Examples of the 3rd Precepts of Pancasila in Everyday Life

Examples of Attitudes in Accordance with the 3rd Precepts of Pancasila – It is not surprising if we discuss about the country of Indonesia which is considered and known by foreign countries as a country that has a lot of diversity within it. The diversity that occurs in Indonesia is not only in one aspect, but the diversity that occurs in Indonesia is diversity such as religion, culture, race, ethnicity, regional language and customs.

Sinaumed’s can say or call all these differences in diversity as an abundance of wealth and sustenance that is legally owned by our country, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia or what is commonly abbreviated as NKRI. It is from the above statement that many citizens from abroad travel far and wide to come and vacation in Indonesia just to see and feel the atmosphere of its diversity.

However, do you know Sinaumed’s? The existence of all aspects of diversity that are owned by our country, makes the country of Indonesia has high potential and is very vulnerable to problems or conflicts, both internal conflicts and external conflicts that can occur in the midst of Indonesian society.

The problems or conflicts that occur are predicted to make us as fellow Indonesians behave to hate one another. In fact, if a problem or conflict occurs in a prolonged or continuous manner, it has a great potential to cause division and civil war between fellow Indonesian citizens.

Now, in order to overcome and avoid the occurrence of all problems that will be more complex in the future, the Indonesian state decided to create or form a state foundation in the form of an absolute ideology containing the basics of precepts which are useful for overcoming all problems. The foundation of the state was formed with the aim that the Indonesian state can overcome and get answers in choosing which method is most suitable for use in tackling these problems.

This was done so that the Indonesian state was free from conflicts and divisions that occurred among the Indonesian people. The foundation of the state or the basis of the state is named Pancasila. Until now Pancasila is still the basis of the official state of Indonesia. The presence of Pancasila really helps Indonesian citizens to always live in harmony, peace and tranquility.

The basis of the state or Pancasila contains a symbol and a deep meaning in it. Sinaumed’s needs to know that one sentence of precepts can reflect various practices of his actions in daily life, that’s because each precept contains deep values ​​and has the potential to be explained more broadly. All the precepts contained in Pancasila have their respective roles and uses, including the sound and examples of the application of the third precept of Pancasila.

So, in this article, we will invite Sinaumed’s to get to know and know more about things related to the third precept? Sinaumed’s need not worry, because in this article, we will invite Sinaumed’s to deepen Sinaumed’s’ knowledge about the history of Pancasila and its functions for Indonesia. After that we will convey everything related to the third precept, starting with the meaning of the contents of the third precept, the meaning of the symbols of the third precept, and finally, examples of practice and application of the contents of the third precept in everyday life.

History of the Formulation and Birth of Pancasila

As the official ideology and guidelines for behaving in everyday life for the Indonesian people, Pancasila certainly has a past and history that shaped it into an ideology that is used as the foundation of the Indonesian state.

Right on March 1, 1945, Japan formed a body called the Investigating Agency for the Preparatory Work for Indonesian Independence or BPUPKI. The investigative agency chaired and led by Dr. Kanjeng Raden Tumenggung (KRT) or who is often called by the name Radjiman Wedyodiningrat. He opened the meeting of the organization with a speech. In the speech, dr. Radjiman asked a question addressed to the members of the Assembly. Question asked by dr. Radjiman read, “What is the basis for the State of Indonesia that we are going to form?”

During the process of formulating the basic contents of the official state, members of the Investigative Body for Preparatory Work for Indonesian Independence or BPUPKI submitted all of their proposals that could help the formulation process run quickly. The following are some of the proposed Pancasila content proposed by BPUPKI members.

1. Five Basics by Muhammad Yamin on 29 May 1945

Exactly on May 29, 1945, a well-known Indonesian figure named Muhammad Yamin submitted his proposal regarding the Five Fundamentals as a form of formulation of the basic candidate for the Indonesian state. The following is the contents of the Five Basics formulated by Muhammad Yamin.

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-Divinity Fairy
-Societal Fairy
-People’s Welfare

Muhammad Yamin revealed that the five foundations of the state that he formulated were based on the history that had occurred in the country of Indonesia, civilizations in the past, religions spread across Indonesia, and the constitutional system that had long been in effect and developed in Indonesia. It is quite unfortunate, because the formulation proposed by Muhammad Yamin was doubted by Mohammad Hatta.

