Examples of Community Values ​​and Understanding the Values ​​of the Fourth Precepts of Pancasila

Examples of Community Values ​​– Pancasila is the foundation of the Indonesian state. The Pancasila principle is a pillar in the life of the nation and state. Pancasila has five commandments, one of which is in the fourth precept which reads, ” Populist led by wisdom in deliberations of representatives. “As stated in the fourth precept, there is a populist term in it, so the fourth precept has a populist value.

In addition, the fourth Pancasila precept emphasizes and supports social values ​​and wisdom in society. What is the form of these civic values? Then, what are examples of populist values ​​that are in accordance with the fourth precept in Pancasila? Check out the following explanation of civic values!

Values ​​in the Fourth Precepts of Pancasila

Pancasila is a formulation and guideline for the life of the nation and state which has been applied to all Indonesian people. Every precept of Pancasila has values ​​that must be implemented in everyday life for all Indonesian people.

The fourth precept in Pancasila is no exception, where there are examples of the application of populist values ​​in the daily life of the Indonesian people. In general, the meaning of the fourth precept of Pancasila is that Indonesian citizens have equal obligations and rights.

Community values ​​in Pancasila can be interpreted as qualities or characteristics that are attached to an object and have ideals, obligations, hopes and dreams. There are two types of values ​​that need to be understood, the two values ​​are material values ​​and vital values.

Vital values ​​are all things that are useful for humans to carry out activities, while material values ​​are all things that are beneficial to spiritual and physical health.

Because Indonesia upholds social values, decisions must be made through deliberation. In addition, every citizen must mutually respect the opinions expressed by other people, regardless of status, race, religion or gender.

This populist value has been directly applied in Indonesia, one example of which is the holding of regional elections and presidential elections which are carried out by taking the most votes cast by the community.

In short, the meaning of the fourth precept of Pancasila is that all Indonesian people have the same position before the law and government. Based on the symbol, namely the bull which is the symbol of the fourth precept. The bull is an animal that has considerable strength, so that Indonesian people have great strength if they respect each other.

In addition, bulls are animals that prefer to live in groups rather than living alone. If one of the bulls in the group is injured, the other bulls will help. For this reason, the bull’s head is used as a symbol of the fourth precept in Pancasila.

The bull’s head symbol is also a reflection of the Indonesian people who have always upheld mutual cooperation since the colonial era. Mutual cooperation attitudes and actions will facilitate the community in completing work or problems.

Mutual cooperation attitudes and behavior can be used as counseling activities. Therefore, the Indonesian people must always prioritize attitudes and actions of mutual cooperation.

In addition, the red symbol in the fourth precept of Pancasila also symbolizes courage. This is in line with the attitude and behavior of Indonesian people who are brave and strong.

Therefore, the Indonesian state is known and synonymous with a brave and strong country. In deliberations, everyone must have the courage to express their opinions factually. In addition, everyone must have the ability to be responsible for carrying out and solving challenges that arise when making counseling decisions.

Populist Values ​​in the Fourth Precepts of Pancasila

According to the website of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemdikbud) it is explained that the meaning of the fourth precept of Pancasila is that Indonesian citizens have the same rights, position and obligations.

Therefore, fellow Indonesian citizens must hold deliberations in making decisions. Respecting the opinions of others, is one of the keys in conducting consensus deliberations.

The populist value or fourth precept value in Pancasila has points that have been listed in TAP MPR No.I/MPR/2003. The following are the points of populist values ​​in Pancasila.

  1. As citizens and citizens, every Indonesian human being has the same rights, position and obligations.
  2. You can’t force your will on other people.
  3. Prioritizing deliberation in making decisions for the common good.
  4. Deliberations are carried out to reach consensus with a spirit of kinship.
  5. Respect and uphold every decision that has been reached as a result of deliberations.
  6. In deliberations, shared interests are prioritized above personal and group interests.
  7. Deliberations must be carried out using common sense and in accordance with a noble conscience.
  8. Good faith and a sense of responsibility must be owned when accepting and implementing the results of deliberation decisions.
  9. Decisions taken must be morally accountable to God Almighty, values ​​truth and justice, uphold human dignity and value and prioritize unity and integrity for the common good.
  10. Giving confidence to representatives entrusted with the trust to carry out deliberations.
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Values ​​in the Fourth Precept

Apart from the points of the fourth precept in the TAP MPR, there are several values ​​in the fourth precept of Pancasila. Here’s an explanation.


The main value of the fourth precept is deliberation. Deliberation means a joint debate that has the aim of resolving a problem that is present. Therefore, the decisions taken must prioritize the common interest above personal interests.

The social values ​​in this fourth precept teach every individual, especially the Indonesian people, to fight for the advancement of common interests. By prioritizing common interests, the Indonesian people will feel that they are treated fairly and live in harmony.

Not Doing Something by Force

Populist values ​​teach and invite people not to act by force. Through forced counseling, the results of counseling will not be in accordance with logical thinking. This coercion usually comes from within oneself or from others. Such coercion can be dangerous, because it will result in decisions that are not based on joint determination.

So as a result, many Indonesian people will be harmed. That is why the fourth precept of Pancasila has values ​​so that people have their own views, especially when holding meetings. That is, decisions produced by individuals from a deliberation are not coercive.

Have a Big Soul and Appreciate Every Decision

Sinaumed’s needs to know that not all ideas owned by an individual can be used as a final decision. That is, every individual should have a big heart when deliberating and be open-minded to be able to accept the final decision. This will enable one to accept and respect all well-thought-out decisions.

