8 Prayers in the Morning in Islam that You Need to Know

Prayer in the Morning in Islam – Praying is a practice taught by the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Prayer is one way to connect between the servant and the Creator, Allah SWT. Through this prayer, we can fulfill wishes with full hope that they will be fulfilled in a good way and be blessed by Allah SWT. This prayer service is also a practice favored by the Prophet Muhammad and his companions.

Allah SWT commands Muslims to pray and ask Him. As in QS Ghafir verse 60, which means the following:

“And your Lord said: There are many prayers that could be taught by the Prophet and practiced by his people. One of them is prayer in the morning which prioritizes opening the door of blessings and sustenance.

The evidence regarding the command to pray and dhikr in the morning itself is in QS Al Ahzab Verses 42-43 which means:

“He is the one who gives mercy to you and his angels (asking your forgiveness). May he lead you from darkness to light. And He is the most generous to the believers.”

Every Muslim must crave the blessing of Allah SWT for every activity. We definitely want everything we do to run smoothly.

Collection of Prayers in the Morning in Islam

There are several prayers in the morning that Sinaumed’s can practice in accordance with the verses of the Al-Quran and Hadith, as follows:

1. Prayer in the Morning to Get Blessings and Fortune

To start the day, ask Allah SWT for blessings. One of the morning prayers taught by Rasulullah SAW is written in the book Al-Adzkar Nawawi by Imam Nawawi which reads as follows:

Allahumma Bika Asbahna, Wa Bika Amsayna Wabika Nahya Wabika Namuutu Wailaikannusyuur .”

Meaning: “O Allah, with Your blessings we can enjoy and face the morning, because of Your blessings we can face it until it is in the afternoon, because of You we can also live in the future until we die. Only to You will we return.”

Apart from that, the morning prayer which was usually practiced by Rasulullah SAW as narrated by Ibn Mas’ud in Sahih Muslim reads as follows:

“Asbahna wa ashbahal mulku lillāhi wal hamdu lillahi, la ilaha illallahu wahdahu la syarika lah, lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu wa huwa ‘ala kulli syai’in qadir. Rabbi, as’aluka khaira ma fi hadzihil lailata wa khaira ma ba’daha, wa a’udzu bika min syarri ma fi hadzihil lailata wa khaira ma ba’daha. Rabbi, a’udzu bika minal kasli wa sū’il kibari. A’ūdzu bika min ‘azabi fin nari wa ‘adzābin dil qabri.”

Meaning: “We and the power of Allah SWT in the morning and all praise be to Allah SWT. There is no other god besides Allah, the One and Only, and there is no partner for Him. To Him be all power of grace and all praise be to Him and power over all things. O my Lord, I ask You for the goodness of this night and the night after.

I ask Your protection for the evil that happened this night and the night after. My Lord, I seek Your protection from all forms of laziness and vices in old age. Apart from that, I also ask for protection from the torments of hellfire and the torments of the grave.”

2. Prayer to Avoid Unlawful Fortune

In addition to good fortune, someone can also get bad luck in various ways that are not good. The worst thing is that sometimes we are not aware that we are getting unlawful sustenance. So, to avoid this bad thing, Sinaumed’s can practice the following morning prayer:

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“Allahumak-finii bi halaalika ‘an haroomik, wa agh-niniy bi fadhlika ‘amman siwaak”

Meaning: “O Allah, I beg you to suffice us with all forms of lawful sustenance and keep us away from unlawful sustenance. Apart from that, also make me sufficient with Your grace from depending only on You.” (Al-Hafizh Abu Thahir said that the sanad hadith of HR. Tirmidhi no. 3563 is a hasan hadith).

3. Prayer in the Morning to Surrender to Allah SWT

Quoting from Imam An-Nawawi in his book named Al-Adzkar about the prayer said by Rasulullah SAW in the morning by submitting only to Allah SWT as God Almighty, which reads as follows:

“Allāhumma bika ashbahnā, wa bika amsainā, wa bika nahyā, wa bika namūtu, wa ilaikan nusyūru”

It means, “O Allah, I am with you in the morning, I am with you in the afternoon, and with you we will live until we die. Only to you we will return,” (HR Abu Dawud, At-Turmudzi, Ibn Majah).

4. Morning Prayer for Protection from Evil Beings

As we know that we live in this world side by side with other creatures. Although basically all creatures are creations of Allah SWT, some can have a bad impact on humans. As Muslims, Sinaumed’s can practice the following prayer in the morning to be protected and protected from evil creatures:

A’udzu bi Kalimatillahit tammati min syarri ma khalaq”

Meaning, “Indeed I seek refuge in the perfect name of Allah SWT from all the evil of His creation,” (HR Muslim and Ibn Sina)

5. Prayer in the Morning to Be Protected from Satan

We all know that man’s greatest enemy is the devil. In this case the morning prayer that can be practiced to ask for protection from Satan is as follows:

“Allahumma fathiras samawati wal ardhi, ‘alimul ghaibi was syahadah, rabba kulli syai’in wa malikah, ashadu an la ilaha illa anta. A’udzu bika min syarri nafsi wa syarris syathani wa shirkih”

Meaning, “My God, the creator of the heavens and the earth who knows all things that are unseen and real, God is the ruler of all things. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah SWT. I seek refuge in You from the evil of lust, the evil of Satan and his allies,” (HR Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi)

6. Prayer in the Morning Asking for Protection from Evil

We certainly don’t want to start the day with bad luck and bad luck. Of course, this can be done by hoping and praying to Allah SWT to ask for protection from all bad things, as recited the following prayer:

“Bismillahil ladzi la yadhurru ma’as mihi syai’un fil ardhi wa la fis sama’i wa huas sami’ul ‘alim”

Meaning, “By mentioning the name of Allah SWT, a Substance that anything in the earth and the sky is not harmed by his name. He is All-Hearing and All-Knowing,” (HR Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi).

