Functions of the Calf Bones, Shin Bones, and How to Take Care of Them

Functions of the Calf Bones – Did you know, Sinaumed’s , that basically there are many functions of the fibula? The human fibula in this case has an important role in supporting the implementation of daily activities, especially those related to movement.

As we know, the foot as one of the components of body movement which is at the bottom, is composed of various types of bones, starting from the femur, fibula, tibia, ankle bones, to the soles of the feet.

So what are the functions of the calf and shin bones? For more details, this article will discuss the anatomy of the calf bone and its function for the human body.

Calf Bone Anatomy

The calf bone is basically one type of long bone that has a thin and slender shape which is located at the back of the leg. Like other types of long bones, this fibula has a proximal end which has a head and neck, a shaft, and also a distal end.

The fibula lies parallel to the tibia, and is approximately the same length. Even so, these two bones were very different, even their shape was different. The fibula has a shape that looks thinner, while the tibia has a shape that looks thicker.

Even though it doesn’t have a direct contribution to supporting body weight, this fibula basically has a function that is no less important, especially those related to maintaining balance and stability in the ankle. For more details, here is the function of the fibula that Sinaumed’s needs to know.

Calf Bone Functions

Previously it was explained that the shape of this fibula is thin. Even so, it should be noted that this calf bone has a fairly good level of density. Even though it has limited movement, because it has to follow the movement of the shinbones, the fact is that the fibula also has a number of other important functions, such as:

1. Protecting the Feet

As one of the bones located in the foot, it is clear that the fibula has a function, namely to protect the foot from impact and other things.

2. Stabilize the Leg

Of course, the function of the fibula to stabilize the leg is very clear, namely so that Sinaumed’s’ leg can be more stable when moving.

3. Motion control

The function of the other fibula is as the main regulator of body movements when walking. In this case, the fibula has a function to make the legs move according to their needs and desires.

4. Weight Support

Although supporting body weight is not the main function of the fibula, this secondary function can be said to be quite crucial. In this case, the fibula helps the tibia to support the weight of the human body, especially when walking and running.

5. Become a Place for Forming Red Blood Cells

The calf bone has a quite crucial function for the human body, namely as a place where red blood cells are formed as other bones function in general.

6. Maintain Body Balance

When you are walking or running, and even when you are still, the fibula has a function to maintain body balance.

7. Shin Support

As explained in the previous point, the presence of the fibula which is right next to the shinbone is very necessary. In this case, the calf and shin bones simultaneously run the propulsion system of the lower body.

Shin Anatomy

In general, the shinbone can be categorized into three parts, namely the proximal (upper border), body, and distal (lower border).

1. The proximal part

The proximal or upper border of the tibia is also known as the tibial plateau. Because this part is directly adjacent to the knee which is located above the shin.

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The head of the shinbone has two flat, slightly dilated parts, which are called condyles. The condyles that are in and near the midline of the body are called the median condyles.

Meanwhile the other one, located on the outside away from the midline of the body, is called the lateral condyle. These two condyles will be connected to the part of the femur or femur and form the knee joint.

2. Body parts

The body of the shin does not have a round, tube-like shape. This section is shaped like a prism which has three surfaces, namely:

  1. The medial part, the part that faces outwards is only protected by a little fat. This part will be felt when Sinaumed’s is feeling the shins.
  2. The lateral part, the position is more to the side when compared to the medial side and is surrounded by the leg muscles.
  3. The posterior part, which is located at the back, faces towards the fibula.

3. The distal part

On the underside of the tibia, it sits on the medial aspect of the talus. The distal part of the shin bone is also slightly widened in shape and has a bony prominence on the medial side that is closer to the midline of the body.

Dry Bone Function

The tibia, known as the tibia, is one of the second largest bones in the leg. Following are the functions of the shins in the body, namely:

1. Knee and Ankle Connectors

The main function of the shin bone is as a connector between the knee and ankle. The presence of shin bones will help the movement that occurs in the ankle to be more optimal.

2. Leg Muscle Support

Not only does it function to connect the knees and ankles, the shin bone has the function of supporting the muscles in the leg area. Well-supported muscles can make the movement of the leg area better and optimal.

3. Weight Support

Healthy shins can make feet strong. That way, the feet become able to support the body weight they have.

4. Maintain Body Balance

Many of the activities undertaken are affected by the condition of the shins. Healthy and optimal shin conditions can keep the body’s balance well maintained when doing activities such as walking, running and jumping so that Sinaumed’s doesn’t fall easily.

5. Ankle Drive

Ankles that can move freely are affected by the condition of the shins. Healthy and optimal shins can make Sinaumed’s move more freely.

Causes of Calf Pain

Generally, calf pain can be a sign of cramps or tight muscles. However, this condition can also be a sign of a more serious condition. Then, what are the conditions that can cause this pain and how to deal with it? Check out the full explanation below.

Here are some health problems that may be the cause of calf pain, namely:

1. Muscle cramps

Pain in the calf is usually caused by a muscle cramp, which is when the muscle contracts suddenly. Usually, this condition naturally occurs if Sinaumed’s is just starting a new type of sport, so the muscles are still not used to it. Apart from that, muscle cramps can also occur when Sinaumed’s is dehydrated or lacks minerals.

