How to Get Money from Freelance & Examples of Work

How to Get Money From Freelance – In this sophisticated era, various types of professions have developed that can generate rupiah coffers. Maybe when long ago, professions could only be limited to teachers, doctors, mechanics, and others. However, now times have changed…

Of the various types of professions that are developing, one of them is freelance . Freelancing is in fact in great demand by many people, you know, because this type of profession is flexible and can also generate high income.

Freelancing is currently also a favorite opportunity for students because it can increase their pocket money, especially in the digital era like today. There are many ways to become a freelancer .

So, what exactly is freelancing ? Then what are the ways you can do to get rupiah coffers from this freelance profession ?

So that Sinaumed’s understands it better, let’s take a look at the explanation about freelancing and how to get money from this freelance business !

What is Freelancing ?

In this digital era, there are many jobs that guarantee your wallet will be filled, one of which is freelancing . Currently, not a few have worked as a freelancer . According to them, being a freelancer provides many of the same advantages as other permanent jobs.

Freelance or freelance is a type of work that is not bound by a long-term contract, but still has a work attachment to the company. Even though they are not bound by a contract, a freelancer still works according to the project given by the company.

This freelance is more flexible or does not require working hours like company employees in general. The work done by a freelancer usually depends on the project and has its own deadline.

In this case, the wages or salaries received by a freelancer vary, depending on the difficulty level of the project he is working on.

How To Get Money From Freelance

Then, how do you get money from freelancing ? What are the tips that novice freelancers can use to enter the world of freelancing ? Let’s look at the following description!

1. Focus on One Area of ​​Expertise

The first thing to become a freelancer is to determine what area of ​​expertise you have. Try to choose areas of expertise that are of your interest, so that when you receive a project from the company, you will be happy working on it.

If you don’t have enough skills or expertise, how come you can practice by studying or taking online courses. Through these online courses , later the skills you have will eventually become reliable.

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For example, you like or have writing skills . So, you can choose to become a freelance content writer or copywriter. 

2. Join the Freelancer Community

To expand your network, you can join the freelancer community . There are many things that you can get from the community, for example, you can get information about freelance projects from companies and info about online courses to hone skills .

If in the community there is information about freelance projects , it can be a golden opportunity to be contacted directly by prospective clients. Well, that way, you can get a new project to work on, right…

3. Create a Compelling Portfolio

After getting various projects from companies, you can create your style portfolio which contains the work and projects that you have worked on before. This can be useful so that prospective clients are interested in using the services of the skills you have.

When your portfolio is complete, you can save it on Google Drive, so that when a potential client requests a portfolio, you only send a link to access it on Google Drive.

Apart from that, you can also save the portfolio on social media specifically for a professional, for example LinkedIn. How come many have gotten new prospective clients from LinkedIn.

4. Determine Appropriate Service Rates

Your goal as a freelancer is to earn rupiah, right? Well, then you have to determine the tariff for the skill services that you have at the appropriate price.

Try not to set service rates that are too low , okay , then you will get a little profit. But also don’t set a high rate of interest, your prospective client will object.

So that you are not confused about the rates, you can consult with other freelancers . Another thing that you should consider in determining rates is adjusting the budget that the client has and depending on the level of difficulty of the project you are working on.

5. Complete Work with Full Responsibility

As with ordinary employees, every job given must have a deadline, as well as projects given to freelancers . As a freelancer, you must consciously work on projects quickly and responsibly.

If the client asks you to revise, immediately do the revision, so that the client is satisfied with the service you offer.

6. Must be careful in selecting prospective clients

Careful in selecting prospective clients also affects the income that we will earn later. There are two things that must be considered in choosing a prospective client, namely the budget owned by the prospective client and the time spent on the project .

7. Define Target Market

Determining the target market is the next way to get money through freelancing . By determining the target market, you can determine who most needs the skills you have.

For example, the skill you have is writing. Then the services you offer can be in the form of content writers and copywriters . That means, the target market for your skills are business people who are advertising their products or the mass media.

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If you already know who the prospective client is, it will be easier to determine what services you should provide and perform.

8. Promoting the Skills You Have

There are many ways to promote your skills , especially in this digital era. You can promote it through professional-only social media like LinkedIn, or even social media like Instagram and Twitter.

If you have more budget, you can also promote your skills through paid advertisements, for example Google Ads, Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads services . You can choose according to the budget you have.

So, those are some ways to get money from freelancing . Then, what are the advantages and disadvantages of being a freelancer ? Come on, see the following explanation!

Weaknesses and Pros of Being a Freelancer

Disadvantages of Being a Freelancer

  • Difficult to do social interaction. This is because a freelancer is usually not required to go to the office so it will be difficult to socialize and do not have face-to-face office colleagues.
  • Not getting supporting facilities . These supporting facilities include insurance and other office facilities.
  • Social status. Someone who becomes a freelancer usually doesn’t get a position, so it often creates misunderstandings by being considered an unemployed person.

Pros of Being a Freelancer

  • Flexible working hours. A freelancer usually has working hours that do not depend on his attendance at the office. Therefore, freelance work is suitable for those who can divide their time between freelance work and their daily obligations, for example housewives or students.
  • Free to work anywhere. A freelancer is not required to be present at the office, therefore they can work on projects that have been given anywhere, be it at home, in a cafe, or in a public library.
  • Income that is not classified as small . The wages or salaries earned by a freelancer are not fixed, because they depend on the number of projects being worked on. Even so, for someone who doesn’t have a contract with a company but gets paid is great.
  • Prospective . Currently, many companies are actively looking for and need freelancers . This is evidenced by the emergence of many sites providing freelance services today.

Examples of Freelance Work

There are quite a lot of types of work that a freelancer can do . For those of you who are novice freelancers , here are some examples of work that freelancers can generally do , namely:

  • Copywriter
  • Content Writer
  • Design (Logo, website, product, social media content, etc.)
  • Business consultant
  • Photographer
  • Barista
  • Proofreaders
  • Foreign language translator
  • Private tutor
  • Digital Marketing
  • and others

So, those are some ways you can do to get rupiah coffers from freelance businesses and some things related to the freelance profession . Is Sinaumed’s interested in becoming a freelancer in order to increase his monthly allowance? If so, Sinaumed’s can do a number of these methods, especially hone the skills they have!

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