7+ Example of Observation Report Text and Its Structure

Example of Observation Report Text – Sinaumed’s must be familiar with the text of the Observation Report or LHO in Indonesian, especially grade 10? Yep, material about the Text of Observation Reports is indeed mandatory material that must be studied because it refers to a text that contains general explanations about things that have been previously observed. Therefore, the average Indonesian teacher will definitely ask students to carry out an observation activity first, both inside and outside the classroom. There are many things that can be observed, from how the school environment looks to things that are visible around us.

After that, we have to write down information from things that have been observed in general. Since this text is a report text, the information conveyed must also be objective, right… So, how about an example of an Observation Report text that can actually be used to report things in all aspects of human life? So that Sinaumed’s isn’t confused, let’s look at the following review!

7+ Examples of Observation Report Texts in Indonesian and Their Structure

1. Example of Observation Report Text on Indonesian Typical Food

General Statement

Indonesian specialties are a reflection of the diversity of cultures and traditions of this archipelago which consists of 6,000 islands. In general, Indonesian food is rich in spices such as candlenut, chili, fingerroot, galangal, ginger, kencur, turmeric, coconut and palm sugar. These spices are used to give a distinctive aroma to Indonesian food.

Section Description

Several types of authentic Indonesian dishes can also be found in several countries, especially on the Asian continent. Popular Indonesian dishes such as satay, rendang and sambal are very popular in Malaysia and Singapore. There are also soy-based foods in this country, such as variations of tofu and tempeh. Tempe is considered a native Javanese invention, particularly the local adaptation of fermented soybeans. Another type of fermented soybean food is oncom. This food is similar to tempeh but uses a different type of mushroom. In West Java, oncom food is very popular.

Each region in Indonesia has different specialties. For example, the city of Jakarta is synonymous with egg crust, the city of Yogyakarta is synonymous with warm, while the city of Semarang is synonymous with spring rolls. Not only do these three cities have their own special food, on the northern tip of the island of Sumatra they also have their famous special food, namely Bika Ambon. Meanwhile, at the easternmost tip of Indonesia, to be precise, Papua is famous for its special food, namely Papeda, which is food made from sago.

Description of Benefits

Indonesian food can actually be used as an attraction for local and foreign tourists. In addition, this special food also functions as a form of Indonesian culture and becomes the identity of the Indonesian nation

2. Sample Text of Observation Report on Garbage

General Statement

Garbage is unwanted residual material after the end of a process. Waste can come from nature, humans, consumption, nuclear, industry and mining. Garbage on earth will continue to increase as long as there are activities carried out by both nature and humans. The waste produced in Indonesia even reaches 11,330 tons per day. Garbage can be distinguished based on the nature and shape. Based on its nature, waste is divided into two, namely organic and inorganic waste. Organic waste is waste that can be described or degradable .

Section Description

An example of organic waste is waste that decomposes easily such as food scraps, vegetables, dry leaves, and so on. This waste can be processed into compost.

Meanwhile, inorganic waste is waste that is not easily decomposed or undegradable. An example of inorganic waste is waste that does not decompose easily, such as plastic, wood, glass, cans, and so on. This inorganic waste can be recycled by home industries to reduce the amount of waste and serve as a business opportunity.

Based on its form, waste can be divided into solid, liquid, natural, consumption, human and radioactive waste. Solid waste is waste that is solid, so most inorganic waste is also included. Solid waste can be in the form of household waste: kitchen waste, garden waste, plastic, metal, glass and others. This type of waste can be distinguished based on its ability to be decomposed by nature or biodegradability into biodegradable solid waste (waste that can be broken down by biological processes) and non- biodegradable solid waste (cannot be broken down by a biological process. There are two types of non-biodegradable solid waste, namely recyclable (reprocessable) and non-recyclable(cannot be processed again).

Liquid waste is liquid material that has been used and is no longer needed, such as waste. Waste is liquid waste generated from industrial activities. Waste can be divided into two, namely black waste and household waste. Black waste is liquid waste containing harmful pathogens originating from toilets, while household waste is liquid waste produced from kitchens, bathrooms and laundry facilities.

