How to make book reviews and examples

How to Make a Book Review – Can Sinaumed’s make a book review? If not, Sinaumed’s needs to understand the steps for making a review to make it easier to write. Almost the same as other texts, review text also has a structure, elements, goals, and benefits.

If Sinaumed’s wants to know and master the steps for making a review, then he needs to know that. The following is an explanation of the reviewer starting from the meaning, elements, purpose, benefits, steps for making a review to examples of his writing: 

What is a Book Review?

A review is a written work that contains a review of a book that is judged, weighed, looked back, checked, scrutinized, reviewed a written work in a book. In practice, reviewers do not judge books only, but there are also film, music, drama, exhibition, and work reviews in other forms. In a review, there is a process of scrutinizing, analyzing to produce an assessment which will then be commented on from the work. 

In the process of carrying out the steps for making a review, Sinaumed’s needs to pay attention to the elements that must be present in a review such as the following:

1. Elements of the Review

  • Review Title
  • Book Identity
  • Book Overview
  • Authorship
  • The strengths and weaknesses of the book
  • Conclusion

2. Purpose of the Review

  • Can provide information about the book to the reader
  • Can give reasons as material for consideration of readers of a book
  • Can answer readers’ questions about the book being reviewed
  • Shows information that can be used as a reference whether the book is worth reading or not
  • Can promote the book to the right readers 

3. Reviewer Benefits

  • As a consideration for prospective readers in choosing the book they will read
  • It can bring economic value to the reviewer, for example, the book review can be published in the mass media, both print and online
  • As a book promotion for authors and publishers

How to Make a Book Review

After Sinaumed’s knows about the form of a book review, it’s time to make one. Here are the steps for making a book review that Sinaumed’s can do 

  1. The first step in making a review is to determine which book to review, which is a non-fiction book or a type of fiction. Although basically the writing of the review is the same, there is a slight difference in the chronological part of the story. 
  2. After finding a book to review, the next step in making a review is to read the book from beginning to end. After reading the book, Sinaumed’s will get an overview of the contents of the book and be able to analyze it into a review in the form of an assessment or comment relating to a particular topic. 
  3. Next, Sinaumed’s needs to choose a review writing technique, such as cutting and glueing techniques, focusing techniques, and comparing techniques, each of which has its own style. This writing technique also needs Sinaumed’s to adjust to the review form that Sinaumed’s will make. This is because technique greatly influences Sinaumed’s in making reviews. 
  4. In a work or review, Sinaumed’s must write based on the elements of the review mentioned above. The elements of the review become the characteristics or characteristics of the text that will be understood by the reader as a review writing that reviews books.
  5. After the writing is finished, the step to make a review that is no less important is to re-read it. There are still many people who underestimate or do not re-read the writing that he has finished making. Even though this section is important as a form of self-editing before the writing is published and reaches the readers. Even though in practice the manuscript will still fall into the hands of the editor, the writer still needs to read and re-check the writing whether it is in accordance with its original purpose and can be said to be finished or not. 

Example of a book review

After knowing the steps for making a review above, Sinaumed’s can look at the following review writing examples which review fiction book reviews that are popular among readers and are analytical in nature. Sinaumed’s can use the book review example below as a reference when making a book review.  

The Fate of Books and their Addicts

Title : Paper House
Author     : Carlos Maria Dominguez
Print : September 2016
Publisher : Left Margin, Tangerang
Bold : vi + 76 pp, 12 x 19 cm
ISBN : 978-979-1260-62-6

Books become inanimate objects that appeal to those who like to read. The likes diction in question is a hobby because reading becomes a fun activity, so that it becomes a routine or habit. So what about those who do not like to read? Books are just inanimate objects that are not at all tempting to read, even reluctant to touch.

Carlos Maria Dominguez in Paper House succeeded in presenting book-crazed characters. No longer ‘like’ but already addicted to books. From Bluma Lennon, Carlos Barauer, Delgado. It is through the character Aku that the three book addicts become very interesting to find their connection to.

