Adab and Virtue of People Who Seek Knowledge According to Islam

The Virtue of People Who Seek Knowledge – In Islam, seeking knowledge can be regarded as a recommended practice. In this case, seeking knowledge is usually always accompanied by a teacher, but actually studying can be done independently. In addition, studying knowledge also has a priority. On this occasion, we will discuss the virtues of people who study and their manners in studying.

Definition of Science

Science, science or science is a systematic effort with scientific methods in developing and organizing knowledge as evidenced by explanations and predictions that are tested as human understanding of the universe and its world.

Science provides certainty by limiting the scope of its views and the certainty of science is obtained from its limitations. Science is not just knowledge, but summarizes a set of knowledge based on agreed theories and can be systematically tested with a set of methods that are recognized in a particular field of science.

Viewed from a philosophical point of view, science is formed because humans try to think further about the knowledge they have. Science is a product of epistemology, in other words science is formed from 3 branches of philosophy namely ontology, epistemology and axiology, if these three branches are fulfilled it means that it is valid and recognized as a science.

For example, natural science can only be certain after its field is limited to material things (only material) or psychology can only predict human behavior if its field of view is limited to general aspects of concrete human behavior. With regard to this example, natural sciences answer the question of how far the sun is from the earth or psychology answers whether a young woman is fit to be a nurse.



Definition of Demanding Knowledge

Knowledge is a key to all goodness and knowledge. Knowledge becomes a means to be able to carry out what Allah commands us to do. Faith will not be perfect and charity will not be perfect except with the primacy of a science. With knowledge Allah is worshiped, with it Allah’s rights are exercised, and with knowledge His religion is also spread.

This is what makes the need for knowledge greater than the need for food and drink, because the survival of religion and the world depends on knowledge.

Humans will need more knowledge than food and drink. Because food and drink are only needed two to three times a day, while knowledge is needed every time.

Some of us might think that in law seeking religious knowledge is only sunnah, which means that those who do it will receive rewards and there will be no sin for anyone who leaves it.

Even though there are many conditions where in law seeking religious knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim, so they will sin for those who leave it.

Seeking knowledge has the meaning of an endeavor or an effort in learning a science, both worldly knowledge and knowledge of the hereafter with the aim that this knowledge can be useful for oneself and also for others.

World knowledge serves to make it easier to live in the world, while knowledge of the afterlife itself is sought so that humans can have demands and not get lost in an evil. Because in humans the ultimate goal is the afterlife, and to be able to get the hereafter, of course, you need to study religion.

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From Abu Dzar radhiallahu anhu, Rasulullah shallallahu alaihi wa sallam said,

“O Abu Dharr, indeed, when you leave in the morning to be able to learn one verse from the book of Allah, it is better for you than you to pray one hundred cycles of prayer. And in fact, in going out in the morning to learn one chapter of a science, whether practicing it or not, it will be better for you than praying a thousand cycles of prayer.”

Obligation to Seek Knowledge

There are not a few verses in the Qur’an and the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wassalam which emphasize the obligation to study. In fact, the position of a person who is studying is equated with a person who is engaged in jihad.

All genders have rights and obligations because they are both caliphs and representatives of Allah on earth, as well as being obedient servants.

As a caliph, of course humans will need knowledge to be able to uphold the Shari’a of Allah Subhanahu wata’ala. Likewise, as a servant, you need adequate knowledge so that you can become a good and obedient servant (‘abid).

It is impossible to become a caliph without sufficient knowledge to be able to manage and engineer life on this earth, so that one can carry out God’s laws.

For example, to pray alone, you need knowledge of finding the Qibla, then finding the right time when to perform the five daily prayers, as well as knowledge in building the right mosque, as well as building a good place for ablution, and so on.



Law Demands Knowledge

Knowledge that must and must be studied by Muslims, of course, a knowledge that is beneficial for the life of the world and the hereafter. There is knowledge that is not obligatory to learn, even if it is illegal and sinful to learn it. For a science that is useful, then learning it will provide a reward consequence.

The following are some of the laws demanding compulsory knowledge, namely:

1. Fardu kifayah

The meaning of Fardhu kifayah is the legal status of an activity in Islam that must be carried out, but if it has been carried out by other Muslims then this obligation is null and void.

This fardhu kifayah law applies to knowledge that is necessary among Muslims, so that not only non-Islamic people can master this knowledge. For example, such as medicine, astronomy, industry, linguistics, communication science, nuclear science, computer science, and others.

