70 Examples of Verbs You Need to Know

Examples of Verbs – When you want to arrange the correct sentence systematics, it’s a good idea for Sinaumed’s to pay attention to the word categories you want to use. Is it included in the category of verbs, adjectives, nouns, or adverbs. Even if it is in the branch of morphological linguistics, the discussion of this verb has its own chapter because it is related to the affixation process.

Table of Contents

Verbs or also known as verbs are categories of words that describe the process of activity. Unfortunately, many people are unable to distinguish between verbs and nouns. So, what are some examples of verbs that are commonly used in writing? What are the types of these verbs or verbs? How is the process of affixation to this verb or verb in morphological studies? So, so that Sinaumed’s understands these things, let’s look at the following review!

70 examples of verbs

  1. Water
  2. Chew
  3. Sweeping
  4. steaming
  5. bear
  6. Weaving
  7. Slicing
  8. noted
  9. Weave
  10. Cut
  11. Sawing
  12. Hone
  13. Cut down
  14. Burn
  15. Paint
  16. Fishing
  17. Sew
  18. Paint
  19. Embrace
  20. Waving
  21. Drape
  22. Throw away
  23. inhale
  24. traverse
  25. Rinse
  26. Rubbing
  27. Chew
  28. gush
  29. Suck
  30. Read
  31. Throw
  32. Catch
  33. Interesting
  34. Push
  35. looked up
  36. Jump
  37. Plant
  38. Shoot
  39. Solve
  40. pet
  41. lead
  42. Dive
  43. Spread
  44. Inspect
  45. Bite
  46. Nod
  47. queue
  48. Look down
  49. Slap
  50. unplug
  51. give charity
  52. shouted
  53. Berbaya
  54. play
  55. Testify
  56. conspiring
  57. Surfing
  58. dispute
  59. Hide
  60. touch
  61. Uniformed
  62. Stand by
  63. Dress up
  64. Visit
  65. Bet
  66. Touched
  67. stung
  68. Touched
  69. Sentile
  70. Stumbled

Understanding What is a Verb

If you look at KBBI (Big Indonesian Dictionary), the term “verb” has the same definition as a verb, namely ‘a category of words that describe a process, action, or situation ‘. The term “verb” is usually used in linguistic studies. This verb or verb actually comes from the Latin word ‘ verbum ‘, which has a similar definition, namely ‘ a class of words that express an action, existence, experience, or other dynamic meaning .’

This verb is called that because the words express an action or action that is carried out by the human body. However, verbs are not only limited to actions carried out by human body movements, but also to express actions, actions, processes, movements, conditions, and the occurrence of something. According to Ramlan (in Oktari, 2020), verbs are words that express action and tend to occupy the function of the predicate (P) in sentence syntax. Not only that, Keraf also stated that if verbs in Indonesian are all kinds of words that can be expanded with groups of adjectives.

This class of verbs has the highest frequency of use in a sentence. In fact, it is not uncommon for these verbs or verbs to have a big influence on the construction of sentences. Changes in sentence structure are largely determined by changes in the form of this verb. According to Harimurti Kridalaksana (1993), verbs are a class of words that usually function as predicates and have morphological characteristics, starting from words, aspects, charms, and numbers.

Characteristics of Verbs

  • Has the meaning of deeds, activities, or actions carried out by the motions of living things.
  • Has a process meaning.
  • Can mean circumstances.
  • It is usually followed by a noun, adjective or adverb.
  • Often it can be formed using the affixes me-, di, ber-, ter-, me-kan, di-kan, ber-an, mem-an, and per-i.
  • If in a complete sentence, it will usually be “on duty” as a predicate (P_.
  • Can be preceded by a time statement, for example: has, is, will, almost, and soon.
  • Cannot be combined with words that mean too much. For example: really go, really eat.
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Functions of Verbs in a Sentence

Previously, it was explained that most of these verbs or verbs can function as a predicate (P) in sentence syntax. But apparently, a verb or verb can also function as a subject, object, or complement as well, you know… It should be understood that the use of this verb or verb must still be adapted to the context of the sentence, right…

1. Verb As Predicate

The verb can function as the predicate or the core of the sentence. Example sentences can be:

  • Father and Mother embrace on their wedding anniversary.
  • Kirino kicked the soccer ball carefully.
  • Felix listens to the latest song from Stray Kids.

