36 Types of Medical Profession in Indonesia

36 Types of Medical Profession in Indonesia – What types of medical profession exist in Indonesia? Not only general practitioners, of course we already know more or less about the types of medical professions that exist. Then, what kind of medical profession is there? This article will discuss the 36 kinds of medical professions that exist. Check out the explanation below!

Table of Contents

Definition of Doctor

Doctors are people who are experts in the field of health. However, the doctor’s understanding is not limited to that. A doctor is a person who has the proper license and authority to perform services in the health sector.

Specifically assigned to examine and treat diseases that are carried out according to law, in health services as part of their profession. In general, the medical profession requires education and people who are considered experts in the medical field. The doctor will be the first point of contact for a patient.

It aims to solve all health problems that are being faced. Regardless of age group, organology, type of disease, plenary, ethnicity, race, as a whole, gender, continuously, as early and as possible, in coordination and collaboration with another health professional.

By using the principle of effective and efficient service. As well as upholding responsibility in specialization, ethics, morals, professionalism, and law.

Understanding Doctors According to Experts

1. KBBI (Big Indonesian Dictionary)

According to KBBI, a doctor is a graduate of medical education who is an expert in disease and treatment.

2. Muhammad Mulyohadi Ali (2006)

According to Ali et al, a doctor is someone who has the potential to cure a sick patient. So that doctors can be regarded as one of the components in service providers in the health sector. Where health services are often the goal of patients who come from various clinics, independent practice of doctors, and hospitals.

3. Hariyani Safitri (2005)

Hariyani Safitri argues regarding the definition of a doctor. A doctor is a person who has expertise in the medical field. In this doctor’s position, a doctor is a person who is considered an expert in the field of medicine.

4. Endang Kusuma Astuti (2009)

According to Astuti, a doctor is a person who has the proper authority and permission to perform a health service. Especially to examine and treat various diseases. Of course this is done based on the law in the service of the health sector.

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Seeing from several definitions of doctors from a number of experts, it can be concluded that the medical profession is someone who works in the field of health workers. They will be the first place for patients to solve health problems.

This is done by a doctor regardless of anything. Good age group, type of disease, gender, and so forth. By using efficient and effective principles, and upholding responsibility in ethics and morals, law, and professional responsibility. The services provided are limited to basic competencies from the field of medicine obtained during medical education.

Medical Professional Ethics

This keeps the quality and quality of the medical profession maintained in an honorable way. It can be said that medical professional ethics means a set of behaviors or attitudes of doctors in maintaining their relationship with patients, society, colleagues, work partners, and family.

Physician Obligations in Health Services

  1. Providing medical services, in accordance with standards in the profession and standards in operational procedures. The doctor must also look at the patient’s medical needs.
  2. Refer the patient to a doctor or other doctor who has better abilities or expertise, if he is unable to carry out a treatment or examination.
  3. Keeps all the secrets he knows about the patient. Even after the patient died.
  4. Perform emergency aid based on humanity. Unless he believes there will be someone else on duty and capable of doing so.
  5. Increase knowledge, and keep abreast of developments in the field of medical science.

The Doctor’s Role

  1. Providing health services or  care providers , who are responsible for the social, physical and mental needs of a patient. Day doctors ensure that a patient can receive curative, promotive, rehabilitative services in an integrated manner and according to their high standards, as well as preventively.
  2. Decision making or  decision maker . A doctor must be able to make the best decisions with ethical treatment, as well as the costs required.
  3. Good communicator or  communicator . Doctors must be able to communicate well with patients, the community, the surrounding environment, and families. Doctors must be able to provide persuasion and education to improve the health of their patients.
  4. Community leaders or  community leaders . A doctor will act as a community leader. And will provide direction and input related to improving the health quality of the community.
  5. Management manager or  manager . Doctors have adequate management capacity in providing quality health services.

Kinds of Medical Profession

1. Pediatrician (Sp. A)

Doctors who specialize in treating pediatric patients are known as  pediatrics . About the age of patients who enter the child group is from 0 years to 18 years. Pediatricians will make a doctor more focused on dealing with various types of disorders or health problems that occur in a child’s body.

In the midst of the process of treating a patient, this pediatrician will also work closely with other doctors. Especially doctors who have expertise in problems or disorders in the child’s patient’s body.

2. Cardiologist and Blood Vessel Specialist (Sp.JP)

Cardiologists are doctors who must and specifically treat various types of heart disease, and disorders that occur in blood vessels. This cardiologist is urgently needed regarding his presence. Given the high number of people with heart disease and blood vessels in Indonesia.

This heart and blood vessel specialist has several duties. Such as making a diagnosis, giving patients treatment, to helping patients with heart and blood vessel disorders.

3. Internal medicine specialist (Sp.PD)

Not only cardiologists, internal medicine specialists are also well-known in Indonesian society. This internal medicine specialist can also be referred to as  an internist . Intern doctors   have a duty to diagnose and treat patients who have various internal medicine disorders.