2. Fard ‘ain

Fardhu ain is the legal status of an activity in Islam that must be carried out by all individuals who meet the requirements. In Islam, leaving activities that are fardhu ain is sinful.

This law will apply if the knowledge in question is forbidden to be abandoned by Muslims in all situations and conditions. For example, Islamic religious knowledge, knowledge of knowing Allah Subhanahu wata’ala with all His attributes, as well as knowledge of procedures for worship, as well as those related to obligations as a Muslim.

Adab Seeking Knowledge in Islam

The following are the manners that demand knowledge that we need to know:

1. Intention for Allah SWT (Lillahi ta’ala).

When we want to seek knowledge, our main intention must be because of Allah. That way, we can study with full sincerity and also the knowledge gained becomes more useful.

2. Always Pray When You Seek Knowledge

Like the Prophet Muhammad who often prayed in seeking knowledge, as follows:

“O Allah, benefit from what You teach me, teach me things that are beneficial to me, and increase my knowledge.”

3. Seriously In Demanding Knowledge

When in studying we should be serious and always enthusiastic to be able to get useful knowledge. Demand knowledge as if you were never satisfied with all the knowledge you have, you should always wish to continue to increase your knowledge.

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Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said:

“There are two greedy people who are never satisfied: namely for people who are greedy for knowledge and are never satisfied with it and people who are greedy with the world are also never full with it.” (Narrated by Al-Bayhaqi)

4. Stay away from immorality

From Abu Hurairah, from Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said:

“A servant who makes a mistake, a black spot will be placed in his heart. If he leaves it and asks for forgiveness as well as repents, his heart will be cleansed. If he returns (to commit immorality), then the black dot will be added until it covers his heart. This is what is termed the name ‘ar raan’ which Allah mentions in His word (which means), ‘Absolutely not, in fact what they always try to cover their hearts’.”

Staying away from immorality is certainly obligatory for a Muslim, not only to avoid prayer, but also so that we can gain knowledge that is beneficial and full of blessings. Therefore, we must distance ourselves from immorality, because immorality will make it difficult for our brains to be able to concentrate so that the knowledge we capture will be difficult to understand.

5. Do not be arrogant when demanding knowledge

If you want to get a useful knowledge, we should be humble. Do not feel arrogant when we feel enough with all the knowledge we already have.

6. Paying attention to teachers when demanding knowledge

Teachers are unsung heroes who are so sincere to impart knowledge. With that, we must pay attention to the teacher when conveying a knowledge.

“And when the Quran is recited, then listen carefully, and pay attention quietly so that you will receive mercy.”

Listening to the teachings of the teacher or someone who is teaching us knowledge becomes an adab in studying knowledge. So, don’t talk or do other things that are completely unrelated to the flow of lessons delivered when studying, meaning we need to focus on listening and listening.



The Priority of People Who Seek Knowledge

Seeking knowledge has virtues in Islam, one of which will be exalted in rank by Allah SWT and facilitate the way to go to heaven.

In Islam, learning or seeking knowledge starts from birth to entering the grave or death. This is in accordance with the words of Rasulullah SAW:

The obligation to seek knowledge or study is borne by every individual Muslim, both male and female.

Rasulullah SAW said:

Meaning: “Seek knowledge from the cradle (infant) to the grave.”

The obligation to seek knowledge is also imposed on every Muslim, some of the words of Rasulullah SAW, namely:

Meaning: “Seeking knowledge is an obligation for every individual Muslim.”

Following are the virtues of seeking knowledge in the hadith of the Prophet SAW:

1. Easy Way to Heaven

The virtue of seeking knowledge is that the path to heaven is facilitated, as the hadith of the Prophet SAW, namely:

2. Elevated Degree

Hadith seeking other knowledge also shows the high degree of knowledgeable people compared to other humans. As Rasulullah SAW said:

3. Loved by the Prophet

Rasulullah SAW also prays for people who seek knowledge like the hadith of the Prophet SAW, namely:

4. Most Main

People become most important because they learn the Qur’an and teach it, as the words of the Prophet SAW, namely:

5. Asked Forgiveness of the Whole Earth and Sky

Another virtue of knowledgeable people is that they are asked to forgive the entire earth and sky as the hadith of the Prophet SAW, namely:

6. Happy World and Hereafter

With knowledge will also bring happiness to someone both in this world and in the hereafter. As the hadith of Rasulullah SAW, namely:

Thus the discussion about the virtues of people who seek knowledge and also adab in studying. We hope that all of the discussion above is useful for you. Sinaumed’s can get more information about Islam by reading books available at