200 English Nouns With Their Definitions and Types!

English nouns – There are many elements to learning English that you need to understand one by one. From adjectives, verbs to nouns, alias nouns . Once you understand the usage and definition of each of these elements, it will be easier for you to understand the grammar later.

Nouns in English are better known as nouns . Nouns are words that are used to refer to things by their names. It can be a person’s name, a place name or a found noun.

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a noun in English is a word that refers to a person, place, thing, event, substance or quality.

When you learn English, you need to know nouns. Knowing a lot of vocabulary in English, especially nouns, makes learning English easier.

There are so many English nouns around us. You can name everything in your room, living room, dining room, kitchen and bathroom in English. Here’s how you can memorize various English nouns to support your language skills.

If you can recognize various vocabulary that is commonly used when speaking English, at least you can learn it more easily and use it in your daily speaking activities. In this discussion, sinaumedia will review nouns , starting from definitions, types, and examples. Check out the explanation!

Definition of Noun

Nouns are words that can name something, such as people, places, objects, to ideas or ideas. In a sentence, a noun can function as a subject, direct object, and indirect object of a clause, and may be a subject complement or object complement.

Nouns also play a role in naming all objects and concepts in the world, whether they are visible physically or are abstract in nature. If you still remember, according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary,  nouns are nouns.

One characteristic of nouns is that they cannot be combined with the word “no”. let’s look at the example below:

Person (people): Ziaggi, uncle, lawyer, teacher

Place (place): Jakarta, bedroom, class, country

Thing (object): Book, pencil, laptop, fan

Idea (ideas): Kindness, faith, joy, success

Come on Sinaumed’s , let’s take one of the noun examples above and then combine it with the word “no”. For example class , can it change to “no class ” aka “no class?” Yep, “no class has no meaning, so we can’t combine nouns with the word “no.”

Types of English Nouns 

1. Common Nouns and Proper Nouns

You should know that there are things in this world which are ordinary and which are special. Well, these two types of nouns are distinguished by the types of common nouns and proper nouns . Let’s discuss them one by one:

Common Nouns

If we translate it into Indonesian, common means “general” or general, or it can also be called a generic noun. Generic nouns ( common nouns ) are names or objects that are still known or general in nature from a group or category. This type of noun naturally cannot be capitalized unless it is mentioned at the beginning of a sentence or included in the title. Common noun examples are as follows (example common noun) :



Girl (girl)

If you look at the three examples above, is there any other information you can get? Yep, that’s right, nothing. We won’t know what city is meant, what month is chosen, etc. Here are examples of common noun sentences :

The girl crossed the river.

(The girl crosses the river.)

So, in the explanation above, you won’t understand what kind of girl crossed the river? Then, what is the name of the river? How is the condition of the river? In the sentence above is not explained in detail. Therefore, we can conclude that girl and river above are common nouns .


Proper Nouns

Proper Nouns

Sinaumed’s friends , very right. This type of noun is a hyponym of common noun . What is meant by a proper noun ? So, a proper noun is a detailed name for a person, thing, place, etc. When Sinaumed’s friends use proper nouns , we can usually use capital letters in written nouns. The following is an example of a proper noun (proper noun example ):

  • guide
  • spain
  • November

The following is an example of a proper noun sentence (proper noun example) :

I would like to visit Bandung .

(I want to visit Bandung .)

That’s right, Sinaumed’s friends , Bandung is a general specification of a city or city .

2. Abstract Nouns and Concrete Nouns

Abstract Nouns

Abstract nouns are nouns that cannot be sensed by the five senses. So this noun is abstract or only has the concept of “thing” . Generally, abstract noun qualities end in a ce, age, ance, ancy, ion, sion, tion, dom, hood, ice, ism, ment, ness, ship, ity, ty. Here are examples of abstract nouns (example abstract noun)

  • Freedom
  • Courage
  • happiness
  • motivation
  • affection
  • age
  • communism
  • Falsehood
  • Emergency
  • kingdom
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Examples of abstract noun sentences:

We can’t imagine the courage it took to do that.

(We can’t imagine the courage it took to do that.)

Concrete Nouns

Hmm, you must have guessed what a concrete noun is. Yes, concrete nouns are nouns that can be felt with the five senses (can be seen, touched, touched, smelled and heard). So, this noun refers to objects that have tangible properties.

Examples of concrete nouns :

  • Pen
  • Eraser
  • computers
  • classroom
  • stars
  • Moon
  • Wallets
  • paper
  • Wind
  • Fire

Examples of concrete noun phrases :

The thief tried to steal my wallet.

(The thief tried to steal my wallet.)