7. Prayer to Always Get the Love of Allah SWT

Everyone must yearn for the compassion of Allah SWT, including His love which is so vast and countless. The following is a prayer that Sinaumed’s can say in the morning to ask for the love of Allah SWT:

“Ya awwalal awwalin wa yaa aakhirol aakhiriina wa yaa dzal quwwatil matiin wa roohimal masakiin wa yaa arhamar Rahimin”

Meaning: “O the Most Beginning among those who are the first, O the Most Late among those who are the last. O Possessor of Power, O Most Merciful of the poor, O Most Merciful of those who are most merciful.” The pronunciation of this prayer is quoted from a hadith in the history of Abu Dawud.

8. Reading Dhikr for the Morning

We are also advised to dhikr in the morning. This suggestion is of course based on QS Ali Imran verse 191 which shows that “Those who dhikr (remember) Allah SWT when standing, sitting and lying down”.

There are several recitations or dhikr readings that can be read in the morning, namely verses of the chair (1 time in the morning and evening), QS Al-Ikhlas (3 times in the morning and evening), QS Al-Falaq (3 times in the morning and evening) and QS An-Nas (3 times in the morning and evening).

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The Virtue of Prayer in the Morning in Islam

Sinaumed’s needs to know that reading prayers in the morning with a sincere heart and intention can have a positive impact. Why is that? Because of the prayer in the morning, we can start the day better so that our lives become indirectly powerful. So, here are some virtues when we routinely and sincerely pray in the morning to get the blessing of Allah SWT:

1. The way to get sustenance or open sustenance

It is said that reading prayers in the morning can make it easier for a person to obtain sustenance, in any form. This is in line with what is stated in the following verse of the Qur’an:

“You pray to Me, and I will answer it. Verily, those who are arrogant from worshiping Me will enter the hell in a humiliating condition.” (Sura al-Mumin: 60).

2. Get closer to Allah SWT

When someone sincerely recites prayers in the morning regularly, then the servant will be close to Allah SWT. We may feel calm and peaceful in the morning and all activities will start easier. Basically Allah SWT is always involved to simplify all one’s problems at any time.

That is why by praying in the morning, His servant will always remember Allah SWT in every activity, so that he is guarded and afraid to speak when dealing with worldly matters.

3. Forms of Gratitude

Reading prayers in the morning is a form of gratitude given to Allah SWT for the pleasure of sleeping at night. When our eyes wake up again, God has given His servant the opportunity to keep trying again. This has been mentioned in the Quran as follows:

“And He made the night for you (as) a garment for you and sleep to rest, and He inspired the days of the day again.” (QS Al-Furqan: 47).

4. Undergoing Activities Calmly and Enthusiastically

Indirectly, in our subconscious, when we believe in good things, our activities will also be suggested as good. A person’s conscious mind will form a calmer and unafraid to face the problems they will face because they believe that Allah SWT will provide protection and give His blessing. As a result, we also tend to be more enthusiastic about carrying out our activities starting from the morning though.

When we do things calmly and enthusiastically, of course we will have fun with these things. For example work, school or study, and other worldly affairs. Everything is in the hands of Allah, so the only way to ask and hope is only from Allah SWT. So it’s not surprising, if we are used to saying a prayer when starting something, it will run more smoothly and be blessed, because basically we believe in ourselves and Allah SWT will make it easier.

5. More Confident

Confidence is usually needed by someone to face something heavy, big, serious, and so on. But there is also someone who lacks confidence in something that is considered not much as a small thing. Self-confidence certainly must be formed in various ways, depending on one’s character. But did Sinaumed’s know that praying before doing something can make people more confident?

Maybe Sinaumed’s has experienced this, for example, having a school exam, job interview, or other matters, which makes us nervous or insecure. Then the thing that actually strengthens us and gives us the courage to face it is asking for guidance and blessing from Allah SWT.

We really leave all the results of decisions to Allah SWT and believe that all decisions are the best for us, including failure or defeat. By praying, we become more confident with ourselves including in the power of Allah SWT, the owner of the universe and its contents.

Well, that’s an explanation of the collection of prayers in the morning and its virtues if we are sincere and do it regularly. Is Sinaumed’s interested in trying it? Good habits certainly start from good things, one of which is by praying to Allah SWT. Make prayer a way to get closer to him instead of asking for something from him.

Apart from the references to the collection of prayers above, of course there are many types of prayers that can be recited for good intentions. If Sinaumed’s is interested in learning more and more about these prayers, then you can visit the sinaumedia book collection at www.sinaumedia.com. Have a good study.

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