What is Fungal Acne? Check out the Causes, and How to Prevent It!

Fungal acne is a skin problem that often interferes with appearance. Therefore, sometimes some people who experience fungal acne feel insecure. Even so, not everyone knows for sure what fungal acne is, not even a few who don’t know how to prevent fungal acne.

So what actually causes fungal acne? How to handle it? Here’s a further explanation.

Definition of Fungal Acne

Fungal acne is a skin problem caused by a fungal infection in the hair follicles which is affected by the sebum glands in the skin. The sebaceous glands in the skin produce an oil called sebum. When overproduced, the pores and hair follicles can become clogged with oil, bacteria, and skin fungus.

Bacteria can cause pimples, while fungi can trigger inflammation of the hair follicles. This is what distinguishes fungal acne from ordinary acne. Fungal acne is not a sign that skin cleanliness is not maintained, but this condition is a skin infection and can be contagious.

Actually, the fungus that causes fungal acne is always present on human skin. At normal levels, the body can naturally balance the amount of this fungus.

However, when this natural balance is disturbed, the fungus will reproduce in too many quantities. As a result, the hair follicles become infected and look similar to pimples. Therefore, the treatment for this skin condition will be different from other types of acne and can be prevented or controlled.


Symptoms of Fungal Acne

Fungal acne is known by other names malassezia furfur (pityrosporum), folliculitis, or fungal acne because it looks similar to acne. Symptoms of fungal acne include:

1. A lump filled with pus

If we squeeze a lump, it usually contains pus or pus will come out. If on the face there are lumps like that, then it is a symptom of the appearance of fungal acne.

2. The size of a small bump is even similar to a regular pimple

The following characteristics can be seen in terms of size. Different from cystic acne which is large, acne due to fungus has a small size and usually has pus in it.

3. Swelling and redness

If there is fungal acne, the area will be swollen and the skin will turn reddish in color.

4. Appears on the arms, chest, back, to the face

Typically, fungal acne appears on the oiliest areas of the face, such as the forehead, nose and chin. In addition, it is not impossible that this type of acne can appear on the arms, chest, and back.

5. Appearance in groups

Different from other types of acne that appear one by one, this type of acne appears in groups in one adjacent area. This is caused by a fungus that settles in an area of ​​the skin.

6. Cause itching

At first, you might mistake fungal pimples for mosquito-borne spots. The resulting itchiness can force you to scratch it. However, it’s best to avoid scratching pimples as this will cause them to spread.

7. Stinging sensation

Its appearance which can cause swelling and redness will give pain to the skin that is visited. The stinging sensation that causes fungal acne can be irritating to the point of wanting to squeeze or scratch the pimple.

Compared to other types of acne, fungal acne is not accompanied by blackheads, pustules or cysts that trigger pain. As the name implies, fungal acne is caused by a fungal infection, more precisely called Malassezia furfur which is a type of fungus on the skin.

While they usually don’t cause problems, this fungus can lead to infection and irritation under certain conditions. Experts don’t know the exact cause, but it is known that the fungus can develop under certain conditions.

Causes of Fungal Acne

Here are some things that can trigger the development of fungi that can infect the skin to become fungal acne.

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1. Humid environment

One of the factors that can make the fungus that causes fungal acne develop is a humid environment. Fungi certainly can reproduce quickly in hot and sweaty places.

It’s no wonder that people who live in an environment with a hot and humid climate are more at risk of experiencing fungal acne. The development of the fungus can also be triggered by wearing tight sports clothing and sweating for a long time.

2. Weather

Environments with hot climates will sweat more often and are also at risk for experiencing fungal acne.

3. Use of certain drugs

In addition to a humid environment, the use of certain drugs can also trigger the growth of fungal acne. Side effects of drugs can also be one of the factors that cause fungal acne. Medications that can usually trigger fungal acne are types of oral antibiotics or oral steroids.

4. Certain health conditions

Humans are able to ward off all kinds of diseases with their immune system. However, if the immune system is weakened, the body will be susceptible to disease, including fungal infections.

