Interrogation Is: Definition, Purpose, and Explanation of Interrogative Sentences

Interrogation is a series that is quite important in the investigative process carried out by investigators. The purpose of interrogation is to obtain information about a crime. Not infrequently, there is also news about violence committed by investigators during the interrogation process.

This kind of interrogation is included in coercive communication which is a communication technique. The diversity of the characters of each individual makes investigators have to use various types of communication techniques in interrogating, be it coercive, persuasive, informative communication, as well as human relations.

Interviews and interrogations are important investigative techniques or tools. Where the interview itself is non-accusatory. In this non-accusatory way, we can develop a respectful relationship with the people they interview.

But on the other hand, the purpose of interrogation is to find out what actually happened, who was involved in it, and so on.

Definition of Interrogation

Interrogation is an examination of a person through verbal questions, generally carried out by the police to help facilitate the examination process.

Interrogation is a legal method of gathering evidence as well as tactical communication to obtain statements that actually happened. In this context, the examination of suspects, namely affected persons and witnesses by criminal prosecution authorities in criminal proceedings or administrative violations as part of cases being resolved will be urgently needed.

This interrogation is not a normal legal action, but as a process of communication which is a special social action. Therefore, interrogation is not only aimed at exchanging information, but is also useful for demonstrating the power and influence of the investigative agency.

In the process of interrogation, of course we must know the type of sentence that corresponds to the information we want to get. Therefore, we need to understand interrogative sentences and their various types so that the interrogation process can produce results that are in accordance with the information we want to know. The following is an explanation.

Interrogative Sentences 

In Indonesian, a sentence can be interpreted as a collection of words that are arranged in an orderly manner based on certain formation rules. The formation of sentences in Indonesian varies, depending on the type of sentence formed. One type of sentence formation is grouping based on its communicative value. In this grouping process, sentences can be divided into five types, one of which is interrogative sentences.

This interrogative sentence is a sentence made to provoke a response from the other person in the form of an answer. That means, someone intends to know the answer to the question asked.

Interrogative sentences can also be called interrogative sentences. Formally, this sentence is marked by the presence of a question word. For example, what, who, when, why, how, and so on. In writing, this sentence will end with a question mark.

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary or KBBI, this interrogative sentence has the meaning of showing or containing a question. So, we can conclude that what is meant by an interrogative sentence is a type of sentence that states a question. It should be understood that this interrogative sentence has a different notation pattern from the news sentence.

Meanwhile, according to Ramlan (2005, 28), the intonation pattern of news sentences will end in a low tone, while the intonation pattern of this interrogative sentence will end in a high tone.

According to Awaludin in the e-book development of Indonesian syntax textbooks, interrogative sentences are sentences that are presented to elicit responses in the form of answers. The end of this interrogative sentence is usually a question mark.

Then according to Yunus (2009:133), this interrogation sentence is usually used to ask something or someone. If we want to know the answer to something, then we need to ask for it and the sentences used are interrogative sentences.

Forms of Interrogative Sentences

In practice, these interrogative sentences are divided into two types, the following is a full explanation:

1. Total Interrogative Sentences

This total interrogative sentence is useful for asking all the information in the question. Generally, this sentence is used to ask for approval or disapproval from the other person. This total interrogative sentence functions to demand two possible responses, namely yes or no responses.

2. Partial Interrogative Sentences

Partial interrogative sentences are interrogative sentences that aim to ask some information from the questions submitted. Where this one sentence is generally conveyed using question words whose types and types are determined by the nature of the object intended in the sentence. For example, sentences used to ask about “personified” things, then the words used are “who” or “from whom”, “for whom”, “when” which is to ask for the time, and other question words used based on the context of the sentence .

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Types of Interrogative Sentences

According to Chaer (1988:397), there are several types of interrogative sentences, including:

1. Interrogative Sentences Asking for Confession: Yes – No, or Yes – No

Interrogative sentences asking for yes or no and yes or no answers can form the following:

  1. Give intonation to clause questions, where in written language intonation, the question tone will be replaced or denoted by a question mark.

For example:

  • You attack the victim with a weapon?
  • You cooperate with other criminals?

Answer sentences of this kind of interrogative sentences can be short, but can also be complete. For example, the answer to the question sentence above is:

  • Yes or no, I attack the victim with a gun.
  • Yes or No, I cooperate with other criminals.
  1. Place the interrogative sentence what or whether before the sentence

For example:

  • Did you attack the victim with a weapon?
  • Are you working with other criminals?

The answer is the same as the answer described above.

  1. Give the particle whether in interrogative sentences

In this case, the interrogative sentence is added with the particle kah, which indicates that the particle kah will usually be placed at the beginning of the sentence.

For example:

  • Cooperate with other criminals?
  • Did the victim who was attacked die?

The answer sentence will also be constructed in a similar way to the answer sentence from the previous question.

2. Interrogative Sentences Asking for Information About One of the Sentence Elements

Question sentences that require an answer in the form of information about a sentence element are formed from the question words who, what, where, when, and how much. Generally, the sentence will be accompanied by the particle kah. The question sentence will be placed in the questioned part of the sentence. Usually, the order of the sentences is changed by placing the question word at the beginning of the sentence:

  1. To ask about someone or several people use interrogative sentences and are generally placed at the beginning of the sentence. If the question about who is at the beginning of the sentence can be given or attached to the -kah particle, but if it is at the end of the sentence, it cannot be equipped with -kah particle.

