Get to Know Princess Leonor and Other Female Leads

Princess Leonor’s name was widely heard and several times became a public discussion. She is a daughter of King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia. The following is a brief profile of Princess Leonor.

Full name: Leono de Todos los Santos de Borbón y Ortiz Sianturi

Stage name: Princess Leonor

Honorific name: Her Royal Highness The Princess of Asturias

Place, date of birth: Madrid, Spain, October 31, 2005

School: Atlantic School in Glamorgan

Father: Don Felipe (King Felipe VI)

Mother: Doña Letizia (Queen of Spain)

Siblings: Princess Sofia (sister)

Princess Leonor is still a teenager, but has been groomed to be Queen at the age of 13. He has also attended royal events and given speeches at them. Princess Leonor has been accustomed to addressing the nation.

Princess Leonor is also a smart person. He is able to communicate in several languages ​​including Spanish, Arabic, English, Mandarin, and Catalan. Currently, he is studying at UWC Atlantic College.

Not only that, Princess Leonor also has several other titles, such as Lady Balaguer, Duchess of Montblanc, Order of the Golden Fleece, Princess of Girona, Countess of Cervera, and also Princess of Viana.

Princes Leonor becomes the Heir to the Royal Throne

Princess Leonor is the first child of King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia. He became the heir to the throne of the Spanish empire. This is because Princess Leonor is the first child of King Felipe VI.

In the royal system it is known that the next holder of the throne is a man. This is known as male-preference cognatic primogeniture. However, the constitutional law changed after King Felipe VI ascended the throne and had no sons.

Therefore, Princess Leonor was officially appointed as the first heir to the throne since June 19, 2014. She will be the first Queen of Spain to continue the throne since the reign of Isabella II, who ruled from 1833 to 1868.

List of Countries Led by Women

Being a leader is not only the right of men. Women also have the right to be a good leader for themselves and even for the country. Women can be fair leaders. The following is a list of women who have become leaders in several countries which have been summarized from the page

1. Liz Truss, British Prime Minister

Since the prime minister election round took place, Liz Truzz has indeed been predicted to be Johnson’s successor. Liz herself received a lot of support from British officials including the Minister of Defence, Ben Wallace.

During the campaign, Liz Truss promised to cut taxes and revive the sluggish British economy due to inflation. She is the third female leader in England.

The UK’s first female prime minister was Margaret Thatcher with a term of office from 1979 to 1990. Meanwhile, the second female prime minister was There May who served from 2016 to 2019.

2. Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Denmark

Mette Frederiksen became prime minister of Denmark in 2019. She took office at the age of 41. Mette is also among the country’s leading heads of state.

Mette Frederiksen is not Denmark’s first female prime minister. Previously, there was Helle Thorning Schmidt who served from 2011 to 2015. They were both from the Social Democratic Party.

3. King Kallas, Prime Minister of Estonia

King Kallas has served as prime minister of Estonia since January 2021. In 2016, Estonia was also led by a female head of state, namely Kersti Kaljulaid. She became Estonia’s first female prime minister.

4. Elisabeth Borne, Prime Minister of France

Elisabeth Borne has been prime minister of France since May 2022. Prior to Elisabeth, France’s first female prime minister was Edith Cresson.

5. Katerina Sakellaropoulou, President of Greece

Katerina Sakellaropoulou becomes the first female President of Greece. He has served as president since January 2020. In the Greek system of government, the presidency takes on a ceremonial role.

However, Katerina Sakellaropoulou changed it. He made a new breakthrough in the form of the president becoming the country’s high court in 2018.

6. Katalyn Novak, President of Hungary

Katalyn Noval, president of Hungary who has served since AMret 2022. She became the first female president in Hungary. Katalyn became a close ally of Prime Minister Viktor Orban and a former family policy minister. Meanwhile, the role of the president in Hungary is largely ceremonial.

7. Magdalena Andersson, Prime Minister of Sweden

Magadalena Andersson, Swedish prime minister who has served since November 2021. Before serving as prime minister, Magdalena Andersson was an economist who also served as finance minister for seven years.

When initially elected as prime minister, Magdalena Andersson had experienced difficult things. He had resigned after parliament and the Green Party rejected the budget and left the coalition.

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8. Sanna Marin, Prime Minister of Finland

Sanna Marin became prime minister of Finland in 2019. He took office when he was 34 years old. He is also the youngest prime minister in Finland. Sanna has good competence in leading a country.

This is supported by the assessment of several observers who regard him as one of the world’s strongest leaders. one of the researchers from the University of Helsinki Economic Studies, Timo Miettinen expressed the opinion that Marin is a person of integrity.