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Sure enough, whether it’s Bluma, Baruer, or Delgado, books are like life to them. “Bluma devoted her life to literature, without ever imagining that literature would take her away from the world” (p. 2). Bluma died after being hit by a car at the first street corner while walking through poetry and carrying Emily Dickinson’s work. His death was because of the book.

Book Enthusiast

By Delgado, I was shown a madness that he really saw from an inanimate object called the book. Glass-covered shelves along the walls, from floor to ceiling, were filled with books. From the rooms he found identical shelves, crammed with collections of books, carousels in the corridors for storing thick dictionaries, books in the bathroom, maid’s room, kitchen and back rooms. 

“Building a library is creating life. Libraries are never just random collections of books” (p. 26). Delgado told me. For Delgado, the library is a door into time.

Unlike Delgado. Brauer has a distinct way of devouring books and nurturing them. Delgado told Aku of his mistake in Barauer’s attitude towards the important books he had. There are hundreds, even thousands of books owned by Brauer. He was controlled by his passion in collecting books. He became more like a conqueror who had no shame at auction.  

The Fate of Books

It is now a common sight to see books used as props for a table; it was even used for a lamp table, piled up like a tower and then put a tablecloth on top; dictionaries were used more for pressing and straightening things than they were for leafing through, and many books were used for keeping papers, money, and secrets hidden on shelves. People seem to be able to change the fate of books too.

Smartphones, laptops, Ipads and televisions break much more often than books. a book does not fall to pieces unless its owner so wishes, by tearing the pages, or burning them. 

The relationship that humans have with durable objects that can last one, two, even twenty centuries, and thereby defeat the grains of sand of time, has never been innocent. The vocation of human life becomes attached to the indestructible grains of this soft wood. (pg 58) 

It’s a hard ending to the story after Carlos Maria Dominguez builds the storyline. Where a book enthusiast creates the fate of his book to really accompany him to live in solitude. Even a book addict would treat his favorite object that way. 

To become a book collector, Brauer’s character teaches us to become book addicts too. Not solely buying it desperately to own but only for display, just to waste money. Even to explore the book alone was reluctant first. Then why is it displayed neatly, beautifully and systematically if only to be seen. It’s better to just tear it or burn it so it doesn’t take up room space.

Don’t make books a path to futility. Albert Camus even gave a statement that the most terrible punishment for them is for those who do nothing, do useless and hopeless work. So, let’s collect books and get addicted to books!

Freedom in Imagination

Title: JRENG, Putu Wijaya’s short story collection

Author      : Putu Wijaya

Print : January, 2018

Publisher: BASABASI

Bold: 416 pages; 14 x 20 cm

ISBN : 978-602-6651-25-9

“Freedom, do you think independence is enjoyable? Do you think Merdeka is free from all bad luck? Do you think Freedom means you’ll suddenly be rich and happy? You are an idiot. Freedom is a burden.” Matter. 85

The euphoria of independence is still felt today. Attributes such as red and white flags, colorful flags, banners, even twinkling lights are still intact on the side of the road. But whether the solemnity of the spirit of independence is truly euphoric or not in a person who considers himself as independent as Indonesia. This is it, is the euphoria that we have witnessed, really as free as independence?

Independence is not as funny as a sack race. Independence is not as simple as a cracker eating contest. Independence is also not as easy as shouting “MERDEKA” on the stage in front of the mic. That is the face of independence which we always repeat on 17 August. We believe that the aspirations of the sovereign from colonial hands have been successful, achieved, achieved. That’s a great suggestion someone. But that is how Indonesians interpret the independence of their country, including their confidence that they are completely independent.