Even so, Sinaumed’s need not worry too much. The reason is, muscle cramps which can also appear in the calves and cause pain can heal by themselves.

2. Muscle injury (Calf strain)

As mentioned in several previous points, the calf consists of two muscles that are directly connected to the heel bone. Well, overusing the muscles in the calves can cause injury to these muscles.

If this is the case, pain will usually appear suddenly in the calf. Not only that, when experiencing tense muscles, Sinaumed’s may also experience several other conditions, such as:

  • A sudden pain in the back of the leg.
  • Calves feel stiff and weak especially during Sinaumed’s
  • Sinaumed’s had difficulty getting up and resting on his feet.
  • Bruising appears on the calf after 1-2 days.

3. Tendinitis Achilles

Achilles tendinitis or Achilles tendon injury is a serious condition that can cause calf pain. This condition can occur due to activities that overuse the Achilles tendon. The Achilles tendon is the tendon that connects the two calf muscles to the heel bone.

Actually, the structure of the Achilles tendon will indeed weaken with age so that it will be susceptible to injury. However, it’s possible for Sinaumed’s to injure this tendon if it’s overused. Generally, this condition often occurs in people who suddenly exercise intensely.

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4. Skiatika

Sciatica is an injury to the sciatic nerve. The nerve runs from the lower back, to Sinaumed’s’ hip, buttocks, and legs . However, this condition usually only affects one side of the body.

Sciatica often occurs when a bone spur in the spine or a narrowing in the spine presses on the sciatic nerve. This can even cause inflammation, pain, and numbness in the affected leg, including the calf.

5. Neuropati perifer

Painful calves can also occur as a sign of peripheral neuropathy. This is a condition that occurs due to damage to the nerves that are outside the brain and spinal cord. Besides being able to cause weakness and numbness, this condition also causes pain that generally appears in the hands and feet.

Peripheral neuropathy is a condition that may result from a traumatic injury, infection, metabolic disorder, or hereditary disease. In fact, this condition can occur due to exposure to toxic substances. Even so, the main cause of this condition is diabetes.

6. Deep vein thrombosis (Deep vein thrombosis)

Deep vein thrombosis is the formation of blood clots in one or more veins in the body. However, this condition generally occurs in the foot area. Deep vein thrombosis can cause pain to cause swelling in the leg area, including the calf.

However, it is not uncommon for this condition to appear without any symptoms. Blood clots in the leg area can also occur if Sinaumed’s doesn’t move his legs for a long time. For example, when Sinaumed’s just had surgery or an accident, went on a long trip, or had to go on bed rest.

How to Overcome Calves That Feel Pain

Sinaumed’s can treat calf pain according to the cause. This means that this condition can be resolved if Sinaumed’s addresses the cause. Therefore, it is better to check this condition with a doctor to get a diagnosis.

That way, Sinaumed’s can carry out treatment according to the conditions that Sinaumed’s is experiencing. There are several easy ways to help relieve pain in the calves, namely:

1. Rest

To overcome this condition, the most effective and easiest way is to rest the calf that hurts. Usually, sore calves occur due to physical activity that is too strenuous. Therefore, reducing activities that are too heavy is actually enough to overcome them.

Not only that, by resting, Sinaumed’s can also relieve other accompanying symptoms, such as acute inflammation. However, if the symptoms are severe enough, Sinaumed’s may need an assistive device to walk.

2. Compress

Apart from resting, Health Direct belonging to the Australian Ministry of Health recommends that Sinaumed’s treat calves that feel pain using compresses, either with ice or warm water. Usually, this method is effective enough to relieve pain caused by problems in the tendon area.

Meanwhile, the use of cold or hot compresses depends on Sinaumed’s’ condition . Compress for about 20 minutes and do it several times until the pain in the calf subsides.

3. Stretching

Sinaumed’s can also relieve calf pain by stretching the muscles. This will be very useful especially for reducing pain caused by cramps or muscle tension.

Not only for overcoming, Sinaumed’s can stretch the muscles to prevent sore calves in the future.

4. Physical therapy

At a level that is classified as severe, Sinaumed’s usually needs to do physical therapy for this one musculoskeletal disorder. A physical therapist will help Sinaumed’s deal with calf pain that doesn’t respond to normal home care.

5. Drugs

In a special condition, the doctor may prescribe some medicines that are useful for reducing pain in the calves. The drugs used generally include NSAID class drugs.

Drug use should be in accordance with a doctor’s prescription. Usually, this method can help with pain from tendinitis, muscle strains, and muscle cramps.

Prevent Pain In Calf

Actually, to prevent calves from feeling pain is not difficult. Sinaumed’s only needs to stretch regularly before and after exercising to strengthen the calf muscles.

In addition, Sinaumed’s should not exercise too much. Better, increase the intensity of exercise little by little so that the muscles in the body are not shocked.

Sinaumed’s is also recommended to consume lots of water so you can avoid dehydration which can be one of the causes of muscle cramps. Not only that, taking magnesium supplements can also be useful for preventing cramps, especially in pregnant women. Even so, the use of supplements should still be consulted with a doctor to prevent unwanted side effects.