Not only that, Marin is also the youngest female prime minister in the world. This status has made her and her governing coalition (all party leaders are women and four are under 35) in the global spotlight.

Countries that Implement a Monarchy System        

There are many different government systems in the world. Every country has its own way to lead its people. Launching from the page, here is a list of countries that implement a monarchy system.

1. England

England adheres to a monarchy system in which the king or queen is only a symbol of sovereignty. Controlling power in a monarchy system is the prime minister. Until now, England still has a king who is active in the country’s government.

The king was Raha Charles Philip Arthur George III. King Charles succeeded Queen Elizabeth who died on September 8, 2022.

2. Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia adheres to an absolute monarchy system of government. That is, the existence of the prime minister is only a symbolic form. This is because the power is fully held by the king.

Saudi Arabia is led by King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud. The position of king was passed down to the next generation. However, there is a committee of Saudi princes to elect the king who serves in accordance with a 2006 decree.

3. Bhutan

Bhutan or the country that is nicknamed the Thunder Dragon Country adheres to an absolute monarchy system of government. However, this system was discontinued when a new constitution emerged and the election of a prime minister was held.

Since then, Bhutan’s government system has been run by implementing a semi-constitutional monarchy system of government. In this monarchy system, the prime minister holds executive power in the government.

However, the king still had considerable political power to carry out his own policies. Since 2006, Bhutan has been ruled by Raha Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck.

4. The Netherlands

The Netherlands is one of the countries that implements a constitutional monarchy parliamentary system and there is still a federal element in it. Therefore, the role of the prime minister in the Dutch government system is important.

Since 2013 until now, the Netherlands has been led by King William Alexander who obtained his position by replacing his mother, namely Queen Beatrix. The Netherlands is the most expensive monarchy country that still exists today in Europe.

5. Swaziland

Before becoming the name of Swazilan, previously the country was called Estawatini which is located in southern Africa and between South Africa and west and east of it lies Mozambique. Swaziland is a country that adheres to an absolute monarchy system of government.

However, unfortunately King Mswati III who is now leading Swaziland is known as a king who often gets criticism. This is due to a very luxurious life. This is inversely proportional to the life of the people who are far from luxurious. His life is in contrast to the circumstances of his people.

6. Thailand

Thailand adheres to a constitutional monarchy system of government. The king is the head of state and the prime minister is the head of government. The Thai king has few direct powers under the constitution. Currently, the King of Thailand is named King Vajiralongkorn who has ascended the throne since December 1, 2016, when his father died.

7. Norway

Norway adheres to a constitutional monarchy system of government with a parliamentary government. Since 1991, Norway has been led by a king named King Harald V. Meanwhile, the Norwegian parliament has been divided into two, namely voting on odelsting and lagging legislation.

8. Vatican

The Vatican is headed by a bishop of Rome, namely the Pope. The Vatican itself is considered to have a unique government system, namely an elective monarchy system. The pope has the title of king of the country. This position cannot be passed on to anyone.

Apart from these 8 countries, here is a list of countries that adhere to a monarchy system and the kings/sultans/queens who lead them, which are summarized from the page.

  1. Brunei Darussalam – Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah
  2. Oman – Sultan Qaboos bin Said al Said
  3. Qatar – Amir TAMIM bin Hamad Al Thani
  4. Saudi Arabia – King Salman bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud
  5. Swaziland – King Mswati III
  6. Vatican – Pope Francis
  7. Andorra – Prince Emmanuel Macron
  8. Antigua and Barbuda – Queen Elizabeth II
  9. Australia – Queen Elizabeth II
  10. Bahamas – Queen Elizabeth II
  11. Barbados – Queen Elizabeth II
  12. Bahrain – King HAMAD bin Isa Al-Khalifa
  13. Belgium – King Philippe
  14. Belize – Queen Elizabeth II
  15. Bhutan – King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck
  16. Cambodia – King Norodom SIHAMONI
  17. Canada’s Queen Elizabeth II
  18. Denmark – Queen Margrethe II
  19. Grenada – Queen Elizabeth II
  20. Jamaica – Queen Elizabeth II
  21. Japan – Emperor Akihito
  22. Jordanian King – Abdallah II
  23. Kuwait Amir – SABAH al-Ahmad al-Jabir al-Sabah
  24. Lesotho King – Letsie III
  25. Liechtenstein – Prince Hans Adam II
  26. Luxembourg – Grand Duchy of Henri
  27. Malaysia – The Agong MUHAMMAD V
  28. Monaco – King Albert II
  29. Morocco – King Mohammed VI
  30. Netherlands – King Willem Alexander
  31. Norway – King Harald V
  32. New Zealand – Queen Elizabeth II
  33. Papua New Guinea – Queen Elizabeth II
  34. Saint Kitts – Queen Elizabeth II
  35. Saint Lucia – Queen Elizabeth II
  36. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines – Queen Elizabeth II
  37. Solomon Islands – Queen Elizabeth II
  38. Spain – King Philip VI
  39. Sweden – King Carl XVI Gustaf
  40. Thailand – King Maha Vajiralongkorn
  41. Tonga – King Tupou VI
  42. Tuvalu – Queen Elizabeth II
  43. United Arab Emirates – Khalifa bin Zayid Al-Nuhayyan
  44. United Kingdom – Queen Elizabeth II
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Kingdom Background Novel Recommendations

