Complete Explanation of Examples of Attitudes in Accordance with the Fourth Precepts of Pancasila

Examples of Attitudes in Accordance with the Fourth Precept – Pancasila is the foundation of the Indonesian nation. Pancasila principles have become the pillars of national and state life. Pancasila has five commandments. One of them is the fourth precept, which says that “Population is led by wisdom in representative deliberations”.

Table of Contents

The symbol of the fourth precept of Pancasila is the head of a bull. These horned animals are known to like to congregate and hang out together. The same applies to those who think and every human being will essentially come together. The fourth precept of Pancasila emphasizes supporting people’s values ​​and wisdom. In other words, the problems that befall humans must also be solved by human unity.

In this case it is correct to consult to reach an agreement. Also, “Deliberation” is the most prominent word in this fourth precept of Pancasila. The form of the value itself is a noble inheritance from previous ancestors. This method is always used to reach a good deal with other people.

Then what is an example of an attitude that is in accordance with the four Pancasila precepts to respect and appreciate one another? To reach consensus, we need to adopt an attitude in accordance with the values ​​of the four Pancasila precepts, as explained below:

Understanding the Fourth Precepts of Pancasila

When the Indonesian people complete the general election, Pilkada, and presidential election, we know who has the most votes and represents the winner. All elected representatives of the people must carry out their duties with full responsibility, because their duties have a significant impact on people’s lives. Because of this, the “populist” that is accepted by the Indonesian people does not only seek the most votes.

Why? Because the Indonesian nation is obsessed with the notion of “populist”, it must obey what is said in Pancasila, especially the fourth precept. About the sound of the Fourth Precept of Pancasila is “People who are led by wisdom in deliberations and representation.” From the contents of this precept it can be said that the “populist” that occurs must adhere to honesty, purity, truth, goodness, and beauty.

To apply the value of this fourth precept, we need the basis or principle of the first precept, namely “Belief in the One and Only God.” This is because the value of the first precepts guides individuals to protect the “people” from corruption, riots, and other things that can harm the Indonesian nation or state. Actions of anarchism, corruption and turmoil must be avoided as much as possible by the “nation” so that the Indonesian people and nation can experience social justice.

This social justice will ensure that the life of the Indonesian people and nation runs cleanly and in accordance with the rules that have been set. In short, the meaning of the fourth precept means that all Indonesian people have the same position in law and government.

Based on the meaning of the symbol, the symbol of the bull is known as an animal with great power. In addition, bulls are animals that prefer to live in groups rather than alone. If a bull is in the group and a friend is injured, the animals will help each other. Therefore, the bull’s head is used as a symbol of the fourth precept.

The bull’s head symbol really reflects the Indonesian people who uphold mutual cooperation since the colonial era. Mutual cooperation attitudes and actions facilitate the resolution of any problem. Attitudes and behaviors can be used for counseling activities. Therefore, the Indonesian people must always prioritize mutual cooperation attitudes and actions.

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In addition, the red symbol represents courage. This is in line with the attitude and behavior of the Indonesian people who are very brave and strong. Therefore, the Indonesian state is also known or synonymous with a strong and brave country. In deliberations, everyone must have the courage to express factual opinions. In addition, each person must have the ability to responsibly carry out the challenges that arise from counseling decision-making.

Values ​​in the Fourth Precepts of Pancasila

1. Deliberation

It cannot be denied that the main value of the fourth precept of Pancasila is regret. Deliberation means a joint debate that aims to resolve a problem that arises. Therefore, the decisions taken must prioritize the common interest.

The fourth value of Pancasila teaches that every individual, especially individual “people”, must strive to promote common interests. Putting common interests first, Indonesian people feel that they are treated fairly and can live in harmony.

2. Not Doing Something By Force

It is better not to act under compulsion when doing something, especially when thinking about it. With forced counseling, the results of counseling can be inconsistent with logical thinking. This coercion usually comes from within or from other people. This is very dangerous because it can lead to decisions that are not based on mutual determination.

