Dasa Darma Pramuka: Definition, History and Its Application in Life

Dasa Darma Paramuka – Scout is an extension of Praja Muda Karana which means young people who like to make works. Quoting from the Mandatory Scout Guide book , scouting is defined as an educational process outside the family environment in which there are interesting, directed, and regular activities carried out in the open, in order to shape character, morals, and noble character.

From this understanding, every scouting activity must be carried out in accordance with the basic scouting guidelines.

Every Scout member must understand and also understand the 10 or Dasa Dharma of Scouting, by carrying out the various contents contained in the Dasa Dharma, it is believed that each member can become a human being with noble character.

Scout Basic Principles

In language, dasa darma consists of two words, namely dasa and darma. Dasa means ten, while darma means commendable and noble deeds. In this way, the meaning of dasa dharma are ten commendable or noble actions that must be instilled and used as guidelines by each member of the scouts who act in the daily activities of their members.

Of the ten attitudes that must be possessed by scout members. Which, usually the ten attitudes are owned by a scout level raiser to top level scouts.

Dasa darma contains the moral principles that form the basis of every scout member in carrying out their duties. By practicing this dasa dharma, scout members are able to instill noble values ​​that are beneficial in the way of life.

The History of Dasa Darma Scouting

Do you already know when and who is the creator of the scout darma?

The formation of the basic scout darma was not made by one person alone, but was created based on the ideas and ideas of several people who were put together as one. Dasa Darma Pramuka has a long process and struggle from the figures in its formation. Dasa darma scouts have also changed five times.

The following is the history of the formation of Dasa Darma Scouts. Come on, see.

1. Formulation of Dasa Darma I (1961-1966)

The first Dasa Darma Pramuka was formed based on an attachment contained in Presidential Decree No. 238 of 1961. The first Dasa Darma Pramuka formulation was formed and compiled by Committee V for the Formation of the Scout Movement, then the Dasa Darma Pramuka formulation was used from 1961 to 1966. Results the first scout basic formula is:

  1. Scouts can be trusted
  2. Scouts are loyal
  3. Scouts are polite and officers
  4. Scouts are friends of fellow humans and brothers for each scout member
  5. Scouts are compassionate fellow creatures
  6. Scouts are ready to help and are obligated to serve
  7. The Scout can carry out orders without a bridge
  8. Scouts are patient and cheerful in all difficulties
  9. Scouts are thrifty and careful
  10. Scouts are pure in thought, word and deed

2. Formulation of Dasa Darma II (1966-1974)

Then, in 1966, the second dasa darma scout was formed, formed by the Central and Regional Mainstay Working Conference (Muker Anpuda) or what has now changed its name and is known as the National Conference (Munas). This second Dasa darma was used from 1966 to 1974.

The formulation of the results of the second Scout Darma:

  1. We Indonesian Scouts, fear God Almighty
  2. We are Indonesian Scouts, with the spirit of Pancasila and loyal Indonesian patriots
  3. We are Indonesian Scouts, actively carrying out the mandate of the people’s suffering
  4. We are Indonesian Scouts, willing to sacrifice for the justice and glory of Indonesia
  5. We, Indonesian Scouts, work together to build a Pancasila society
  6. We are Indonesian Scouts, trustworthy and virtuous
  7. We are Indonesian Scouts, thrifty, careful and unpretentious
  8. We are Indonesian Scouts, never give up in overcoming difficulties
  9. We are Indonesian Scouts, fighting with a sense of responsibility and joy to be of use
  10. We are Indonesian Scouts, with a chivalrous character and act in a disciplined manner
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3. Formulation of Dasa Darma III (1974-1978)

Then in 1974, the dasa darma underwent another change which was made by the Bukit Tinggi National Conference, on the basis of the recommendations for changes that had been mandated in the MMP in 1970 and the National Conference in 1974. Then this dasa darma was used from 1974 to 1978.

The following contains the third formulation of Das Dharma Scout:

The Scout Dasa Darma


  1. Piety to God Almighty
  2. Compassion for fellow human beings and love for nature
  3. Polite and officer patriot
  4. Likes to consult and obey
  5. Willing to help and steadfast
  6. Diligent, carefree and skilled
  7. Thrifty, careful and unpretentious
  8. Discipline, loyal and brave
  9. Responsible and trustworthy
  10. Pure in thought, word and deed

4. Formulation of Dasa Darma IV (1978-2009)

There was a reformulation of the Scout Principles in 1978 which was marked by the issuance of a memorandum by the Scout Movement National Conference in Manado. Then, the formulation was published in the National Kwartir Decree Number 036/KN/79. The formulation of the fourth darma darma was used from 1978 to 2009. The following contains the contents of the fourth darma darma:

  1. Piety to God Almighty
  2. Love for nature and affection to us fellow human
  3. Polite and knightly patriot
  4. Compliant and likes to discuss
  5. Willing to help and steadfast
  6. Diligent, skilled and joyful
  7. Thrifty, careful, and unpretentious
  8. Discipline, brave and loyal
  9. Responsible and trustworthy
  10. Pure in thought, word and deed

5. Formulation of Dasa Darma V (2009-present)

Another change occurred and this is the last one as it is still in use today. The composition of the fifth Scout Darma has been compiled and included in the 2009 Scout Movement Bylaws based on the Scout Movement’s National Kwartir Decree Number 203 of 2009.

The composition of the fifth scout darma was also reaffirmed in the Bylaws of the Scout Movement for the 2012 Extraordinary National Conference (Munaslub). The following are the contents of the fifth scout darma which is still in use today:

  1. Piety to God Almighty.
  2. Love for nature and affection to us fellow human.
  3. Polite and chivalrous patriot.
  4. Compliant and likes to discuss.
  5. Willing to help and steadfast.
  6. Diligent, skilled and joyful.
  7. Thrifty, careful and unpretentious.
  8. Discipline, brave and loyal.
  9. Responsible and trustworthy.
  10. Pure in thought, word and deed.