Any disease that can lower the immune system, such as HIV infection, puts you at greater risk for fungal acne. The mechanism of this disease is similar to the steroid drug prednisone which causes the body to be unable to control the fungus.

Apart from illness, some bad habits that you do can also cause your immune system to decrease. Examples include less active movement, lack of sleep, dehydration, stress, and lack of daily nutritional intake.

5. Clothes that are too tight

Apart from making sure to wear dry clothes, wearing clothes that are comfortable on the skin is also important for you to pay attention to. This is because by wearing clothes that are too tight, the skin will actually find it difficult to breathe and ends up producing excessive sweat. As a result, the growth of the fungus that causes fungal acne also increases. So, don’t dress too tight, Sinaumed’s.

6. Unhealthy diet

Not much different from acne in general, the food you eat can actually affect the growth of skin fungus. Most mushrooms consume carbohydrates. This means that eating foods high in carbohydrates, especially sweet foods, might speed up the growth of the fungus.



How to Prevent Fungal Acne

Parts of the body that experience fungal acne can indeed recover gradually as long as they get the appropriate treatment. Unfortunately, this condition cannot go away completely because it can recur due to changes in seasons and lifestyle.

Therefore, these various ways can be done to reduce the risk of fungal acne. Here are some ways you can do it as a prevention:

1. Bathe regularly

The first way to get rid of fungal acne is by keeping your body clean. Fungal acne does not only grow on facial skin, but in all parts of the body, especially the parts that often sweat.

Make it a habit to shower two or three times a day on hot, humid days. It is the bacteria that grows by sweat that can trigger an infection in the hair follicles. Therefore, in order to inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi that stick to clothes and skin surfaces when you sweat, be sure to clean your body after activities and do it regularly.

2. Use anti-fungal soap at least once a week

If fungal acne appears on parts other than the face, it is recommended that you use an anti-fungal bath soap at least once a week. This needs to be done as a deterrent so that acne does not continue to develop on the body.

3. Replace regular shampoo regularly with antifungal shampoo

It’s not only soap that should be replaced with anti-fungal soap, but shampoo too. This is done so that the hairline and forehead area still gets treatment in cleaning the fungus on the face.

4. Clean your face regularly

In order not to experience any skin problems, you must routinely clean your face at least 2 times, namely in the morning before your activities and at night before going to bed.

Apply the double cleansing method to make sure the face is completely clean from dirt. Also make sure there is no residual makeup still attached to the face which can be one of the causes of blackheads and pimples to appear.

The result of skin that is routinely cleaned with the right cleanser, will make the skin moist, soft, clean and not at all dry and rough. Dirt and dead skin cells that are removed also make the face free from pimples, blackheads, and breakouts.

5. Reducing skincare made from Fatty Acid

Fungi can live by ‘eating’ Fatty Acid or certain fatty acids. For example, linoleic acid, lauric acid, and coconut oil. Therefore, so that the fungus doesn’t multiply and become fungal acne, you should pay attention to the skincare you are using so that it doesn’t contain these things in large quantities.

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6. Using moisturizing products

Always regularly use oil-free moisturizing products to moisturize and nourish the skin. Use toner and serum products before using moisturizer. Make sure you choose and use skincare products according to your facial skin type and skin problems you want to solve.

7. Exfoliate your face

The basic facial care step that is no less important is to exfoliate to remove dead skin cells. The skin cells that accumulate will be mixed with bacteria which can cause quite disturbing streaks.

Facial exfoliation is done once a week using the right exfoliating product according to skin type. Exfoliation is a skincare step that needs to be done 1-2 times a week. This stage of facial skin care aims to help exfoliate dead skin cells so they don’t clog pores which triggers fungal acne and breakouts.

8. Keep skin dry and clean during and after exercise

If you are a person who likes sports, of course this is one of the reasons acne is hard to get rid of. The skin where fungal acne is found must be kept dry. If it is damp, fungus will easily grow on your body. So, try to keep your skin dry and clean during or after exercise, OK?

