5 Functions of Shin Bones for the Body and How to Take Care of Them!

Function of Dry Bones – Bones are one of the important parts of the human body. It provides attachment sites for muscles, protects tissues beneath or within bones, gives shape to the body, and performs other functions. There are various types of bones in the human body.

One of them is dry bones. It is one of the bones that make up the foot. Then, what exactly is meant by the shin and the function of the shin? Sinaumed’s can listen to the presentation below.

Definition and Function of Bones

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), bone is defined as a skeleton or part of the skeleton of a human or animal body; fish bone; objects resembling bones or skeletons.

As in Wikipedia, bone is defined as rigid body tissue and consists of cells embedded in abundant hard intercellular. Calcium phosphate and collagen are the two components that make up bones. Bones begin to form from infancy in the womb and continue until the second decade in an orderly arrangement.

Bones take over the formation of the skeleton and locomotion. It is also a protector of internal organs and a place to store minerals in the body.

In line with the two definitions above, Faweett formulates bone as a connective tissue composed of cells, substance, and fiber, its function is to protect and support the skeleton and tendons as locomotion. The physical properties of bone are very strong, slightly elastic, resistant to compression, and composed of relatively light material.

Bone is responsive enough to respond to metabolic, endocrine, and metabolic influences. With all its hardness and strength, bone is composed of dynamic living matter, periodically and constantly renewed and rearranged throughout human life.

Gartner and Hiatt define bone as vascular connective tissue consisting of grouped cells and intercellular substance. For example solid bone (compact bone), spongiosa bone, and other types of bone. Its function is to protect, support, store minerals at the ends of joints where cartilage acts as a coating to facilitate movement.

In general, bones have the following functions.

  • Place of attachment of muscles;
  • As a place that provides protection for special tissues such as the blood-forming system (bone marrow);
  • Place of formation of blood cells;
  • Regulating the level of calcium and phosphate in circulating body fluids;
  • Supporting and giving shape to the body;
  • passive motion apparatus;
  • Covers organs and soft tissues, such as those of the skull;
  • Structural support for soft tissue mechanical actions, such as muscle contraction and lung expansion.

Bone Structure

In general, bone structure is divided into two, namely macroscopic and microscopic structures. Here’s an explanation of both.

1. Macroscopic Structure

Faweett classifies bones into two categories, namely compact bone (compact substance) and spongy or celadon bone (spongiosa substance). Compact blocks look like solid solid masses with tiny spaces that can only be seen with a microscope.

A typical long bone, such as the femur or humerus, is composed of a hollow cylinder of thick-walled compact bone in the shaft (diaphysis) with a cavity in the bone marrow. The ends of long bones consist of spongy bone covered with a thin, compact bone cortex, the growing long bones are called epiphyses.

Epiphyseal cartilage and adjacent metaphyseal spongy bone constitute the growth zone in all longitudinal increments in which bone growth takes place. Bone is covered by periosteum, a special layer of connective tissue that has osteogenic or bone-forming potential. If a functional periosteum is absent, it has no osteogenic potential and is not associated with fracture recovery.

The cavity of the marrow diaphysis and the cavity in the spongy bone are lined by endosteum which also has osteogenic properties. The compact substance in the flat bones of the skull is formed on the outer and inner surfaces which are often called the outer and inner tables. The periosteum on the outer surface of the skull is called the pericranium and the inner surface is called the dura mater. The connective tissue sheaths of flat bones have an osteogenic potential not different between the periosteum and the endosteum of long bones.

2. Microscopic Structure

Microscopic structures are very small and cannot be seen with the naked eye, so a microscope is needed to see them clearly. Most microscopic structures consist of bone matrix, mineralized interstitium, which is deposited in layers or lamellae 3–7 nm thick.

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The interstitial substance of bone is lenticular spaces, called lacunae, each of which resides on an osteocyte cell. Lacunae radiate outward in all directions and penetrate the lamellae of the interstitial substance and anastomose with the canaliculi. The lacunae are widely spaced but they form intact cavities which are interconnected by a network of very fine channels. These fine channels are important for the nutrition of bone cells.

