K3 : Definition, Interpretation, Mission, and Threats of K3

Definition of K3 – Hi, Sinaumed’s friends, do you know about K3? For some people it might be foreign when they hear the word K3, especially for someone who hasn’t worked. For workers, usually they already understand what is meant by K3, especially for those who work with dangerous tools.

In addition, when talking about K3, it cannot be separated from worker safety. In fact, K3 is not only in Indonesia, but also in several foreign countries. The reason is because the ILO ( International Labor Organization ) estimates that around 2.3 million workers worldwide die from accidents or work-related illnesses each year (ILO, 2020).

Not only that, accidents and Activity Impact Diseases (PAK) also cause loss of modules, morale and area contamination and even affect productivity. It is hoped that with the application of K3, disasters and Activity Impact Diseases (PAK) can be prevented.

Then, what is K3? For those of you who don’t know, there’s no need to worry because in this article, we will discuss OSH in more depth.

Well, Sinaumed’s friends, before discussing the meaning or interpretation of K3, how good is it for us to first understand what K3 stands for?

What does K3 stand for?

Activity Health and Safety , commonly abbreviated as K3, is an effort to develop similar activities, inter-interpretation, and the effective participation of entrepreneurs or caregivers and activity capacity at activity sites to carry out joint obligations and roles in the health and safety aspects of activities in the planning program creation effort.

Through the implementation of K3, it is hoped that this area of ​​work activity will create a place for activities that is comfortable, fresh, and free from area contamination. That way, it can reduce or be free from activity accidents and disease caused by activities. So, the application of K3 in the activity area can increase the ability and productivity of activities.

Definition of K3

There is also an understanding that is broken down into 2 interpretations, namely philosophically and scientifically.

In a Philosophical Way

An idea or effort to ensure the perfection and integrity of both body and spirit, activity power in particular and society in general, for its production and culture leads to a balanced and capable society.


The Scientific Way

Insight knowledge and its implementation in an effort to avoid the possibility of the formation of accidents and diseases due to activities.

Based on the K3 Interpretation above, we can conclude that the position of K3 in the activity area includes several things, including:

  1. Every powerful activity force gets protection for its safety in carrying out work for the sake of saving life and increasing national creativity and productivity;
  2. Everyone who is different at the activity site needs to be safe;
  3. Each creation base needs to be used and used in a comfortable and efficient manner;
  4. To reduce industry fees if there is an activity disaster and illness due to activity ties because there has been predictive action from the industry.

In practice, K3 is a form of effort to create a place for activities that is comfortable, fresh, and free from environmental contamination, so that it can reduce and/or be free from accidents and PAK which in turn can increase the system and activity productivity.

In K3 there are 3 rules that must always be understood, namely:

  1. Provisions relating to the health and safety of activities;
  2. Used to prevent power activity;
  3. Risk of disaster and illness due to activities.

The targets of K3 are:

  1. Ensure the safety of operators and other people;
  2. Ensuring the use of equipment is comfortable to operate;
  3. Guarantees a convenient and easy way of creation.
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Common Threats in K3

Theoretically, the terms threats that are often encountered in the area of ​​activity cover several things, among others.

1. HAZARD (Threat Base)

A condition that allows or can cause disaster, disease, destruction, or limits the ability of existing workers.

2. DANGER (Threat Level)

The threat opportunity has emerged (a threat situation has existed but can be protected by various protective measures.


Estimated level of severity if a threat occurs in a particular cycle.


The occurrence of threatening events (events that are not desired, which can or has made contact with an energy base that exceeds the threshold of the body or form.


Threat events accompanied by the presence of victims and or loss of (people or goods).


Aspects on K3

Why do so many views only focus on K3? Even so, in reality, there are indeed many companies that focus on Safety, Health, and Activities only. In fact, if you look more deeply there are 4 things that need to be considered in the field of management that can be integrated. Management of safety, health, protecting area, and quality.

However, the application of security ( safety ), health ( health ), protecting the area ( environment ) and quality ( quality ) management is often combined into a management system for safety and activity health (K3), protecting the area ( environment ), and quality ( quality ). , abbreviated as QHSE. Especially nowadays, the views above are combined with security to become QHSSE.

