How to Introduce Yourself in English (Self Introduction)

How to Introduce Yourself in English (Self Introduction) – If you are confused about introducing yourself in English, this time sinaumedia will provide a complete review accompanied by 5 examples of how to introduce yourself in English or what is known as a self-introduction.

Definition of Self-Introduction

Self introduction is a term from English which is usually interpreted as “self introduction”. Self introduction is a form of expression and expression used by individuals to introduce themselves.

If an individual is in a new environment, of course he needs to do a self-introduction or self-introduction. This is so that other people who are in the new environment know the individual better. Whether the individual is in a new work environment, school or campus, friendship or social environment, and so on.

In doing a self introduction , several important points are needed to be conveyed. What are these points? These points include: (1) Delivering greetings; (2) Introductory sentence; (3) Submit name, address and origin; (4) convey age, occupation, hobbies, interests or interests; and (5) convey opening greetings.

Of the points above, the most common are points 1, 2 and 3. Because the rest will be an option depending on the situation and condition of the individual.

In principle, how to do a self-introduction in English is not much different from a self-introduction or self-introduction in Indonesian. Below, we will explain in full the steps or how to do a self-introduction and some examples of self-introductions in English and their meanings

However, it is better before doing a self-introduction, first look at the situation, conditions, the interlocutor in the surrounding environment, and their intentions or interests.

When you are in a school or campus environment, social circle or friendship, you can do a self introduction or introduce yourself in an informal and relaxed way.

However, if you are in a formal or official work environment or forum, of course your way of doing a self introduction tends to be different.

To find out how or the steps to do self-introduction in English, Sinaumed’s can first learn the basic English conversations that are often used in everyday life through the book Daily English Conversation: Proficient in Everyday English.

Not only that, this book will also explain how to carry out conversations that are adapted to situations and conditions, such as daily conversations in the classroom, in the laboratory, in the yard, in the dining room, and so on. Want to speak English fluently? Try buying this book.

Steps to Do a Self Introduction

In doing self introduction in English, there are several things that need to be conveyed. This depends on the situation, conditions, interlocutors in the surrounding environment, and interests.

To do a self-introduction or self-introduction, etc., is done in a structured and systematic manner so that the points to be conveyed can be understood well by the interlocutor.

The self-introduction  itself generally uses fairly simple English which we often find and use in everyday life. Therefore, it is important for Sinaumed’s to master the basics of English through the book English For Everyday Speaking, English for Everyday Conversations.

In general, in conducting a self-introduction, there are several stages, methods, or you could say steps that must be considered, namely Opening , Content , and Closing . In order to know more details, let’s look at the review of the steps for doing self-introduction (in detail) below.

1. Opening _

In the opening or opening part, generally greet and ask how the people you invite to meet face to face, for example:

  • Hello everyone…
  • Hi, everybody, how are you today?
  • Good morning/afternoon/evening, How are you?

2. Content _

Next is to enter the content section. However, before entering into the content , there are things that need to be conveyed, namely the goal. Express what your goals and intentions are in front of the interlocutor. Your goal, of course, is to do a self-introduction , so what you can say is something like:

  • Let me introduce myself
  • I would like to introduce myself
  • I want to introduce myself
  • In this opportunity, I would like to introduce myself
  • May I introduce myself?
  • I’m here to introduce myself

After that, enter the main content section which consists of several points, including:

1) Personal Details

In this case, you can state your full name followed by mentioning your nickname .

  • I am… you can call me…
  • My name is… you can call me…
  • My full name is… please call me…
  • My name is… my friends usually call me…
  • I am Juliana Citra, you can call me Citra
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a. Country of Origin

These points can be used as an option if you meet people from abroad, for example:

  • I came from Indonesia
  • I’m from Indonesia

b . Citizenship

  • I’m Indonesian
  • My nationality is Indonesian

2) Self -identity

State the place, date of birth, and also age, for example:

a. Place and date of birth

  • I was born… (followed by in or on )

If it is followed by the word in , for example: I was born in 1999 or I was born in Bandung, May 3, 1999. Then, if it is followed by the word on , for example: I was born on August 2, 1999 or I was born on 2nd August 1999.

b. Age

State your age at that time, for example: I am… years old

3)  Addresses

State your place of residence or your current address, such as street names and so on, for the original address, for example:

  • I come from…
  • I am from…
  • I come from Madura
  • I am from Madura

For residence, for example:

  • Now, I stay…
  • Now, I live…

( Notes : can be followed by in, on, or at . However, pay attention to the three prepositions, their usage tends to be different)

  • The usage of in is followed by country, city, village. Usually to explain someone’s whereabouts in a geographical context or a wider scope, for example: I stay in Jakarta or I live in Indonesia .
  • The use of on is rather narrow in scope followed by street names, for example: I live on Sukasari Street or I stay on Buah Batu Street.
  • The use of at is more specific, followed by a complete address in detail, for example: I live at Mawar Street, No. 66, Surabaya.

4)  Job or Study (Job or School/College)

  • School , for example: I am student of… or I study in…
  • Lecture, mentioning the name of the university and department, for example: I am a student of… in major… or I study in, my major is…
  • Have graduated from school or college, for example: I graduated from… in…
  • Occupation, for example: I work in… as… (mention the place of work and position) or I am a staff/manager (according to the job position) of…. For example, I am a manager of PT. Jaya’s work

5) Interests

Can mention activities that you enjoy or hobbies, for example:

  • My hobby is… (one hobby)
  • My hobby are… (more than one hobby)
  • i like…
  • My activities are…

 3. Closing (Closure)

For closing, it usually ends with thanks, wishes, and of course closing greetings. Example:

  • That’s about me… I hope… and have a great day. thank you
  • This is the end of my self-introduction
  • I think enough, thanks for your attention.

