9 Choices of Design and Art Study Programs for the Creative

sinaumedia Literacy – The Creative Industry is increasingly at the forefront of the main point of increasing the Indonesian economy. The Indonesian Creative Economy Agency (2018) also suggests that the Creative Economy (Ekraf) is a new economic paradigm that relies on ideas, ideas or creativity from Human Resources (HR) as the main production factor in its economic activities. With the advancement of the creative industry, are you one of those who loves the world of art and are considering going into the arts department at Sinaumed’s? If yes, you should identify the major you are going to take.

9 Design and Creative Arts Course Choices

In fact, there are many art majors available on Indonesian campuses with more varied concentration options such as Visual Communication Design, Interior Design, Industrial Production, Graphic Design and Product Design, Photography, Literature, and others. In order not to choose the wrong major, here are some that can be your choice Sinaumed’s!


Today’s products are not only seen in terms of function but also in terms of aesthetics. Product design is one of the most important and sensitive factors for a company. Product success or failure determines a company’s business, market share, and reputation. So during the product design stage, various factors related to the product need to be addressed. Product design is also an efficient and effective process of forming and developing ideas in creating new products. Product design includes all the engineering and industrial design work that goes into developing a product, from initial concept to production, and finally turning it into a real invention of a product. Designer products combine art, science, and technology to create new products that are better and beneficial to society. Good product design is usually based on market research. Through Basic Art and Design courses, Basic 2D and 3D Visual Arts, as well as other courses, alumni of this department are skilled planners in creating goods that prioritize convenience, physical, and sensory values ​​of canned beverage packaging, for example.

In general, the goal of product design is to produce quality products that have high selling points. To produce products that are trending at the time according to consumer needs, Making products as economical as possible without reducing the selling value, quality and benefits of these products and Increasing market share and targeting new market segments. In Indonesia there are already many universities that have majors in product design with A accreditation, five of which are:

  • Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)
  • Trisakti University – Jakarta
  • Pelita Harapan University (UPH)
  • Ten November Institute of Technology (ITS)
  • Paramadina University

Job prospects after graduating from the Product Design study program are very diverse, depending on interests and expertise, including:

  • Maker Designer
  • entrepreneur
  • Designer in industry
  • Designer in government agency

Sinaumed’s can also learn how to go through the book Applicative Guide and Solutions: Creating Product Packaging Designs with CorelDraw X6 and Adobe Photoshop CS6.


Culinary is one of the pillars of our creative industry. Culinary Arts aka Culinary Arts as a discipline of art in preparing, cooking and serving food. It is further divided into Culinary Arts, Baking and Pastry Art, Culinary Business, Food Technology, Nutrition, Culinary Planning, and Culinary Management. In Indonesia, catering can be taught formally at Vocational High Schools (SMK), or study programs at High Schools Academy and University. The following are universities with Photography majors in Indonesia that can be your choice for Sinaumed’s:

  • State University of Jakarta
  • Surabaya State University
  • Malang State University
  • Indonesian education university
  • Yogyakarta State University

Job prospects after graduating from this culinary study program vary widely, depending on your interests and expertise, including:

  • Educators in the field of education (SMK/Vocational High School) with culinary expertise and professional formal and non-formal institutions
  • Course manager in culinary arts
  • Food manager in hotels, restaurants and catering
  • Manager of bread and cakes in the cake shop
  • Entrepreneurs with the provision of knowledge of Catering

To hone Sinaumed’s’ cooking skills, the book 30 Practical & Delicious Recipes for Breakfast by Tetty Yulliawati can be used as a reference.


Although usually part of the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture is not only about engineering, Sinaumed’s. In this major, you will learn about aesthetics and art as well. In simple terms, this major is a major related to building design. If you have a passion for design, building, and architecture, then you can take this course. If you enter this first major, you will be taught a number of sciences that can support you in making aesthetic buildings. Mathematics, science, art, and technology are the various disciplines that you will learn when you enter and study architectural engineering. You can find architectural engineering majors at various universities in Indonesia. ITB and Itenas are two examples of universities that provide these majors.

  • Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)
  • Brawijaya University, Malang (Unibraw)
  • Ten November Institute of Technology, Surabaya
  • Diponegoro University, Semarang
  • Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta
  • University of Indonesia, Jakarta
  • Eleven March University, Surakarta
  • Yogyakarta Atma Jaya University
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Job prospects after graduating from this architectural study program vary widely, depending on interests and expertise, including:

  • Architect
  • Contractor
  • Developers
  • Civil Servants in Agencies Relying on Architectural Engineering Services
  • Architectural Consultant
  • Architectural Engineering Teacher or Lecturer

You can learn various practical steps in designing buildings, especially residential houses, in the Book of Total Architectural Design and Structural Design + RAB with ArchiCAD, SAP 2000 and Excel.