Q = Quality

H = Health

S = Safety

S = Security

E = Environment

So, don’t worry anymore if you look at QHSSE records. Even though there are those who think that K3 and QHSSE are different, the purpose of the two terms is to prioritize worker safety.

For those of you who want to know more about OSH, then you don’t need to worry because there are lots of books that discuss OSH, one of the books is Effective Techniques in Cultivating Occupational Safety and Health. Through this book, readers will know how important OSH is in the world of work.

Meaning or Interpretation of K3 (Activity Safety and Health)

Next, here are 10 interpretations of K3 (Activity Safety and Health) that you must know. Starting from the interpretation of OSH for philosophy, ILO, OSH experts, and regulations.

1. Interpretation of OSH for Philosophy

Philosophically, OSH is a vision and effort to ensure perfection and integrity: the activities and people in general (both physically and spiritually), production and culture lead to a balanced, capable and safe society (FTUNY, 2014).

2. Interpretation of K3 in a scientific way

From a scientific point of view, the meaning of activity safety and health (K3) is defined as a science and its implementation in an effort to prevent accidents, fires, explosions, contamination, disease, and the like (FTUNY, 2014).

Or Health Sciences and Activity Safety which is part of Public Health Sciences is the science and art of managing hazards at work sites that have the potential to undermine the safety and health status of workers. Threat management is defined as including prediction, identification, assessment and regulation (FKM UI).

3. Interpretation of K3 originates from SMK3 PP Number 50 of 2012

For Government Regulation Number 50 of 2012, the interpretation of K3 is all activities to ensure and prevent the safety and health of activities through efforts to prevent activity accidents and disease caused by activities.

4. Interpretation of OSH for MoM Singapore

The Ministry of Manpower Singapore said that Safety and Health Activities (K3) covers legal requirements, certification and registration, control and supervision, coverage of accidents and compensation for injuries to activities.

5. The interpretation of K3 originates from the Director General of Mineral and Coal Decree Number 185. K of 2019

There is also the meaning of K3 for the Director General of Mineral and Coal, Safety and Health of Mining Activities (K3 Mining) which is all activities to guarantee and prevent workers from being safe and healthy through efforts to manage activity safety, activity health, activity areas, and activity safety and health management systems.

6. Interpretation of OSH for the ILO

The interpretation of OSH for the ILO, Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is usually defined as the science of predicting, identifying, assessing and managing threats arising in or from the place of activity that may affect the health and safety of workers, taking into account the possible consequences for the immediate area of ​​the community and area in the usual way.

7. The interpretation of OSH originates from PTK 005 SKK Migas

Health, Activity Safety and Area Assurance (“K3”) are all activities to ensure and prevent the health, safety of activity resources and areas through efforts to prevent activity accidents and activity-related illnesses.

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8. Interpretation of K3 is sourced from SKKNI 2019-038

The next meaning of K3 comes from the Ministry of Manpower No. 38 of 2019, it is explained that Activity Safety and Health, hereinafter abbreviated as K3, is a science of knowledge and its implementation in an effort to prevent accidents and disease caused by activities.

9. Interpretation of K3 for PUPR Regulation Number 10 of 2021

K3 or Architectural Security are all technical activities to support the Architectural Profession in creating compliance with Safety, Security, Health and Sustainability Standards that guarantee architectural engineering safety, activity safety and health, public safety and area security.

10. Interpretation of K3 for Gunawan, F. A, et al 

Gunawan, F. A, et al described OSH as an action to manage the risk of surgical or creative threats ( an action to control the risk from operational hazard ). It was explained that without understanding the core meaning of OSH, it would not be confusing if OSH efforts were not scrutinized by the surgical apparatus (supervisor). Further explained.

