List of BPUPKI Members: Formation, Session to Dissolution of BPUPKI

Members of BPUPKI – Investigating Agency for Preparatory Efforts for Indonesian Independence (BPUPKI) as an organization formed by the Japanese government as an effort to liberate Indonesia.

At that time, Japan suffered defeat in the Pacific War. This body itself has 62 members chaired by Radjiman Wedyodiningrat and the deputy chairmen are Hibangase Yosio and RP Soeroso. BPUPKI was then inaugurated on May 28, 1945 with the hoisting of the Hinomaru flag and followed by the Red and White flag. This in itself further aroused the enthusiasm of the members to liberate Indonesia.

Check out a more complete explanation of BPUPKI starting from the definition, history, results of sessions 1 and 2, to the following history of its dissolution.

Formation of BPUPKI

BPUPKI or the Investigative Agency for Preparatory Efforts for Indonesian Independence is a body formed by the Japanese as an effort to gain support from the Indonesian nation.

In Japanese, BPUPKI itself is also known as ‘ Dokuritsu Junbi Cosakai ‘. The establishment of the Investigating Agency for Preparatory Efforts for Indonesian Independence or BPUPKI aims for mutual benefit. The main purpose of establishing BPUPKI itself is to study, explore, and investigate various basic forms that are suitable to meet the various interests of the post-independence Indonesian state government system.

So, the Investigative Agency for Preparatory Efforts for Indonesian Independence or BPUPKI was established with the aim of preparing for the process of Indonesian independence.

Meanwhile with regard to Japan, the purpose of forming the BPUPKI was to attract the sympathy of the Indonesian people so that they would then assist Japan in the war against the Allies by giving promises of independence to Indonesia. Japan, which is currently involved in World War II, then needs a lot of support. The formation of BPUPKI by the Japanese themselves was 100 percent sincere to give Indonesia independence, but also to get support.

The main task of BPUPKI is to study, investigate, and prepare various matters relating to political, economic, governance aspects, as well as important matters needed in the effort to form an independent Indonesian state.

During BPUPKI’s existence, it has conducted two sessions. From these two sessions, several points were formulated. For more details about BPUPKI, find out the history of its establishment, the members and the results of the trial. The following is a summary of the history of the formation of the BPUPKI, its members and the results of the session.

BPUPKI was first formed by the Japanese government on March 1, 1945, to coincide with Emperor Hirohito’s birthday. This institution was then formed as an effort to gain support from the Indonesian nation, by promising that Japan would then assist the process of Indonesian independence.

BPUPKI has 67 members chaired by Dr. Kanjeng Raden Tumenggung (KRT) Radjiman Wedyodiningrat, as well as deputy chairman Ichibangase Yosio (who is Japanese) and Raden Pandji Soeroso. Apart from BPUPKI members, an Administrative Body with 60 members was also formed.

This Administrative Body was then led by Raden Pandji Soeroso and deputy Mr. Abdoel Gafar Pringgodigdo and Masuda Toyohiko (Japanese). BPUPKI’s own task is to study and investigate matters related to political, economic, governance aspects, as well as matters needed in the effort to form an independent Indonesian state. In 1944, Saipan fell to the Allies.

Likewise with the Japanese troops in Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, and the Marshall Islands, which were beaten back by the Allied forces. Thus, the entire Japanese defense line in the Pacific was destroyed and the shadow of Japan’s defeat appeared.

Furthermore, the Japanese then experienced various air attacks on the cities of Ambon, Manado, and Makassar, and Surabaya. Even the allied troops have also landed in oil areas, such as Tarakan and Balikpapan.

In this critical situation, on March 1, 1945, Lieutenant General Kumakici Harada as the leader of the Japanese occupation government in Java, then announced the formation of the Investigative Body for Preparatory Efforts for Indonesian Independence (Dokuritsu Junbi Cosakai).

The establishment of this body actually aims to investigate important matters relating to the establishment of an independent Indonesian state. The appointment of this administrator was then announced on April 29, 1945. Dr. KRT Radjiman Wediodiningrat was then appointed chairman (Kaico).

Meanwhile, the first Young Leader (Fuku Kaico) was appointed by the name Icibangase. Then RP Suroso who was appointed as Head of the Secretariat was assisted by Toyohito Masuda and Mr. AG Pringgodigdo. BPUPKI itself was disbanded on August 7, 1945 because its tasks had been completed.

After BPUPKI was formed, BPUPKI officially held two meetings. The first trial was held on 29 May-1 June 1945. Meanwhile the second trial was held on 10 July-17 July 1945. From these two sessions, several points were formulated.

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List of BPUPKI Members

Before discussing the purpose and duties of BPUPKI. Know in advance who the members of the BPUPKI or the Investigative Body for Preparatory Work for Indonesian Independence are.