Want to build a career as a professional Sinaumed’s photographer? You can major in photography to understand more about how the art of representing stories also conveys messages through photos. For Sinaumed’s who are interested in getting into the world of professional photography or just a hobby, you can use the book 60 Cool Locations for Indoor & Outdoor Photography in Jakarta & Surrounding Areas as a reference for photo spots that are definitely cool.

Photography courses themselves are not just about recording still images or the ins and outs of the camera. In fact, students of this major receive courses in Basic Knowledge of Fine Arts, Philosophy, and others. Studying at the Photography Department also requires you to be prepared to spend more time on practical work or being in the studio. Therefore, it requires not only a love for the world of photography, but also the ability to work independently as well as a high interest in technology, science and art. You also have to pay attention to many things in detail and have brilliant ideas, persistence, initiative and creativity. There are several specialization career options for a professional photographer, including Photojournalism, Commercial Photography, Advertising, Fashion Photography, and Sports Photographer.

  • Yogyakarta Indonesian Art Institute
  • Padang Panjang Indonesian Art Institute
  • Surakarta Indonesian Art Institute
  • Trisakti University
  • Jakarta Institute of Arts
  • Pasundan University
  • La Salle College of Design

Job prospects after graduating from this photography study program are very diverse, depending on interests and expertise, including:

  • Freelance Photographer
  • Photojournalist
  • Fine Art Photographer
  • Fashion Photographers
  • Event Photographer
  • Wedding Photographer
  • Product Photographer
  • Commercial Photographer
  • Industrial Photographer
  • Digital Image Technician
  • Camera Equipment and Photography Technician
  • Television, Video, Film camera operators
  • Film and Video Editors
  • Art Curator
  • Content Creators
  • Digital Creative Group Head


Visual language that DKV students learn can be in the form of symbols, signs, graphic images, or other graphic elements. If you become a student in this department, you will learn to use visual language in conveying creative and solutive ideas in conventional and digital formats. DKV study programs are usually incorporated in the Faculty of Art and Design (FSRD). A DKV scholar in the future must be able to process an existing message effectively, informative and communicative. Therefore, many basic things are learned in this study program such as Graphic Communication, Advertising Visual Communication and Multimedia Communication. Some of the universities below are a combination of public and private universities with A accreditation by BAN-PT:

  • Indonesian Art Institute (ISI) Denpasar
  • Eleven March University of Surakarta (UNS)
  • State University of Malang (UM)
  • Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)
  • Makassar State University (UNM)
  • Jakarta Art Institute (IKJ)
  • Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS)
  • Jakarta Institute of Arts
  • Petra Christian University
  • Telkom Bandung University
  • BINUS University
  • Pelita Harapan University (UPH)

Job prospects after graduating from the Visual Communication Design study program are very diverse, depending on interests and expertise, including:

  • Entrepreneurs and freelancers: graphic designers, illustrators, photographers, animators, web designers and so on
  • Design consulting bureau
  • advertising agency
  • Production house
  • TV station
  • Printing and publishing
  • Public Relations private institutions and government.

By having expertise as a graphic designer, Sinaumed’s can develop it in various fields to design something. As an example, designing souvenirs can also be studied in the Applicative Guide and Solutions: Creating Souvenir Designs With CorelDraw X4.


Film and Television is a field of science that studies how to create audio-visual forms complete with various processes. You will learn all the technical matters of making films as well as television broadcast programs, including Visual Communication, Mass Communication, Media Literacy, Screenwriting, TV and Film Technology, Video and Sound Editing, TV Program Planning, Directing, Artistic and Aesthetics, TV Program Production , Film Studies, Film Production, TV and Film Law and Ethics, TV Journalism, Film Business and Industry, and more. Some of the universities below are a combination of public and private universities with A accreditation by BAN-PT:

  • Jakarta Art Institute (IKJ)
  • Bina Nusantara University
  • International Design School
  • Indonesian Art Institute (Yogyakarta)
  • Surakarta Indonesian Art Institute
  • Padjadjaran University
  • Makassar Art Institute

Job prospects after graduating from the Television & Film study program are very diverse, depending on interests and expertise, including:

