Understanding the meaning of Gomawo and how to use it

Gomawo means – Language is one of the media to unite one person with another. Of course, we know that English is an international language that is often used as an auxiliary medium for communication between one person from a country when meeting other people who do not come from the same country.

This is because every country always has a national language that only local residents understand. One of them is Korea, which makes Korean (한국어/조선말) its official language.

Actually, the meaning that is pronounced is the same as in Indonesian, there are words sorry, please, thank you and so on, but it is pronounced in Korean. For those of you who often watch Korean drama series, of course you are also familiar with various kinds of vocabulary from that country.

One of them is the word Gomawo which in fact is often uttered as a form of expression of gratitude to someone. So, in this article, we will discuss the meaning of the word Gomawo and other Korean vocabulary that you may have heard of but don’t know what it means.

Meaning of the word Gomawo

Maybe not many people know the meaning of the word Gomawo. Even so, for Korean drama lovers, Gomawo’s vocabulary is indeed familiar. This is because the Gomawo vocabulary is often spoken by Korean drama actors.

It’s no wonder that in Indonesia, many young people often use Gomawo’s vocabulary in their daily lives. This cannot be separated from the worldwide popularity of Korean dramas.

In fact, the use of the Korean language is quite familiar to everyone’s ears, even outside the country like Indonesia. Gomawo means thank you in Indonesian.

Gomawo is an expression of thanks that is usually used when conditions are not normal or when speaking casually in Korean. Gomawo means a thank you that will be conveyed to peers or people of the same age.

If you use Gomawo vocabulary to strangers or to older people, then this action will be considered impolite in Korea.

In essence, Gomawo means giving thanks in an informal or casual way. Not only using Gomawo vocabulary, but there are also other expressions of gratitude in Korean.

For example, like Kamsahamnida and Gomapseumnida, it can also be used as an expression of gratitude to other people.

Some Expressions of Thanks in Korean

As previously explained, the Gomawo vocabulary means informal thanks and is usually used to peers. Therefore, if you really want to know more about saying thank you in Korean.

Of course, you must know what types of vocabulary words to say thank you besides Gomawo. If Gomawo is usually used informally, there will be an expression of thanks in the formal sense.

So, below is an explanation regarding some thank-you notes in Korean.

1. Gomawoyo

Apart from Gomawo, it turns out that there is also Gomawoyo vocabulary which can also be used as another form of thank you. Where Gomawoyo is a thank you used informally.

Of course, Gomawoyo’s vocabulary can be used for people you just met or those who are younger. But compared to Gomawo, Gomawoyo is known to be more polite.

2. Kamsahae and Kamsahaeyo

Kamsahae and Kamsahaeyo are types of thank you words in Korean. Kamsahaeyo itself is a thank you that can be used when in a relaxed atmosphere.

As for Kamsahaeyo, it is a kind of word of thanks that is more polite than Kamsahae. Even so, in practice, Kamsahae and Kamsahaeyo are still classified as informal or relaxed. The politeness level of Kamsahae and Kamsahaeyo is still the same as that of Gamawoyo.

3. Kamsahamnida

If Gomawo means as a thank you but in an informal condition or relaxed atmosphere. Of course, in Korean there are also words of thanks in a more polite form for formal situations.

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One of them is Kamsahamnida which is an expression of the word thank you in Korean but for more formal conditions. Kamsahamnida itself is usually used for older people, superiors, or seniors.

Besides that, the pronunciation of Kamsahamnida can also be addressed to people who are just known or to people who are respected. Saying thank you with the Kamsahamnida vocabulary is indeed the most commonly used in Korea.

4. Gomapseumnida

Next is Gomapseumnida which is also a form of thanks in a formal setting. Usually the use of Gomapseumnida’s vocabulary is in official situations or for parents who are older.

So, those are some types of thank you words in Korean. Of course, you also know that apart from Gomapseumnida, there are other types of words of thanks. In addition, each vocabulary word of thanks has its own level of politeness.

Therefore, knowing the types of thank you vocabulary above will make it easier for you to use them.

Answers to Thank You in Korean

After knowing several types of vocabulary words of thanks. Next, we will learn about some thank-you answers in Korean. Of course, we know that a thank you is always synonymous with an answer.

So this also applies to Korean, where every word of thanks always has its own answer. So that you understand even more, here is a review of several types of thank-you answers in Korean.

1. Byeolmalseumeulyo

Byeolmalseumeulyo is a type of answer vocabulary for saying thank you in Korean that you can use. Where for the meaning of Byeolmalseumeulyo is you are welcome or thank you again.

2. Kwenchanseumnida or Kwenchanayo

Kwenchanseumnida or Kwenchanayo is the next word that can be used as an answer for saying thank you in Korean. Kwenchanseumnida or Kwenchanayo itself means it’s okay.

Actually, when viewed from its function, the existence of Kwenchanseumnida or Kwenchanayo does have more than one function. And one of the functions of Kwenchanseumnida or Kwenchanayo is to respond to thanks expressed by others.

3. Ne or Eung

Ne or Eung can be a choice of vocabulary answers for saying thank you in Korean. Ne or Eung itself means the word “yes”. In addition, the Ne vocabulary has a more polite level in response to expressions of gratitude compared to the word Eung. Of all the types of thank you answers, Ne or Eung is the shortest.

4. Chonmaneyo

You can also choose Chonmaneyo as an answer to say thank you in Korean. Chonmaneyo itself means thank you again. Usually the use of Chonmaneyo vocabulary is mostly expressed in writing and it is rarely expressed verbally in an existing conversation.

