7 Basic Manners That Must Be Taught to Children

Definition of Basic Manners – Which of you doesn’t want their children to grow up to be polite, friendly, and empathetic? Of course, we as parents want our children to grow up to be polite and obedient. I believe that everything that we instill cannot be instantaneous. So, I think it’s very important to teach basic manners as early as possible. That is, so that children become more used to it. For me personally, while they are still young, they are introduced to basic manners.

Basic manners itself is one of the important things for parents to teach their children. Children who grow up with basic manners will be able to blend in well in society. This is an important provision for the future. Some basic manners that a child needs to have are used to saying thank you, apologizing, understanding how to share, having a desire to help others, and knowing the right way to communicate with others.

Definition of Basic Manners

Recently, the use of words in utterances and descriptions has become wider and many use words that are rarely used. This sometimes makes us not understand the meaning of these words, as is the case with the use of the word manners . You can see the use of these words in the real world and in cyberspace, such as on social media Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or in chat-based applications such as Line, WhatsApp, and so on.

However, do you know the true meaning of the word manners ? The following is an explanation of the meaning of the word manners based on the Online English-Indonesian Dictionary so that you understand when reading a sentence that contains this word.

The meaning of the word manners in the English-Indonesian dictionary is “manners”.

Knowing a lot of vocabulary can make it easier for you to communicate and convey the opinions you want to convey to certain people. Such is the explanation of the meaning of the word manners . Hopefully the explanation above can add to your insight and knowledge about the vocabulary.

Basic Manners Children Need to Know

Basic manners or basic manners are a person’s good behavior towards other people around him. Someone with good basic manners will have a good social life too. Therefore, parents need to teach basic manners to their children from an early age as a provision for socializing later. There are a variety of behaviors that include basic manners . Some of them that children need to know include:

1. Asking for Help and Saying Thank You

One of the manners that parents need to teach their children is how to ask for help properly and say thank you after being helped by someone else. Parents should set an example by saying the same thing when asking their child for help.

For example, when you ask a child to put his toys away, use the word “please put them first, son”, then after the child puts his toys away, don’t forget to say the word “thank you”. If done every day, over time the children will follow this habit. Don’t forget to also explain the importance of the words please and thank you.

2. Greet Others Well

Greeting others properly is one of the basic manners that is important for children to master. When meeting friends, relatives, or other people he doesn’t know, they must know how to greet properly. Teach children to use polite words, especially if the person being greeted is an older person.

In addition, also teach children to look into the eyes of the other person when chatting. If possible, also teach them to shake hands with people they just met. The best way to practice these manners is to practice them while playing role plays or pretending to be meeting other people.

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3. Ask permission before taking something

Children must learn that not all things can be taken for granted. When he sees something he wants to touch, eat, or take, the child must be taught to ask permission first. After successfully getting something they want, they must also be taught to say thank you.

4. Apologize When Making Mistakes

Apart from asking for help and saying thank you, the next basic manners that children should know is how to apologize properly. When making mistakes, children must be taught to honestly admit it and apologize.

5. Don’t Laugh at or Insult Others

Children may hear words of teasing from the environment or from television shows or videos that they watch, then think that it is permissible to do it. To prevent this, parents must ensure that their children know the basic manners of not teasing, laughing at, or insulting other people.

If they are allowed to tease other people under the pretext of joking, even though these jokes hurt other people’s feelings, this behavior can eventually lead to bullying . Teach children that hurting other people’s feelings is an act that is not good and should be avoided.

6. Helping Others

Helping others is a basic manners that needs to be instilled in children from an early age. Teach children to care about the environment around them. This can foster empathy for children and make them grow into unselfish individuals. You can start by getting your children used to helping with household chores, such as cleaning up their own toys or lending their items to other people who need them.

7. How to Communicate Well with Peers

Children must be taught basic manners when playing with their peers. Thus, he can get along well and make his friends feel comfortable. Get in the habit of children speaking calmly, not shouting, and saying what they want or what they mean clearly. When gathering with peers, it is also important to teach children patience, so that they want to take turns when playing.

8. Take Out Trash

You should also always make it a habit that when your child finishes eating anything that has dregs or trash to throw it in the trash itself which is at the back. If necessary, accompany him and wait for him to properly dispose of the trash himself.

9. Put Dirty Plates and Clothes

You also need to emphasize this to children, that is, when finished eating, put your own plate in the back sink. If the child’s height has arrived, stay with him and wait to place it. In addition, also teach to put dirty clothes. So if you want to take a shower, all the clothes that have been taken off are told to put them in their own dirty clothes basket, if necessary, throw the pampers in the trash.

10. Tidy Up

This is something that is very difficult to teach. If he finishes playing, tell them to tidy up, but keep waiting until he wants to tidy everything up. If you haven’t tidied up, don’t allow him to sleep.