As a result, many Indonesian people are harmed. That is why the fourth precept of Pancasila has values ​​so that people have their own views, especially in deliberations. This means that decisions resulting from deliberations are not a coercion.

3. Have a big heart and respect every decision

You need to know that not all ideas that individuals have can be used as a final decision. That is, each individual should have a big soul when deliberating and be open-minded to accept the final decision. This allows us to accept and respect all well-thought-out decisions.

An open attitude and action, and respect for all well-thought-out decisions, has always been the value of the Fourth Commandment. In short, these two things reflect the Indonesian state. Therefore, the Indonesian people need to apply this value in extension activities.

4. Accept other people’s opinions

We must not only accept all decisions, but also must be willing to accept the opinions of others. Opinions of other data subjects can be in the form of contributions, criticisms, and ideas or ideas. If we receive criticism, this is all in the public interest, so we must accept it with a big heart.

It may be hard to take criticism at first, but once you get used to it, it’s easier to accept criticism. If we can accept criticism from others, we can apply the values ​​contained in the fourth precept of Pancasila.

5. Democracy

Indonesia is known as a democratic country. Democracy can be said to be a state where all decisions must come from the will of the people. “From the People for the People” is more or less a democratic country. Therefore, as a form of democracy, every regional head election is held with the votes of the Indonesian people.

Votes come from the people, so the people have the right to monitor what elected officials are doing. To oversee all the activities of elected officials, this is stated in the fourth precept of Pancasila which reads “Populist Led by Wisdom in Representative Deliberations”.

Examples of Attitudes in Accordance with the Fourth Precepts of Pancasila

In order to better understand the values ​​in the fourth precept of Pancasila, the following is an example of an attitude that is in accordance with the fourth precept of Pancasila in its application in everyday life:

Examples of Attitudes in Accordance with the Fourth Precepts of Pancasila at Home or Family

1. Decide Something With Family

In family life, of course we may need to discuss with family, such as wife, husband or children, when planning vacation trips. Of course, we need to discuss with the family where and where to go on a trip that suits the wishes of the whole family.

2. Listen to Children’s Opinions as Wise Parents

In family counseling activities, listen to children’s opinions, not because they are young and seem to ignore their advice and opinions. Therefore, if we have discussion or counseling activities, it is better to listen and take into account the opinions of the children as well.

3. Listen and follow the instructions of the head of the family

The father, who is the head of the family, is the head of the family and as a good member of the family, it is very important to listen to instructions from him. Follow them in the family, as far as family and positives are concerned.

4. Don’t impose your will or opinion on other family members

When consulting with the family usually results in differences of opinion. If there are differences of opinion, it is very important not to force the situation.

5. Compliance with the results of family discussions

For family counseling activities, the results of counseling must be determined by mutual agreement. If there is a family visit, it would be nice to be able to follow up on the results of the consultation with other family members.

6. Asking permission from parents when leaving the house

Parents, especially the father, are the head of the family, so family responsibilities must be communicated to the head of the family. Even if your child leaves the house to play or work with friends, it’s a good idea to ask and ask permission from your parents.

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Examples of Attitudes in Accordance with the Fourth Precepts of Pancasila in the Community

1. Participate in General Elections, Regional Elections, Presidential Elections

General Elections, Pilkada, and Presidential Elections are familiar activities because they are held every five years and are carried out openly or transparently by the people of Indonesia. The form of information disclosure in these activities shows that our democratic system is running.

Therefore, as an Indonesian citizen who upholds Pancasila values, it is necessary to participate in the election of people’s representatives. By participating in this activity, you have carried out activities that reflect the fourth precept of Pancasila.

2. Participation in Student Organizations

If Sinaumed’s is still in school, you need something called a Student Organization or Student Council. This group of students is very helpful in carrying out school activities such as art performances and 17 competitions. In addition, every student organization will always get advice before making decisions, especially in terms of student activities.