So that’s a review of several types of vocabulary answers for expressions of gratitude that you can use. Of course, you can choose the expression according to your needs. By knowing what types of vocabulary answers to expressions of thanks are, of course, you are increasingly able to provide answers to expressions of gratitude given by other people.

Some Sorry Words In Korean

Apart from the word thank you, in Korean there is also a vocabulary for saying sorry that someone can say. As with the vocabulary of thank you, there are several types of expressions of the word sorry.

Each type of word sorry in Korean always has its own function. So, so that you can better understand what types of apologies are, here is a complete explanation.

미안합니다 (Mianhamnida)

미안합니다 (Mianhamnida) is a form of apology in Korean. Where 미안합니다 (Mianhamnida) will be used formally. 미안합니다 (Mianhamnida) can be addressed to someone who is respected or to parents. Even so, not infrequently the expression 미안합니다 (Mianhamnida) is used to show sincerity when saying sorry.

미안해요 (Mianhaeyo)

Next, there is 미안해요 (Mianhaeyo) which can also be used as an apology for other people. In addition, 미안해요 (Mianhaeyo) is another form of 미안합니다 (Mianhamnida) which can also be used in formal situations.

However, the use of 미안해 (Mianhae) is more pronounced for people you are not familiar with or don’t know. For example, when you run into a stranger while walking, now at that time you can use 미안해 (Mianhae) as an apology.

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미안해 (Mianhae)

미안해 (Mianhae) is a type of apology vocabulary in Korean that you can use in informal situations. Where Mianhae will only be used on people who are the same age as you or with people who are younger. As a side note, never try to use the word Mianhae on someone who is more senior than you. This is because it is considered impolite.

미안하다 (Mianhada) / 미안 (Mian)

미안하다 (Mianhada) / 미안 (Mian) is a type of apology word in Korean that has a more personal nature when compared to the vocabulary 미안해 (Mianhae). Besides that, the use of 미안하다 (Mianhada) / 미안 (Mian) will usually be addressed to your partner or to someone who is really familiar with you. However, certain circumstances will make using 미안하다 (Mianhada) / 미안 (Mian) not as sincere as it may seem.

죄송합니다 (Jwesonghamnida)

죄송합니다 (Jwesonghamnida) is a type of greeting in Korean with a very polite level. Where you can use the vocabulary 죄송합니다 (Jwesonghamnida) for respected people. In addition, the use of 죄송합니다 (Jwesonghamnida) can also be used as a form of respect in Korean.

죄송해요 (Jwesonghaeyo)

The existence of the 죄송해요 (Jwesonghaeyo) vocabulary will have the same level of politeness as the 미안해요 (Mianhaeyo) vocabulary. However, most of the uses of 죄송해요 (Jwesonghaeyo) are found more in casual conversations such as conversations conducted by co-workers.

잠시만요 (Jamsimanyo)

Actually, 잠시만요 (Jamsimanyo) is a Korean phrase that means wait a minute. You can also use 잠시만요 (Jamsimanyo) in certain situations such as when taking orders. Of course, this condition will be better if you use 잠시만요 (Jamsimanyo) compared to saying sorry.

실례합니다 (Silyehamnida)

실례합니다 (Silyehamnida) is a Korean word that means excuse me. Usually the use of 실례합니다 (Silyehamnida) will be used in certain conditions. For example, when you want to ask other people but feel shy. So, in this situation, you can use the vocabulary 실례합니다 (Silyehamnida) as a pronoun for saying sorry for bothering them.

So, those are some types of apology words that you can learn. From the explanation above, of course you know that every word sorry in Korean always has its own function. Therefore you can try to use one of the types of words above according to the situation that is happening.

Several Types of Greetings Asking for Help in Korean

Previously, we explained some words of thanks and sorry in Korean. So, in order to make your mastery of Korean more complete, then next is an explanation of several types of words for help in Korean.

The following is an explanation of several types of words for help in Korean.

도와주시겠어요 (Dowajusigesseoyo)

도와주시겠어요 (Dowajusigesseoyo) is a Korean word for asking for help. The use of the vocabulary 도와주시겠어요 (Dowajusigesseoyo) is still very polite. Therefore the use of the word 도와주시겠어요 (Dowajusigesseoyo) is usually in formal situations.

도와주실래요 (Dowajusillaeyo)

Next, there is the word 도와주실래요 (Dowajusillaeyo) which can be used as a request for help. If interpreted, 도와주실래요 (Dowajusillaeyo) will mean “can you help me”. Although the existence of 도와주실래요 (Dowajusillaeyo) is not as polite as 도와주시겠어요 (Dowajusigesseoyo). However, the word 도와주실래요 (Dowajusillaeyo) can still be used as a formal form of asking for help. The addition of 시 (si) will show the level of politeness in the expression 도와주실래요 (Dowajusillaeyo).

도와주세요 (Dowajuseyo)

도와주세요 (Dowajuseyo) is an apology word that is most commonly used in everyday life. Where the use of the word 도와주세요 (Dowajuseyo) can indeed be used in an emergency.

도와줘 (Dowajwo)

도와줘 (Dowajwo) if interpreted literally is “help me”. The use of the word 도와줘 (Dowajwo) will usually be done in informal situations or to people of the same age or younger than you.

So, those are some types of greeting words in Korean. Starting from words of thanks, sorry to asking for help, have been explained in this article. Hopefully all the discussion above can add to your insight.

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Author: Hendrik Nuryanto