  • Editor
  • Cameraman
  • Photographer
  • Art director
  • Assistant director
  • Location manager
  • Some examples of freelance work are: Coordinator Assistant director Photography style director Scriptwriter Broadcaster/host
  • The printing industry also employs graduates from film majors, for example in newspapers, magazines, online publications. Several business fields such as advertising, marketing and communications are also looking for graduates majoring in film to fill positions such as art director, account manager, copywriter and market research.
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Sendratasik is the Department of Art, Drama, Dance, and Music. Here learn about Solfegio, Choir, Drama Theory, and others. Sendratasik has important elements such as melody, rhythm, harmony, and expression. The Drama, Dance, and Music (Sendratasik) study program is a department that is responsive and has an interest in the development of science, technology, and art. The Sendratasik Department has two study programs, namely the Dance Arts Study Program and the Music Arts Study Program. This department will prepare us to become providers of education, teaching, research and community service in the fields of science and technology-based drama, dance and music according to the needs of society. From year to year, job opportunities for graduates of this study program are increasingly wide open. Educational institutions really need graduates from educational study programs. Our country, Indonesia, which is rich in culture, needs qualified and broad-minded artists. Here are universities with Photography majors in Indonesia that you can choose from:

  • Jakarta Institute of Arts
  • Padang Panjang Indonesian Art Institute
  • Yogyakarta Indonesian Art Institute
  • State University of Jakarta
  • Medan State University
  • Semarang State University
  • Yogyakarta State University
  • Pasundan University
  • Pelita Harapan University
  • Indonesian education university
  • Riau Malay Arts Academy
  • Indonesian Conservatory of Music International College
  • Bandung College of Music Arts
  • Satya Wacana Christian University

Job prospects after graduating from the Sendratasik study program vary widely, depending on interests and expertise, including:

  • Lecturer
  • Independent artist
  • Entrepreneur in the arts



Indonesian language and literature courses offer a variety of language (linguistics) and Indonesian literature courses. Such as general linguistics courses (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and discourse), pragmatics, rhetoric, 4 language skills (listening, reading, speaking, and writing), poetry studies, poetry appreciation, drama studies, drama appreciation, prose studies fiction, editing, and much more. Some of the universities below are a combination of public and private universities with A accreditation by BAN-PT:

  • University of Indonesia (UI)
  • Gadjah Mada University (UGM)
  • Diponegoro University (UNDIP)
  • Indonesian Education University (UPI)
  • Sanata Dharma University

With the many courses offered at the Indonesian Language and Literature major, graduates are provided with various kinds of knowledge that can later compete in various industries in the world of work, here are some of them:

  • Editor
  • Journalist
  • Copywriter
  • Social Media Specialist
  • Content Writer
  • Director
  • Embassy
  • Teacher or Lecturer

One of the professions that is currently needed with technological developments is copywriter and content writer which deals with persuading consumers to buy a product as discussed in the book The Right Way to Master Copywriting.


This study program is designed for those of you who are interested in fashion and want to explore it from a business perspective. The Fashion Business study program studies how to manage business in the world of fashion and consumer behavior in the current fashion trends. Fashion Management focuses on strategies that can be implemented to meet market needs and understand what consumers want. Graduates from this major are expected to be able to analyze current fashion industry trends based on social, economic, and cultural elements. Similar to the Fashion Design study program, Fashion Business is also a Diploma program so that graduates will later earn a Diploma 4 (D4) or equivalent Strata 1 (S1) degree. Unfortunately, there are currently no state universities that provide Fashion Business concentration. So, To study in this study program you must choose a private university. Things studied Basic Art and Design, Fashion Illustration, Introduction to Fashion Management, Fashion Marketing, Fashion Trends Forecasting, Consumer Behavior for Fashion, Fashion Design, Fashion Brand Strategies, Fashion Futures, Marketing Research Methods, Entrepreneurship, International Marketing and others -other. Here are some of the best universities that offer courses in this program, Sinaumed’s:

  • Esmod Jakarta
  • Lasalle College Jakarta
  • Raffles Institute of Higher Education Jakarta
  • LPTB Susan Budihardjo
  • BUNKA School of Fashion
  • ARVA School of Fashion
  • BINUS Northumbria School of Design

Job prospects after graduating from the Business Fashion study program are very diverse, depending on interests and expertise, including:

  • FashionDesigner
  • Fashion Merchandising & Fashion Buying
  • Fashion Marketing & PR
  • Fashion Production & Management
  • Fashion Journalist
  • Advertising
  • TechnologyFashion

In an era where technology is so fast, industry is massive, and the entertainment sector is increasingly playing a role in everyday life. Which is your choice, Sinaumed’s?