The explanation above is the general and detailed steps or stages . However, as previously explained, in doing a self-introduction , it all depends on the circumstances, the interlocutor, and also his interests. Also pay attention when you do a self introduction , you are in a formal or informal situation.

It would be nice if you have a little picture about self-introduction in English, the book 100 Language Functions For Fluent English, Proficient in English Conversation is an English conversation book that can help Sinaumed’s improve their English skills.

By containing 100 expressions that are relevant in everyday conversation, of course this book will help you do self-introduction in English. So come on, buy it!

Example of How to Introduce Yourself in English ( Self Introduction)

1. Self Introduction Personal Profile

The first example of doing a self introduction can be done when you are in conditions and situations where you have to introduce your personal profile. Here’s an example.

Good morning everyone.

In this opportunity, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jojo Danuar, you can call me Jojo. I am the third child in my family, and I have 4 other siblings. I was born in Jakarta, December 2nd, 1999. Now, I live at Jalan Manggis number 14, South Jakarta.

I really like music and I have played the guitar since 6 th grade. Now, I’ve made 4 songs and I’ve a dream to make a group band. I also want to share a stage with Maroon 5. I hope my dream can come true.

My father works in the hospital and my mother is a housewife. That’s all I can say about this introduction. Thanks for your attention. have a nice day.

Meaning in Indonesian:

Good morning everyone.

At this opportunity, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jojo Danuar, you can just call me Jojo. I am the third child in the family and I have 4 siblings. I was born in Jakarta, December 2, 1999. Now, I live at Jalan Manggis Number 14, South Jakarta.

I really love music and I can play the guitar since 6th grade. Currently, I have composed 4 songs and I have a hope to form a music band. I also want to be on the same stage with Maroon 5. I hope my dream can come true.

My father works in a hospital and my mother is a housewife. That’s all I can say in this introduction. Thank you for your attention. Have a nice day.

2. Self Introduction as a New Student

The following is an example of a self-introduction if you are a new student at a foreign school or campus or an international school.

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Good morning everyone!

My name is Dinda Kirana. I am a new student at this university. I was born in Pekalongan, a small city in Indonesia, on January 6 th , 1999. My hobbies are writing and reading. If there is a competition, I’d love to take part as long as it relates to my hobbies. I think that is my first step to achieve my goal of becoming a famous writer. That’s all I can tell about myself. Thank you and nice to meet you.

Meaning in Indonesian:

Good morning everyone!

My name is Dinda Kirana. I am a freshman in this university. I was born in Pekalongan, a small town in Indonesia, on January 6, 1999. My hobbies are writing and reading. If there is a competition, I will be happy to take part as long as it relates to my hobby. I thought that would be my first step in achieving my goal of becoming a famous writer. That’s what I can tell about myself. Thank you and nice to meet you.

Studying together with  this Easy English Conversation  book can help you master your daily communication skills in English. This book with an introduction to Indonesian, will make it easier for beginners to understand its contents. In addition, it also contains examples and practice questions that will hone and strengthen your skills. Let’s learn English with this book!

3. Self Introduction as a New Employee

If you are a new employee in a company, you can use the example below to do a self introduction.

good afternoon.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Ruri. I am a newemployee here. Previously, I had worked in various reputable companies in Jakarta. So, I will do my best for this company so that this company can make more progress and get a higher profit. I think enough, I hope we can work together as a team. Thanks for your attention.

Meaning in Indonesian:

Good afternoon.

Introduce myself. My name is Ruri. I’m a new employee here. Previously, I have worked in various leading companies in Jakarta. So, I will try to do my best for this company so that this company can make more progress and make higher profits. I think that’s enough, I hope we can work together as a team. Thank you for your attention.

4. Self Introduction to Start the Presentation

During lectures, of course you are required to make presentations to report the results of your assignments in front of the class. In this situation, there are actually many examples that you can apply, one of which is below.

Hello. Good morning everyone. My name is Nuraini as a group leader. Today, I would like to convey my group’s research on sociocultural linguistics that we completed for one month.

 Meaning in Indonesian:

Hello. Good morning everyone. My name is Nuraini as the group leader. Today, I would like to present my group’s research on sociocultural linguistics which we have completed for one month.

5. Self Introduction to Explain Busynesses Undertook

When you introduce yourself, maybe you will also be asked about the busyness that you are currently living. So, as an illustration or reference for you, of course you can see an example of doing a self-introduction in English in that situation.

good afternoon. I am Letusha Gunawan. You can call me Ucha. I was born in Madura, May 25th, 1998. Now, I am managing a personal blog about trends and healthy lifestyles. If you’re interested, you can visit and read my article on my personal blog. I think enough. Thank you and have a great day.

Meaning in Indonesian:

Good afternoon. I am Letusha Gunawan. You can call me Ucha. I was born in Madura, May 25 1998. Currently, I’m managing a personal blog related to trends and healthy lifestyle. If you are interested, you can visit and read my articles on my personal blog. I think its enough. Thank you and have a nice day.

That is an explanation of self-introduction , starting from understanding, steps or how to do it, to examples of self-introduction.

If Sinaumed’s wants to know more about self-introduction or other knowledge related to English, you can buy books or e-books according to your needs at and sinaumedia Digital .

sinaumedia will always be here as #FriendsWithoutLimits to accompany you in seeking knowledge. Hope it is useful.

There is material in it that is prepared in full and is certainly easy to understand. This book provides 585 conversation situations and contexts, 43 communication topics that often appear in communication, idioms, and many more. Thus, you will actively speak English. Interested? Come on, buy it soon.

Author : Tasya Talitha Nur Aurelia