Natural waste is waste produced by nature and decomposed through a natural recycling process. An example of natural waste is dry leaves in the forest that decompose into soil. Human waste is a term used for the results of human digestion, such as faeces and urine. Human waste can have a negative impact on human health because it can be said to be a vehicle for the development of diseases caused by viruses and bacteria.

Consumption waste is waste generated by human consumption activities and disposed of in the trash. Until now, the amount of consumption waste does not exceed the amount of industrial waste. Radioactive waste is nuclear waste which is the result of nuclear fusion and nuclear fission which produces uranium and thorium. Radioactive waste is harmful to the environment and human life because it produces radiation which has a negative impact on human health. Therefore nuclear waste is stored in places that do not have high potential.

Description of Benefits

Even though there are various types and amounts of waste around us, it turns out that all of it can be used for other things. Apart from being used as compost to fertilize plants, this waste can also be used as a handicraft or as the main ingredient for biogas and electricity resources. If you want to make it as a handicraft, it must go through the recycling process first.

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3. Sample Text of Observation Report on Cattle

General Statement

Cows are classified as mammals or animals that suckle. This cow, which has the Latin name Bos Taurus, belongs to the Kingdom Animalia, which is a plant-eating cow. Meanwhile, fire or oxen are livestock members of the Bovidae tribe and children of the Bovinae tribe.

Section Description

Newborn cows weigh up to 25-45 kg. But as adults, their weight can reach an average of 1.090 kg. The weight also depends on the type or race. The average age of a cow can reach 15 years.

Cattle are kept mainly for the use of milk and meat as human food. By-products, such as skin, offal, and horns are also used for various human needs.

Description of Benefits

In a number of places, cattle are also used as a driving force for transportation, land processing (plows), and other industrial tools (such as sugarcane crushers). Due to its many benefits, cows have been part of various human cultures for a long time.

Beef (English: beef ) is meat obtained from ordinary cows and used for consumption purposes. The use of this meat also varies, depending on the processing method. Examples of ribs and T-Bone are very commonly used in Europe and in the United States as ingredients for steaks so that they are widely traded. Meanwhile, in Indonesia and in various other Asian countries, this meat is widely used for spicy and coconut milk dishes such as konro soup and rendang.

4. Sample Text of Observation Reports About Learning in the Covid-19 Period

General Statement

Currently, the world of education is facing quite difficult problems, one of which is the 2013 curriculum that has not been fully understood. In addition, the concept of the new Minister of Education, Nadiem Makarim, regarding Indonesia’s Freedom to Learn. Then, there was a simplified curriculum in an emergency situation. This also makes the teachers more nervous about the learning that will be given to students. These problems are a challenge for teachers to improve the quality of education in Indonesia.

Now, the challenges for teachers are increasing again with the ongoing COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) outbreak. COVID-19 is a national disaster that has been declared by the government because the virus spreads very quickly and causes death. The government is trying to inhibit the spread of COVID-19 by urging people to practice physical distancing and work/ study/ worship from home.

This situation is new for the community, especially teachers, parents and students. Here teachers are required to continue to be able to provide learning to students through online . In fact, these teachers are divided into three groups, namely IT literate teachers, IT alliterate teachers, and IT literate teachers.

Section Description

First, IT literate teachers are teachers who are able to know various forms of media and ethics in utilizing technology for learning. Ability to understand technology for printing, presenting, and accessing the internet. Of course, these teachers are used to teaching their students to use internet media. Online learning for them is nothing extraordinary.

Second, IT literate teachers are teachers who know IT and understand IT, but rarely or do not use technology in teaching students. These teachers are only fixated on learning in the classroom. The use of the internet is almost rare.

Third, literate IT teachers are IT illiterate teachers. The teacher is unable to utilize technology in learning. These teachers still use old-fashioned methods and media. They don’t use technology at all. It is possible that the facilities and infrastructure do not exist.