  • It is impossible to manage the risk of surgical threats left to the K3 apparatus, because the risk of surgery arises due to weaknesses in the management of surgery that are not under the authority of the K3 apparatus. All functions must contribute to managing the risk of surgery.
  • Because those who are victims of the risks of surgery are not OSH apparatus, but surgery and procedures in the field, the main responsibility for managing surgical risks lies in surgical management. The function of the OSH apparatus is only an important supporter of surgical risk management efforts.
  • In order for surgical risk management to work properly, this effort must be integrated throughout the surgical life cycle. Starting from planning, logistics, development, surgery, to treatment through the application of the K3 management system.

Studying or exploring K3 science is arguably not so easy. Therefore, companies or management who take care of OSH matters must know this carefully. OSH System and Management book . This book is perfect for beginners who want to explore K3 because the language used in this book is simple.

Mission K3

In essence, Activity Safety and Health (K3) is a view that must be regulated and implemented in all institutions. Because there are 3 important K3 missions for Law Number 1 of 1970, namely:

  1. Prevent and guarantee the safety of each activity power and other people at the activity site.
  2. Ensuring that each production base can be used comfortably and efficiently.
  3. Increasing safety and national production capacity.

Occupational Health Hazard Management Method

1. Engineering settings


  • Changing work methods
  • Cover or minimize hazardous materials
  • Using worker automation
  • Ventilation as a substitute for sufficient air

2. Administration settings


  • Set a suitable duration between hours of activity and rest
  • Compile K3 regulations
  • Put up a warning signal
  • Make information on risky and safe materials
  • Organize and carry out nursery upgrading of emergency response systems

3. Occupational Safety Standards

Guarding as a security activity activity.

  1. Body protection that covers the whole body.
  2. Machine protection.
  3. Electrical maintenance that must be carried out regularly.
  4. Room maintenance, including a siren system, fire fighting equipment, adequate lighting, adequate windows, and special transfer routes.

4. Personal Protection Equipment

Self-protection equipment is a mandatory tool that is used when on duty according to the threats and risks of activities to protect the safety of the workers themselves and those around them. There is also a form of equipment from guard equipment.

  1. Safety helmet
  2. Acts as head guard from items that can hurt the head.
  3. Safety belts
  4. Acts as a safety device when using transfer equipment.
  5. Earmuffs
  6. Serves as earplugs when working in a noisy place.
  7. Safety glasses
  8. Serves as eye protection when working from splashes.
  9. Face guard
  10. Acts as a face guard while on duty.
  11. Face mask
  12. Acts as an air filter that is sucked in places where the air quality is not good.

So, based on the safety requirements for the activity above, it can be concluded that the K3 mission in the activity area includes the following:

  1. In order to achieve the maximum health benefits for both employees, farmers, fishermen, state employees, or casual workers.
  2. To prevent and eradicate disease and accidents caused by activities, it is necessary to maintain and improve the health of the abilities and energy production capacity of activities and increase the excitement and enjoyment of activities.


So, there is a lot to discuss about K3, one of which is the principles of K3. Not only that, there are also K3LH principles. The K3LH Principles book will make it easier for readers to understand K3LH.

That is the explanation of the meaning of K3, up to the mission of K3. If Sinaumed’s is interested in reading more about other information, then Sinaumed’s can find out more by visiting our website or by reading books. As #Friends Without Limits,  sinaumedia.com provides various quality and original books for Sinaumed’s.

Reading lots of books and articles will never hurt you, because Sinaumed’s will get #MoreWithReading information and knowledge.

Author: Mochamad Aris Yusuf


  • https://disnakertrans.bantenprov.go.id/Berita/topic/288#:~:text=Pengertian%20K3%20According%20Keilmuan%20Safety, fire%2C%20explosion%20and%20pollution %20environment.
  • https://temank3.id/page/detail_news/5/62e5d2b779e51361bec18520e075af19
  • https://www.sases-k3.com/pengertian-maksud-dan-purpose-k3-dalam-environment-work/
  • https://spkep-spsi.org/2022/01/18/pengertian-k3-keselamatan-dan-kesehatan-kerja-yang-harus-kamu-ketahui/
  • https://viramakarya.co.id/xs-content/uploads/2018/02/1-Kebijakan-Pemerintak-about-K3.pdf