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Examples of diseases handled by specialists in this are kidney disorders, diabetes, respiratory disorders, and hypertension.

4. Obstetrician and Gynecologist (Sp.OG)

This doctor is often famous among women. Obstetricians and gynecologists have expertise in the field of pregnancy. Such as reproductive health and the birth process.

However, it’s not only pregnant women who have to visit this obstetrician. However, other patients such as patients who have reproductive problems can also visit this obstetrician.

5. Surgeon Specialist (Sp.B)

Surgeons are one of the medical professions that are needed in the medical world. Surgeons have competence in all types of fields related to surgical procedures.

This surgeon is synonymous with activities in the operating room. However, under certain conditions, surgery also requires other specialist doctors. Such as oncology surgeons, who specialize in surgery on cancerous tissue.

6. Ophthalmologist (Sp.M)

An ophthalmologist will be responsible for dealing with health problems related to the organs in the eye. There are various types of eye problems that can occur. Starting from impaired vision, old eyes which are the result of aging, to irritation.

The ophthalmologist will do his job by diagnosing. Then provide consultation on related conditions. After that, the doctor will take certain actions.

7. Pulmonary Specialist (Sp.P)

Pulmonary specialists have responsibilities in the field of treating patients with lung disease. Health workers in this field have a scope of expertise regarding lung organs. Like the possibility of interference that will attack the lungs.

And will find a solution how to overcome it. The pulmonologist has the right to diagnose and provide treatment. As well as taking action if needed by the patient.

8. Skin and Gender Specialist Doctor (Sp.KK)

The presence of a skin and venereal doctor is apparently also needed by the community. Skin and genital specialists will treat problems related to skin and genital problems. Both men and women.

Some disorders that can be consulted with a dermatologist include yeast infections, skin cancer, skin allergies, and other problems related to skin and genital health.

9. Mental Health Specialist Doctor (Sp.KJ)

Doctors who specialize in mental health are known as psychiatrists. Psychiatrists will provide treatment to patients who experience various types of psychiatric and emotional disorders. Some examples of psychiatric conditions that need to be consulted with this specialist are autism, schizophrenia, OCD, depression, and bipolar.

10. Oral Surgeon (Sp.BM)

Oral surgeons actually fall into the category of dentists. Apart from performing oral surgery, there are several specialties that dentists can pursue. Starting from conservation of teeth, orthodontics, prosthodontics to children’s dental problems.

This oral surgeon requires his doctors to master cases of conditions that exist in the mouth and teeth. If you need surgery.

11. Ear Nose Throat Specialist-Head Neck Surgeon

This ENT specialist is known as  an otolaryngologist . ENT doctors have a range of duties from diagnosing patients to treating ear infections, inflammation and tumors.

12. Neurologist or Neurologist (Sp.S)

A neurologist is also called a neurologist. This neurologist will carry out examinations, to treat patients who have disorders of the nervous system.

Several types of diseases that this specialist can treat are seizures, strokes, muscle disorders and so on.

Kinds of Other Medical Professions

13. Anesthesiologist (Sp.An)

14. Andrologist (Sp.And)

15. Cardiovascular Thoracic Surgeon (Sp.BTKV)

16. Plastic Surgeon (Sp.BP)

17. Medical Emergency Specialist (Sp.EM)

18. Forensic Medicine Specialist Doctor (Sp.F)

19. Clinical Pharmacology Specialist Doctor (Sp.FK)

20. Dental Conservation Specialist (Sp.KG)

21. Pediatric Dentistry Specialist (Sp.KGA)

22. Nuclear Medicine Specialist Doctor (Sp.KN)

23. Sports Medicine Specialist Doctor (Sp.KO)

24. Clinical Microbiology Specialist Doctor (Sp.MK)

25. Orthodontic Specialist Doctor (Sp.Ort)

26. Occupational Medicine Specialist Doctor (Sp.Ok)

27. Radiation Oncology Specialist Doctor (Sp.Onk.Rad)

28. Orthopedic and Traumatological Surgeon (Sp.OT)

29. Periodontist (gum tissue and supporting teeth) (dentist) (Sp.Perio)

30. Anatomical Pathology Specialist (Sp.PA)

31. Clinical Pathology Specialist Doctor (Sp.PK)

32. Oral Disease Specialist (Sp.PM)

33. Doctor who specializes in prosthodontics (making prostheses or dentures) (dentist) (Sp.Pros)

34. Radiology Specialist Doctor (Sp.Rad)

35. Medical Rehabilitation Specialist Doctor (Sp.RM)

36. Urology Specialist Doctor (Sp.U)

That is a complete explanation of the types of medical profession that exist. Find other things about health and professions at  www.sinaumedia.com . sinaumedia as #FriendsWithoutLimits will always present interesting articles and recommendations for the best books for Sinaumed’s.

Author: Wida Kurniasih

Source: from various sources

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