Differences in Public Health & Environmental Health Majors

Differences in Public Health & Environmental Health Majors – Who says, to be able to work in the health sector, you only have to be a doctor? In fact, currently there are many other jobs in the health sector with good prospects and salaries. Therefore you don’t have to study medicine to work in the health sector, there are other majors you can choose from. Call it the Department of Public Health and Environmental Health. Then what is the difference between the two? Here’s the explanation, Sinaumed’s!

What is a Public Health Major?

The Department of Public Health is a major that teaches, as well as gives you training to understand public health conditions in various environmental conditions. At the beginning of the course you will study Population Science, Health Policy, Occupational Health, Biochemistry, Pathology, Nutrition, Disease Epidemiology, Health Sociology, and other materials.

The initial learning was indeed quite a lot considering that in practice this knowledge is used in communities with various conditions. Examples of activities that are usually carried out in this department range from identifying various diseases that occur in the environment, studying the healthy lifestyle and behavior of the community itself, calculating the magnitude of disease distribution in an area, calculating health conditions quantitatively, analyzing environmental impacts on public health, and occupational health and safety factors.

In implementing lectures, you will not only study theory because the main task of graduates is preventive and promotive efforts, therefore you will do a lot of field practice and be trained to interact with the community.

Examples of practices that are usually carried out are epidemic surveys and investigations, waste management, health program planning and evaluation, health outreach, community health empowerment, disease control, case studies on community healthy lifestyles, and many more Sinaumed’s.

Job prospects for graduates of the Department of Public Health are wide open not only in the health sector, but also in disease prevention, epidemic control, health policy, environmental health, health care, health promotion to epidemiology, and bioterrorism. Moreover, along with the times, health problems in Indonesia are increasingly complex. Starting from various infectious diseases such as the Zika virus and HIV/AIDS, or non-communicable diseases such as lung cancer and heart disease. Public Health Specialists have an important role in solving these health problems, in another sense this major gives you the tools to do something useful for others.

Are you Health students doing research? The Health Statistics Book is here for you. This book explains in detail about sample calculations and sample techniques in the health sector, even with examples. Not only that, it contains various other explanations about research samples in the Health sector. With communicative and informative language, it will make it easier for you to understand the explanation.

What is an Environmental Health Major?

The Department of Environmental Health is a scientific discipline to achieve a balance between the environment and humans, the goal is to create an environment that is clean, healthy, comfortable, safe and protected from various kinds of diseases. The things that this department is trying to deal with are, for example, environmental pollution, which is currently getting out of control.

It should be noted, environmental health workers generally have two mainstream areas, namely as programmers or officers and auditors or supervisory groups. His area of ​​work is related to environmental sanitation, health safety and the environment both in public places, industry, the informal sector and mining, as well as groups that have a macro vision such as health-oriented development or also known as risk management. Now, the area worked on by environmental health workers is expanding, starting from industrial, mining, urban sanitation, basic sanitation, restaurants, hotels, tourism, and so on.

Lectures at the Department of Environmental Health itself will study the relationship or interaction of a population group and the environment that has the potential to harm the health of oneself and the community in an area. The course descriptions include environmental chemistry, environmental physics, environmental microbiology, water sanitation, soil, food and drink, environmental health impact analysis, and so on. This course will of course also be supported by various kinds of practicums, so that you are not only an expert in theory, but also able to practice the theory well, so that you can realize Indonesia as a healthier country.

This major is perfect for you who have great concern for the surrounding environment and health. The job prospects for this major are also very broad, you can work in the public sector, for example at the Ministry of Health and the Health Service, the Ministry of Environment and Provincial and Regional Environmental Agencies, National and Regional Planning Agencies, Hospitals, BPJS Health and Employment, BUMN, Lecturers , the National Narcotics Agency, Sucofindo, WHO, and so on or the private sector such as in the HSE (Health Safety Environmental) division and various oil, gas, agricultural, manufacturing, and so on companies.

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Apart from that, this work is also a noble one, because as we all know Indonesia really needs professionals in the field of environmental health, because environmental pollution is getting worse every day and will certainly have an impact on the poor quality of public health if Sinaumed’s does not immediately take care of it.

Public Health Department Job Prospects


The profession of a nutritionist plays a role in providing consultation and counseling about good diet in order to prevent or degenerative diseases. Not only to help plan the best eating pattern and menu for a diet or weight loss program and a healthier body, consultations with nutritionists are also carried out by a group of people with certain health conditions, such as diabetes. Cancer. Malnutrition, either due to malnutrition or obesity, Disorders of the immune system, Diseases of the digestive system, Heart disease, High blood pressure, High cholesterol, Kidney and liver disease, Pregnancy and lactation as well as society as a whole.

Apart from food related matters, nutrition also studies the needs of the body. We will find out various formulas for ideal body weight, daily caloric needs, calculating body mass index, and so on. A nutritionist works to provide knowledge ranging from healthy living habits, explaining the composition of food or drink, etc. in a population.

You can also become a nutritionist in a food, beverage, or drug product company, where you have to analyze to ensure product quality management is appropriate or not. The duties of a Nutritionist include:

  • Conduct individual or group counseling on the basic rules of good nutrition, healthy eating habits, and monitoring nutrition to improve their quality of life
  • Determining nutritional status, factors that influence nutritional disorders, and nutritional status
  • Assess nutritional needs, dietary restrictions, and current health plans to develop and implement diet plans and provide nutrition counseling
  • Provide a diagnosis related to nutritional problems based on the results of a physical examination and previous medical history
  • Provide information regarding nutritional principles, healthy diet plans and modifications, and food preparation and choices, particularly to patients and their families
  • Design and modify diet arrangements, and implement them from menu planning to meal serving suggestions
  • Conduct research and development of nutrition in accordance with developments in science and technology to administer nutrition services

This book is very inspiring and interesting to read for those of you who are looking to add insight into health communication. Through this book, Deddy Mulyana and Leila Mona Ganiem are able to bridge intercultural communication with medical science. In addition, there will be many other discussions in this book, of course related to health communication. Interesting right?