Fill in the Dasa Darma of Scouting text

The last dasa darma of scouting, which is used to date, is the result of the formulation of the National Conference which produced the contents of the text of the dasa darma pramuka, namely:

Dasa Dharma, the Scout:

  1. Piety to God Almighty
  2. Love for nature and affection to us fellow human
  3. Polite and chivalrous patriot
  4. Compliant and likes to discuss
  5. Willing to help and steadfast
  6. Diligent skillful and happy
  7. Thrifty, careful and unpretentious
  8. Discipline, brave and loyal
  9. Responsible and trustworthy
  10. Pure in thought, word and deed.

The meaning of Dasa Darma Scouting

Every scout member is obliged to pronounce and memorize the contents of the Das Darma Scouts. Not only memorizing, each member must also be able to practice the contents of the basic Scout Dharma in their daily lives.

The cultivation of the noble values ​​of Das Darma Scouts must be present in the soul of every Scout member. The following is the meaning of each Dasa Darma Pramuka sentence.

1. Piety to God Almighty

Every scout member must have the character of piety to God and uphold his dignity as a creature of God. Scout members are also required to always carry out orders and stay away from God’s prohibitions, and can worship according to their individual beliefs. A scout must also have an attitude of tolerance between religions.

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2. Love of Nature and Compassion for Fellow Humans

At this point every scout member must have the nature of love and compassion. Love and affection are shown not only to humans, but also to all living things including animals and plants. By having a sense of love and affection, it can also create a safe, comfortable, and serene environment.

3. Polite and Chivalrous Patriot

Scout members must have the characteristics of a patriot and a knight. This indicates that every scout member must have polite and courteous nature, which is a self-reflection of every scout member.

Scout members are also required to participate in maintaining the unity and integrity of the Indonesian state to create a safe and prosperous country.

4. Obedient and like deliberation

Every scout member must have an obedient attitude to every task given. In giving these assignments, members may not refuse and must be prepared to carry out any orders given.

Don’t forget, in making decisions, a scout member must be based on the principle of deliberation in order to reach consensus.

5. Willing to Help and Steadfast

Every scout member is required to have a high sense of humanity to be able to help every living being who is in trouble. In addition, in the face of every disaster or trial, scout members must be steadfast and also not give up easily.

6. Diligent, Skilled, and Happy

Scout members must have a diligent attitude to be able to carry out all their activities in everyday life. A skilled attitude is needed by every scout member which is useful for solving any problems that arise. In addition, in carrying out activities, it must be carried out cheerfully and happily without any burden from each member.

7. Save, Meticulous, and Understated

Every scout member must have a frugal nature. Every scout member also must not have the attitude of wasting everything.

8. Disciplined, Courageous and Loyal

The next Dasa Dharma is that every Scout member must have a disciplined attitude in carrying out various activities in everyday life. Scout members must also have a courageous attitude in facing every challenge and be loyal to uphold their guidelines.

9. Responsible and Trustworthy

The attitude of responsibility must be possessed by every scout member. Every scout member must be able to account for everything he has done. Scout members must also be trustworthy and not betray the trust that has been given.

10. Pure in Thoughts, Words, and Deeds

The last dasa dharma means that every scout member must have good thoughts, words and deeds. Every behavior of scout members is expected to be a role model for the whole community, that way they must keep control of various bad words, actions, and thoughts.

The Application of Dasa Dharma Scouts in Everyday Life

Each point contained in the contents of the Dadha Dharma Scouts has a different meaning and meaning, which each member must apply to their daily lives to make them better individuals.

The application of the 10 Dasa Darma Scouts can be done in various ways, such as:

1. Fear of God Almighty


  1. Always remember God in every activity both small and large.
  2. Get used to every want to do an action must be started by praying.
  3. Always obey and perform worship on time

2. Love of Nature and Compassion for Fellow Humans


  1. Maintain good relations with others
  2. Help each other if there are difficulties
  3. Maintain cleanliness by not littering.
  4. Have empathy and sympathy for people.

3. Polite and Chivalrous Patriot


  1. Respect for elders
  2. Does not differentiate people based on ethnicity, race, religion
  3. Diligent in studying
  4. Obey the rules

4. Obedient and like deliberation


  1. Obedient to parents, teachers, and mentors
  2. Consult before making a decision
  3. Don’t force your will on others

5. Willing to Help and Steadfast


  1. Likes to help parents
  2. Care for others
  3. Help sincerely

6. Diligent, Skilled, and Happy


  1. Study diligently
  2. Enthusiasm in carrying out every activity
  3. Never skipped school

7. Save, Meticulous, and Understated


  1. Think when you want to do something
  2. Thorough in doing all tasks
  3. Set aside money for savings

8. Disciplined, Courageous and Loyal


  1. Can appreciate time
  2. Dare to face new challenges
  3. Have high solidarity
  4. Have a loyal friend

9. Responsible and Trustworthy


  1. Be willing to apologize if you make a mistake
  2. Carry out tasks with full sense of responsibility
  3. Always think before acting
  4. Be wise in decision making

10. Pure in Thoughts, Words, and Deeds


  1. Don’t lie and always tell the truth
  2. Always think positive
  3. Always speak kind words.

This is an explanation of the meaning of the Dasa Darma Scouts , the history of the formation of the Dasa Darma Scouts, their meaning and how to apply the ten Dasa Darma Scouts to everyday life. Sinaumed’s can read books related to scouts so you will know #MoreWithReading. You can get these books at sinaumedia.com .

Author: Nurul Ismi Humairoh

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