Kingdoms can be one of the inspirations for writing novels or works of fiction. Here are some novels set in the kingdom and their summary as an overview of the book.

1. Arok Dedes

Arok Dedes is a romance novel by Pramoedya Ananta Toer which tells the history of Ken Arok’s resistance and rebellion against the government of Akuwu Tumampel, Tunggul Ametung. Romance of Arok Dedes is not just an irrational mystical romance (the curse of the Gandring kris has seven generations). This is a full political romance. Tells about the first coup in the archipelago. Javanese coup.

A crawling coup that uses many hands to then knock out and take full power. A cunning but ingenious coup. Bloody, but true killers applaud the high honors. It involved military movements (the Gandring movement), spreading suspicion from within, bringing friends against each other, and heating up the camps. The actors work like ghosts. Even if his movements are known, there is no valid evidence for the authorities to get rid of him. Arok is the knot of a combination of cunning paramilitary machines and greedy politicians from the Sudra/agrarian circles who crawled the fate of becoming the sole ruler of the land of Java).

Arok did not have to show his bloodstained hands accompanying Ametung’s fall in the Tumapel Grand Chamber, because politics is not always synonymous with open war. Politics is a game of chess on a pawn board that requires foresight, inducement, determination to throw baits to get big baits. There are no friends or foes. There is only a throne where all desires can be blown up as much as they want. In the end, the novel Arok-Dedes describes a complex political coup map that Java “donated” for Indonesia.

2. Emma

Beautiful, smart, rich and single. Emma Woodhouse was so content with her life that she felt she needed neither love nor marriage. The only thing that pleases him is meddling in other people’s love lives. However, when he ignores his best friend’s warning, Mr. Knightley, and trying to arrange an arranged marriage to Harriet Smith, his protégé, all go awry. It turns out that Emma and Harriet like the same guy, only Emma realizes her own feelings too late.

Should he give in? Or the pursuit of happiness regardless of Harriet’s feelings? Set in the village of Highbury, England in 1815, with imperfect but charming characters, and witty and sharp portrayals, Emma is often considered Jane Austen’s finest work. This novel has also been adapted to the big screen in 1996, starring Gwyneth Paltrow.

This novel written by Jane Austen tells the story of Emma, ​​a twenty-one year old girl living in Hartfield, in the Village of Highbury with her widowed and wealthy father, Mr. Henry Woodhouse. Emma has a sister, Isabella, who now lives in London after marrying John Knightley, her mother died when Emma was young so you could say she is the mistress of the house in Hartfield. Emma Woodhouse was beautiful, smart, and rich, she was also easily happy, affectionate and spoiled others.

But behind all her goodness, Emma also has flaws. She is not as perfect as in the eyes of those who know her. Stubborn, does whatever he wants, prefers to believe his own opinion, tends to think too highly of himself.

3. The Keris

Glory can only be achieved by knowledge, war, and mental practice, while death is a path that must be taken with great respect. Die with a dagger stuck in your chest as a knight, not die with a spear stuck in your back because you ran from the battlefield. Civilization has a lot to say about power.

Power gives birth to picky people, and picky humans always hold an heirloom. This is the second winner of the most prestigious writing contest. The novel tells the story of a keris belonging to Kanjeng Kyai Karonsih as well as a series of history of a nation. A dagger that records traces of the past, witness to many important events, witness to the change of power from time to time in the archipelago, from the days of the Hindu, Buddhist and Islamic kingdoms to the era of Independence, and a prediction of Indonesia in the future.

“This nonlinearly plotted novel divides itself into long and short chapters, some of which can stand as separate stories showing the courage to test form and content.” —Accountability of the 2019 Jakarta Arts Council Novel Contest Jury.

“Sang Keris by Panji Sukma will be read, digested, and enjoyed by the wider community, and will be included in the group of leading Indonesian novels.” —Ahmad Tohari. “Readers will be brought into the storyline and cosmic space, and will be unconsciously led into the depths of the meditation of the chosen humans.” —Basuki Teguh Yuwono