Examples of If Clause Type 0, 1, 2, 3 & Practice Questions

Examples of If Clause Type 0, 1, 2, 3 – There are many types of text that you need to know about their uses and functions. One of them is conditional sentences. Conditional sentence is a form of sentence that is used to express wishes, suppositions or even the possibility that will happen. Then, what is the relationship between if clause and conditional sentence? if clause as one of the clauses used to form a conditional sentence. Check out the more detailed explanation below:

Definition of If Clause

If Clause or also known as conditional sentence is a form of conditional sentence, wish, or possibility in Indonesian-English. Before getting to know more about the if clause, first get to know the conditional sentence.

Conditional sentence is a form of sentence in Indonesian and English used to express supposition, wish, or even possibility.

Examples of If Clause Sentences

1. If Clause Type 0

If Clause Type 0 is the type of the first if clause. This type then shows a fact, as well as certain events that produce a certain thing. If clause type 0 itself is often used in reverse with type one, if in type one the if clause and the main clause use the straightforward tense. In this type the tenses used are simple present tense. Here are some examples:

  • If you’re hungry, go get some food/Go get some food if you’re hungry | Meaning: If you are hungry, go look for food
  • If you combine blue and red, you get purple color / You get purple color if you combine blue and red | Meaning: You will get purple if you mix blue and red
  • If I’m late to get up, don’t watch for me/ Don’t watch for me if I’m late to get up | Meaning: Don’t wait for me if I wake up late

2. If Clause Type One

If Clause Type 1 is often used when you want to express an event that is happening now and in the future when a certain condition then meets. Using a clause as a conditional, then this conditional occurs in the future. In this type, the simple present is used for the if clause and the simple future for the main clause. Examples of If Clause Type 1, including:

  • If I don’t study, my mommy can get angry and ground me/ My mommy can get angry and ground me.
  • My mother will be angry and punish me if I don’t study | If I don’t study, My mother will be angry | Meaning: My mother will be angry and punish me if I don’t study
  • If she doesn’t leave me, everything is okay / Everything is okay if she doesn’t leave me | Meaning: Everything will be fine if he doesn’t leave me
  • If I pass the communication, my mommy can get a dress on behalf of me / My mommy can get a dress on behalf of me if I pass the communication | Meaning: My mother will buy me a dress if I pass the exam

3. If Clause Type Two

The form of if clause type two is often used in an event or situation that is unlikely to occur. This form is usually used when imagining something that is unrealistic. Meanwhile, the tense used in the if clause is the straightforward past. In the main clause, use conditional gifts that use would, could, should, and may. Example :

  • If I had cash, I’d get a bag for my sister / I’d get a bag for my sister if I had cash
  • If I were a cook, I’d cook delicious food everyday / I’d cook delicious food everyday if I was a cook
  • If she visited South Korea, she would see the Namsan Tower / She would see the Namsan Tower if she visited South Korea

4. If Clause Type Three

This form of if clause is used in events that have ended. If clause type three is used when imagining activities that are different from reality. The perfect tense is used in the if clause. Example :

  • If she brought her phone, she might need to be known as her mother/She might need to be known as her mother if she brought her phone
  • If you had served on behalf of me a lot of, you’d have incomprehensible the train/you’d have incomprehensible the train if you had served on behalf of me a lot of
  • If Steve had married with her, she would be the luckiest girls in the world/she would be the luckiest girls in the world if Steve had married with her
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The If Clause formula

1. If Clause as Reminder

If Clause as Reminder Conditional sentence is a conditional sentence that is generally used when reminding the consequences that must be done if you want something to happen. The following is the formula for a conditional sentence as a reminder

If + straightforward gift, S + have to/must/has to + V1


  • If you wish to win the competition, you need to study onerous | Meaning: If you want to win in a competition, you have to study hard
  • If she wants to form fixings, she must get tomatoes | If you want to make tomato alimentary paste, American state, of course, must buy tomatoes
  • If I would like to get up at five o’clock, I have to sleep early | If I want to get up at five, I have to sleep earlier

2. If Clause as Suggestion

The if clause as Suggestion is used when giving suggestions about an action that must be taken if you want something to happen. The following is the formula for the conditional sentence as a suggestion. The following is the formula for the Iranian conditional sentence as a suggestion:

If + straightforward gift, S + should/ought to/had higher + V1

If +simple gift, Why don’t + S + V1?


  • If you wish to but the most recent novel, you ought to attend a shop | Meaning: If you want the latest novel, you have to go to the bookstore
  • If you wish to be slim, why don’t you stop eating at night? | Meaning: If you want to be slim, why don’t you stop eating at night?
  • If he wished to enhance his English skills, he had higher be a part of an honest English course | Meaning: If military intelligence wants to improve its English Indonesian skills, the American state should go to a good English Indonesian course

3. If Clause as Imperative

Conditional sentence is a conditional sentence that is used to invite someone to take various actions when they want something. The following is the formula for the conditional sentence as imperative:

If + simple present, V1 + Object/Adverb

Example :

  • If you don’t want to be late, get up early | Meaning: If you don’t want to be late, get up early
  • If she comes, tell me immediately | Meaning: If he comes, let me know right away
  • If you want to win this competition, be passionate and work hard! | Meaning: If you want to win this competition, be passionate and work hard!