11. Sitting When Eating and Drinking

You may be hundreds of times to teach this one thing. It’s hard to forgive. If he eats heavily, he does sit down, but if for example he eats a snack or drinks he must be running everywhere. They will only obey when they are told to sit down if they are just eating ice cubes. The rest, they will run everywhere.

12. Sharing

This is also something that is still very difficult. I understand they are small, but don’t necessarily allow them to be stingy or unwilling to share . Teach and direct children to share with their friends. If they are aware they usually want to, but if their ego is high they don’t want to share , they can’t just hold it. This will be your own homework (PR) for you. He will voluntarily share food or toys that he doesn’t like.

13. Stare and Answer When Talking

Indeed, the name of a child, he babbles all he wants, but still get used to this for them. So, if they are asked something, but they don’t answer, try to keep asking him until he answers and pays attention to you. Don’t get used to them being indifferent and tell him that talking is while the person is watching.

14. Get in line

You can teach this behavior when you are in the playground. So, let him know that we shouldn’t interrupt people who are already in line, and also teach him to be patient. Usually, this can also be taught if you go to a minimarket or supermarket when you are going to pay at the cashier.

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15. Receiving and Giving Using the Right Hand

This is usually his father who teaches him very intensively. The problem is that often when Dila eats, she uses her left hand to receive something or give something. Usually, if he’s like that, we tell him ‘use a good hand, Dil’ later he will immediately change to using his right hand. But you still have to be reminded.

16. Enter People’s Houses If You Are Welcome

The basic manners that influence and shape your child’s personality well are if he gets used to entering other people’s homes if he is asked to. Even though it looks very trivial, this has a big impact until he grows up. He came to understand that other than in his own house he could not act carelessly, and indeed this is the basis of politeness.

17. Don’t let people pick you up wait

Being late, stalling for time, and making people wait are often done by people, especially close colleagues. But it feels like it’s not ethical if it continues because it doesn’t seem to respect them. Try to be ready earlier than the person who picked you up.

18. When You’ve Borrowed or Asked for Something More Than Three Times It’s Time to Buy Your Own

As humans, we certainly live a life full of limitations, borrowing and borrowing is not a strange thing to do. Sometimes we borrow and even ask for something that belongs to someone else to meet our needs. When you have borrowed three times, you should buy it yourself.

19. After Filling Gasoline at the Gas Station, Go First and Close the Tank and Turn on the Engine

It’s tiring when you have to queue at gas stations. The long queues that make us even more tired actually come from people who finish their business at the refueling point and don’t move on before their business is done, including tidying up their wallets after getting change or just closing the motorcycle tank which is a bit time consuming. Therefore, let’s change this habit by moving from the charging point first and then finishing business with the motorbike. Come on, let’s respect other people’s time, too!

20. Use Polite and Good Grammar When Talking to Strangers or Not Too Close

There’s nothing wrong with speaking formally when meeting strangers or people who are not very close to us. Avoid slang names like elo, me, ngab, and others to avoid misunderstandings. Because there are some people who are not comfortable talking informally with strangers.

21. Hold The Door If Someone Is Behind

If you’ve ever sat behind someone who is about to leave the room (convenience store, ATM, mosque, etc.), keeping the door open for the person who is leaving is good manners. Not impossible; they’ll appreciate it, whether it’s a smile or a thank you. Besides, if you close the door without looking back it will endanger the person behind you and it’s not polite.

22.Respect Other Opinions

Another thing that you must pay attention to when you want to show your good manners to others is that you must respect the opinions of others. There are times when other people’s opinions may differ from our personal opinions, therefore if you want to show your good manners then you must give your respect to other people who have different opinions from you. Why is that because every person is different and unique! (Everyone is different and unique!) , so don’t ever feel emotional or upset because your opinion differs from that of your friends or other people.

Tips for Teaching Basic Manners to Children

Teaching basic manners to children is not an easy matter. It takes patience and a little time. Here are some tips to simplify the process of teaching basic manners to children that parents might be able to follow.

1. Give clear instructions

When teaching something to children, you must give clear instructions. Explain the reason behind your instructions and the importance of him executing them well. Look the child in the eye when explaining and use soft words.

2. Adjust to the age of the child

Not all types of basic manners can be taught directly to children. When your child is new to talking, you can start teaching him simple things, like saying thank you, sorry, and please. When he enters school age, you can teach him basic manners about how to get along well with peers.

3. Give an example

Children will imitate most of the behavior of their parents. If you want your kids to be people who always say thank you, please, and sorry, then you have to practice the same.

4. Give praise if the child is successful

The more often the child gets positive attention from you when doing basic manners well, the more he will be happy to practice it. Praise can be a positive motivation for children to get used to good behavior.

5. Often practice

In order for children to get used to doing basic manners, parents should invite them to practice actively. You can create scenarios and role play with children. For example, acting as a child’s new friend at school during the new school year. If the child is still difficult to have basic manners even though you have tried various methods, you can consult a child psychologist to get more specific tips according to the conditions of your little one’s development.