Understanding the Nature of Syaja’ah in Islam: Dare to Be Honest for the Truth

Syaja’ah is – As Muslims, of course we know that Islam teaches its people about various kinds of good character or character or warnings about bad character. Among them is by emulating and studying the qualities taught by Rasulullah SAW, one of which is the syaja’ah attitude.

Then, what exactly is this characteristic of syaja’ah and what are the benefits for Muslims who practice this characteristic in their daily lives?

So, syaja’ah is a noble character that teaches every Muslim to dare to act based on truth. Every Muslim should have a noble character called syaja’ah. What’s more, this one trait is related to honesty.

Syaja’ah is the ability to subdue the soul so that it is always strong, steadfast, and continues to move forward even when faced with enemies, life’s problems, or calamities. That way, people who have syaja’ah souls will always use their common sense in controlling their desires so they don’t act as they please.

Islam itself commands its followers not to be cowards or cowards. This is because these two things can lead to failure and also defeat.

Then, one of the characteristics taught by Islam is brave or syaja’ah. This syaja’ah word also has several other meanings, such as strength, courage, gallantry, perseverance, strength of heart, patience, calm, and also self-control. Meanwhile, in terms of terminology, the word syaja’ah means determination and also the courage to keep moving forward to face various problems in life, from enemies to calamities.

Syaja’ah Is

According to a book entitled Islamic Religious Education and Class XI Characteristics , it explains that syaja’ah also has the meaning of being brave in defending the truth and daring to act while on the right path.

So, we can conclude that this courage must be based on truth according to Islamic law and not take sides with wrong things. The opposite of syaja’ah is al jubn which means coward.

People who have this cowardly nature usually do not have a strong commitment to put forward the truth. Their attitude is very dependent on their desires. A coward himself will soften and betray the truth if practicing the truth will lead him to harm himself. For example, they are afraid of human reproach, they are afraid of losing the world’s treasures, and they are also afraid of facing the risks of a struggle.

Therefore, this cowardly attitude was actually closer to defeat. People who have a cowardly attitude tend to be more prone to humiliation and failure. He will feel more afraid of humans than afraid of Allah SWT.

Instead, syaja’ah here can be a way to achieve victory in faith. A Muslim should not be afraid of carrying out religious duties if he wants to achieve glory. Our hearts must be guided by faith, so that there will be no fear within.

Allah SWT has ordered his servant to dare to do something because of the truth. Allah SWT says in the Quran, which means:

“Don’t be weak, and don’t (also) be sad, even though you are the people of the highest (degree), if you are believers.” (QS Ali Imran / 3: 139)

Types of Syaja’ah

The nature of syaja’ah itself is divided into two types, namely syaja’ah harbiyah and syaja’ah nafsiyah. The following is a full explanation:

1. Syaja’ah Harbiyah

Syaja’ah harbiyah is the courage to fight evil that is visible or invisible to the eye or courage to fight in the way of Allah SWT. For example, courage in facing enemies in war to uphold Allah’s Religion. This courage has been explained in the Al-Quran, in Surah Al-Anfal verses 15-16 to be precise. Allah SWT says, which means:

“O you who believe! If you meet unbelievers who will attack you, then do not turn your back to them (backward). And whoever retreats at that time, unless he turns to (tactics) war or wants to join himself with other troops, then indeed, that person returns with the wrath of Allah, and his place is Hell Hell, the worst place to return to.”

2. Syaja’ah Nafsiyah

Meanwhile, syaja’ah nafsiyah is courage in upholding the truth and also facing danger or suffering. For example, the courage to say the right things, control the passions of anger, and admit mistakes. Islam really dislikes people who are cowardly, weak, and also cowardly. People who are weak or cowardly generally do not dare to defend their lives, so they are very easy to despair.

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These fears include fear of being ostracized in their environment, fear of having different attitudes from many people, and fear of defending truth and justice.

Syaja’ah is courage based on truth, carried out with full consideration and calculation to hope for the pleasure of Allah SWT. Courage or syaja’ah is the way to achieve a victory in faith.

