51 Intransitive Active Sentences and Understanding to Other Types

Intransitive Active Sentences – When learning Indonesian material, Sinaumed’s definitely understands that there are several types of sentences, including active sentences and passive sentences. The striking difference between the two types of sentences is the existence of a subject who does something (verb). What’s more, in the process of speaking we often use different word classes and are adapted to the context. This word class can be in the form of nouns, verbs, adjectives, numerals, and many others. So, each word class also has its own function .

In discussing the variety of sentences, which include active sentences and passive sentences, are two things that are often encountered in everyday life. Yep, the existence of active sentences and passive sentences is most often used in everyday conversation. In the active sentence variety, it can be further divided into transitive active sentences and intransitive active sentences. The key difference between the two is the use of objects and adverbs. In intransitive active sentences, they use adverbs, both adverbs of place and time after the predicate. So, what are the examples of intransitive active sentences? What is the definition of intransitive active voice? What are the differences between objects and complements so as to divide this variety of active sentences? Well, so that Sinaumed’sunderstand it, let’s look at the following review!

51 Examples of Intransitive Active Sentences

  1. Dimas met with Adhi this afternoon. (S – P – Complement – ​​Adverb of Time)
  2. We practiced theater at Uncle Fikri’s studio. (S – P – Complement – ​​Description of Place)
  3. Rini laughed because she heard a very funny joke. (S – P – Explanation of Reason)
  4. Mrs. Septi was tricked into billions of millions of rupiah. (S – P – Consequence Description)
  5. I’m still going to go to the meeting even if it’s raining. ( S – P – Comparative Description)
  6. Mr. Sabda cultivates crops in his garden. (S – P – Place Description)
  7.  Lucas shivered during the heavy rain last night. ( S – P – Description of Time)
  8. Mail burst out laughing. (S – P – Consequence Description)
  9. Uncle always cursed when he was angry. (S – P – Adverb of Time)
  10. The killer of a girl has been caught by the local police. (S – P – Statement of Reason)
  11. Susanti fell down the stairs while playing with her friends. (S- P – Complementary – Adverb of Time)
  12. All the students from the Language class ran towards the canteen. (S – P – Description of Purpose)
  13. Our house alarm goes off when a burglar enters. (S – P – Adverb of Time)
  14. Rani was very depressed by Father’s words. (S – P – Statement of Reason)
  15. A weasel is trapped by Tok Dalang’s trap. (S – P – Statement of Reason)
  16. My sister is scared when she is at home alone. (S – P – Adverb of Time)
  17. Father’s hand was badly injured. (S – P – Complementary)
  18. The crow flew up into the sky. (S – P – Description of Purpose)
  19. Meta’s leg hit a nail on the field. (S – P – Complementary – Place Description)
  20. Grandmother died 5 months ago. (S – P – Adverb of Time)
  21. My study was disturbed by the sound of dangdut. (S – P – Statement of Reason)
  22. The man was lying on the side of the road. (S – P – Place Description)
  23. Students ask questions about how to quickly do exam questions. (S – P – Complementary)
  24. Tiara likes to sing in the shower. (S – P – Place Description)
  25. Riko and his friends ran when they heard thunder. (S – P – Adverb of Time)
  26. Uncle and Aunt want to relax for a while in our house. (S – P – Complementary – Place Description)
  27.  Father returns to sail in three months (S – P – Time Description)
  28. The athlete did not run according to the coach’s instructions. (S – P – Complementary – Instructions)
  29. We all fell silent when we heard mom and dad fighting. (S – P – Adverb of Time)
  30. Brother wants us to get dressed quickly. (S – P – Complementary – Instructions)
  31. The whale breathes through lungs. (S – P – Tool Description)
  32. The group worked non-stop until the morning. (S – P – Complement – ​​Adverb of Time)
  33. Vero is tempted by Rizky’s flattery. (S – P – Method Description)
  34. We remember the time when all the family got together on Christmas Day. (S – P – Complement – ​​Adverb of Time)
  35. Students learn through the zoom application. (S – P – Tool Description)
  36. We all screamed when the living room light suddenly went off. (S – P – Adverb of Time)
  37. All the money in Mira’s piggy bank disappeared suddenly. (S – P – Method Description)
  38. The students asked about a quick way to solve math problems in the Algebra chapter. (S – P – Complementary)
  39.  Mother has a hard time taking care of her sick sister. (S – P – Complementary – Explanation of Reason)
  40. The little boy fell into the Musi river. (S – P – Place Description)
  41. Three climbers got lost while climbing Mount Rinjani. (S – P – Adverb of Time)
  42. The guests sang happily in the hall of the building. (S – P – Complementary – Place Description)
  43. Rafa fell in front of Pak Darman’s house. (S – P – Place Description)
  44. His body was covered in blood since morning. (S – P – Complement – ​​Adverb of Time)
  45. Ika was singing when her friends came. (S – P – Adverb of Time)
  46. The heroes have sacrificed body and soul for the nation and state of Indonesia. (S – P – Complementary – Statement of Purpose)
  47. Father chose to work at home by selling salted eggs. (S – P – Complementary – Instructions)
  48. The king was shot by a stray bullet belonging to the robbers. (S – P – Complementary – Ownership Information)
  49. We smiled happily seeing all of the Fizi family united. (S – P – Complementary)
  50.  Shiva smiled. (S – P – Complementary)
  51. Angger and Angga get into a fight just because they are fighting over a Detective Conan comic. (S – P – Statement of Reason)
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Know What is Intransitive Active Voice?

