Know the Types of Work

Type of work – Everyone has a job to make ends meet. Starting from light work, to work that requires a lot of physical and mental strength. Work is an activity carried out to get payment rewards. In this world there are many types of work. Starting from freelance work, permanent work and contract work.

Sometimes someone does their job not according to what they want. However, there are also many people who have chosen jobs according to their interests. Even though they don’t like and feel compelled to do work, they still do it because of the demands of circumstances. For example, a father who is forced to take two jobs in order to provide for his family. Here is a further description of the job.

Definition of work

Work is an activity carried out by humans properly and correctly, the process has a specific purpose. Work must be done to maintain and meet the needs of human life. It’s not easy for most people to find a dream job. The ideal job is a job that matches your interests and personality.

On average, people who work according to their passions are more successful in their careers. This is because they love and are happy in completing their work. If the person loves his job, then he will be happy and will create a feeling of wanting to work even harder.

This book by Hasis Purwanto will answer questions about how to get the job you dream of. This book also explains how to prepare job applications, negotiate salaries, and prepare written tests to interviews.

Choosing a job that suits your interests can be started by dissecting whether you tend to be a person who is more inclined towards ideas, people, or things. People who are always curious, creative and like to explore new ideas, then jobs in writing, science, artistic are right for you. Some of these professions are authors, writers, zoologists, medical assistants, paramedical practitioners, physicists and performing artists or works of art.

If you are more socially inclined, prefer to meet new people, are adaptable and have a high social spirit, then a job that deals with a computer screen for hours on end is not suitable for you.

If you are that kind of person, you are better suited to work in marketing, consulting, and public relations . Some of these professions are sales, marketing managers , public relations experts and public relations and advertising managers.

If you are a person who prefers to see things in order, tidy and do a job with a plan, but don’t really like meeting lots of new people, then a suitable job is a job that requires high precision, for example administration, finance, clerk. Some examples of these professions are secretaries, office clerks, administrative experts, financial analysts, and government officials.

Life and work are two things that are interrelated. If we want to lead a happy life, we should make our work a happy activity.

This book written by Chris Barez Brown can help you feel truly in love with your job. You will be reminded that you are a great person and have many abilities. You will also feel formed to make your job a way out for a bright future.

Tips for learning to love work

There are actually several ways to change your perspective on your work. By doing the tips below, it can help you turn a boring job into a job that you like. Here are some tips you can do.

1. Make a list of things you want to improve

Make a list of aspects of your job that you would like to improve. This can help you to solve the problem, so you have to define it first.

Take time and clear your mind of negativity. Grab a writing utensil and jot down all the things you don’t like about work maybe. Make a list of things you don’t like as specifically as possible.

For example, you can write, co-worker A often closes the ideas you put forward. Colleague B can also sometimes make you not focus at work. If you already know the problem you are facing, you can discuss it with your boss, for example asking to be moved to his work space, or maybe your boss can help find a partner who is more compatible with you.

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2. Find anything you like

First of all, think about your job and some of the things that make you like something. Think of a dream job, and imagine if you could actually do that dream job.

Consider talking about this with your boss. If there are no obstacles, you can see opportunities to do the things you love related to your job.

3. Don’t hesitate to ask for help

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with your work, or you’re struggling with a certain task, don’t hesitate to seek advice from someone else. Start consulting with colleagues, seniors in your office or manager.

From there you can see if they can help you solve the problem you’re working on. So, you can make a schedule of which jobs are more prioritized, and your workload will be more balanced.

4. Expand the network

Even though it seems that the challenges you face in your field of work are very specific, it is possible that there are other people who are also experiencing the same thing. Try to expand your network by attending industry meetings or conferences related to your field of work. This can help you to build a support system that you can consult or just get sympathy when you are in a difficult time.

Expanding the network does not always apply to getting to know people outside your company. You can even benefit greatly by establishing close relationships with co-workers in your company.

5. Recall why you decided to take this job

Try to go back a little, think back on the job offer you are currently in and why you accepted it. Maybe because the pay is great, or because this job serves a good purpose.

Maybe make your time flexible and other good things. Remembering things like this can help you lead to the next step, whether you will continue your work or even make you want to find a new job.

Tips for finding a job

Searching for a job involves more than just looking for open vacancies and sending a resume or cover letter to the employer. You also need to make sure whether you are suitable for the job and attract the attention of the company. Here are tips on finding a job.

1. Know your career goals

first of all, first identify the type of career you want. This section is especially important for people who are entering the workforce for the first time, or people who are looking to change career paths. You can look for recommendations from your family, professors or even former colleagues.