Storytelling Awareness

Through this collection of Putu Wijaya’s short stories, the face of Indonesia is shown in words. Jreng, with thirty-seven short stories, fully reveals the depravity of Indonesia behind its independence. Putu Wijaya succeeded in exposing Indonesia without patronizing. All that neat in his fat data words. This means that even though Putu Wijaya’s writing was packaged in the form of a short story (fiction), it succeeded in bringing the reader to truly become Indonesian. Indonesia’s independence.

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After all, Putu Wijaya is a native Indonesian writer who has the advantage of turning the factual events around him into fictional events. This is what I mean by independent imagination. I remember Sartre’s words that Imagination is an awareness. That’s what Putu Wijaya did. He was aware of what was around him. It was this fact that built Putu Wijaya’s imagination to produce twenty short stories. Twenty short stories specifically cover Indonesia. Putu Wijaya realized all of these things from a country called Indonesia. Everything that is in it, the people, officials, religion, economy, law.

Image is the way in which an object appears to itself in consciousness, or a way in which consciousness presents an object to consciousness itself. Images appear spontaneously independent of will. It doesn’t just appear as an abstract fantasy. Actually imagination has a strong foundation of content awareness to form something. Putu Wijaya’s foundation in each of his short stories is so strong, that this Balinese-born writer is so good at creating intriguing plots. Reading Putu Wijaya’s short stories is like exploring the Indonesian nation and its humanity which is full of problems. Interestingly, the problems and tragedies are told in a humorous or comedic tone that keeps the reader entertained at the same time.

Stories About Freedom

In one of his short stories entitled Merdeka, Putu Wijaya is so striking about the meaning of independence for his country. Merdeka, which is also used as a character in the story, is so full of meaning in conveying criticism with satire. Merdeka is a child who was born in a small town. His father was a former freedom fighter.

“You are my hope, my future, and heir. I give you the name Merdeka and become Kusuma Nation. Write a history that is different from what I have experienced in the past. Free yourself from all kinds of colonialism, don’t be like your father. Free this country from poverty. Free the people from the misery caused by the tyranny of their own leaders. Be the future for all of us!” matter. 73

Through the figure of Merdeka, the writer who is also the founder and leader of the Mandiri Theatre, succeeded in overturning the fact that his father’s belief in Merdeka actually happened. This kind of flow actually makes his short stories even more interesting. The reader seems to be convinced by the firmness of Merdeka, which has had an independent spirit since birth, but in fact it is still not independent. The figure of speech used is unexpected at the beginning of the story. All like a surprise that makes the reader shake his head. 

In addition to the story of the Merdeka figure, Putu Wijaya tells a lot about Indonesian data which is difficult to explain scientifically. For example, the tempeh patent has been stolen, the people are used as a show as keepers of tradition, but the tourism and cultural industries extract abundant profits, teachers who lie to their students and a few other stories about the fate of truth. 

It is from the ruins of Putu Wijaya’s story that I dare to say that we experienced independence which is still in our imagination. Don’t worry, it is imagination that will deliver true independence. It’s just that this moment of independence awakens our imagination that we have been reminded by August 17 and all the processions and attributes of independence that we are still alive and still need to improve on our previous lives. It is this moment of independence that becomes a bridge to strengthen our sense of nationalism. Diluting racism, disguising greed, and obscuring interests. All of that is only for independence, at least freedom as a human being, both morally and ethically. 

Book Recommendations & Related Articles

So, that’s an explanation of the review, starting from the definition, elements, purpose, benefits, steps for making a review to examples of writing. Can Sinaumed’s make a review yet? Basically, when writing a review text, there is no patent requirement in which style one should write. However, Sinaumed’s needs to know the basic concept of review text so that it can reach the reader’s hands optimally. Judging from the goals and benefits, the reviewer has an important role in the presence of the book. 

That’s why there’s nothing wrong with Sinaumed’s mastering the steps for making a review correctly. sinaumedia can visit sinaumedia’s book collection at to get references on how to make a review, such as the following book recommendations: Enjoy studying. #Friends Without Limits.