Examples of Attitudes in Accordance with the Complete 5th Precepts of Pancasila

Examples of Attitudes in Accordance with the 5th Precept – Pancasila is the idealism and foundation of the Indonesian nation. This means that Pancasila is used as a guide or basis for regulating the life of the Indonesian nation and state. Pancasila consists of two syllables, namely “Pancasila” and “Precepts”. Panca means five, and Sila means foundation. Therefore, Pancasila is the five foundations of the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia.

The five Pancasila precepts are Belief in One Almighty God, Civilized Justice and Humanity, Indonesian Unity, Democracy led by wisdom in representative deliberations, Social justice for all Indonesian people. In each precept, the sound of Pancasila has its own values ​​that can be applied in the lives of Indonesian people as good citizens.

In practice, Pancasila includes values ​​and attitudes that can be practiced in our daily lives. As good citizens, especially in social life, we need to apply the values ​​contained in every Pancasila regulation. Even in behaving at home with family or school environment. Including examples of attitudes that are in accordance with the 5th precept which have the meaning of good values ​​for Indonesian people.

There are many attitudes that can be applied as a form of practice of the 5th precept Pancasila values ​​that can be practiced by every Indonesian citizen. The following is a collection of the practice of Pancasila values, especially examples of attitudes that are in accordance with the 5th precept in practicing Pancasila principles in everyday life which will be thoroughly discussed as follows:

Get to know the 5th Precepts of Pancasila

As the basis of the state, Pancasila contains five important points that serve as guidelines for the nation and state. One of them is like an appeal to the 5th precept of Pancasila which reads

“Social justice for all the people of Indonesia”.

The 5th precept of Pancasila is symbolized by the shape of rice and cotton. Both are symbols of basic needs and basic things for Indonesian people, regardless of their position, degree or status, so there is no gap between the two in terms of these needs as citizens.

The 5th Pancasila practice of the precepts, “Social Justice for All Indonesian People”, details practices that contain meaning and noble values. An example of an attitude that is in accordance with the 5th precept in practicing its values ​​can be applied to the smallest environment, namely in the home or family, school, to the wider environment. Sudarmono explained through his book entitled Pancasila and Some Thoughts About the 1945 Constitution (1997). Important attitudes and practices of Pancasila can be broken down into practical points that guide the life of society and the nation.

In the opinion of PJ. Suwarno in Pancasila Budaya Bangsa (1993) reveals that Pancasila is the culture of the state, but the five commands are an inseparable unit, but in practice we can trace the differences in the strengths of each precept. There are still five, but not all commandments are of the same nature. As previously explained, the term Pancasila itself comes from Sanskrit which consists of two words, namely Panca and Sila. Panca means “5” and Sila means “base”, “principle”, or “principle”.

Soekarno, who later became the first president of the Republic of Indonesia, introduced the 5 Precepts on the last day of the meeting of the Investigative Body for Preparatory Efforts for Independence (BPUPKI) on June 1, 1945. In the speech delivered by Bung Karno, the name Pancasila was spontaneously sparked, as the following speech reads This:

“Right now, there are many principles for nationalism, the principles of nationalism, internationalism, consensus, prosperity, welfare and divinity, which are five in number. Its name is not Pancadharma, but I later named it according to the instructions of a linguist from our friends who called it Pancasila,” said Soekarno, whose speech was quoted in the BPUPKI Treatise (1995).

“Sila means principles, principles, or foundation, and based on these five principles, establish an everlasting and eternal Indonesian state,” he added, adding that he is a national figure and father of the Proclaimer. Therefore, Pancasila can be interpreted as a formula and guide in the life of all Indonesian people and nation.

This means that Pancasila is a reflection of the behavior of the Indonesian people in carrying out their activities as good citizens. The values ​​contained in the Pancasila precepts are not formed haphazardly. Each precept has a very broad meaning in terms of positive goals in the life of the nation and state. one of them is the 5th Precept of Pancasila which has a noble value, namely justice applies to every citizen.

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This means that it does not recognize position, degree, status, gender, age, and other types of classification. Justice is the right of every citizen. This is stated in Pancasila, which means it is a principle that must be upheld by its citizens so that all national activities can run well, with the value of justice upheld for all Indonesian people.

