Sentences of Praise, Sentences of Criticism, Sentences of Suggestions and Sentences of Other Expressions

Compliments, Criticism, Suggestions and Other Phrase Sentences –  In our daily lives we cannot be separated from communication. By communicating, each person’s relationship can be closer. In addition, communication can also give us what we want from others. Good communication arises from the ability to make good sentences.

Therefore, it is important for us to know, know, and learn good sentences. In Indonesian there are various types of sentences that we say every day, for example sentences of invitations, notifications, asking for help, orders, and praise. Each sentence can be distinguished through intonation in pronunciation. If in writing, sentences are distinguished by punctuation at the end of the sentence.

In this article, we will discuss sentences of praise, criticism, suggestions, and satire.


Complimentary sentences are sentences that express appreciation for a kindness or excellence for a particular object. In everyday life, sentences of praise are often used when seeing something that is considered good and creates a feeling of awe. A sentence is a unit of language that relatively stands alone, has a final intonation pattern and actually or potentially consists of clauses. Meanwhile, praise, which is a statement of praise, comes from the word praise, which means a sense of acknowledgment and sincere appreciation for the goodness (excellence) of something.

The purpose of giving self-praise sentences is generally to give appreciation for achievements that have been obtained or for something worthy of praise, for example regarding good behavior or beauty.

Characteristics of Praise Sentences

  • Usually use positive sentences
  • Delivered honestly and sincerely
  • Sometimes using personification, parables, similes, as well as association figures of speech.
  • There are suggestions accompanied by reasons
  • Use reasons based on facts
  • Make the person being praised feel motivated and proud
  • There is a feeling of pleasure

Examples of Compliment Sentences

As for praising, usually use sentences that can please and give encouragement to the person being praised. Examples of words to start a sentence of praise are wow, amboi, great, fantastic, beautiful, extraordinary, beautiful, noble, delicious, harmonious, neat, beautiful and so on.

To better understand, here are some examples of compliment sentences,

  • You do great, Don! The Arabic exam can be completed quickly
  • Mr. Hendy is my favorite teacher. He is a wise and humble person.
  • I like it very much. Besides being smart, he is also kind and respects his parents.
  • The view is so beautiful. I want to linger here.
  • The hat you are wearing is really cool. It matches your jacket perfectly.
  • You have a great voice, Dina. Try deh you audition to sing on TV.
  • The stitching of this shirt is very neat. I really like.
  • I love the taste of this tea. The combination of sweet and bitter tastes just right.
  • Wow, your painting looks very beautiful. Looks very real.
  • Yummy.. mom’s cooking is so delicious!
  • You run so fast! It’s perfect to be a famous soccer player!
  • Wow, your body is so flexible! No wonder, if you get the title of the best dancer!
  • Congratulations, on your graduation! You’re so clever!
  • What a great mama’s boy! Hopefully tomorrow will be better!
  • You are indeed a handsome person, everyone will definitely be stunned.

Well, that’s the meaning of a complete compliment sentence along with its characteristics and examples. Hopefully Sinaumed’s  can appreciate many people with compliments so they can share positive things, ok!


Criticism is a form of evaluation of a work in a balanced way, both its weaknesses and strengths. The works that are criticized are generally in the form of works of art, both literary works, paintings, music, writing, and films. According to the online Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), criticism is criticism, response, or comment which is sometimes accompanied by a good or bad description and consideration of a work, opinion, and so on.

Criticism can also be referred to as a response or expression regarding the good and bad of an action that will or has been made. With criticism, a work will be tested in terms of its quality. For Sinaumed’s who wants to criticize a work, it is necessary to understand and understand several things, such as the characteristics, rules, structure, types and examples.

The following is a summary of the characteristics of criticism, rules, structures, types, principles, ways of writing, and examples, as reported from, Wednesday (24/11/2021).

Features of Criticism

  • Aims to respond to or comment on the work of others.
  • Show the advantages and disadvantages of a work.
  • Give constructive suggestions.
  • Become a bridge for reader understanding.
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Structure of Criticism

1. Evaluation

Evaluation of the contents, namely general statements regarding the comments to be submitted.