3. Countable and Uncountable Nouns, plus Mixed Nouns

The following types are number-based nouns, there are countable and uncountable . Count means counting. Come on, see the explanation:

Countable Nouns

Countable nouns are nouns that can be counted or measured, although there can be many of them. The characteristics of countable nouns are:

You can start by counting the numbers one, two, three , etc. It can start with the letter a (a noun starts with a consonant) or with an (used when a noun starts with a vowel). Plural noun endings -s and -es.

Examples of countable nouns:

  • A cat (a cat), an apple (an apple)
  • One table (one table)
  • Three chairs
  • Some clothes

Because there are more seats, -s is added at the end. That is, the seats are plural.

Examples of countable noun sentences :

This is a cat. (This is a cat.)

I need some clothes. (I need some clothes.)

I’m not going to buy any tables . (I’m not going to buy any table.)

Uncountable Nouns

So, uncountable nouns are nouns that cannot be counted. Although there are many of these types of nouns are always considered singular, they also don’t have a plural form like countable nouns. These nouns usually start with some, any, a little, and much .

Examples of uncountable nouns are:

  • A little sand
  • Some water
  • Any milk

In English grammar rules, any and all apply to both countable and uncountable nouns. But don’t get me wrong, there are differences between some and others that you may rarely pay attention to. Although both can be used as prefixes for countable and uncountable nouns , we cannot use them in all types of sentences.

The reason is that some of them are not used in negative or interrogative sentences. Some are used more often in positive sentences, offering something and making a request. We can also see a request as an interrogative sentence with a positive meaning (eg the answer is “yes/can” or other positive answer).

At the same time, anything only applies to negative and interrogative sentences. In this case, the interrogative sentence in question is a question sentence with a negative meaning (assuming that the other person’s answer is “no” or other negative answer). Here’s an example of using an expression that uses some:

Need a little sand . (I need some sand)

Would you like some water? (Would you like some water?)

Can you give me some water? (Can you give me some water?)

The assumption of the answer to this question is that he can provide water.

Examples of using any in a sentence:

I’m not going to buy any milk. (I’m not going to buy any milk.)

Is there any milk in the fridge? (Is there milk in the fridge?)

You can use an example like this if you assume the answer is that there is no milk in the fridge.

Mixed Nouns

As you know, Mix is ​​mix. In fact, according to the rules of English grammar, this type of noun is rarely included in the noun type. Mixed nouns are countable or uncountable nouns depending on the context, situation or circumstances. For example a hair (a hair).

Basically, hair is not customary to count. However, it can be a countable noun that can be counted in certain situations.

Example sentences:

I see a hair on the floor. (I saw a strand of hair on the floor.) However, the hair over there couldn’t start with an a when the situation was different.

4. Singular and Plural Nouns , and Collective Nouns

Actually, in number three, we will discuss a little about the types of nouns based on quantity or amount.

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Singular Nouns

What is a singular noun ? So, a singular noun is a noun that only has one number. Single nouns or singular nouns   can also be called singular nouns, usually beginning with the articles “a, an, and la”. Examples like a dog, an owl, a pen.

Plural Nouns

Plural nouns are nouns that have more than one number but can be counted. If you forget, you can double-check the explanation about countable nouns and uncountable nouns , guys.

Collective Nouns

A collective noun is a collective noun that denotes a group/combination of people, places or things. In addition to the singular, collective terms can be placed in the plural or in the plural. Consider the following examples:

  • Committee
  • Congress
  • Crowd
  • family
  • Pairs 

Following are examples of phrases in collective nouns:

The committee is getting ready to start the international conference event today.

(The committee is getting ready to start an international conference today.)