2. Pancasila by Ir. Sukarno on June 1, 1945

At the BPUPKI meeting on June 1, 1945, an Indonesian proclaimer who was also an Indonesian president named Ir. Soekarno opened his mouth and conveyed his proposed basic state formula. He named the formula with the name Pancasila. In his speech, he mentioned the title of his speech spontaneously with the name Speech of the Birth of Pancasila. In his speech, Ir. Soekarno conveyed some of the foundations of the state which he formulated to later serve as one of the proposals for forming the basis of the state. The contents of the basics of the state conveyed by Ir. Soekarno is as follows.

-Indonesian nationality or nationalism.
-Humanity or Internationalism.
-Consensus or Democracy.
-Social Welfare
-Cultural Godhead.

In his speech which was also the moment where he named his formula Pancasila, he uttered several sentences which more or less read:

Currently there are many principles of life, such as divinity, nationality, internationalism, consensus, and prosperity, the five foundations. There are indeed five of them, but the name is not Panca Dharma, but I will give this name the name Pancasila based on the advice of my friend who is a linguist. Panca which means five, and precepts are the foundations or principles, and the five things that I have mentioned above are the foundations that make up the Indonesian state to be an eternal and eternal state.

After that the BPUPKI members decided to choose the basic state formula proposed by Ir. Soekarno at the same time made June 1, 1945 the birth date of Pancasila as the basis of the Indonesian state and dissolved the organization. however, Sinaumed’s needs to know, before the first session was disbanded, the members of the organization decided to form a Small Committee with the following tasks.

-Making a reformulation which will later be used as Pancasila as the official basis of the Indonesian state based on the formulations submitted by Ir. Soekarno as the basic proposal of the state submitted on June 1, 1945.

– Changing the basic formulation of the state proposed by Ir. Sukarno became a text to be read during the proclamation of Indonesian independence.

The members of the Small Committee were chosen by nine more people to form an organization called the Committee of Nine. The Committee of Nine is tasked with realizing all the tasks that have been formed by the Small Committee. The tasks and plans that had been prepared by the Small Committee were approved and the Committee of Nine started to carry them out. Right on June 22, 1945, the Jakarta Charter was born.

It was only on June 1, 2016, after all this time that one of the Indonesian Presidents who served at that time, namely President Joko Widodo, decided to sign Presidential Decree (Keppres) Number 24 of 2016 which contained the Birthday of Pancasila and at the same time designated this day as the national holidays and these regulations take effect starting in 2017.

Pancasila function

· Reference for the life of the Indonesian nation
· Distinguishing the character of the Indonesian nation from other nations
· Forming the personality of the Indonesian nation
· The basis of the official state of the Indonesian nation
· The source for the formation of all applicable laws in Indonesia
· Forms of the noble agreement of the Indonesian nation

The description of the points of Pancasila practice

We obtained these points based on MPR Decree No.I/MPR/2003

1. As an Indonesian citizen, you must be able to wisely prioritize common interests over individual interests or personal interests and certain groups. This reflects the attitude and attitude of the unity and integrity of Indonesia.
2. Able to sacrifice everything and be willing to sacrifice for the sake of the state and nation.
3. Able to uphold and develop an attitude of nationalism to love the motherland and the Indonesian nation.
4. Have a sense of pride because they have become Indonesian citizens and have an Indonesian homeland.
5. Preserving world order on the foundation of independence between countries, existence of eternal peace, and equitable social justice.
6. Preserving attitudes and characters that reflect the unity and integrity of Indonesia on the basis of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.
7. Expanding associations and friendship networks to strengthen national unity and integrity.

The Meaning of the Symbol of the Third Precept

As Sinaumed’s knows, the third precept is symbolized by a large banyan tree. The following is the meaning of each part in the symbol of the third precept.

1. The symbol of the Great Banyan Tree

Sinaumed’s certainly already knows what a banyan tree looks like, right? Generally, the banyan tree itself grows to a very large size unlike the general size of other trees. This large banyan tree gives a sensation of beauty and has its own special power for those who see it. Or it can also be said, that this large banyan tree has its own meaning that the nation and state of Indonesia is a nation and state that is large in size. In other words, the Indonesian nation has a variety of cultures that are abundant in it and are very beautiful and special when shown to the outside world.