2. Verbs as Subjects

Even though the average sentence will use a noun as the subject, it turns out that this verb or verb can also act as a subject in a sentence structure, you know  So, here are some examples:

  • Painting is my daily activity.
  • Taking medicine regularly can cure pain.
  • Basking in the sun can nourish the body.

3. Verbs As Objects

As with the subject, the object in a sentence arrangement will usually be filled with nouns. But apparently, verbs or verbs can also act as objects. Following are some examples:

  • Sister tries to take care of the kitten.
  • Mr. Ariel teaches painting to the street children.
  • Riko is thinking about moving his house the day after tomorrow.

4. Verb as Complementary

In sentence structure, it is not just subject, predicate, and object. However, there are still complements whose job is to complete the sentence so that the meaning is clearer. Well, the existence of a verb or verb can also act as a complement in a sentence structure. The following are examples:

  • Key has stopped cheating.

Types of Verbs

By Shape

1. Basic Verbs

Free basic verbs are verbs or verbs that have undergone a morphological alias word formation process. Well, these basic verbs are divided into two types, namely free base words and bound base words.

a) Free Basic Verbs

That is a verb that already has a grammatical function without having to add affixes. Example: walking, running, jumping, eating, bathing, crying, painting, scissors, cutting, and others.

b) Basic Bound Verbs

That is a verb that will only have a grammatical function if it has been added with an affix first. These affixes can be in the form of the prefix meng-, ber, or ter-; and the ending -kan, or -i. Example: struggling, sawing, sawing, and others.

2. Derivative Verbs

A derived verb is a verb or verb that has undergone a process of affixation, reduplication, or a combination of other processes. Usually in this derivative verb will use a noun or adjective first then after experiencing one of these processes, the result will form a verb.

Based on the existence of the object

In this case, the type of verb will depend on several factors, namely:

  • There is an object in the active sentence.
  • The function of the object in the active sentence is so that it can turn into a subject in the passive sentence.

1. Transitive Verbs

A transitive verb is a verb that requires an object or complement to complete the active sentence. Later, object elements can not only be nouns, but can also be nominal phrases. If the object element in a sentence is to be changed into a subject, then the sentence will turn into a passive sentence. Here’s an example:

  • Eat

Active voice: We ate that fried rice this morning.

Passive voice: This morning we ate the fried rice.

  • fell

Active voice: The judge sentences the assassin to death.

Passive voice: The assassin was sentenced to death by the Judge.

  • Hoeing

Active voice: Farmers hoe the fields every day.

Passive voice: Every day the rice fields are hoeed (by) farmers.

2. Intransitive Verbs

Intransitive verbs are verbs or verbs that do not require an object or complement in the sentence structure.

Get to know what is affixation in the formation of verbs

If you look at KBBI (Big Indonesian Dictionary), this process of affixation or affixation is the process or result of adding affixes, whether in the form of prefixes, infixes, confixes, or suffixes to basic words. Since this affixation relates to the formation of verbs, the addition of affixes will be given to the root word of the verb. In the process of forming this verb, the affixes can be:

  • Prefix with-
  • prefix di-
  • Most prefix
  • prefix to-
  • The prefix to
  • per-an confix
  • Confix ber-an
  • Confix per-i
  • Suffix -kan
  • Suffix -i

1. Prefixed Verbs with-

The grammatical meaning of verbs that use the prefix ber- , which states:

  • Have
  • Wear or use
  • Drive or hitchhike
  • Issuing or producing
  • Experiencing or being in a situation
  • Group or group
  • Give
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a) Verbs with the prefix ber- which have a grammatical meaning ‘to have’

If the basic verb form is added by a prefix or prefix, it can mean having (base) or existing (base) . Example:

  • fathered ‘had a father’
  • engine ‘there is an engine’
  • obliged ‘had an obligation’

b) Prefixed Verbs with a Grammatical Meaning ‘Wear’ or ‘Wear’

If the basic verb form is added by a prefix or prefix ber- then it can mean wearing or putting on . Here’s an example:

  • kebaya ‘wearing kebaya’
  • banded ‘wearing a ribbon’
  • leather jacket ‘wearing a leather jacket’

c) Verbs with prefixes with grammatical meaning ‘riding’ or ‘riding’

If the basic verb form is added by a prefix or prefix ber- then it can mean riding or riding . Here’s an example:

  • cycling ‘riding a bicycle’
  • equestrian ‘ride a horse’
  • ride ‘ride the train’

d) Prefixed Verbs with a Grammatical Meaning ‘Removing’ or ‘Producing’