Faweet classifies compact bones in three general patterns, namely: 1). Arranged concentrically around the vascular channels lengthwise, forming cylindrical units called the Haversian system or osteons. 2). The Haversian system contains pieces of lamellar bone of various sizes and irregular shapes. 3). The outer surface of the cortical bone, just below the periosteum, on the inner surface, there are a number of lamellae that run continuously around the shaft.

The microscopic appearance of the periosteum varies according to its functional state. During embryonal and postnatal growth they have an inner layer of osteoblast cells that are in direct contact with bone, after bone growth stops, osteoblasts transform into inactive bone lining cells, but they still have osteogenic potential and if the bone is injured they change 11 again become osteoblasts and participate in the formation of new bone.

Definition and Function of the Shin Bone

The tibia, also known as the tibia, is the main long bone in the lower leg. Precisely under the knee and along the front of the leg. The length is around 36 cm.

The shin is one of the bones that can withstand weight and movement. Launching from halodoc.com, here are the functions of the shin bones.

1. Leg Muscle Support

The shins become a support for the muscles located in the leg area. Muscles that are well supported will provide optimal leg movement.

2. Knee and Ankle Joints

The main function of the shinbone is to connect the knee and ankle area. The presence of the shins will help the movement of the ankles to be better and optimal.

3. Maintain Body Balance

Various activities are affected by the condition of the shins. When the shins are healthy and optimal, it will keep the body’s balance maintained and ready in every condition when carrying out various activities. Like running, walking, jumping, and so on.

4. Weight Support

Healthy shins will make your feet stronger. Thus, it will be strong to support the weight it has.

5. Ankle Drive

The ankles can move freely because they are affected by the condition of the shins. When the shins are healthy and optimal, it will make Sinaumed’s’ movements more free.

Dry Bone Parts

Launching from hellosehat.com, under the knee there are two types of bones. First, a large bone, namely the tibia. It bears most of the weight between the ankles and knees. Second, the outer side of the tibia bone is the fibula, which is a long bone that is smaller and provides stability and helps rotate the ankle.

At the end of the tibia or tibia is a spongy bone (a bone that has a circulatory sac and marrow that looks like a sponge when viewed under a microscope). The shin bones are covered with a layer of cortical bone whose function is to protect the strength of the bones.

At the top (superior) of the tibia bone which forms the knee hinge and becomes the attachment point for the femur is called the tibial plateau . This part of the bone contains two condyles, namely the lateral (edge) condyle and the medial (middle) condyle.

Then, on the upper front of the shinbone there is the tibial tuberosity, which is the bone to which the patella (kneecap) is attached via a ligament.

On the inferior (lower) part of the shinbone there are three bones, namely the medial malleolus, the fibula notch , and the lateral malleolus. These three bones form the largest part of the ankle.

Problems Occurring in the Shin Bones

As with other parts of the human body that can experience problems or disease. Dry bones are the same. Launching from the Sehatq.com page, here are the problems that often occur in the shins.

1. Fibrous Dysplasia

Fibrous dysplasia is a bone disorder in the form of a noncancerous benign tumor. Usually, sufferers will experience abnormal growth of fibrous tissue that replaces normal bone.

2. Shin Splints

Shin splints or medial tibial stress syndrome is a condition of inflamed bones in the tendons, muscles, and bone tissue around the tibia or shin bones. This condition is a common cause of sore shins when running.

Shin splints are caused by overuse of the lower leg that places a strain on the tendons, muscles or shins. Generally, it is caused by high-impact activities and repetitive lower leg exercises. Such as dancing, gymnastics, running. The pain that is felt is usually sharp and throbbing.

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3. Minor Injury

Minor injuries are one of the most common causes of sore shins. These injuries can be caused by sports activities that are too hard, bumped, or fallen. Recognizable signs include swelling, bruising, pain, lumps, weakness or stiffness, and bleeding of the shins.

4. Stress Fracture or Crack

Stress fractures are small cracks that occur in bones due to muscle conditions that are too tired or the muscles are overused. This condition causes the muscles to no longer be able to take the additional pressure.

