Freelance is a Flexible Freelancer, Interested in Freelancing?

Freelance is – Freelance or also known as freelance is a type of work that is not tied to any company. Freelancers can also engage in various fields of work, such as videographers, editors, writers, translators and even software engineers.

Usually people who become freelancers are students or university students. Because this one job can be done flexibly and doesn’t need to go to the office.

In general, office workers or company employees are different from freelancers. This is because casual workers are not bound by a contract with the company.

Besides that, the workplace of a freelancer is also more flexible, they can do their work anywhere, anytime according to their personal schedule.

Interested in becoming a freelancer? Let’s look at the explanation first.

Freelance is Freelance Worker with Flexible Time

Freelance is a type of work done by someone who offers services to one or more companies. Freelancers are also referred to as freelancers who can work flexibly and can take on more jobs.

Freelance workers are a type of work that works for a company or agency without a long-term work agreement and without a strict work bond.

From this understanding of freelancers, of course, Sinaumed’s already knows that freelancers are usually not bound by time and the routines of office workers in general.

Freelance can also be interpreted as independent workers who make money based on every job they complete. Usually freelance work in the short term for a particular company or agency.

Usually freelance workers are referred to as independent workers because they do contract work as a side job or just to complement their main job.

Usually the contract for freelancers contains the work to be done, the nominal wages to be given and the duration of the project or work.

Being a freelancer means they work in their own hands. The workload and career are in their hands, a freelancer must be responsible for doing his work according to deadlines, setting working hours, and paying income tax.

Freelancers or also called freelancers can work based on days, hours or work deadlines that they define themselves. Generally, freelancers will make contracts with companies if needed and provide services online or online.

The purpose of being a freelancer is to earn money on the side, free from full time work, time management for work and improve skills.

Because of this, many students or students choose to become freelancers in order to gain experience as well as learn. Advances in technology are helping freelancers to get jobs online more easily, there are even several special sites for freelancers to get jobs such as upwork, fiverr, and others.

The wages of a freelance worker are usually calculated per hour, per day, per project or per task that has been completed. Freelancers usually work in the creative sector, special skills, art, design, film, tutoring, language translators, photography, media, copywriting, marketing, music, journalism, and so on.

Advantages of Working as a Freelance

According to the SSRN Electronic Journal, freelancers have their own business risks, one of which is from the work contract. Because formal written contracts do not prevent opportunistic behavior from clients, although such contracts will help resolve conflicts.

Even though it has its own business risks, being a freelancer also has some advantages. Here’s an explanation.

1. Have flexible working time

Unlike office workers who work full time and are bound by time, freelancers can work differently from office employees in general. They can work the way they want and set their own hours. Freelancers are free to schedule what time they will work, rest and when the work will be completed.

A freelancer can freely use and manage his time as effectively as possible, as long as his work can be completed on time and according to the company’s expectations.

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2. Can do several jobs at once

If possible, freelancers can freely take on several jobs at once. Because freelance is work that is done freely and workers can choose jobs that are more diverse and not monotonous.

3. Have a greater income than permanent employees

A freelance worker does not have a fixed income every month like an office worker in general, even though he does not have a fixed income, a freelancer has the potential to have a higher income than a regular employee.

Because the source of income for a freelancer is not only from one company or one job.

However, how much a freelance earns depends on their creativity, skills, networking, expertise, skills and gathering of valuable information.

4. Can work according to hobbies and expertise

Freelance work usually requires special skills and expertise, therefore, in general, freelancers will work according to their hobbies and expertise. This will make freelance workers enjoy their work.

5. There will be no shortage of work

Currently, there are many companies that need freelance workers, judging by the many websites providing special vacancies for freelance workers.

In addition, freelance workers are considered not to be a burden to the company like permanent employees. Because of this, it is assumed that freelancers will not be short of work for the next few years.

Disadvantages of Working as a Freelance

Even though being a freelancer has many advantages, there are some drawbacks that Sinaumed’s who are interested in working as a freelance need to know. By knowing the advantages and disadvantages of freelance work, Sinaumed’s can measure and prepare for the risks that will be faced when becoming a freelancer.

1. Have irregular income

Even though a freelance has the opportunity to earn a greater income than a permanent employee, this income can change every month, it can be higher or lower.

This is because the income of a freelance is very dependent on the number of clients, the quality of the project and how much work they have completed. At certain times, freelancers can get a lot of projects and clients but they can also happen the other way around. Therefore, the financial condition of freelancers is usually less stable than that of contract workers.

Therefore, a freelancer must have a strategy to be able to get projects and clients. No less important, so that clients and companies are interested in working together, a freelancer also needs to improve his skills.

2. Work facilities not provided by the company

If Sinaumed’s decides to become a freelancer, then Sinaumed’s will need to spend a little capital to invest in work facilities that are not provided by the company. Examples include laptops, internet connections, chairs, desks and even certain paid software to support the Sinaumed’s project.