After listening to several examples of these intransitive active sentences, is Sinaumed’s able to understand what they mean? We will discuss one by one 

Basically, active sentences can be called that if the subject is the doer of the action and is stated in the predicate which is also an active verb. These active verbs are usually indicated by the use of verbs with affixes meN-, ber-, and aus verbs. This definition distinguishes it from passive sentences.

Well, active sentences are further divided into 2 types, namely transitive active sentences and intransitive active sentences. Although there are also some experts who state that this active sentence is divided into 3 types, with the addition of semitransitive active sentences.

According to Sugono (2009: 119), transitive active sentences are sentences that have a role as the perpetrator of the action stated by the predicate and the object as the target. That is, the transitive active sentence will have a structure consisting of SPO. The thing that distinguishes this type of sentence from intransitive active sentences is the presence of objects and verbs that start with meN-.

Furthermore, in intransitive active sentences are sentences where the subject actually does the action stated by the predicate and does not require an object. Even though there is no object, intransitive active sentences have complements that usually start with -. Another characteristic of this intransitive active sentence is the presence of verbs such as return, go, rise, enter, and others.

Differences between Objects, Complements, and Adverbs

Active sentences, generally will contain objects, complements, and adverbs. In transitive active sentences it is usually indicated by the presence of an object. Then, in intransitive active sentences it is marked by the presence of a complement. The similarity between the two is that there are also adverbs present. In this case, many people cannot distinguish between objects, complements, and adverbs. Let’s look at the following review so that Sinaumed’s understands this.

object Complementary Adverb
Usually it is in the type of transitive active sentence Usually in intransitive active sentences. There are 2 types of active sentences, both transitive active sentences and intransitive active sentences.
Is something subject to action. Is something that serves to complete the sentence structure. Is a word that is used to provide information in a sentence.
The position is preceded by a predicate. Its position is preceded by a predicate, because its function is to complete the predicate. It has several types, for example adverbs of place, adverbs of time, adverbs of manner, adverbs of cause, adverbs of effect, and others.
Usually in the form of nouns and nominal phrases. In the form of nominal phrases, verbal phrases, prepositional phrases, adjective phrases, even clauses. Different types of adverbs, there will be different words as references.
If the object includes a noun, nominal phrase, or pronoun, it will refer to the third person singular, so it is replaced with -nya. It can’t be the subject, especially when it’s changed into the passive voice. Its existence in a sentence is not essential, so its use is arbitrary.
Can be in the form of a clause, preceded by the word “that”. Cannot be changed into its form. Except in prepositional combinations other than to, from, in , and will . Its existence is very much needed, especially in declarative sentences which do require the presentation of information as a whole.
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Know Other Sentence Types

Before discussing other types of sentences, it is better if Sinaumed’s understands what sentences are. Basically, a sentence is one of the elements of language in the form of a series of words. In the sentence will usually show the contents of the thoughts of the author in full. The basic pattern of a sentence is Subject + Predicate + Object + Adverb or Complement . The predicate in a sentence does not have to be a verb or verb, but also nouns and adjectives.