The next promising job prospect for the Department of Public Health is to become an epidemiologist. This expert is very important in the world of health, the task of an epidemiologist in general is to work to discuss patterns of health or a disease and all factors related to disease.

However, it is not just an epidemiologist who analyzes a disease, because he will use various components to summarize it, such as medicine, statistics, sociology and anthropology. The Epidemiologist’s duties include:

  • Monitor and report incidents of communicable diseases to local and state health agencies
  • Plan and direct studies to investigate human or animal diseases, prevention methods, and treatments for diseases
  • Communicate research findings on various types of diseases to health practitioners, policy makers and the public
  • Provides expertise in the design, management and evaluation of research protocols and health status questionnaires, sample selection and analysis
  • Oversee public health programs, including statistical analysis, health planning, surveillance systems, and public health improvement


Public Health graduates also have the opportunity to try the biostatistics profession. This work is based on the science of biostatistics which is used to collect data on health phenomena from the public and map them. Like an epidemiologist, the data collected by a biostatist is very useful in various developments in the health sector. Biostatistical assignments include:

  • Providing statistical data and information, starting from the preparation stage, data collection, processing, to presentation and publication.
  • Perform statistical analysis and development. Perform statistical calculations based on the acquisition of data in the field.
  • Perform analysis of statistical data then provide interpretation of the results of the analysis.
  • Identify relationships and trends in data and other factors that may influence research results.
  • Create statistical analysis reports, including presenting information in the form of graphs, tables and charts.
  • Perform analysis and interpretation of statistical data to identify differences in the relationship between various sources of information.

Occupational Health and Safety

Professional Occupational Safety and Health Experts or commonly referred to as K3 are tasked with managing hazards and risks that may occur in the work environment or project, the aim of which is to prevent or improve unsafe working conditions. Occupational Safety and Health Experts will measure hazard factors, supervise and audit facilities in the work environment, install safety devices on machines, or direct device installation, and others.

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Based on the Law, Occupational Safety and Health Guarantee is intended for all workers whether on land, at sea, or in the air who are within the jurisdiction of the Republic of Indonesia. So basically, every worker in Indonesia has the right to guarantee occupational safety and health. The tasks themselves include:

  • Checking the physical health, mental condition and physical abilities of the workers
  • Assist in overseeing the implementation of occupational safety and health legislation in accordance with the specified field
  • Educating workers about the conditions and hazards that may arise in the workplace, as well as the safeguards and protective equipment required at the workplace
  • Educating workers about safe ways and attitudes in carrying out their work
  • Responsible for accident prevention and fire eradication as well as improving occupational safety and health, as well as providing first aid in the event of an accident

Health Policy Administration

You can also work in the field of health policy administration. Where this work is a management and organizational process that is used as a means of determining public work, which has the aim of providing services to the community. You can become a manager of a hospital, work in a BPJS or insurance office, manager of a pharmaceutical company, laboratories and medical devices, health services to institutions and social organizations.

Job Prospects of the Department of Environmental Health

Environmental Health and Safety Specialist

The duties of this profession include cleaning up polluted areas, reducing waste, and providing advice to policy makers. Environmental health and safety specialists aim to protect people and the environment by identifying problems, enforcing regulations, analyzing hazards and preventing accidents. They work with safety policies, examine their weaknesses and effectiveness, and suggest changes that optimize safety and health.

Food Supervisor

Food safety supervisors are tasked with protecting consumers from hazardous foods. They are responsible for implementing, interpreting and explaining food product standards, as well as carrying out daily inspections of products before and after processing. The duties of a supervisor include:

  • Check the maturity and stability of raw materials for processing and finished products for reasons of safety, quality and nutritional value.
  • Inspect food processing sites to ensure compliance with government regulations and standards for hygiene, safety standards, quality standards, and waste disposal standards.
  • Evaluate food processing and storage operations and assist in the development of quality assurance programs.
  • Learn methods to improve aspects of food such as its chemical composition, taste, color, texture, and nutritional value, as well as its convenience.
  • Follow the development of regulations, events, and scientific writings related to food.

Air Pollution Analyst

Air pollution analysts are responsible for analyzing, sampling and measuring the data they collect from polluted air. After discovering or theorizing about the source of a pollutant, they work with other scientists to develop techniques that will reduce or eradicate air pollution.

Environmental Toxicology

When organisms metabolize toxic chemicals, that’s where the role of an environmental toxicologist comes in to study how that happens. They also study how organisms move through ecosystems and food webs, as well as the effects of non-lethal and lethal chemicals on a species. If you are able to think methodologically, scientifically and enjoy experimenting, a career in environmental toxicology may be for you.

Groundwater Protection Specialist

One of the important things for our life is water, which comes from the ground. For those of you who wish to pursue a career as a groundwater protection specialist, you will work in the field as well as in the laboratory. You also have to be prepared to face all kinds of weather and be able to survive in bad conditions. You will be tasked with finding chemicals from industrial waste, streams, and other sources from Sinaumed’s.

Environmental Consultant

If you are motivated to protect the environment and have an understanding of running a business, then a career as an environmental consultant could be the right choice. As an environmental consultant, you will work with companies on a variety of environmental issues.

You will offer expert consulting and assessment services to clients with the aim of minimizing or eliminating environmental damage. This profession will usually be employed by consulting firms and work on various commercial or government contracts, or work on various environmental issues.

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Source: from various sources