Because freelance is different from contract workers who usually get work facilities and work equipment according to the needs of business owners. So that contract workers usually do not need to spend excess funds to buy certain equipment.

3. Need to take care of insurance independently

Although insurance is generally not always someone’s priority, workers need to be advised to continue to have health and work accident insurance. For contract workers, health insurance will be taken care of by the company. But of course this is different from a freelancer.

A freelancer has to take care of insurance administration matters independently, starting from choosing the right type of insurance and making payments every month.

4. Loss of inspiration

Because there are many projects to work on and to do several jobs at once, it is not impossible for a freelancer to lose inspiration in his field of work. This will be more common for freelancers who work in creative industries, such as web developers, designers or even content writers.

5. Difficulty socializing

A freelancer usually prefers to work from home, so in general freelancers will go out less often and meet new people.

In addition, they do not have a permanent company and are not required to go to the office, because of this work habit, a freelancer can find it difficult to socialize and find it difficult to make new friends.

6. Social status in society

For people, especially the generation above the 80s, a permanent position and job in a company is a must. This mindset often creates a misunderstanding that a freelancer is an unemployed person.

Most Wanted Fields of Freelance Work

If you are interested in becoming a freelancer, Sinaumed’s needs to know the different types of freelance work that can be considered.

However, there are several fields that are arguably quite sought after and needed at this time. Here’s an explanation.

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1. Business analyst and consultant

The first profession that is needed and sought after today is a business analyst and consultant. However, this work cannot be done by just anyone. Because of this, even as freelance business analysts and consultants are usually rewarded with a sizable salary.

The task of a business analyst and consultant is to collect and analyze data and information from a business problem. This profession is a type of work with varying levels of stress, but offers a more flexible work schedule.

2. Voice over

Voice over is a job that looks fun. There is no need to have a wild voice as long as the voice that Sinaumed’s has matches the type of voice the company is looking for, then Sinaumed’s can become a freelance voice over worker.

This one field has many opportunities, there are voices needed to fill video games, audiobook reading, e-learning instruction and more. This work can also be done at home or according to the agreement of the client.

3. Data entry

The data entry field is usually quite attractive, because the task of the job is quite easy, namely by entering data into a database through an online form that has been provided by the company. Because of the ease of the task, many students and students choose to become freelance data entry.

4. Graphic designer

Graphic design is suitable for Sinaumed’s who have special abilities in this field and like to draw. Not just anyone has expertise in graphic design.

As with business analysts and consultants, not just anyone can become a graphic designer because it requires special skills. So do not be surprised if graphic design services are valued quite expensive. This one job requires a lot of special skills, such as making illustrations, logos, brochures and so on.

5. Web designer

A web designer has quite high demands, be it skills, facilities and working capital. A web designer generally has special software to design and has mastery over HTML, JavaScript and CSS.

In addition, a web designer must also be proficient and understand using various tools such as Photoshop or Corel Draw.

A web designer must be able to design a website that not only has a beautiful appearance, but is also unique, attractive and effective. Even though this work is considered quite complicated, the fees that web designers get are also quite high.


6. Digital marketer

In today’s online era, digital marketing professions are increasingly sought after and needed by companies that market their products and services via the internet.

This profession is required to master various kinds of online marketing strategies. Because of the demands of this job, a digital marketer must understand email marketing, PPC or pay per click, search engine marketing, SEO management and social media.

7. Content writer

If Sinaumed’s wants to be a freelancer who doesn’t need a lot of capital, then Sinaumed’s can become a content writer. The job of the content writer is to write articles and publish them on the website.

If Sinaumed’s masters a foreign language, of course this job will be easier and there will be many job opportunities.

A content writer is usually required to master one or even more than one foreign language. Apart from that, content writers also need to make interesting writing with good and correct grammar.

8. SEO expert

SEO experts are no less popular with digital marketers. SEO is a technique to improve the position of a website or website page in search engines. The goal is that the site or website is easily found by internet users.

Website owners are usually willing to pay quite a fortune to hire an SEO expert, because this job is considered easy and takes a long time to learn SEO techniques.

9. Java programs

Java is a multiplatform programming language, meaning it is a programming language that can run on multiple platforms. This field of work is considered to have quite promising prospects, especially for programmers who master programming languages.

Why? This is because many companies need programmers, besides that the fees earned by java programmers are quite high.

10. Content creator

Freelancing jobs that are much sought after and needed today are content creators . Actually, content creators are not much different from influencers because both of them use social media as their main platform.

The type of content produced by a content creator is usually in the form of photos, audio to creative videos according to an agreement or contract with the client.

The main income of content creators is usually from collaborating with brands to promote or introduce a product. In addition, there are several platforms that also provide commissions to content creators for the content they watch.

We already know that freelancing is a job with many advantages and disadvantages. If you are interested in becoming a freelancer, Sinaumed’s can learn certain skills or find out more information by reading books available on . sinaumedia as #FriendsWithoutLimits always provides interesting, informative and original books for Sinaumed’s.