Definition of Education: Elements, Tasks, and Conditions

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the definition of Education is an acceleration program of a set of educational activities arranged in such a way that it can be done by students in a shorter time than usual. The definition of education also refers to educators or educational staff who are on duty as teachers, guides, and trainees of students.

Definition of Education

The term education comes from the Latin word “e-ducere” or “educare” which means to lead out or lead. As well as the word “prominent” means bringing people as a leader as well as the process of becoming prominent.

Lexically, in Webster’s own dictionary, the word education is defined as follows:

– The action or process of educating as well as being educated.
– Knowledge or development obtained from the educational process.
– Fields of study related to teaching and learning methods in schools.

Meanwhile, according to M. Noor Syam (1980), Education is an institution and an effort to develop the nation and the character of the nation. Education itself encompasses a fairly comprehensive scope, namely the education of mental ability, ratio, intellect, and human personality as a whole. In order to build that personality, it takes a relatively long period of time or even lasts a lifetime.

According to John Dewey, Education is a renewal process from experience. The process can occur in a normal association as well as the association of adults with children that occurs on purpose. And institutionalized in order to face social continuity. The process involves the development and handling of the immature person and the group in which he lives.

According to Law No. 20 of 2003 on the National Education System or Sisdiknas, says that education is a conscious and planned effort in creating a learning environment and learning process so that students can actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, intelligence, noble character, personality, and the skills needed in oneself, the community, the nation, and the country.

Elements of Education

Education has elements in it. There are several elements of education, including:

a. Learners

Learners have the status as a subject, ie learner. Learners are autonomous subjects and individuals who want to be recognized for their existence.

b. A person who guides or Educator

An educator is someone who has responsibility for the implementation of education with the main target being students. Students will undergo their education in three types of environments, namely the school environment, the family environment, and the community environment. Therefore, the person responsible for education is the teacher, the leader of the learning program, the parents, and the community.

c. Interaction between students and educators or educative interaction

In principle, educational interaction is a reciprocal communication between students and their educators directed towards educational goals.

d. Material or Content of Education

In the school education system, material is mixed into the curriculum to be presented as a means of achieving goals. The material includes core material as well as local content.

e. Context that has an impact on education

The context that has an impact on this education includes:

– Educational tools and methods are two sides of the same coin. These tools and methods are interpreted as everything that is implemented or omitted on purpose in order to achieve educational goals.
– The place where the guidance event takes place or the educational environment.

Definition of Educational Energy

Educational staff is a member of the community who is appointed and dedicates himself with the aim of supporting the implementation of education. In general, this educational force is enshrined in Law No. 20 of 2003 regarding Sisdiknas, including:

– Educational staff includes educators, testers, examiners, librarians, education unit managers, researchers and developers in the field of education, laboratories, and learning resource technicians.
– Educators include counselors, trainees, and instructors.
– Managers of education units that include principals, directors, rectors, heads, and leaders of out-of-school education units.

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Included in the type of educational personnel is the manager of the education system, for example the head of the education office at the provincial, city or regency level. In general, the educational workforce can be categorized into 5 (five) categories, including:

a. Educators that include mentors, testers, trainers, and instructors.
b. Functional education staff that includes inspectors, researchers and developers in the field of education, supervisors, and librarians.
c. Educational technical staff that includes learning resource technicians and laboratories.
d. Educational unit management staff that includes school principals, directors, rectors, heads, and leaders of out-of-school education units.
e. Other personnel who manage managerial and educational administrative problems.

Etymology or Meaning of Educator and Teacher

a. Educator

An educator is a professional who has the task of planning and carrying out a learning process, giving value to learning outcomes, carrying out guidance and training, and devoting himself to the community. Specifically for educators at universities as found in article 39 paragraph 2 of law no. 20 of 2003.

In a simple sense, an educator is someone who provides knowledge to students. Meanwhile, in the community’s view that educators are people who do their education in certain places, not only in formal education institutions, but also in mosques or mosques, homes and so on.

Therefore, an educator has several duties, including:

– Handing over culture to its students consists of skills, intelligence, and experiences.
– Become an intermediary in the learning process.
– Educator is an educator who leads students towards more maturity.
– Educators are the link between the community and the school.
– Educators are responsible for enlightening the lives of students. As well as being responsible in shaping students to become a person of good manners who is very capable, useful for religion, nation, and people in the future.

b. Teacher

According to the definition of the term “teacher” has the meaning of a professional educator whose main task is to teach, educate, direct, guide, train, assess, and also evaluate students. The main task will run effectively when a teacher has a certain degree of professionalism. It is reflected or seen from skills, expertise, skills, competence, and skills that meet quality standards or ethical norms. The definition of this teacher is not contained in a legal regulation No. 20 of 2003 on the National Education System or commonly known as sisdiknas. In the UU, the teaching profession is included in the group of educators.