The Points of Practicing the 5th Precepts of Pancasila

For more information on the practice, refer to the 5th Pancasila precept, which reads “Social Justice for All Indonesians.” have points or points of practice as follows:

  1. This includes fostering noble character that reflects the attitude and atmosphere of kinship and cooperation
  2. Be fair to others
  3. Maintain a balance between rights and obligations
  4. Respect the rights of others
  5. Likes to help others
  6. No use of company property to intimidate others
  7. No use of property for luxuries or lavish lifestyles
  8. Do not use property rights to harm or harm the public interest
  9. Always working hard
  10. Always appreciate the work of others, which is beneficial for the progress and prosperity of all
  11. Always working to achieve progress and social justice.

Examples of Attitudes According to the 5th Precept

After knowing the points of the 5th precept of Pancasila above, Sinaumed’s can already map out an example of an attitude that is in accordance with this 5th precept. Of the five precepts in Pancasila, the fifth precept which reads “Social Justice for All Indonesian People” in practice gives quite an important meaning in social life in Indonesia. This includes the home or family, school, or the wider community. The following is an example of an attitude that is in accordance with the 5th precept of Pancasila:

Examples of Attitudes According to the 5th Precept at Home or Family

  1. Always Gotong Royong when doing household chores with family. In practice, we should do our fair share of homework with families. In the house, there are essentially no superiors or subordinates, or people with rights. Both children, parents, younger siblings, older siblings, have their respective roles in activities at home.
    For example, when cleaning the home environment with siblings, mothers, sisters and other relatives need to help each other. The purpose of this mutual cooperation is in addition to simplifying and speeding up the completion of homework, it also makes closeness in family relationships so that they are more harmonious with fair roles and positions in the house.
  2. Work together to solve family problems. In the family, we have to work together to solve family problems. Of course, when we work together, the problems we face are easier to solve and solve. Problems can also arise in the family, to solve them certainly can’t be done by one person alone. But it needs to be discussed and communicated in one family.
  3. Help each other with other families. As part of a family, we need to help each other with other families. Help your families to relieve both domestic troubles and common chores. Togetherness and a sense of unity between families is getting closer. In essence, this kinship value needs to be built in society and nation.
  4. Giving equal rights and responsibilities to every family. In a house or family, each member has their own role and position. So rights, obligations and responsibilities also need to be emphasized even in a small family.
  5. Don’t discriminate against the family. We must not discriminate against each other in our family. Every family has rights and obligations that must be met.

Examples of Attitudes in Accordance with the 5th Precept in the Community

  1. Helping friends, relatives, neighbors and others who are experiencing natural disasters such as earthquakes, landslides and floods. Helping each other is an example of an attitude that is in accordance with the 5th precept of the Pancasila which practices the value of “social justice” because they are in need of help.
  2. Do not take actions that are detrimental to the public interest. That means we respect each other by not disturbing someone’s activity or privacy.
  3. Always participate in Gotong Royong or participate in community activities such as cleaning the surrounding environment
  4. Respect the rights of friends, neighbors, relatives and others and do not interfere with the rights of others. For example, don’t play the radio loudly when your neighbor is sick.
  5. When it comes to making friends, don’t get upset and be fair. This means not discriminatory and treating people equally regardless of religious background, ethnicity, race, class, and so on.
  6. Generous to help those in need
  7. Appreciate and appreciate the work of others
  8. Maintain an attitude of mutual assistance
  9. Do not do anything that will harm yourself and the public at large
  10. Be fair to everyone, regardless of a person’s rank, position or status
  11. Appreciate the efforts of others
  12. Prioritizing common interests above personal interests
  13. Don’t spend or waste money on things you don’t need
  14. Always working hard to achieve progress and social justice
  15. Do not use your personal rights to coerce or oppress others
  16. Pay attention to and maintain the public facilities provided
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Examples of Attitudes According to the 5th Precept in School

  1. Appreciate teachers and friends at school
  2. Do not bully friends at school, such as underclassmen or friends who have different limitations or status
  3. Respect each other friends
  4. Work together in carrying out tasks or group work
  5. Working together to clean the classroom and school environment
  6. Do not behave badly to friends at school
  7. Good friends with every student regardless of different status, degree, religion, ethnicity, and race
  8. Do not commit fraudulent acts to friends or teachers at school

Well, that’s an explanation of examples of attitudes that are in accordance with the 5th precept of Pancasila, whether at home or in the family, school, or the wider community. Does Sinaumed’s intend to practice this example of good behavior? Of course the practice of Pancasila values ​​can lead Indonesian people to become good citizens. Including applying examples of attitudes that are in accordance with the 5th precept above.

