Functions of the Nose and Its Parts

Functions of the Nose and Its Parts – The nose is a part of the human body that is located on the outside of the body and is right in the middle of the face. The nose is located in the skull bone which is composed of cartilage, bone, muscle and skin.

The nose is an important part that is owned by every human being, because the nose has a function as a respiratory organ and also as a sense of smell.

As the outermost part of the body, the nose will directly come into contact with various kinds of gas or air that will be received and entered into the human body. Therefore, the function of the nose is defined as a place for filtering air that enters the human body, this air filtering is done so that the body can receive good air for the body.

Nose Parts

1. Nostrils

The nostrils in humans have 2 holes and both of them function as protectors of the nose from threats that come from outside. Then the nostrils also play a role in determining the size of something that can enter the nose and the nostrils are also directly related to the nasal cavity.

2. Septum

The septum is the separator that exists between the two nostrils. The septum consists of cartilage and the walls of the septum are lined with mucus and have blood vessels inside which are used to moisten and regulate the temperature of the air that enters through the nose.

3. Nose Hair

Nose hair is a part consisting of fine hairs that have a function as a filter for incoming air. The nose as a place for air to enter will easily enter various kinds of air, such as clean air or not. Nose hair serves to hold dirt from the incoming air so that it cannot enter other respiratory organs in the body.

4. Nasal cavity

The nasal cavity is located behind the nostrils and acts as the main cleaning channel for air entering the lungs. Inside the nasal cavity there is a mucous membrane and cilia (fine hair). The nasal cavity also has a role to continue the air that enters and leads to the throat. In addition, the nasal cavity also functions as a guard for humidity, temperature and air pressure.

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5. Nasal sinuses

Sinuses are cavities that are located around the nose. Humans have paranasal sinuses which consist of 4 pairs of nasal sinuses which all end in the nasal cavities. The four parts of the sinuses are the maxillary sinuses (on the cheekbones), the frontal sinuses (in the middle of the forehead), the ethmoidal sinuses (between the eyes), and the sphenoidal sinuses (behind the nasal cavities). The nasal sinuses act as a moisturizer and air filter, maintaining air exchange in the nasal area, maximizing air quality, and producing mucus that flows in the nose.

6. Nasal Nerves

The nasal nerve, also known as the olfactory nerve, is a part of the cranial nerves that is directly connected to the brain. As cranial nerve 1, this nerve in the nose functions as the main receptor for the sense of smell, and this nerve also acts as a recipient of scent stimuli that are carried along with the inhaled air. The function of this nerve is also related to the taste of food and drink consumed by the body.

7. Nasal Cartilage

Cartilage is the bone that forms the nose itself. Nasal cartilage is an elastic and strong part that also forms the tip of the nose and forms the shape of the nose.

8. Nasal Tract (Nasopharynx)

The nasal passages are a very important part of the cycle of the human body’s respiratory system. Because this part is the connecting part between the nose and the throat. Inside the nasopharynx are the eustachian tubes (the tubes that connect the ear and throat) and the adenoid tonsils. Then the nasopharynx functions as a regulator of air pressure and protection from infection.

Nose Function

1. As a means of respiration or breathing

The function of the nose as a respiratory organ is the main thing why there is a nose in the human organs. As a breathing apparatus, the nose will inhale oxygen which will enter the body through other internal organs to the lungs. In addition, the nose also functions as a pathway for carbon dioxide to escape, which is also not much different from the mouth. As the main actor in the process of respiration, the nose as a place where air enters also of course has a place to filter, warm, and humidify the air that will be received by the body.

2. As a sense of smell

Apart from being the main respiratory organ, the nose also plays a major role in the body’s olfactory function. In this olfactory process, the nose will be connected to the brain through the cranial nerves and will generate and create memories of smelling something. In the process of smelling, the nose is assisted by the olfactory mucosa in the upper nasal cavity which contains nasal glands called olfactory glands.

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3. Connection with taste

The point here is that the nose as the sense of taste and the respiratory organs have a relationship in influencing the taste felt by the tongue of the sense of taste. The role of smell here is as a complement to the taste associated with smell. Not infrequently that humans will be able to know the taste of something just by smell alone. That is one result of the relationship between smell and taste.

4. Connect with memory

As the sense of smell, it certainly has many functions than the sense of smell itself. One of them is indirectly remembering something when smelling an aroma or smell. For example, when you smell a perfume, the nasal nerves that are connected to the brain will immediately respond to this with memories or memories of someone you know who uses that perfume. Likewise with the smell of food that smells from afar, in this case sometimes the memory will also affect the smell and aroma of the food that is in the memory of the brain. By remembering a food, you will immediately be able to remember and even feel the aroma of the food.

5. As an air filter

As the main organ that regulates the entry and exit of air needed in the respiratory system, the nose certainly has a function as an air filter. This function can be said to be very important for the continuity of the health of the air that enters through the nose. The nose has several parts such as fine hairs that can filter incoming air along with dirt. With this air filter, the body will get the air it wants, namely air that is clean and free from dirt, insects or even other things.

In addition, the nose also has a natural function as a warmer of cold air and the nose can also function as a humidifier for air that is too dry, so that after passing through the nose, the incoming air is air that has adapted to the body’s condition.

That’s an explanation of the nose, starting from its parts to the function of the nose. To keep getting good air when it enters the body, one way is to maintain a healthy nose.

Author: Wida Kurniasih

Source: from various sources