In fact, teachers and educators are two different things in meaning. In government regulation (PP) No. 74 of 2008 regarding teachers, states that teachers include:

– Teachers who are in class, teachers of a field of study, guidance and counseling teachers and students’ career guidance teachers.
– Teachers have additional duties as principals.
– Teachers in the department as supervisors. Teacher has a broad meaning which is all the educational staff who carry out learning tasks in the classroom.

The teacher has a position as a professional at the level of early childhood education on the formal education path that is appointed according to legal regulations, basic education, and secondary education. A good teacher is a teacher who has competence in the teaching and learning process.

So that learning can run efficiently and effectively. An expert named Conny R. Semiawan stated that teacher competence has three criteria, namely:

1. Knowledge criteria, meaning that the intellectual ability possessed by a teacher includes mastery of lessons, knowledge of how to learn, knowledge of behavior or behavior of an individual, knowledge of counseling and guidance, knowledge of general and social knowledge.

2. Performance criteria, meaning that the ability of a teacher is related to various skills and behaviors that include the skills of teaching, evaluating, socializing and communicating in guiding students, using teaching aids, and teaching planning or organizing teaching preparations.

3. Product criteria, meaning that a teacher’s ability to measure the ability and progress of students after participating in teaching and learning activities.

Educators and Educational Forces

Educators and educational staff are two very different things. Here are the differences between educators and educators if seen from the understanding to the duties of educators and educators between the two are as follows.

Definition of Educator

The definition of educators is based on the provisions of Article 1 of Law No. 20 of 2003 on the National Education System, states that educators are educational personnel who are qualified to be lecturers, counselors, teachers, learning leaders, tutors, facilitators, instructors, etc. in accordance with their respective specialties. As well as participating in educational efforts.

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Definition of Educational Energy

Meanwhile, the definition of educational staff based on the provisions of Article 1 of Law No. 20 of 2003 on the National Education System, states that educational personnel are members of society who are appointed and dedicate themselves with the aim of supporting the implementation of education.

Duties of Educators

According to the provisions of article 39 paragraph 2 of law No. 20 of 2003 on the National Education System, states that educators are professionals who have the task of planning and carrying out the learning process, carrying out guidance and training. As well as carrying out research and service to the community, especially for educators at universities.

Duties of Educational Personnel

The duties of the educational staff are regulated in the provisions of article 39 paragraph 1 of law No. 20 of 2003 on the National Education System, states that the duties of the educational staff are to perform administration, development, supervision, management, and technical services in order to support the educational process of the educational unit.

Regarding the rights and obligations, as well as the conditions of educators and educational staff, this is regulated according to the provisions of article 40 to article 44 of law no. 20 of 2003.

Rights and Obligations of Educators and Educational Personnel

Educators and educational personnel according to the provisions of the law have their respective rights and obligations.

Rights of Educators and Educational Personnel

The rights of educators and educational staff as mentioned above are found in the provisions of article 40 paragraph 1 of law no. 20 of 2003 on the National Education System which states that the rights of educators and educational staff are as follows:

– Income and guarantee of appropriate and adequate social well-being.
– Appreciation according to the performance and work tasks of each.
– Career development in line with demands for quality development.
– Legal protection in performing all duties and rights over intellectual property.
– The opportunity to use infrastructure and educational facilities to support the smooth implementation of their respective tasks.

Obligations of Educators and Educators

Next is the obligation of educators and educational staff based on the provisions of article 40 paragraph 2 of law no. 20 of 2003 on the National Education System, states as follows:

– Creating an educational atmosphere that is very meaningful, creative, pleasant, dynamic, and also dialogic.
– Have a professional commitment to improve the quality of education in Indonesia.
– Set a good example and maintain the good name of the profession, institution, and position in accordance with the trust that has been given to him.

Other Matters Related to Educators and Educational Personnel

Other matters related to educators and educational staff have been determined as it has been said above that the other matters are contained in the provisions of Article 41 of Law No. 20 of 2003 on the National Education System, states that other matters related to educators and educational staff are as follows:

– Educators and educational staff can work across regions.
– The appointment, placement and deployment of an educator and educational staff is regulated and determined by an institution that appoints them in accordance with the needs of the formal education unit. Therefore, the government and regional government should provide facilities to education units for educators and educational personnel who are required to guarantee the provision of quality education.

That is as per the provisions of Article 41 of Law No. 20 of 2003, states that by paying attention to those two things, the government and regional government should facilitate the unit of educators and educational personnel needed to guarantee the maintenance of quality education.

Conditions of Becoming an Educator

In general, the requirements to be an educator are based on the provisions of Article 42 of Law No. 20 of 2003 on the National Education System, states that the conditions for becoming an educator are as follows:

– Have a minimum qualification and have been certified according to the level of teaching authority.
– A healthy body both spiritually and physically.
– Having the ability to create a better national education goal.

Education providers, both the central government and the regional government, are obliged to build and develop the educational workforce as mentioned in article 44 of law no. 20 of 2003. The construction carried out is certainly not separated from the rights that need to be given to educators and educational staff.