These three groups of teachers are the reality on the ground. These teachers will face the students. From this condition, the impact of education is felt, not only in Indonesia, but also throughout the world.

The world of education, the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization Unesco said that nearly 300 million students around the world had their schools disrupted and their rights to education in the future were threatened. In fact, even in Indonesia, the Ministry of Education and Culture has decided to cancel the 2020 National Examination, so that learning is carried out at home.

Description of Benefits

The teachers were asked to make lesson plans. It is not an easy thing to change habits from teaching in front of the class to teaching virtually. Not only teachers who have to adapt to this condition, but parents and students also have to adapt. Parents must be prepared to accompany their children to study at home.

At first it will be fun for certain students, but over time it gets boring. Parents start to bother accompanying their children because they also have other activities related to these activities. Learning is no longer fun for students, but on the contrary, they are bored and bored. They miss school.

However, the benefits of this pandemic can be taken, namely the readiness of teachers in any conditions and the creativity of teachers in teaching students. Teachers are expected not only to give assignments and assignments to students so that it makes them stressed. The teacher must also be able to change his habits in teaching.

Teachers must be accustomed to starting teaching from the new process then the content. This requires training of teachers. In addition, teachers must be ready to open themselves to technological advances for the benefit and progress of students and education in Indonesia.

5. Example of Observation Report Text about Rabbits

General Statement

The rabbit is one of the mammals from the Leporidae family . These rabbits can be found easily in various regions on earth. In the past, the rabbit itself was a very wild animal that lived in Africa to parts of Europe. Until now, in general, rabbits themselves are divided into two, namely wild or free rabbits, and domestic rabbits.

Section Description

If you look physically, especially on the fur, rabbits can be divided into 2 types, namely rabbits with long hair and rabbits with short hair. Meanwhile, according to the order, rabbits are classified into several types, namely Lyon , Angora , American, English, Himalayan , and Dutch .

Description of Benefits

Meanwhile, food for rabbits is identical to eating carrot vegetables. However, after observing, the fact is that rabbits can also be fed green vegetables, seeds, tubers and tofu dregs. After research too, rabbit meat itself can be used as a drug that can cure asthma.

6. Example of Observation Report Text about Ciplukan Fruit

General Statement

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Ciplukan or in Latin physalis angulata is a low shrub plant that has many health benefits. This plant is usually considered a wild plant because it grows in gardens, fields, roadsides, bushes, or forests. This fruit is also known as morel berry in England, ciplukan in Java, cecendet in Sundanese, keceplokan in Bali, and leletokan in Minahasa.

Section Description

The ciplukan plant has a complete tree structure, consisting of roots, stems, leaves and fruit. The ciplukan root is a taproot which will then grow branch roots into fibrous roots. The ciplukan leaf is a single-stemmed leaf and is oval or elongated round with a tapered tip. The stem of this plant can reach 1 meter with a round, grooved shape and brownish color. The ciplukan fruit is shaped like an egg wrapped in inflated petals.

Description of Benefits

Ciplukan is believed to cure various diseases. All parts of ciplukan can treat high blood pressure, cholesterol, and rheumatism. The root of this plant is efficacious for treating diabetes mellitus. The fruit is efficacious for treating lung disease, sore throat, and stroke. Meanwhile, ciplukan leaves can treat tumors and cancer.

Ciplukan plants have a high selling value. It is present in major fruit stores, supermarkets and sold online. One pack of 100 grams is valued at IDR 30,000. The selling price per kilogram ranges from IDR 250-500 thousand. Truly extraordinary.

7. Sample Text of Observation Reports on Bottlenose Dolphins

General Statement

The Bottlenose Dolphin ( Tursiops truncatus ) or Bottlenose Dolphin is a marine mammal that belongs to the Cetacean nation which can live up to 40-50 years.

Section Description

The shape of the dolphin’s head allows it to resist or fight against the water currents so that its body can move easily in the water. Dolphins have large, slender snouts and no external ears. The small hole behind the eye serves as the inner ear. The duct from the hole is filled with secretory oil. Dolphins have very good hearing, the sound frequency that can be captured by dolphins reaches 150 KHz.