2. Text Description

Description text is part of the content of a critical response text, containing information about data and opinions that support or weaken a statement.

3. Reaffirmation

Reaffirmation is the last part of the text which contains reaffirmation of something that has been done or decided.

Criticism Rule

1. Complex sentences

Complex sentences are sentences that have more than two structures and two verbs. For example ; Mother buys chicken and beef beside the market.


Conjunctions are connecting words that link each word and structure. For example ; so, preferably, so, if, and so on.

3. Reference Words

The word reference is an expression used by the author to strengthen the statement emphatically. Referrals are also known as references.

4. Word Choice

In making criticism, the choice of words or diction must be in accordance with their use to make it easier.

Types of Criticism Based on Its Application

1. Inductive Criticism

Inductive criticism is criticism that pays attention to the elements in the work in an objective way.

2. Judicial Criticism

Judicial criticism is not criticism that analyzes and explains the effects of works based on their problems, techniques, organization, and also the style of writing. This criticism is based on general standards of excellence and custom.

3. Impressionic Criticism

Impressionic criticism is criticism that seeks to describe the special characteristics of a work while at the same time expressing the critic’s responses that arise directly through the work.

Types of Criticism Based on How Critics Work

1. Impressionistic criticism

Impressionistic criticism is criticism in the form of subjective personal impressions of a work. Thus, in impressionistic criticism personal taste plays a very important role.

In fact, personal tastes change every time according to the development of that person’s personality.

2. Criticism of judgment

Judgmental criticism is criticism that works by way of deduction that adheres to a certain standard. This is useful for determining whether a work is good or not.

3. Technical criticism

Technical criticism is criticism that has the aim of showing certain weaknesses of a work so that the creator of the work can correct his mistakes in the future.

Things To Look For When Criticizing

  1. The author must openly express from what point of view he evaluates the literary work.
  2. The author must have an objective nature in assessing.
  3. The author must include evidence from the text he is criticizing.

How to Write Good and Correct Criticism

  1. Determine the theme or topic of the work to be criticized.
  2. Gather various materials for supporting references.
  3. Identify the elements that are the pros and cons.
  4. Choose elements that can be used as a support for the theme.
  5. Read and re-edit for revision.
  6. Send to media for publication .

Example of Criticism

The Revival of the Sarong Literary Tradition

Author: Purwana Adi Saputra

So far, whether because of being denied or because of denying their own function, pesantren seem to have been sidelined from literary struggles that are full of movement, dynamics, as well as anomalies.

In fact, in the midst of the literary arena there were those who thought that it was the santri who killed literature from the nation’s culture. In every pesantren, the superficiality of their views leads them to draw shortsighted conclusions that the santri only believe in dogma and old school.

They see that the tradition of memorizing which is actually an Arabic tradition which is syncretized as part of their learning culture, has made these people in sarong lose their imagination.

With his capacity as the most influential figure for the cultural transfusion of this nation, the hypothesis is arbitrarily drawn that pesantren are the real enemy of literary cultivation.

The people in the sarong are intellectuals who marginalize the imaginary side of their own minds. Islamic boarding schools are the right place to turn off the imagination. Islamic boarding schools are institutes where clerics, assisted by their ustadz, forge the heads of the students with forced sledgehammers.


The word suggestion is an opinion, suggestion, proposal, or ideal put forward by someone to consider something. A suggestion sentence is a sentence that is expressed by someone to another person and its contents are about opinions and hopes for something.

Everyone has the opportunity to give advice to others, regardless of gender or age of the person. However, in giving a hope or opinion to someone in the form of a suggestion sentence, it would be better to convey it in a good way without offending other people with the opinions we convey.


To find out what distinguishes suggestion sentences from other types of sentences, you must know the characteristics of suggestion sentences. Following are the characteristics of suggestion sentences.