Thus, it will put pressure on the bone and cause small cracks that can trigger pain in the shins. The symptoms that need attention for early detection of a stress fracture include swelling, shinbone pain when touched, pressed, or under load, and prolonged pain.

5. Bruised Bones

When the shin is injured so badly that it damages the blood vessels in the bone, it is called a bone bruise. As a result, blood and other fluids accumulate in the tissues and cause damage.

A bone bruise is deeper and more severe than a normal bruise which only appears on the surface of the skin. One part of the body that often experiences bone bruises is the shins of the feet.

6. Adamantinoma and Osteofibrous Dysplasia

Adamantinoma and Osteofibrous Dysplasia (OFD) are two rare types of tumors that grow on the shinbones. Adamantinoma is a slow growing tumor that forms after bones stop growing.

OFD is a tumor on the bone that is noncancerous, does not spread, and often occurs in children.

7. Fracture of the shinbone of the leg

A shin fracture occurs due to a severe injury. Usually caused by a strong blow or impact on the leg. Such as falling from heights, car accidents, and other causes.

Tips on Caring for Bones

Bones need care from ourselves. If not ourselves then who will pay attention to our health? Body health is not only concerned with things that are visible to the eye, but also things that support the body that are not visible.

Bones need to be maintained for their health because they are a support for humans as long as they live. Launching from the alodokter.com page, Sinaumed’s can apply the following things to treat bone health.

1. Don’t Skip Breakfast

Breakfast is something that is often missed by humans. Even though breakfast is important because it provides the nutrients and energy needed by the body to carry out daily activities.

Bones can be treated by consuming foods that contain lots of calcium and vitamin D. Therefore, a good breakfast menu consists of a variety of foods, one of which contains calcium and/or vitamin D.

Sinaumed’s can consume calcium sources through milk, yogurt, cheese, cereals, and soybeans. Vitamin D can be obtained from fish oil and eggs. These menus can be supplemented by consuming vegetables and fruit to maintain bone strength and health.

2. Exercise regularly

Rarely moving makes Sinaumed’s’ muscles and bones weak. Some research says that people who rarely exercise are more susceptible to bone problems, such as osteoporosis.

Exercise is useful for bones because it can maintain bone density and strength. There are several types of exercise that are good for bone density by doing weightlifting exercises, jogging, yoga, leisurely walks, and rhythmic gymnastics.

3. Taking Supplements

Sources of calcium and vitamin D intake can not only be obtained from consuming nutritious foods, but also from supplements. The supplement is recommended for women who have experienced menopause. Because, when menopause, bone tissue becomes weak.

The need for calcium intake for adults is 1,000 to 1,200 milligrams per day. Meanwhile, the need for vitamin D is 15 to 20 micrograms or approximately 600-800 IU per day.

The proper supplement dosage can be obtained by consulting a doctor.

4. Bask in the Morning Sun

Sunlight is one of the free sources of vitamin D. If Sinaumed’s lacks vitamin D, the bones will become more porous. Not as long as sunrise is the perfect time to sunbathe. The right time to sunbathe is at nine in the morning for 5 to 15 minutes. The intensity is 2 to 3 times a week.

5. Limit Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages and Not Smoking

Smoking and consuming alcoholic beverages are included in unhealthy lifestyles. It will harm the body including loss of bone density. This habit makes the body susceptible to calcium and vitamin D deficiency so that the bones will become more brittle.

Therefore, to care for bone health, Sinaumed’s is advised not to drink alcoholic beverages and not smoke.

6. Maintain Weight

Maintaining an ideal body weight is important to note because it affects bone health and strength. Several studies have stated that body weight plays a role in increasing the risk of damage, injury, and bone problems.

Therefore, Sinaumed’s is recommended to maintain body weight so that bone health will be protected and avoid health problems related to bones.

Well, that’s a brief explanation regarding the function of the shinbone in the human body. To understand it better, Sinaumed’s can read books or articles related to the functions of other shin bones which are below. Hope it is useful!