Sentence is the smallest unit of language in spoken or written form that expresses the author’s thoughts as a whole and ends with final intonation, aka dot (.). Sentences are also the basic composition of a discourse. That is, a discourse will only be formed if there are two sentences or more which are located sequentially and are based on discursive rules.

The types of sentences commonly used in a text can be reviewed based on certain things, starting from:

  • Predicate type
  • Place the predicate
  • Completeness of the elements
  • Expansion of the elements
  • Number of patterns
  • The speaking aspect
  • The culprit

Types of Sentences According to the Type of the Predicate

1. Verb Sentences

That is a sentence whose predicate is formed from the existence of a verb or verb. Example: Rafa rode his new bicycle this morning.

2. Noun Sentences

That is a sentence whose predicate is formed from a noun or noun phrase. Example: Kynan is a girl .

Types of Sentences According to the Location of the Predicate

1. Normal Sentences

That is a sentence whose subject precedes the predicate. Usually, the sentence pattern in this type of sentence is the basic pattern, namely SPOK. Example: Yudha notes the teacher’s questions.

2. Sentence Inversion

That is a sentence where the predicate comes before the subject. Example: Mr. threw the trash away.

Types of Sentences According to the Completeness of the Elements

1. Minor Sentences

Namely a sentence that consists of only one central element. That is, there is only one word but it is able to show the meaning of the sentence. Example: “Close!”, “Help!”, “Hurry!”.

2. Elliptical Sentences

That is a sentence in which one of the central elements is omitted because the reader must have understood it even though the element is not present. Example:

He was going to Jakarta, but I was going to Bandung. – He will go to Jakarta, but I will go to Bandung.

In the second sentence, the word “went” in the clause can be omitted and the meaning will remain the same.

3. Major Sentence

Namely a sentence that contains at least two central elements which consist of a subject and predicate (SP) or can even be more than that, for example given a description (SPOK). Example:

Nature (S) will go (F) tomorrow morning (K)

Types of Sentences Based on the Expansion of the Elements

1. Core Sentence

Actually, this core sentence is a major sentence which only consists of two main elements to become its central element, namely the core element of the subject and the predicate element. The characteristics of the main sentence are as follows:

  • Consists of two words.
  • Normal intonation.
  • Has the usual arrangement.


The twins, who were born, died after being treated for sixteen days in an incubator.

Key sentence: the child died.

2. Transformational Sentences

Namely a core sentence that has received expansion. Example:

Key sentence: He’s gone

Transformational Sentence:

  • He’s leaving
  • He will go with me
  • He will go with me tomorrow morning

Types of Sentences Based on the Number of Patterns

1. Single Sentence

That is a sentence that only consists of one sentence pattern or one clause only. Sentence patterns in this type are formed by the subject and predicate. However, there are also more complete patterns, namely subject, predicate, object, complement or description. Example:

Raka came home from school.

2. Compound Sentences

Namely a sentence consisting of two sentence patterns or two even more clauses. This compound sentence can usually be formed from the combination of several single sentences. In this type of sentence, it can be classified into three types, namely:

  • Equivalent compound sentences, which are connected by equivalent conjunctions.
  • Multilevel compound sentences, which are connected by unequal conjunctions.
  • Mixed compound sentences, which are connected by equivalent and unequal conjunctions with three or more clauses.

Types of Sentences Based on the Actor

1. Active Voice

That is a sentence whose predicate does a job. The main characteristic of this sentence is that the predicate is a verb starting with me(N) and ber-. Example: Fikri is reading.

2. Passive Sentences

That is a sentence whose subject is imposed by the work. Usually, the predicate in this type of sentence will start with at- or ter-. Example: The ball was kicked by Arkie.

3. Direct and Indirect Sentences

a) Direct Sentences

Namely sentences in the form of news sentences that contain events or incidents from other sources, by directly imitating, quoting, or repeating the words from that source. Example: Adi says, “Collect the picture books today!”

b) Indirect Sentences

Namely a variety of news sentences that contain events or incidents from other sources but the structure has been changed by the speaker, namely by not imitating or saying it again directly. Example: Mr. Agus said that we are all asked to immediately go to the school hall now.