50+ Examples of Imperative Sentences and Their Definitions and Differences with Persuasive Sentences

Examples of Imperative Sentences – Basically, imperative sentences in Indonesian and English as imperative sentences are the same . The similarity is that this type of sentence does contain the intention of ordering or asking with the aim of the speech partner, aka the interlocutor. Many people think that this imperative sentence is always related to governing matters, but it’s not Imperative sentences can also contain sentences prohibiting doing something. Besides being able to apply this imperative sentence in spoken language, it can also be used in written language, especially in literature. If in written language, , it usually ends with an exclamation point but some don’t, it depends on the context, right… Take a look at your favorite novel, there must be an imperative sentence!

Even though it is only a type of sentence, the existence of this imperative sentence can always be used as an object of research, usually in semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic analysis. The use of this imperative sentence must also depend on the context of the existing sentence, not just made up. Then, what is an example of an imperative sentence? What is the meaning of the imperative sentence so that it is often used both in spoken and written language? So, so that Sinaumed’s understands these things, let’s look at the following review!

50+ Examples of Imperative Sentences

  1. Please take out the trash!
  2. Sabda, get into the house immediately because it’s very cold outside!
  3. Guys, please pay attention for a moment!
  4. Come on, put on the mask!
  5. Let him cry as much as he wants first, then we’ll ask what caused it!
  6. Please take a closer look, if you really don’t need it, maybe you can just delete the writing!
  7. Please sign this letter immediately so that it can be processed further!
  8. Calm down, kids!
  9. Don’t read in a dark place.
  10. Please sit quietly!
  11. Don’t doubt yourself!
  12. Please come to the village hall this afternoon to discuss the Karang Taruna work program!
  13. Don’t be late for class!
  14. Immediately turn off the lights when it is noon!
  15. Please help Meta lift that chair!
  16. Bring this food for your lunch later!
  17. Don’t forget to stop by Grandma’s house after school!
  18. Let’s get to work right away!
  19. Quickly vacate this room!
  20. Clean the stains on your clothes before Mom knows!
  21. Please send this letter to the Village Secretary.
  22. Try to understand our current situation.
  23. Please convey our apologies to Billy’s family.
  24. Please give this nastar cake to your next door neighbor.
  25. Race participants are requested not to leave the field area.
  26. Obey all the rules in this school.
  27. Try not to be late for class again.
  28. Ask for proof of payment after making this transaction.
  29. Library visitors are requested to immediately return books to their respective places because the library is almost closed.
  30. Remove all the weeds so that your house looks clean.
  31. Please calm down, because the exam is in progress.
  32. Please close the door again as this room is air-conditioned.
  33. Let’s observe a moment of silence to commemorate the services of heroes who have sacrificed for the independence of this country.
  34. Take it easy and don’t move!
  35. Don’t rush, or you might fall!
  36. Put the dirty laundry in the washing machine, please!
  37. Obey traffic signs!
  38. Get up soon, the dawn call to prayer is heard!
  39. Do whatever makes you happy, as long as it doesn’t harm others!
  40. Get out of the room!
  41. Show us that you really mean it!
  42. It’s getting late, go to bed because tomorrow is school!
  43. Don’t listen to other people’s words that hurt you!
  44. Come on kids, cross with me!
  45. Be careful with the road because it is very slippery!
  46. Please turn off the faucet after use.
  47. Let’s work together to clean up the ditches around where we live!
  48. Don’t get used to sleeping with the window open!
  49. Do not bring outside food into this place!
  50. Don’t spit in public!
  51. No parking in front of the gate!
  52. Clean that floor immediately!
  53. Please fry the seasoned fish.
  54. Please don’t make noise while the exam is in progress.
  55. Wait a minute.
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Understanding the Definition of Imperative Sentences

Sinaumed’s must be familiar with the existence of imperative sentences, declarative sentences, and interrogative sentences, right ? Well, these three sentences are types of sentences based on their function. When elaborated more broadly, there are many types of sentences. In this article, we will discuss what imperative sentences are and their types.

Based on the KBBI (Big Indonesian Dictionary), the term “imperative” has the meaning of ‘ordering or giving commands’. Meanwhile, in the realm of linguistics, “imperative” will mean ‘a form of command for a sentence or verb which states a prohibition or obligation to carry out an action’. Therefore, it can be concluded that,

“Imperative sentences are types of sentences that give an order or ask for something with the aim that the interlocutor does as he has been ordered.”

Even so, the imperative sentence does not only give orders or directions, but can also function to ask for something to prohibit someone from doing something. That is why this type of sentence often uses an exclamation mark (!) at the end of the sentence. Imperative sentences are also known as imperative sentences.

This imperative sentence has 5 types, but basically it can be divided into only two, namely orders and prohibitions. That is why, this type of sentence can be said as a complex sentence. According to Rahardi (2005), revealed that imperative sentences in Indonesian can be classified into 5 types, namely: (1) Ordinary Imperative Sentences; (2) Request Imperative Sentences; (3) Permit Granting Imperative Sentences; (4) Inviting Imperative Sentences; and (5) Commanding Imperative Sentences.

Characteristics of Imperative Sentences

In general, this imperative sentence has the main characteristic of being a commanding or giving command sentence, according to its name. So, here are some characteristics that distinguish imperative sentences from other types of sentences.