  1. The first characteristic of suggestion sentences is that in general there are marker words that are usually used at the beginning of the sentence and in the middle of the sentence. The following are examples of marker words, namely should, should, better if, try, keep in mind that, should, my suggestion and various other similar marker words.
  2. The second characteristic of suggestion sentences is that they are often used in everyday life and also in a literary work. Suggestion sentences can also be used for review text, plans, or argumentation paragraphs.
  3. The third characteristic of the suggestion sentence is that at the end of the sentence, the suggestion sentence does not use an exclamation point which describes it as an exclamatory sentence or a command sentence.
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Examples of Suggestion Sentences

The following are examples of suggestions sentences that can be used when Sinaumed’s wants to give hope or opinion to others:

  1. You should focus on studying so that you can do the exam tomorrow smoothly so that you get good grades.
  2. It’s best if you complete the task given by Mr. Hamish in a timely manner so you don’t get penalized later.
  3. You better not waste the time you have so you don’t regret it later.
  4. In my opinion, you should apologize to Mbak Dian for all the things you did at that time.
  5. It would be nice if you all get to know each other.
  6. You should not get too close to watching TV because it can damage your eyes.
  7. The government should be able to find a way to control the price of fuel which continues to soar.
  8. You better tidy up your bedroom so mama won’t be mad.
  9. It would be better if you avoided arguing with Doni, this pointless debate can lead to conflict.
  10. You better not go anywhere when the situation is like this.
  11. You should change your attitude towards the father and mother who took care of and raised you.
  12. Try to try not to be a burden to others and succeed with your own hard work.
  13. It’s best to improve your assignments right away if you want to get better grades.
  14. You shouldn’t sacrifice your study time to play, try to focus on studying for your future.
  15. SIMs should be enforced for a lifetime so that people no longer need to be bothered with matters regarding renewing a SIM every five years.


Satire often appears as a reminder for individuals who often behave excessively. There are those who satirize directly and there are also those who satirize indirectly. For those who understand, the technique of satire also has knowledge. not arbitrary satire, below are several types of satire that Sinaumed’s needs to know about. Let’s listen.

1. Sarcasm

Sarcasm satire can be said to be quite brutal and piercing. How not, sarcasm is the most honest satire without making it up. The choice of words and sentences from sarcasm itself tends to be harsh and harsh.

It is recommended that if you want to satirize, it is better not to use sarcasm. Because apart from cutting straight to the main point, sarcasm will also trigger emotions if the person being satirized does not understand the intent and his emotions cannot be controlled.

2. Irony

With a contradictory meaning, irony appears as a satire that is quite gentle when compared to various other types of satire. Irony satire is very suitable to be used as a tool to reprimand and as a reminder so that the individual being reprimanded is aware.

In contrast to sarcasm which has quite a piercing level. You can use irony to satirize people who deviate from social norms that exist in society. The effect is certainly not as profound as sarcasm, but irony can make the person being satirized think. One example of satire irony like this. “You came fast today, even you can compete with the tortoise when it comes to speed.”



3. Satire

Satire is known as the classiest satire when compared to other types of satire. Writers and poets often use satire as a unique critique. Satire is present in the form of satire wrapped in quite shocking facts. Sometimes many people don’t realize what satire is because satire is generally conveyed with the intention of joking or being friendly. Examples of satirical satire like this. “The politicians of this country must be working very seriously, yes, they are so earnest that they forget to listen to the aspirations of the people.”

4. Cynicism

“Are you sure you want to borrow money from me? You look like a rich person, how come you borrow money from me?” Cynicism comes with scathing and piercing satire. Not too harsh, cynicism has a moderate level of satire. The goal of cynicism is to ridicule and criticize others. Cynicism is also often used in debates.

5. Innuendos

Innuendo is a type of satire that can be said to be quite unique. In contrast to other satire based on real facts. Innuendo satire actually makes the existing problem into a small and trivial matter. For example, “Don’t be afraid of bankruptcy, you will only lose half of your wealth, not all of it.” This sentence shows that going bankrupt is only a light and trivial thing. In fact, bankruptcy is not that easy to deal with.