4. If Clause as General Truth

Same with type 0, conditional sentence is a conditional sentence which is generally used in stating a fact or general truth. Unlike type 0 which is used to express a habit, this if clause can only be used to state facts. Here are some formulas for conditional sentences as general truth:

If + simple present, simple present/future

For example:

  • If you want hot water, you need to boil water | Meaning: If you want hot water, you need to boil water
  • If you are thirsty, go get a cup of water | Meaning: If you feel thirsty, take a glass of water
  • If the strawberries are ripe, they will turn red | Meaning: When the strawberry is ripe, it will then turn red

5. If Clause to Show a Dream

Conditional sentences are generally used to show someone’s dreams or goals in the future if he succeeds in having or doing something. The following is the formula for the conditional sentence to show a dream:

If + simple present, simple future

Example :

  • If she graduates from high school, she will continue her study to America | If he graduates from high school, he will continue his studies in America
  • If I get the prize, I will buy a car for my dad | Meaning: If I get a present, I will buy a car for my father
  • If I have free time, I will meet you there | Meaning: If I have free time, I will meet you there
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This book is very useful in guiding you to speak English fluently in the context of very diverse situations. By reading this book, for example, you will understand what to say when you are in a souvenir shop or asking someone else to show you the way when you get lost in someone else’s country. There are many examples of other conversations with the use of various expressions.

Practice If Clause Problems

Answer the Multiple Choice Questions regarding the If Clause below correctly. Listen carefully to each question:

1. i’ll visit your town you have known
A. If I come back to Paris.
B. If I came to Paris.
C. If i’ll come back to Paris.
D. If i’d come back to Paris.

2. If I had had liberal to
A. I’ll watch the motion picture along with my friend.
B. I watched the motion picture with my friend.
C. I watched the motion picture along with my friends.
D. I’m looking at the motion picture along with my friends.

3. What’s the very fact of the previous sentence? (question no. 2)
A. I didn’t have free time. Therefore, I didn’t watch the motion picture with my friend.
B. I don’t have free time. Therefore, I don’t watch the motion picture with my friend.
C. I used to not have free time. Therefore, I used to not look at the motion picture along with my friend.
D. I’m not having free time. Therefore, I’m not looking at the motion picture along with my friend.

4. If I were you,________
A. I’ll obtain that edition iPhone.
B. i’d obtain that edition iPhone.
C. I’d have bought that edition iPhone.
D. I’m shopping for that edition iPhone.

5. What’s the very fact of the previous question? (question no.4)
A. I’m not you
B. I wasn’t you.
C. i used to be not you
D. I actually have not been you.

6. My mom would obtain ME a replacement bike
A. If I passed the state university entrance check.
B. If I pass the state university entrance check.
C. If I actually have passed the state university entrance check.
D. If i’m passing the state university entrance check.

7. What’s the very fact of the previous sentence? (question no.6)
A. I didn’t pass the state university entrance check.
B. I didn’t pass the state university entrance check.
C. I wasn’t passing the state university entrance check.
D. I’m not passing the state university entrance check.

8. What’s the very fact of question no. 8?
A. I don’t go along with my folks 5 hours ago, so one is alone right away.
B. I failed to go along with my folks 5 hours ago, thus I’m alone right away.
C. I used to not go with my folks 5 hours ago, thus I’m alone right away.
D. I’m not going with my folks 5 hours ago, so I’m alone right away.

9. If Maria had obeyed her mother’s recommendation to simply accept the scholarship
A. She would have graduated from a renowned university.
B. She is going to graduate from a famous university.
C. She graduated from a renowned university.
D. She graduated from a renowned university.

This book is presented to help you master the ability to converse in American English as well as understand the daily habits of the people. Trust me, you will no longer be busy speaking English and you will be free from ‘culture shock.’

If Clause Answer Key

The following is the answer key to questions No.1-9 above:

  1. The answer key to question no. 1 is A. If I come back to Paris.
  2. The answer key to question no. 2 is C. I watched the motion picture with my friends.
  3. The answer key to question no. 3 is A. I didn’t have free time. Therefore, I didn’t watch the movie together with my friend.
  4. The answer key to question no. 4 is B. I would buy that limited edition camera.
  5. The answer key to question no. 5 is A. I am not you
  6. The answer key to question no. 6 is A. If I passed the state university entrance check.
  7. The answer key to question no. 7 is A. I don’t pass the state university entrance check.
  8. The answer key to question no. 8 is B. I did not go with my parents five hours ago, so I am alone right now.
  9. The answer key to question no. 9 is A. She would have graduated from famed university.

This is an explanation of If Clause: Definition, Example Sentences, Formulas, Practice Questions and Key Answers, enjoy learning!

Source: from various sources