Examples of English Nouns

  1. Action = Action
  2. Advice = Advice
  3. Afternoon = Afternoon
  4. Airplane = Airplane
  5. Airport = Airport
  6. Animals = Animals
  7. Answer =Answer
  8. Aunt = Aunt
  9. Ball = Ball
  10. Bananas = Bananas
  11. Bed = Bed
  12. Bird = Bird
  13. Brother = Brother
  14. Cat = Cat
  15. Chicken = Chicken
  16. Child = Child
  17. Cigarettes = Cigarettes
  18. Circle = Circle
  19. Coach = Coach
  20. College = College
  21. Conversation = Conversation
  22. Country = Country
  23. Cow = Cow
  24. Day = Day
  25. Desk = Desk
  26. Devices = Tools
  27. Dinner = Dinner
  28. Directions = Directions
  29. Disaster = Disaster
  30. Disease = Disease
  31. Doll = Doll
  32. Drivers = Drivers
  33. Earthquake = Earthquake
  34. Education = Education
  35. Engine = Engine
  36. Entertainment = Entertainment
  37. Family = Family
  38. Farmers = Farmers
  39. father = father
  40. Field = Field
  41. Flags = Flags
  42. Flowers = Flowers
  43. Kite = Kites
  44. Knowledge = Knowledge
  45. Lake = Lake
  46. Lamp = Lamp
  47. Language = Language
  48. Law = Law
  49. Lawyers = Lawyers
  50. Library = Library
  51. Magazines = Magazines
  52. Man = Human
  53. Math = Mathematics
  54. Milk = Milk
  55. Month = Month
  56. Morning = Morning
  57. Mother = Mother
  58. Movies = Movies
  59. Nature = Nature
  60. News = News
  61. Newspaper = Newspaper
  62. Night = Night
  63. North = North
  64. Ocean = Ocean
  65. Office = Office
  66. Paper = Paper
  67. Passenger = Passenger
  68. Pleasure = Pleasure
  69. Rabbit = Rabbit
  70. River = River
  71. Road = Road
  72. Science = Science
  73. Snake = Snake
  74. Society = Society
  75. Song = Song
  76. Station = Station
  77. Sugar = Sugar
  78. Summer = Summer
  79. Sun = Sun
  80. Table = Table
  81. Tiger = Tiger
  82. Tree = Tree
  83. Underwear = Undergarments
  84. Vegetables = Vegetables
  85. Village = Village
  86. Warning = Warning
  87. Weather = Weather
  88. Week = Sunday
  89. Wife = Wife
  90. World = World
  91. Writer = Writer
  92. Year = Year
  93. accounts – accounts, accounts
  94. achiever – achiever
  95. acoustics – acoustics
  96. action – action
  97. activity – activity
  98. actor – actor, movie star for men
  99. additions
  100. adjustment – ​​setting
  101. advertisements – advertisements
  102. advice – advice
  103. aftermath – tail
  104. afternoon – afternoon
  105. afterthought – afterthought
  106. agreement – agreement
  107. water – air
  108. airplane – airplane
  109. airport – airport
  110. alarms
  111. alley – alley
  112. amount – amount
  113. amusement – ​​entertainment
  114. anger – anger
  115. angle – angle
  116. animal – animal
  117. answer – answer
  118. bait – bait
  119. balance – balance
  120. balls
  121. balloons
  122. balls – balls
  123. bananas
  124. bands
  125. base – base
  126. baseball – baseball
  127. basin – basin
  128. basket – basket
  129. basketball – basketball
  130. bat – bat
  131. bath – bath
  132. battle – battle
  133. bead – bead
  134. beams
  135. beans
  136. bear – bear
  137. bears – bears
  138. beasts
  139. bed – bed
  140. bedroom – bedroom
  141. beds – beds
  142. bee – bee
  143. beef – beef
  144. beetles
  145. beggar – beggar
  146. beginners – beginners
  147. behavior – behavior
  148. belief – belief
  149. believe – believe
  150. bell – bell
  151. bells – bells
  152. berries – pick
  153. bikes
  154. bikes – bicycles
  155. birds
  156. birds – birds
  157. birth – birth
  158. birthday – birthday
  159. bit – a bit
  160. bite – bite
  161. blade – knife
  162. blood – blood
  163. blow – blow
  164. boards
  165. boats
  166. boats – boats
  167. body – body
  168. bomb – bomb
  169. bones
  170. books
  171. boots – shoes
  172. border – border
  173. bottles
  174. boundaries
  175. boxes
  176. boys
  177. Armchair: an armchair
  178. Bed sheets: sheets
  179. Bedside Table: bedside table
  180. Blankets: blankets
  181. Bookshelf: bookshelf
  182. Bunk Beds: bunk beds
  183. Carpets: carpets
  184. Chair: chair
  185. Clothes Valet: clothes rack
  186. Cot: baby cot
  187. Curtains: blinds
  188. Double Bed: double bed
  189. Duvet: a thick blanket
  190. Duvet Cover: a thick duvet cover
  191. Hanger: hanger
  192. Hat Stand: a place to store hats
  193. Ironing board: ironing board
  194. Mirrors: mirrors
  195. Nightstand: nightstand
  196. Picture: photo
  197. Pillows: pillows
  198. Rugs: carpet
  199. Shutters: shutters
  200. Single Bed: single bed


Sinaumed’s friends, this is an article about nouns in English, which discusses definitions, types and examples. With this article, it is hoped that you will be able to find out about nouns in English.

If you want to learn more about nouns in English, you can buy books available at sinaumedia. sinaumedia as #FriendsWithoutLimits has provided a variety of quality books that you can have. Come on Sinaumed’s, buy the book now!