If the basic verb form is added by a prefix or prefix, it can mean to produce or produce . Here’s an example:

  • purulent ‘oozing pus’
  • bleeding ‘bleeding out’
  • to produce ‘to produce’

e) Prefixed Verbs with Grammatical Meaning ‘Experience’ or ‘Being in a State’

If the basic word form is added by a prefix or prefix ber- then it can mean experiencing or being in a state . In this case, the verb can be an adjective which can later turn into a verb, because it has been given a prefix. Here’s an example:

  • rejoice ‘in a state of joy’
  • to be sad ‘to be sad’ or to be ‘in a sad state’
  • have fun ‘in a state of fun’

2. Verb Suffix -kan

In the process, if the suffix or ending -kan is added to the basic word, the sentence can become an imperative sentence and a passive sentence. In using this suffix, the grammatical meaning will be:

  • Make
  • Do it for other people.
  • Do will.
  • Bring in to.
  • Make it on.

a) Verb Suffix -kan which Has the Grammatical Meaning ‘Make’

If the basic verb form is given a suffix or ending -kan , then it can have a meaning in the form of ‘ make ‘. Here’s an example:

  • calm down ‘make calm’
  • unite ‘make one’
  • disconnect ‘make disconnect’

b) Verb Suffix -kan which Has the Grammatical Meaning ‘Make Be In’

If the basic verb form is given a suffix or ending -kan , then it can have a meaning in the form of ‘to be in’. Here’s an example:

  • sideline ‘make it sideways’
  • land ‘make be on land’
  • warehouse ‘make it in warehouse’

c) Verb Suffix -kan which Has a Grammatical Meaning ‘Do For Others’

If the basic verb form is given a suffix or the ending -kan, then it can have a meaning in the form of ‘do it for others’. Here’s an example:

  • open ‘do open for others’
  • bring ‘do carry for others’
  • read ‘do the reading for others’

d) Verb Suffix -kan which Has the Grammatical Meaning of ‘Bring Into’

If the base verb form is given a suffix or the ending -kan, then it can have the meaning of ‘bring it into’. Here’s an example:

  • hostel ‘bring it into the hostel’
  • home ‘bring it into the house’

3. Verb Suffix -i

A basic verb that has an ending or suffix -i , will later have a grammatical meaning in the form of:

  • repeatedly
  • place
  • feel something on
  • do on
  • cause or make

a) Verb Suffix -i which Has a ‘Repeatedly’ Grammatical Meaning

If the base verb form is given a suffix or an -i ending , it can have the meaning of ‘repeatedly’. Here’s an example:

  • beat ‘the work of hitting repeatedly’
  • throw ‘repetitive throw job’
  • kick ‘kick work done repeatedly’

b) Verb Suffix -i which Has a Grammatical Meaning of ‘Giving’ or ‘Giving’

If the basic verb form is given a suffix or an -i ending , then it can have a meaning in the form of giving or affixing . Here’s an example:

  • salti ‘salt on’
  • fund ‘give funds to’
  • advise ‘give advice to’

4. Verbs with the prefix per-

A basic verb that is given a per- prefix or prefix , will later have a meaning in the form of:

  • make more
  • think of as
  • for

a) Per- prefixed Verbs that Have a Grammatical Meaning ‘Make More’

If the basic verb form is given a prefix per- , then it can have a meaning in the form of making it more . Here’s an example:

  • expand ‘make it wider’
  • expand ‘make wider’
  • slow down ‘make it slower’

b) Verbs with the prefix per- which have the grammatical meaning of ‘Think As’

If the basic verb form is given a per- prefix or prefix , then it can have a meaning in the form of think of as . Here’s an example:

  • slaves ‘consider as slaves’
  • peristri ‘consider as wife’
  • peranak ‘take as a child’

c) Verbs with the prefix per- which have a grammatical meaning ‘for’

If the basic verb form is given a per- prefix or prefix , then it can have a meaning in the form of for . Here’s an example:

  • two ‘for two’
  • eighth ‘divide eight’
  • hundredths ‘divide one hundred’

Well, that’s a review of what are examples of verbs and how to form affixes or giving affixes in verbs. Does Sinaumed’s often use verbs as predicates when writing a sentence?

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Chaer, Abdul. (2015). INDONESIAN MORPHOLOGY (Process Approach) . Jakarta: PT RINEKA CIPTA.