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Not only that, this large tree also has various uses in it. The banyan tree can be used as a shelter for the people around it. The banyan tree brings cool and comfortable air, this feeling of comfort will not disappear and we will feel like taking shelter in the banyan tree again. In this case, the banyan tree can convey the meaning that Indonesian citizens who are abroad or not in Indonesia will certainly feel a longing just like the longing for shelter under a large banyan tree. These longings are in the form of a longing for comfort, peace, and serenity in Indonesia.

2. Background Color is White

The third Pancasila precept has a banyan tree symbol with white as the background of the tree. The white background color helps to clarify the symbol of the banyan tree in the third precept. With this description, we can conclude that the white background color means that the white color in Indonesian does not clash and collide with other colors.

Besides that, the white background color also gives the impression that it symbolizes a purity, a form of honesty, purity, cleanliness, and also authenticity. The things symbolized by the white color are the hopes and aspirations of the Indonesian people.

The Meaning of the Contents of the Third Precept

The third precept, which reads “Indonesian Unity” and has the symbol of a banyan tree, does indeed have the shortest precept sound. However, this third precept certainly has a very close relationship with the unity and unity that exists in the state of Indonesia as the precepts say. It is the sound of this that makes this third precept the basis of social life in Indonesia. This is done so that in social life, residents are always in harmony, remain intact, and there is not a single conflict or division that occurs

The country of Indonesia itself has a geographical form in which the country is a country in the form of islands spread all over the country. Each island in Indonesia itself has its own role which can influence the development of this Indonesian state. Without the help and encouragement of the people who live in the islands across Indonesia, the development of the Indonesian state will not be as fast as it is.

Due to the existence and willingness of the people who occupy these islands to help the development of the Indonesian nation, this country has developed rapidly. This will is certainly based on Pancasila, especially the third Pancasila precept. The presence of the third precept in Pancasila makes the hearts of the Indonesian people moved to support and help if there are residents from other areas who experience disaster. In conclusion, the three data principles encourage the Indonesian people to always work together.

Examples of Applying the Third Precept in Everyday Life

The precepts which have the sound “Indonesian Unity” occupy the third precept in Pancasila which is the basis of the state. The third precept means that it is an obligation for an Indonesian citizen to uphold the unity and integrity of the nation.

In addition, unity and integrity also play an important role in various aspects, such as political, social, cultural, defense, economic and security aspects. This union was developed with the aim of increasing the sense of unity among citizens in having cultural diversity in the country of Indonesia.

1. An example of the third precept at home is:

  • Diligent and active in studying for the purpose of studying so that both parents can be proud.
  • Always respect older family members and do not forget to always respect younger family members.
  • Always helps family members who are doing housework.
  • Always prioritize common interests (family) and ignore personal interests.
  • Develop and create a harmonious atmosphere at home.

2. An example of the attitude of the third precept at school is:

  • Always active and diligent in studying and instilling confidence to make the name of the school proud through achievement,
  • Instilling mutual respect among fellow school members.
  • Prioritizing common interests at school rather than self-interest or the interests of the group being occupied.
  • Always instill an attitude to always maintain attitude and maintain harmony among school members.
  • Always be solemn during ceremonies to show our love for the Motherland.
  • Deepen historical knowledge in order to be able to learn all the sacrifices of the heroes and to increase the love for the motherland.

3. Examples of the third precept attitude in the community, namely:

  • Consuming and buying domestic products.
  • Always be tolerant and avoid belittling other indigenous tribes.
  • Always instill a sense of always prioritizing the harmony and unity of the Indonesian nation compared to the interests of the group, oneself and the group.
  • Always participate in various activities in the community that are held around the residence, such as Sunday community service or siskamling.
  • Orderly and willing to pay taxes according to applicable regulations and time.
  • Do not feel objection to sacrificing wealth, energy, and body and soul if necessary to be able to protect the sovereignty of the Indonesian nation and state.
  • Always obey the rules that apply.
  • Love all the cultural diversity in Indonesia.

Those are some examples of the application of the third precept in Pancasila that Sinaumed’s can apply in his daily life, as well as some other information regarding the third precept and the history of Pancasila and its functions. Hopefully this article helps Sinaumed’s in overcoming Sinaumed’s’ curiosity.

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