Using a breathing apparatus in the form of lungs, dolphins must often rise to the surface to breathe air. In general, dolphins rise to the surface every 1-2 times every minute. Dolphins breathe through blowholes , which are nostrils that are located on top of their heads. In less than a fifth of a second, the dolphin has emptied and refilled its lungs. Dolphins will sink and dive back into the sea when the air comes out of the blowhole .

Description of Benefits

Dolphin skin is soft and supple. There is a layer of fat ( blubber ) under the skin which functions to keep the dolphin’s body warm. In addition, blubber also serves as a food reserve. The dolphin’s buoyancy is also helped by the presence of blubber which is lighter than water. This inspired sportswear manufacturers to create swimwear with dolphin-like characteristics

8. Example of Observation Report Text about Fireflies

General Statement

Fireflies are a type of insect that can emit a clear light that can be seen at night. This light is produced by “cold light” which contains neither ultraviolet nor infrared light. There are more than 2000 species of fireflies scattered in tropical areas around the world.

Section Description

The habitat of fireflies is in damp places, such as swamps and areas filled with trees. Fireflies lay their eggs when it is dark, their eggs numbering between 100 and 500 eggs are laid on the ground, branches, grass, in moss or under leaves. Graves with relatively loose soil and not much disturbance are ideal firefly nesting locations. In general, fireflies come out at night, but there are also fireflies that are active during the day. Those who come out during the day generally don’t give off light.

Like the characteristics of insects in general, the body of a firefly is divided into three parts: head, thorax and abdomen. Insects have a hard shell ( exoskeleton ) to cover their bodies. Body length is about 2 cm. The body parts of fireflies are almost entirely dark in color and have red dots on the head cover. Yellow on the wing coverts, six-legged, and compound eyes.

Description of Benefits

The light emitted by fireflies is harmless, in fact it does not contain ultraviolet and infrared. This light is used by fireflies to warn predators that fireflies are not good to eat and to attract mates. The skill of showing light is not only possessed by adult fireflies, even larvae.

Fireflies are one of the unique types of insects, proof of the greatness of the Creator. The species of fireflies is also a wealth that is bestowed upon our country as a tropical country.

9. Sample Text of Observation Report on Mangosteen Fruit

General Statement

Mangosteen ( Garcinia mangostana L. ) is a fruit plant native to Indonesia. Mangosteen is a kind of evergreen tree from the tropics which is believed to have originated from the Indonesian Archipelago. The fruit of the mangosteen tree is also called mangosteen. Mangosteen is related to kokam, kandis acid and gelugur acid. Mangosteen holds a variety of extraordinary benefits for health or commonly referred to as functional food.

Section Description

The mangosteen tree and leaves are distinctive. The average height of the mangosteen tree reaches 6-25 m. Mangosteen has dense (lush) leaves, sitting opposite leaves, and short petioles. Mangosteen leaves are thick and wide. Mangosteen also has special characteristics in its flowers. The mangosteen flower is called a two-house flower.

On the mangosteen tree, female flowers are found, while male flowers are not fully developed. Male flowers grow small and then dry up and can no longer function. Therefore, the mangosteen fruit is produced without pollination. Mangosteen flowers include flowers alone or in pairs at the ends of branches, with handles, and are short and thick. Mangosteen flowers are 5.5 cm in diameter. Two pairs of petals, two pairs of corolla, thick and fleshy, green – yellow with a reddish edge. Pseudo stamens and usually numerous.

Description of Benefits

Mangosteen fruit has several benefits. Among the traditional people themselves, the mangosteen fruit is believed to be able to cure several diseases such as mouth sores, dysentery, tonsillitis, abscesses, with anti-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory properties. The results of scientific research state that the skin of the mangosteen fruit is very rich in antioxidants, especially xanthones , tannins, phenolic acids and anthocyanins.

Mangosteen is a typical native Indonesian fruit. In addition to a sweet taste and an unsightly appearance, the mangosteen fruit also has many health benefits.

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