By participating in all student association activities, especially counseling activities, you have been involved in actions that reflect Principle 4. Therefore, students are encouraged to take part in student organization activities in order to practice the fourth precept, the values ​​of Pancasila.

3. Parents and Children Receive Advice

Family relationships consisting of parents and children in practice must complement each other. To complement each other can be done by giving advice to each other. This indicates that the family relationship has information disclosure. In addition, this method can also make a family good.

4. Participation in community meetings

There must be deliberations within the community, especially regarding development. For example, it is strongly recommended to carry out consultation activities before implementing local infrastructure development processes. This advice will help all members of the local community solve problems. Problems that are resolved quickly will make people’s lives more peaceful and harmonious.

If you participate or participate in counseling activities in the community, it means you have practiced the fourth precept of Pancasila. The more people participating in regional consultations, the easier it is to solve problems.

5. Wisely accept all deliberations’ decisions

Egoism in deliberations, if not avoided, leads to sub-optimal decisions and needs to be avoided. Therefore, the choice taken will cause a lot of losses. Therefore, as an Indonesian nation, we must always try to be wise in accepting decisions that arise from considerations.

Therefore, the act of wisely accepting all decisions taken with care is an act of explaining the value of the fourth precept of Pancasila in everyday life. Accepting this is like training yourself from feelings of egoism. The practice of behavior like this also shows that we are more concerned with the public interest.

6. Every result of the deliberation is carried out with full responsibility

Decisions resulting from deliberations will not work as long as there are individuals who are not responsible for leaving the task. Those who do not carry out their duties responsibly do not reflect the values ​​of the four Pancasila precepts. The practice of the values ​​of the four Pancasila precepts can be achieved by carrying out and completing each task as a result of the deliberations. Such behavior can be described as responsible behavior.

7. Representatives of All Must Be Ready to Listen to the Aspirations of Others

It is appropriate for the people’s representatives to accept all the wishes and aspirations of the Indonesian people. All human desires are desires or hopes that are coveted to be realized so that people can feel that they are being treated fairly. People’s representatives who are willing to accept and listen to people’s aspirations show that these people’s representatives have practiced the values ​​of the fourth precept of Pancasila.

Examples of Attitudes in Accordance with the Fourth Precepts of Pancasila in Schools

1. Election of Class Leaders by Deliberation and Consensus

The class leader must be present in class, and this election cannot be done unilaterally. But the election of the class leader is deliberation and consensus from each member or student in the class.

2. Provide Opportunity for All Students to Provide Comments on the Selection of Class Leaders

In selecting the class leader, it is better to provide an opportunity for all students in the class to provide comments about the election of the class leader as a class representative. The election of class leaders by deliberation and consensus reflects the wisdom of the people’s representatives and the mandate of the fourth precept which is guided by deliberation and democracy.

3. Appreciate the Results of Decisions in the Selection of Class Leaders

Appreciate the results of the decision in selecting the class leader for anyone who must be respected and respected as a good student. Even though the class president who was elected was not the class president who supported the election.

4. Discuss with classmates when making decisions

There may be activities or competitions in which classmates participate, but in this situation classmates specifically determine who will represent the class in which they will participate in the competition to do so.

5. If there is a dispute at school, it will be resolved through deliberation

Differences of opinion often occur at school, and disputes can also lead to school fights, so school disputes will be resolved by counseling and will be able to resolve existing problems peacefully.

6. Do not impose personal will on other students at school

It is not uncommon to find students who want to win alone, always seek opinions and impose their personal will on other students at school. However, such an attitude is very contrary to the values ​​of the fourth precept of Pancasila, namely democracy which is guided by representative wisdom and reasoning.

Well, that’s an explanation of examples of attitudes that are in accordance with the fourth precept of Pancasila. Did Sinaumed’s feel like he was practicing it? This certainly requires understanding and familiarization. Sinaumed’s can learn more about it with references from the sinaumedia book collection via , enjoy studying. #Friends Without Limits.