There should be no fear and fear for Muslims when carrying out their duties if they want to achieve victory. The spirit of faith that is within will always guide you so that you are not afraid and afraid in the slightest.

Example of Syaja’ah

Of the two types of syaja’ah characteristics that have been described above, syaja’ah can be implemented into several forms of syaja’ah examples, including:

1. Quwwatul Ihtimal

Quwwatul ihtimal is great endurance. Where someone is proven to have syaja’ah properties when they are able to be patient and ready to face suffering, difficulties, dangers, or anything else when fighting in the way of Allah SWT. The story of the struggle of the prophets and also their companions in Makkah illustrates this.

Notice how they persist even in a stressful situation. Until some of them had to die martyrs, like for example Tasi and Sumayyah, some others experienced torture, for example Bilal and Amr bin Yasir, and some of them had to be willing to emigrate from their homeland to Habasyah or Ethiopia in order to maintain their faith and develop da’wah.

2. Ash-Sarahah Fil Haq

As-Sarahah Fil Haq is a frank attitude in truth. Where someone who has this trait is braver to be frank in the truth becomes one of the other implementations of syaja’ah or brave nature.

Rasulullah SAW said: “Tell the truth, even if it is bitter” (HR. Imam Baihaqi). Candor in conveying the truth is an indication of courage. Even speaking the truth in front of unjust rulers was called by Rasulullah Shallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam as the most afdhal (main) jihad, and those who were killed because of it were called martyrs.

“The leader of the martyrs was Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib and the person who stood before the unjust ruler and he ordered him (to do good) and forbade him (to do evil), then the leader killed him.” (Narrated by Imam Al Hakim).

3. Kitmanu As-Sirri

Kitmanu As-Sirri means holding secrets. In holding a secret, it certainly requires courage in us. What’s more, the information we hold is indicated to be dangerous if there is a leak. By keeping secrets, someone also maintains the trust that has been given by others.

Keeping secrets, especially in the context of struggle and preaching is something that is hard and carries a high risk. The disclosure of a secret can be very fatal. Therefore, readiness to hold secrets is an indication of shaja’ah for a Muslim.

Among the Prophet’s own companions who are believed to hold secrets are not many. Among them is Hudzaifah Ibnul Yaman RA, namely a friend of the Prophet known as Shahibus Sirri or secret holder.

4. Al-I’tirafu Bil Khatha’i

Al-I’tirafu Bil Khatha’i means admitting mistakes. People who are ready and willing to admit their mistakes are one of the characteristics of people who have syaja’ah or courageous traits. As we know that admitting mistakes is not easy.

Sometimes, we are afraid of being ostracized, afraid of being hated by others, or worried about what other people will think because of the mistakes we have made. In fact, admitting one’s own mistakes is very profitable. Because they can see mistakes in themselves and immediately fix them.

5. Al-Inshafu Min Adz-Dzati

Al-Inshafu Min Adz-Dzati means being objective to yourself. People who have syaja’ah traits will judge themselves objectively and also believe that they have strengths and weaknesses.

6. Milku An-Nafsi Inda Al-Ghadhabi

Milku An-Nafsi Inda Al-Ghadhabi means self control when angry. One of the characteristics of people who have syaja’ah traits is having toughness in fighting lust and also anger. Even in an emotional state, they will still be able to think clearly.

Application of Syaja’ah in Islam

The application of syaja’ah in Islam has various forms. Syaja’ah here can be practiced in accordance with the profession played by every Muslim. The following are some examples of the application of syaja’ah in everyday life, including:

  • Have great endurance in the face of difficulties, danger, suffering, to torture, as long as they are in the way of Allah SWT.
  • Be honest and consistent in conveying the truth.
  • Holding a secret that has been informed, especially in kindness.
  • Don’t be ashamed to admit your own mistakes.
  • Be objective with yourself.
  • Can control yourself when angry.
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Relation Syaja’ah with Honesty