For example:

– Who is that man sitting over there?

Answer: Mr. Mayor or – The person sitting there is Mr. Mayor

– Who did you give the letter to? Answer:

Answer: For the teacher. or – I give the letter to the teacher

  1. To ask something that is not a person or person, use the question word what, which is usually placed at the beginning of a sentence. If the question word is at the beginning of the sentence, then it can be given or attached to the -kah particle, but if the word is at the end of the sentence, then it cannot be equipped with -kah particle.

For example:

– What’s in the cupboard?

Answer: Books or The contents of my cupboard are books

– What is this cake made of?

Answer: Flour and sugar or – Cassava mixed with sweet potato and coconut

  1. To ask where the object is, what question word should be used. When the question word is at the beginning of the sentence, “whether” can be in the form of a particle or not, but if it is at the end of the sentence, then “whether” cannot be given a particle “?”

For example:

– Where is the book?

Answer: It’s in my pocket… or – I returned it to the library

– Which of your children?

Answer: That’s the one wearing the red shirt or – Oh, it’s not here anymore.

  1. If you want to ask about the amount or amount, then you have to use the question word which is generally at the beginning of the sentence. If you want to get a question particle, you have to put the particle after the auxiliary number or the name of the object.


– How much does it cost?

Answer: Rp. 3,000.00 or Not too expensive, only Rp. 3,000.00

– How tall is the national monument?

Answer: 10 sheets or I only need 10 sheets

  1. To ask the time, you have to use the question word when or if, which is usually at the beginning of the sentence. In this case, it can also be accompanied by the particle -kah, but if the question word is at the end of the sentence, then the particle doesn’t need to be used.
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– When will your brother come?

Answer:- this afternoon or my brother will come this afternoon

– When did East Timor join our country?

Answer: 1976 or East Timor was annexed by the Indonesian state in 1976.

If you want to ask when an event will start, you have to use the question word since when and to ask for a time limit related to holding an event, you have to use the question word until when.

3. Interrogative Sentences Asking Reasons

Interrogative sentences to ask for answers in the form of reasons are generally formed with the question words “why” or “why” which are usually placed at the beginning of the sentence and can be supplemented with question particles. If the question word “why” or “why” is at the end of the sentence, the question particle cannot be used.

For example:

– Why are you often late?

Answer: because my house is far away. or – because it is difficult to find a vehicle

– Why is the child only crying?

Answer: he lives with his mother. or – stomach hurts.

4. Interrogative Sentences Asking for an Opinion and Thoughts from Others

Interrogative sentences that ask for opinions or thoughts from other people are interrogative sentences that usually ask for events or opinions that are formed with question words such as those in sentences and can be equipped with interrogative particles. But when the question word is at the end of the sentence, the question particle cannot be used.

For example:

– How do you lift a rock this big? J

Answer: with a pulley machine or pulled together – amai

– He once deceived us, if now he deceives us again, how?

Answer: We will report to the authorities or we can no longer trust them anymore

Functions of Interrogative Sentences

As with other types of sentences, these interrogative sentences have functions and uses in Indonesian. The following are some of the functions of interrogative sentences, including:

  1. Interrogative sentences are usually used to ask a question.
  2. This interrogative sentence is also usually used to ask for answers in the form of information, clarification, and confirmation.
  3. Question sentences usually serve a specific purpose that is not intended to ask for an answer. This goal is called a hidden question. In addition, the interrogative sentence in a rhetorical interrogative sentence usually functions to ask a question without an answer.

Difference between Imperative, Declarative and Interrogative Sentences

The following are some of the differences between imperative, declarative, and also interrogative sentences, including:

1. Imperative Sentences

Imperative sentences or what are called imperative sentences are sentences that function to order others to follow the orders we give them. Apart from interrogative sentences, declarative sentences, and also exclamations, this one sentence is also categorized into types of sentences because of its function. The characteristics of imperative sentences include:

  • There are examples of using exclamation marks at the end of sentences.
  • This sentence is often preceded by the word no or please.
  • Sometimes it contains the particle -lah or -kah in a word. The goal is to control other people.
  • The intonation rises and falls.
  • e. All that is needed is a response from another person who submits to the statement, when the response follows the intent conveyed to the other person through the commanding statement.

2. Declarative Sentences

Declarative sentences or so-called declarative sentences are sentences that function to express something to someone without waiting for an answer from other people. Like the imperative clause, this declarative clause has several characteristics, including:

  • Use periods at the end of sentences.
  • Intonation in sentences is generally flat or neutral.
  • Serves to convey something to someone, be it news or important information.
  • No response or reaction is required from the person to whom this statement is made.

3. Interrogative Sentences

Interrogative sentences or what are called interrogative sentences are sentences that function to ask other people for something, be it information or news. Unlike the case with declarative sentences which do not wait for a response from other people, interrogative sentences instead wait for responses from other people who are subject to the sentence. However, there are types of interrogative sentences that do not require an answer from the other person, namely rhetorical sentences.

From the explanation above, it can be said that interrogation is an examination of someone through verbal questions. This is an explanation of what interrogation is and some explanations about interrogative sentences that can be used in the interrogation process.

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Author: Umm