Make sure the goals you have are clear and realistic. After that determine how you make a plan to achieve it and note what makes you qualified for that career. These steps can help you to narrow down the jobs and positions that you like.

2. Create a plan or schedule

Prepare yourself and make a regular schedule to search for jobs more efficiently. Decide how many hours a day or maybe a week you can dedicate to your job search.

Make sure your resume and cover letter are kept up to date. If you need help updating your resume and cover letter, you can look for samples and templates, which are now widely available online.

Also, update your profile on professional networking websites like LinkedIn. You can also create tables to record what jobs you’ve applied for and interviews you’ve accepted. You can also separate your personal and professional emails so that they are more organized.

3. Make a resume and cover letter

When you are confused about how to make a resume or cover letter, you can ask a friend, family, co-worker and even a professional career counselor to proofread your resume and cover letter.

Tailor your resume to the job you are applying for. Study the job description to determine why you are the perfect fit for the position. Then, add skills, experience and achievements that are relevant to the position you are applying for.

4. Use all sources of job seekers

Take advantage of all the job search options. You can attend job fairs, search for them on social media such as Twitter, LinkedIn, or you can search through web portals, which are currently numerous and available online.

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5. Find out about the company

When you are looking for a job, you may forget to find out about the reputation of the company. This is actually very important because it can provide information about the culture of the company, how the range of salaries and benefits and services provided, as well as their work environment. The research you do will give you a decision whether you want to work for the company or not.

This book by Ridwan Raharjo can guide you in the process of finding a job. Finding a job is certainly a long process. From this book you can master interview techniques, find out common mistakes in making applications to break mental blocks that are always annoying.

Apart from Ridwan Raharjo’s book, there is also a book by Suryono Ekotama which explores the secrets of how to get a job easily. This book contains practical tips that you can practice to improve your quality so that you can deserve the job you want.

Types of work

In this world there are many fields of work that humans are involved in. Starting from jobs that do not require too much physical strength, jobs that have flexible time and others. Here are some types of work.

1. Teacher or Lecturer

Teachers and lecturers are people who teach knowledge, provide guidance and also evaluate the knowledge they give to their students or students. Teachers and lecturers have similar jobs, except that lecturers are professional educators who educate in lectures or higher education levels. A lecturer also continues to conduct research according to his field and publish scientific papers.

2. Army and Police

Soldiers are citizens who are trained and armed to serve in defending the country in the face of armed or military threats. The army is usually divided into three groups namely Army Ground Forces, Navy Soldiers, and Air Force Soldiers.

Meanwhile, the police is a government agency whose job is to maintain order in society and enforce the law in accordance with the law.

3. Pilots

The person who flies the plane is the pilot. The pilot usually flies the plane with a partner who is called the co-pilot. A pilot has demands that are experts in driving the plane.

They previously took official training and exams which were usually held at flight schools or flying certifications. The pilot has a great responsibility for the safety of the crew and passengers.

4. Stewardess

A flight attendant is a staff of public transportation both on land, sea and air. The flight attendants are on duty to serve passengers so that passengers can feel safe and comfortable during the trip.

They are also tasked with giving safety instructions, providing first aid and controlling safety and security equipment. Flight attendants are usually also given training so they can serve passengers well.

5. Doctor

Doctors are experts in the field of health. The doctor is a person or the first point of contact with a patient to solve health problems and diseases suffered by patients.

Doctor’s companion is called a nurse. To become a doctor, you have to study for at least 5 years. In addition, to become a specialist doctor, you have to take at least two years of education.

6. Fisherman

Fisherman is a profession in which people work daily to catch fish, both traditional and modern. The fishermen usually move in the sea and water areas.

A fisherman must be able to operate a boat, prepare equipment for finding and catching fish. The marine catch obtained later is usually sold to the market for consumption by the community.

7. Lawyer

Lawyers are a field of work in which a person will provide legal services and services. Usually lawyers will give advice and defend their clients from lawsuits.

Apart from providing legal consultations, lawyers are also tasked with accompanying clients during court hearings, helping uphold justice and conducting legal audits.

8. Programmers

Programmers are people who have special expertise in designing a program, both an application and developing a website. They will use programming languages ​​such as Java, C++, python and others.

Programmers are also tasked with testing the programs they make, coding programs, and designing program requirements. In addition, they are also in charge of developing the application programs they make.

9. Farmer

Farmers are people who cultivate land so that they can grow crops which are usually sold to the community so that they can also fulfill their daily needs. Farmers are also tasked with harvesting their crops and determining the selling price in the market.

10. Traders

Traders are people who sell a product. These products can be produced by themselves or the results of other people. They are tasked with ensuring the merchandise sold is in good condition and promoting or offering their merchandise.