  1. KRT Radjiman Wedyodiningrat served as chairman
  2. RP Soeroso served as deputy chairman
  3. Ichibangse Yoshio served as deputy chairman
  4. Soekarno as a member of BPUPKI
  5. Mohammad Hatta as a member of BPUPKI
  6. Ki Hajar Dewantara as a member of BPUPKI
  7. Raden Suleiman Effendi Kusumaatmaja as a member of BPUPKI
  8. Samsi Sastrawidagda as a member of BPUPKI
  9. Sukiman Wiryosanjoyo as a member of BPUPKI
  10. Kanjeng Raden Mas Hario Sosrodiningrat as a member of BPUPKI
  11. KH A Ahmad Sanusi as a member of BPUPKI
  12. KH Wahid Hasyim as a member of BPUPKI
  13. H Agus Salim as a member of BPUPKI
  14. Raden Ashar Sutejo Munandar as a member of BPUPKI
  15. Abdul Kahar Muzakir as a member of BPUPKI
  16. Raden Mas Panji Surahman Cokroadisuryo as a member of BPUPKI
  17. Raden Ruseno Suryohadikusumo as a member of BPUPKI
  18. KH Abdul Halim Majalengka (Muhammad Syaari) as a member of BPUPKI
  19. KRMT Ario Wuryaningrat as a member of BPUPKI
  20. Ki Bagus Hadikusumo as a member of BPUPKI
  21. KH Mas Mansoer as a member of BPUPKI
  22. KH Masjkur as a member of BPUPKI
  23. Agus Muhsin Dasaad as a member of BPUPKI
  24. Liem Koen Hian as a member of BPUPKI
  25. Mas Aris as a member of BPUPKI
  26. Mas Sutarjo Kartohadikusumo as a member of BPUPKI
  27. AA Maramis as a member of BPUPKI
  28. Kanjeng Raden Mas Tumenggung Wongsonagoro as a member of BPUPKI
  29. Mas Susanto Tirtoprojo as a member of BPUPKI
  30. Mohammad Yamin as a member of BPUPKI
  31. Raden Achmad Soebardjo as a member of BPUPKI
  32. Raden Hindromartono as a member of BPUPKI
  33. AR Baswedan as a member of BPUPKI
  34. Raden Mas Sartono as a member of BPUPKI
  35. Raden Panji Singgih as a member of BPUPKI
  36. Raden Syamsudin as a member of BPUPKI
  37. Raden Suwandi as a member of BPUPKI
  38. Raden Sastromulyono as a member of BPUPKI
  39. Yohanes Latuharhary as a member of BPUPKI
  40. Raden Ayu Maria Ulfah Santoso as a member of BPUPKI
  41. Raden Nganten Siti Sukaptinah Sunaryo Mangunpuspito as a member of BPUPKI
  42. Oey Tiang Tjoei as a member of BPUPKI
  43. Oey Tjong Hauw as a member of BPUPKI
  44. Bandoro Prince Hario Purubojo as a member of BPUPKI
  45. PF Dahler as a member of BPUPKI
  46. Parada Harahap as a member of BPUPKI
  47. Soepomo as a member of BPUPKI
  48. Prince Ario Husein Jayadiningrat as a member of BPUPKI
  49. Raden Jenal Asikin Wijaya Kusuma as a member of BPUPKI
  50. Raden Abdul Kadir as a member of BPUPKI
  51. Raden Abdulrahim Pratalykrama as a member of BPUPKI
  52. Raden Abikusno Cokrosuyoso as a member of BPUPKI
  53. RAA Purbonegoro Sumitro Kolopaking as a member of BPUPKI
  54. Raden Adipati Wiranatakoesoema V as a member of BPUPKI
  55. Raden Mas Margono Djojohadikusumo as a member of BPUPKI
  56. RMTA Suryo as a member of BPUPKI
  57. R Otto Iskandardinata as a member of BPUPKI
  58. Raden Panji Suroso as a member of BPUPKI
  59. Raden Ruslan Wongsokusumo as a member of BPUPKI
  60. Raden Sudirman as a member of BPUPKI
  61. Raden Sukarjo Wiryopranoto as a member of BPUPKI
  62. Raden Buntaran Martoatmojo as a member of BPUPKI

BPUPKI First Session Results

At the first session of the BPUPKI then discussed the basic formulation of the Republic of Indonesia. During the first session of the BPUPKI, the agenda itself included listening to speeches from three main figures of the Indonesian national movement.

The three figures who conveyed their ideas about the foundation of the Republic of Indonesia, including Prof. Mohammad Yamin, SH, Prof. Dr. Soepomo, and Ir. Sukarno. At the trial held on May 29, 1945, Prof. Mohammad Yamin, SH then put forward the idea regarding the formulation of the five basic principles of the Republic of Indonesia , including:

  • National Fairy
  • Humanity Fairy
  • Divine Fairy
  • Citizen Fairy
  • People’s welfare

Then at the hearing on May 31, 1945, Prof. Dr. Soepomo again put forward his ideas regarding the formulation of the five basic principles of the Republic of Indonesia, which are called the ‘ Basic Principles of an Independent Indonesian State ‘, which include:

  • Unity
  • familial
  • Inner balance
  • discussion
  • Social justice

Meanwhile, at the hearing on June 1, 1945, Ir. Soekarno then conveyed the idea regarding the formulation of the five basic precepts of the Republic of Indonesia, which was called ‘ Pancasila ‘, including:

  • Indonesian Nationality
  • Internationalism and Humanity
  • Consensus or Democracy
  • Social welfare
  • Belief in the One and Only God From several suggestions, belonging to Ir. Sukarno who
  • accepted and given the name Pancasila.