Book Recommendations

If Sinaumed’s is interested in learning about practice and examples of attitudes that are in accordance with other Pancasila values, then you can visit the sinaumedia book collection at www.sinaumedia.com or www.ebookssinaumedia.com , as the following book recommendations: happy learning. #Friends Without Limits The following is a book recommendation on Pancasila along with a brief review:

1. Pancasila The Power of Liberation by the Center for Pancasila Studies, Parahyangan Catholic University

This book is an attempt to further revitalize the values ​​of Pancasila, the philosophy of this country. Philosophy, later the nation’s idealism and the nation’s spirit that underlies the nation must always be there as a torch that illuminates the steps and paths of the Indonesian nation, not placed on a throne untouched. This book wants to convey that Pancasila belongs to this country and must be treated by upholding citizenship and diversity (Bhineka Tunggal Ika).

In addition, this work is also an effort to continue to develop Pancasila and revive it scientifically because it is in accordance with the spirit of the times. It is very important for the authors and supporters of this course to update and interpret this country’s philosophy in a dynamic and efficient way. Because there are always daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. One of the dynamism of life in the midst of the people of this country.

The enrichment of this textbook aims so that Pancasila is not sterilized at certain times or captured by certain groups, but must transcend the space and time of this life. He is the identity of the country, from Saban to Merauke, from the country’s chief executive to the general public.

2. Pancasila Spiritualism by Heri Herdiawanto, Fokky Fuad Wasitaatmadja, Jumanta Hamdayama

Today, our country is in a nation and region with serious distortions in the life and administration of the nation. Ethnic conflicts, crime epidemics, conflicts between political elites, rampant occult corruption, and other actions that violate the basic rules and norms of the country. Due to various problems, people yearn for the ideals of Pancasila which have been abandoned so far. Pancasila is an ideology formed on the basis of the character of the Indonesian nation, multi-ethnic, multi-geographical and multi-cultural.

This book is here to provide new knowledge and understanding about the existence and immortality of Pancasila values. It is hoped that this book will help the younger generation, and Indonesian society in general, to refresh Pancasila and practice it in everyday life.

3. The Pancasila Philosophy: National Islamic Epistemology by Dr. Fokky Fuad Wasitaatmadja

Buya Hamka’s ideas as an Indonesian philosopher, pastor and writer are sufficient to fill the fields of thought in many parts of this book. This was deliberately disclosed by the author to examine the fresh ideas of Pancasila, which has the idea of ​​Belief in One Almighty God as the backbone of Pancasila, and Buya Hamka, which is currently still very relevant to the concept of Islam.

Meanwhile, Soekarno, who is the father of the proclaimer, deserves the title of Indonesian philosopher. His ideas are fresh enough to explain the philosophical values ​​of Indonesian nationalism and the spirit of Islam as a modern religion. According to Sukarno, Islam had become the burning coal of the struggle against the colonial Dutch East Indies. Capitalism has become a common enemy because it gave birth to the notion of oppression and colonialism, according to which Islam is the source of the Indonesian people’s struggle to destroy colonialism.

This book seeks to consider Sukarno’s ideas about Islam and Indonesian nationality. Soekarno’s ideas sometimes confronted Buya Hamka and Nazir in interpreting the meaning of the values ​​of the Koran and the Islamic philosophy of Pancasila, but as fathers of the state, they understood the importance of Pancasila as the basis.

4. Practicing Pancasila in the Light of the Catholic Faith by Petrus Danan Widharsana

The book “Practicing Pancasila in the Light of the Catholic Faith” which is currently available provides a comprehensive understanding and insight to all parties, especially Catholics, about the Catholic Faith which can be in harmony with Pancasila values. By understanding and understanding this book, Catholics are increasingly convinced of the importance of practicing Pancasila values ​​in the life of the nation and state.