  • At the end of a sentence, it will usually be followed by an exclamation point (!), not a full stop (.).
  • When spoken or spoken, there will be high emphasis and intonation at the end of the sentence.
  • Has a sentence structure in the form of a predicate that precedes the subject (PS).
  • At the end of a sentence, you usually find the affix -lah or -kan .
  • The sentences tend to ‘force’ the other party, as if requiring the interlocutor to do something according to what he said.
  • When it functions to give orders, it is usually accompanied by certain words in the form of: Please, Please, Please, Come, Want , and so on.

Imperative Sentence Functions

In general, the existence of this imperative sentence functions to order the interlocutor to do something that the speaker wants. However, if applied in everyday life, especially in terms of communication, it can function as:

1. Giving a Ban

Yep, the use of imperative sentences is not only related to orders, but also as a prohibition not to do something. A prohibition, of course regarding things that should be avoided. Here’s an example.

  • “Don’t eat in a hurry!”

Reason: Eating in a hurry can cause us to choke and even bite our tongue.

  • “Don’t be noisy in the middle of the night!”

Reason: Being noisy in the middle of the night can disturb other people who are resting.

  • “Don’t read in the dark!”

Reason: Reading in a dark place can cause our eyes to hurt and it’s hard to focus.

2. Giving a Command

In accordance with KBBI (Big Indonesian Dictionary), imperative is indeed related to giving orders and commands. In this function, commands are more formal in nature so that they are usually used by people who have certain positions. Example:

  • “Perform an attack at night with the tactics we have learned so far!”
  • “Immediately surround the opponent’s fort so that our goal is successful!”
  • “Just do what you’ve been told to do!”

3. Delivering a Sign

It turns out that an imperative sentence can function to convey a sign or code to the other person you’re talking to  This signal or code can usually only be understood by the person you’re talking to. Example:

  • “No need to hesitate, if you like it, just take it!”
  • “Eat something you like!”
  • “Buy what you want!”
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According to the context of some of these examples, the gesture in question is ‘something’ that is only understood by the speaker and the person he is talking to, while other people passing by or the seller do not understand what ‘something’ is desired.

4. Giving an Order

Generally, the use of imperative sentences serves to give orders to the other person to do something. Not infrequently, this type of sentence is accompanied by the word ” please ” so that it seems more subtle and polite. Example:

  • “Please take care of my sister for a while, I’m going to dry the clothes for a while.”
  • “Please take Surya to school later at 8 in the morning!”
  • “Please buy me a pack of nasi padang at the stall in front of the alley!”

5. Offer an Invitation

In this function, at first glance it is almost the same as a persuasive sentence, yes… which both offer an invitation to other people. Well, imperative sentences can also function to offer an invitation, but they are more general things. Example:

  • “Come on, put your shoes on!”
  • “Let’s quickly get ready to head to the church!”
  • “Let’s go to the central building to watch the exhibition preparations!”

Types of Imperative Sentences

As previously explained, imperative sentences in Indonesian can be classified into 5 types, namely: (1) Ordinary Imperative Sentences; (2) Request Imperative Sentences; (3) Permit Granting Imperative Sentences; (4) Inviting Imperative Sentences; and (5) Commanding Imperative Sentences. Well, here is the description!

1. Ordinary Imperative Sentences

According to Rahardi (2005), this ordinary imperative sentence is a simple form of a command sentence that is carried out directly. This type of imperative sentence has the following characteristics:

  • There are basic verbs.
  • Loud intonation.
  • There are particles.
  • There is an exclamation mark (!)
  • Verbs usually end in -an, -i, and -kan .

Examples of Ordinary Imperative Sentences

  • “Get rid of the chicken quickly!”

Context: Someone who is annoyed with chickens because they throw dirt in their yard, then asks someone else to drive the chicken away.

2. Imperative Sentence Request

That is the type of imperative sentence whose command level is very smooth and polite.


“Children… Try not to make a lot of noise, I want to explain an announcement related to Kartini’s Day tomorrow!”

Context: A teacher standing in front of students who are in a noisy classroom situation.

3. Imperative Sentence Granting Permission

Namely the type of imperative sentence that intends to give permission. Usually marked with politeness marking words, for example: Please, Allow, Allow, Allow, Welcome , and others.


“Mother… Please take and taste this nastar cake if you want! This is my own handmade, guaranteed delicious!”

Context: A home owner is giving permission to his guests to taste his pineapple cakes.

4. Inviting Imperative Sentences

That is a type of imperative sentence that intends to invite someone to do something together. In this type, there are usually politeness markers in the form of Come, Let, Try, Come, Hope, Should, Should , and others. Example:

“Bima, let’s move this clothes basket to the back room! You lift the red basket, I lift the green basket!”

Context: An older brother invites his younger brother named Bima to move the basket of clothes together to the back room.

5. Commanding Imperative Sentences

This last type of imperative sentence usually contains orders or orders other people to do something.



The Difference Between Imperative Sentences and Persuasive Sentences

If you look back at the function of imperative sentences, there will be functions related to invitations. Meanwhile, in Indonesian there are also persuasive sentences that invite other people to do something. Then, what is the difference between imperative sentences and persuasive sentences? Come on, see the following reviews!

Imperative Sentence Persuasive Sentence
Even though it functions as a solicitation, it is more likely to be a subtle order. Solicitations that influence the other person or reader.
Filled with requests, solicitations, encouragement, and prohibitions on doing something to the other person or reader. Filled with persuasion or encouragement to do a habit.
There is an exclamation mark (!) at the end of the sentence. At the end of the sentence there is a dot (.).
Usually found in dialogue between characters (if in literary works) Usually found in advertisements.