Actions and attitudes that are open and respect all decisions that are well thought out are the same as the values ​​contained in the fourth precept of Pancasila. In short, these two things reflect the Republic of Indonesia. Therefore, the Indonesian people must apply these values ​​in extension activities.

Accepting Other People’s Opinions

In the fourth precept, society is not only encouraged to accept all decisions, but also must be willing to accept the opinions put forward by other people even if those opinions differ. Opinions can be in the form of criticism, contributions, ideas or ideas.


Indonesia is a democratic country, which means that all decisions must come from the will of the people, in accordance with the slogan ” from the people for the people “. Therefore, as a democratic country, every regional head election will be held with the votes of the Indonesian people through General Elections and Pilkada.

Voices come from the people, so the people have the right to monitor what elected officials do. To oversee all the activities of elected officials, it has been stated in the fourth precept value which reads ” populist led by wisdom in representative deliberations ” or populist values.

Examples of Community Values ​​in Accordance with the Fourth Precepts of Pancasila

After understanding the meaning of the fourth precept of Pancasila and the populist values ​​contained in the fourth precept of Pancasila, Sinaumed’s must actively participate in implementing populist values ​​in social life. How to?

To make it clearer, here are some examples of community values ​​that Sinaumed’s can implement in everyday life in various aspects.

At Home or Family Environment

Deciding something with the family

In family life, of course, Sinaumed’s may have to have discussions with father, mother, wife, husband or children to formulate a point. Starting from simple things or even complicated things. A simple example is when you want to plan a vacation trip with your family, the head of the family should hold a discussion with family members, where to enjoy the vacation time, when, for how long, and so on. That way, all family members will enjoy the holiday period.

Do not hesitate to listen to the opinion of children, as one of the characteristics of a wise parent

Listening to children’s opinions is an important value and one of the characteristics of wise parents. Even if children are young, it is not good to ignore children’s opinions. Preferably, to practice social values, parents must be willing to hold discussions with their children if something happens.

Listen and follow the instructions of the head of the family

The father is the head of the family or a family leader who has an important role. Therefore, it is important for family members to listen to and follow instructions from the head of the family, especially when it comes to positive things.

Do not impose opinions or wishes on other family members

When having discussions or deliberations with other family members, there will usually be differences of opinion in the discussion. So, it is important for all family members not to impose their opinions or wishes on other family members.

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In the Community Environment

Participate in general elections, presidential and regional elections

General Elections (Pemilu), Presidential Elections and Pilkada are activities that are no strangers to being held in Indonesia every five years in an open or transparent manner and are attended by Indonesian people who are old enough. The form of information disclosure in these activities shows that the democratic system in Indonesia is running.

Therefore, as an Indonesian citizen who upholds Pancasila values, Sinaumed’s needs to participate in the election of people’s representatives. By participating in these three activities, Sinaumed’s has carried out activities that reflect the fourth precept or social values.

Participate in student organizations

If Sinaumed’s is still at school, then Sinaumed’s can participate in organizations at school such as OSIS or Student Executive Board (BEM). By participating in student or student activities like this, Sinaumed’s has taken actions that reflect the fourth precept.

Someone who is appointed as a representative of another person must be ready to listen to the aspirations of others

When Sinaumed’s is appointed as a representative for another person, Sinaumed’s must be willing to accept the wishes and aspirations expressed by other people.

All human desires and hopes that can be realized, must be treated fairly, so that they can produce desires that can be beneficial for the common good. Representatives of the people who are willing to accept and listen to the aspirations of the people, then they have shown actions that are in accordance with the values ​​of the people.

Accept wisely all decisions from the results of deliberations

Selfish attitude in society, if not avoided it will lead to less optimal decisions. Therefore, the choice taken because of one’s selfish nature will cause losses.

When the deliberations have been carried out and the decisions made in the deliberations are made, the members must wisely accept these decisions and throw away their egoism.

In the School Environment

Choose a class leader by means of deliberation and consensus

The class leader has an important role, especially for contacting teachers, making important announcements, as a communication intermediary between teachers and students. Therefore, the election of class president cannot be done unilaterally.

If the class president is elected unilaterally, maybe the person elected feels reluctant to carry out his duties or vice versa. Therefore, the class leader needs to be chosen by means of deliberation and consensus which is followed by all students in the class.

Appreciate the results of decisions from the election of class leaders or deliberations

When the deliberation process is running and decisions have been obtained, each class member must respect the results of the decisions from the selection and deliberation.

Discuss with classmates when making decisions

In teaching and learning activities, there will definitely be situations or activities that require Sinaumed’s to make a decision. Whether it’s for self-interest or the benefit of the group.

When there are activities involving group interests, Sinaumed’s must discuss with other classmates to make decisions. That way, no one in the class will feel disadvantaged.

If there is a dispute or problem at school, it needs to be resolved by deliberation

Another example of implementing community values ​​in the school environment is when there is a dispute or problem in the school environment. Whether it’s between students and students or between students and teachers.

If this happens, the problems and disputes must be resolved by way of deliberation. That way, the problem will be resolved peacefully and will not recur.

Do not impose personal will on other students

Whether it’s a teacher or a student, it’s not good to impose personal will on others. A teacher may not force a student to do things that the student does not want. Especially when personal will has a negative charge value. Likewise with students, it is not permissible to impose personal will on other students or teachers.

Every teacher and student must comply with the rights and obligations in accordance with their respective roles, especially in the school environment. That way, the school environment will be safe, comfortable and peaceful.

Those are some examples of the populist values ​​listed in the fourth precept of Pancasila. As good citizens, Sinaumed’s needs to actively implement community values ​​in everyday life.

To understand other Pancasila values, Sinaumed’s can learn them by reading books, because books are windows to the world.

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Author: Khansa

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