9. Using products that contain petrolatum, salicylic, or glycolic acid

Well, the type of acid content that you can use as a way to get rid of fungal acne on your facial skin is salicylic acid or salicylic acid. This one acid has anti-fungal properties that can help treat fungal acne.

In addition, skincare containing salicylic acid can also help reduce the buildup of hair follicles which has the potential to cause fungal acne. Usually, you can find this ingredient in bath soaps, facial cleansers, and other skin treatments.

10. Bed sterilization

The bed is our ultimate goal to rest after a day of activities. At least you spend almost 6-9 hours on it. So, if the mattress, bolsters, pillows, and the bedroom area are dirty, of course it won’t be comfortable to live in. In addition, dirty bed conditions can also provide a place for microbes, bacteria, and even fungi to grow and stick to the body.

If that’s the case, there will be potential for fungal acne to grow and allow allergies to recur. For that, it’s best to change bed linen in the ideal time, which is every 1-2 weeks.

11. Do not use tight clothing, especially synthetic materials

If you like wearing tight clothes, you should reconsider. Due to the fact, tight clothing will increase friction and limited air circulation which can trigger the growth of fungus on the skin.

You should wear looser clothing, which will help your skin breathe more effectively and reduce the growth of yeast.

12. Take anti-fungal medication according to the doctor’s prescription

If the way to get rid of fungal acne on the face without medication is ineffective, you can also use antifungal drugs without a doctor’s prescription, which are obtained at pharmacies in topical or topical form.

Some topical or topical antifungal drugs to get rid of fungal infections, such as ketoconazole, butenafine, and clotrimazole.

13. Eat with a balanced pattern

How to get rid of fungal acne on the face through a balanced diet can also be an option to do. This is because the fungus that causes fungal acne can multiply because they get intake from foods high in carbohydrates and sugar.

So, balance your diet by consuming fruit, vegetables, and protein so that excess fungal growth can subside

14. Immediately remove sweaty clothes and wash immediately

Clothes that are wet from sweat should be washed immediately. If wet clothes are left alone, let alone traces of sweat, it will cause mold to grow rapidly.

15. Avoid products containing benzoyl peroxide

This needs to be done because to overcome dry skin, so that skin health is maintained.



Skincare Ingredients to Avoid

1. Fatty Acids

The content of fatty acids is usually found in facial care products that function as an emollient or emulsifier (moisturizer). Fatty acids can increase skin hydration while being emollient.

Even though it is beneficial for the skin, Malassezia mushrooms will get nutrition from fatty acid compounds. This is what can cause fungal acne on your face to get worse.

2. Lipids

Just like fatty acids, skincare with oil content that is rich in lipids or fat also needs to be avoided. Some skincare ingredients that are not for fungal acne are avocado oil, castor oil, coconut oil, and shea butter.

Doctor Iqbal explained, “Coconut oil usually consists of lauric acid. The lauric acid in the coconut oil will be a nutrient for Malassezia which can cause fungal acne.”

3. Fatty Acid Esters

Fatty acid esters are compounds formed from a mixture of alcohol and fatty acids. In the composition of skincare products, ingredients that have esters have names ending in ‘ate’. Examples are decyl oleate, glyceryl stearate, polysorbate, and isopropyl palmitate.

4. Fermentation Content

Another ingredient that actually exacerbates fungal acne is that which contains fermentation. Fermented content, for example, is galactomyces which will trigger the growth of fungal acne.

The content of galactomyces often appears in anti-aging care products. This ingredient causes fungal acne because it increases the activity of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR).

5. Benzoyl Peroxide

Fungal acne also needs to avoid benzoyl peroxide ingredients. Benzoyl peroxide can indeed cure acne caused by bacteria. However, for owners of fungal acne, it must be avoided. This is because it can make the skin too dry and cause dehydration which leads to the growth of the Malassezia fungus.

Thus the discussion about fungal acne, from the discussion above, it can be said that fungal acne is a skin problem that interferes with appearance. Even so, we can prevent this type of acne, so you don’t need to worry. Hopefully all the discussion above can be useful for Sinaumed’s.