write a good book, or maybe how to make special fried rice using eggs, or even how to read an effective book, or some other activity that you are good at.

Procedure Text Structure

So, before you teach how to do an activity or activity to other people, You needs to learn how to make procedural text first and understanding the structure of procedural text is the very first step. Because, without knowing the structure, you will find it difficult to make complete and clear procedural text.

There are several opinions about the structure of this procedure text. Some say the structure consists of three parts, but some say it has four parts. But basically these two opinions have the same core. So what are the structures of this procedure text? Here’s an explanation.

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The first procedure text structure is the title. The title in the procedure text can be the name of the object or something you are going to make (ice cream), and it can also be a way of doing something (how to make delicious ice cream).

Whatever the form, a good title must meet several conditions. First, the title must be relevant to the content of the article. Second, in the form of a phrase. Third, it is written briefly, clearly, and not figuratively. Last does not contain a double meaning.


Next is the goal. In this section there is usually information regarding the final results that will be achieved after all the steps or stages have been carried out. In addition, there are also those who add brief information about the topics to be discussed.

The purpose section is generally written in the form of a short statement consisting of several paragraphs and in which there are words that can attract the attention of the reader, such as “easy to do” or “useful, beautiful, fast”, and so on. With these words, the writer tries to capture the reader’s interest in the activity or product for which the guide will be written.

This section is usually placed at the beginning of a procedure text. However, it is optional. This means, You may not use an introductory sentence explaining the purpose of writing a procedural text. But instead, you have to create a title that describes that goal.

For more details, see two examples of procedure text below:

Example of procedure text 2:

In the first procedure text, you can find an introductory sentence that contains an explanation of the purpose of the procedure text. While in the second text, the purpose of the writing is implied in the title.

This means that writing objectives and introductory sentences at the beginning is optional. However, it would be even better if You added it. In addition, using an image at the beginning of the text can also be a way to explain the purpose of writing procedural text.

Materials or materials

Then, the third is material or ingredients. In this section, usually the author will explain the materials to be used, equipment, or other materials needed to carry out the steps described. It can take the form of details, lists, or paragraphs. And usually written in detail so that the reader gets good results.

The material or materials section is usually used by procedural text readers to determine whether to carry out the steps in the text or not. Because, the reader certainly wants to know whether the material or materials needed are easy to obtain or not.

An example of a material section or ingredients in a procedure text is as follows:

Just like before, this part of the material or ingredients is also optional. Because sometimes a procedure text does not need this section. Usually, procedural texts that do not have material or material sections are procedural texts that explain how to do something. For example, how to format the flashdisk below:

In the procedural text that explains how to format the flash drive above, the material part or materials are deliberately omitted because the reader must already have or know the necessary materials, namely flash drives and a computer.

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Steps / Stages

Next is the steps or stages. In this section there are steps that need to be carried out by the reader in a coherent and complete manner. The goal is that the reader gets the results as expected.

This section can be written in the form of a paragraph description using certain words such as “first, second, third”. In addition, it can also be written in numbered form at each step.

The steps or objectives section is the most important part of a procedural text and is a mandatory requirement that cannot be omitted altogether and in it the author can use time conjunctions, sequences, goals, or use imperative sentences, prohibitions, and suggestions.

From the two examples of procedure text above, you can see that you can write the steps or stages in two ways, but both of them explain each step in detail, so that the reader will not find it difficult to follow it.


Finally, there is a closing section which usually contains greetings for trying, good luck, and the like. There are also writers who emphasize the conclusion of the activity or activities discussed in the procedural text.

So, to help you understand the structure of procedural text, you can read the book Types of Functional Analysis Text . Structure. And the Rules written by Dr. E. Kosasih, M.Pd. In this book, each text is reviewed and studied based on its structure and rules.

Types of Procedure Text and Examples

After understanding the structure, next you need to know the types of procedural text. That way, you can find out which type best suits your needs. As described in the book 22 Types of Text and Their Learning Strategies in SMA/SMK by Dr. E. Kosasih, M.PD and Drs. Endang Kurniawan, M.PD.

Procedure text itself can be divided into two, first based on content and purpose and second based on complexity. Based on the content and purpose, procedural text has two types, namely procedural text that uses tools/materials and procedural text to carry out an activity or activities.

While based on the complexity, there are three types of procedural text, namely simple, complex, and protocol.

Procedure Text Using Tools/Materials

This type of procedure text usually contains the equipment or materials needed by the reader in order to be able to follow each of the steps in a procedure text. For example, how to make caramel pudding, how to make cakes, and so on.

Procedure text for carrying out an activity or activities

Source: aquajapan.id

Simple Procedure Text

This type of complex procedure text usually has detailed directions and consists of many steps for each stage. To complete each stage, You must pay close attention to each direction. This type of text is usually used for activities that involve many parties or require many documents.

Protocol Procedure Text

Thus the discussion about the structure of procedural text , hopefully it will be useful for You. If you want to find books on text, then you can find them on Sinaumedia.com . To support You in adding insight