These five formulations were then used as the ideology and foundation of the Indonesian state.

The period between the First and Second BPUPKI Sessions

After the first BPUPKI session was over, there was no agreement on the basis of the Republic of Indonesia. Because of this, a Committee of Nine was formed to ensure and obtain a decision from the previous idea regarding the formulation of the basis of the state. The membership composition of the Committee of Nine includes the following.

  • The first Committee of Nine members were Ir. Sukarno (served as chairman)
  • The first member of the Committee of Nine was Drs. Mohammad Hatta (served as deputy chairman)
  • The first member of the Committee of Nine was Mr. Raden Achmad Soebardjo Djojoadisoerjo (serving as Member)
  • The first member of the Committee of Nine was Mr. Prof. Mohammad Yamin, SH (serving as Member)
  • The first member of the Committee of Nine was Kiai Haji Abdul Wahid Hasjim (serving as Member)
  • The first member of the Committee of Nine was Abdoel Kahar Moezakir (serving as Member)
  • The first member of the Committee of Nine was Raden Abikusno Tjokrosoejoso (serving as Member)
  • The first member of the Committee of Nine was Haji Agus Salim (serving as Member)
  • The first member of the Committee of Nine was Mr. Alexander Andries Maramis (serving as Member)
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The people who were members of the Committee of Nine then held a meeting on June 22, 1945. It was at this meeting that the basic formulation of the Republic of Indonesia was produced, which later became known as the Jakarta Charter. In the Jakarta Charter, the foundations of the Republic of Indonesia include the following:

  • Belief in God with the obligation to carry out Islamic law for its adherents
  • Just and civilized humanity
  • the unity of Indonesia
  • Population led by wisdom in representative deliberations.
  • Social justice for all the people of Indonesia. This draft was subsequently finalized during the second BPUPKI trial which was held from 10 July 1945.

Related Books

The Birth of Pancasila: Collection of BPUPKI Speeches (2017)

The New Order regime once tried to erase history by rejecting the notion that Soekarno was a digger of Pancasila. In fact, who is more accurately described as a digger of Pancasila, Muhammad Yamin or Sukarno?

This book is a recording of BPUPKI’s speeches when the committee held a meeting to prepare the basis for an independent Indonesia. Thus, this book contains the process of the birth of Pancasila, which began with speeches and debates among the Founding Fathers of the Nation.

By reading the main thoughts of the founding fathers when formulating the basis of the independent Indonesian state, we can know how clear and original their thoughts were. Thus we can also conclude, who actually is more worthy of being called the initiator of the birth of Pancasila.

The Essence of Pancasila and Citizenship Education

The essence of Pancasila and Citizenship Education is a combination of learning about the values ​​of Pancasila and citizenship which generally citizens need to know.

In particular, it needs to be understood and studied by the tertiary community according to the norms and standards that have philosophical value. Students or learners in addition to the need for education as well as teaching, namely humanizing humans through education; as stated in Law no. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System.

As for personality education, according to the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No. 43 of 2006 must be taken by every student which includes Pancasila Education, Citizenship Education, and Religious Education.

Because it is difficult to understand the philosophical values ​​of Pancasila and Citizenship quickly in a short time (one semester), it is necessary to have a reference guide for students and the public in learning Pancasila and Citizenship quickly and easily. This book of the Essence of Pancasila and Citizenship Education can be a quick guide or guide to understanding it.

With this book, readers can understand the values ​​of Pancasila and the democratic political system according to Citizenship Education as well as to understand issues of national security, national identity, Archipelagic insights, rule of law, democratic political system, and good governance .

Pancasila & Pluralism Education

Pancasila and pluralism are subjects that are taught in all universities in Indonesia, therefore students should understand Pancasila educational material well. Apart from students, Pancasila education is also needed by various stakeholders in social life.

Considering this, this book does not only present educational material on Pancasila theoretically, but rather presents Pancasila and pluralism in a more “down to earth” manner so that it is interesting to read by all circles. In compiling this book, the author focuses on a theoretical approach, then includes it with a discussion of contemporary substance.

This book contains many actual events as part of the discussion, especially in the implementation of Pancasila in social life and the implementation of pluralism.

The goal is that readers do not only understand the history and educational concepts of Pancasila and pluralism, but also can appreciate Pancasila and pluralism education through discussing contemporary events, as well as implementing the philosophy of Pancasila and diversity (pluralism) in everyday life and in every decision made. taken.

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