Syaja’ah turns out to be related to honesty or honesty. People who dare to carry out noble duties always act on the basis of honesty. At least, there are three reasons for the relationship between syaja’ah and honesty, including:

  1. People who have syaja’ah souls will be more consistent in voicing the truth. His words and actions are not accompanied by elements of lies. In fact, he dared to speak the truth, even if it was done in front of the authorities and a coward would not dare to act like that.
  2. People who have syaja’ah souls will dare to admit their mistakes. They will not deny the fact that they have done many wrong things. In addition, they also reconcile by apologizing and trying hard not to repeat their mistakes.
  3. People who have syaja’ah souls are always happy to do good. It is human nature to like honesty and hate lies.

Forms of Courage

Courage can not only be shown in war, but also in various aspects of life. As mentioned in the Al-Quran and Sunnah, namely:

1. Courage of Jihad in the Way of Allah SWT

As Muslims, we must have the courage to go forward to fight in defense of the truth until we win or die as martyrs. This has been stated in Surah Al-Anfal verses 1 15 to 16, which means:

“O you who believe, when you meet disbelievers who are attacking you, then do not turn your back on them. Whoever turns his back on them at that time (retreats), unless he turns to (tactic) war or wants to join forces with other troops, then indeed that person will return with the wrath of Allah, and his place is the Hell of Jahannam. And so bad their back place”.

The Prophet also gave an example of this in the Battle of Badr, namely with an army of 300 people who dared to face an opponent with three times the number of cockroaches, which is about 1000 people and it turns out that the Prophet and his companions managed to achieve victory.

2. Courage in Stating the Truth

In this regard, the Prophet Muhammad SAW once said:

“The most afdal jihad is fighting for justice before an unjust ruler.” (Narrated by Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi)

3. Courage to Control Yourself from Emotions

This one has been explained in the discussion above.

Source of Courage

The following are several factors that cause a person to have courage, including:

1. Fear of Allah SWT

As long as someone is still convinced that what he is doing is based on the commands of Allah SWT, then that person has an attitude of not being afraid of anyone, except Allah SWT. If something makes him feel afraid, then he must believe that Allah SWT is the best helper and protector.

“Sufficient is Allah who is our Helper, and Allah is the best Protector”. (QS. Ali-Imran: 173)

2. Loves the Hereafter More Than the World and Everything in It

We need to understand that this world is not the final destination, but only as a bridge to the hereafter. A Muslim will not hesitate to leave the world, as long as he gets true happiness in the hereafter.

3. Not Afraid of Death

When death comes, no one can prevent or run away from it. Death is a certainty and everyone who lives will surely die. A Muslim will not be afraid of death, let alone martyrdom.

“Wherever you are, death will find you, even if you are in a strong and high fortress …”. (QS. An-Nisa: 78)

4. No Doubt

One that causes fear in oneself is a feeling of doubt. If someone has doubts about the rightness of what they are doing, surely they will be at risk. However, if they are full of faith, courage will emerge. Rasulullah SAW himself once taught.

“Leave what doubts you, towards what does not doubt you.” (HR. Tirmidhi and Nasa’i)

5. Not Prioritizing Material Strength

Material strength is indeed needed in the struggle, but material is not everything, Allah is the one who determines everything. So, never put material strength first.

6. Trust and believe in the help of Allah SWT

People who fight for the truth will never feel afraid, because after trying hard, they will put their trust and ask Allah SWT for help.

This is an explanation of what syaja’ah is and some examples of its application in everyday life. For Sinaumed’s who want to know more deeply about other Islamic religious knowledge, they can read related books by visiting sinaumedia.com .

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Author: Umm


  • https://www.risahislam.com/2022/10/pengertian-syajaah-tipe-example.html
  • https://tirto.id/mengenal-kind-kind-syajaah-dan-keterkainya-dengan-kejuangan-gws6
  • https://www.muslimterkini.com/dinding/pr-902050102/materi-syajaah-class-11-pengertian-exemplary-until-makalah-complete